164 resultados para Reuso


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Un estudio de reúso de aguas para el riego de una parcela de cultivo de maíz ( Zea mays L.) se realizó en la comunidad de El Aguacate municipio de Jinotepe aprovechando los efluentes de la planta de tra- tamiento de aguas residuales de la ciudad de Jinotepe, con el objetivo de evaluar los efectos de esta práctica sobre las características físicas y químicas del suelo y los rendimientos obtenidos con respecto a una parcela de referencia. El manejo que se dio al cultivo fue el que tra- dicionalmente realizan los agricultores de la zona excepto que no se aplicó ningún fertilizante para aprovechar los nutrientes contenidos en el agua residual tratada. El monitoreo de las características del suelo se realizaron en una etapa inicial, una etapa intermedia y una etapa final del ciclo del cultivo. Los resultados obtenidos indican que estadísticamente las variaciones experimentadas en las característi- cas del suelo en la parcela de estudio no fueron significativas. Por otro lado, la calidad del efluente en cuanto al contenido de nutrientes, compensa el no uso de fertilizantes por cuanto los rendimientos obte- nidos en el estudio superaron hasta en un 60 % la media de rendimien- tos de maíz en la zona reportados que es de 1.61 t/ha


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias en Producción Agrícola) UANL


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con esp. en Ingeniería ambiental) U.A.N.L. Facultad de Ingeniería Civil.


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Tesis (Doctorado en Ciencias Biológicas con Especialidad en Ecología) UANL


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Discute-se o repositório institucional como um importante serviço criado no âmbito das redes eletrônicas e destinado a abrigar, preservar e disseminar, em acesso aberto, a informação científica produzida por instituições de ensino e pesquisa em C&T. Ressaltam-se aspectos envolvendo as problemáticas da literatura cinzenta contida em repositórios e da preservação da memória institucional por estes ensejada. Destacando-se o conceito e a finalidade de reuso da informação, em suas várias acepções, elege-se o repositório do Instituto de Comunicação e Informação Científica e Tecnológica em Saúde – Icict/Fiocruz para ilustrar ações de reuso da informação. Embora não seja muito conhecido no ambiente acadêmico mais amplo, o tema do reuso já se encontra contemplado na literatura voltada para questões concernentes às características da informação disponibilizada em acesso aberto. Aponta-se que as atividades de ensino e de pesquisa podem beneficiar-se especialmente do reuso da informação, tendo em vista as oportunidades oferecidas para tal, por parte do repositório institucional. Assinala-se que este, embora seja um novo dispositivo no cenário dos serviços de informação em C&T, já encontra grande aceitação por parte de atores significativos dos ambientes acadêmicos e de pesquisa, sobretudo por oferecer grande visibilidade à produção dos autores e das respectivas instituições de vínculo


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The petroleum industry, in consequence of an intense activity of exploration and production, is responsible by great part of the generation of residues, which are considered toxic and pollutants to the environment. Among these, the oil sludge is found produced during the production, transportation and refine phases. This work had the purpose to develop a process to recovery the oil present in oil sludge, in order to use the recovered oil as fuel or return it to the refining plant. From the preliminary tests, were identified the most important independent variables, like: temperature, contact time, solvents and acid volumes. Initially, a series of parameters to characterize the oil sludge was determined to characterize its. A special extractor was projected to work with oily waste. Two experimental designs were applied: fractional factorial and Doehlert. The tests were carried out in batch process to the conditions of the experimental designs applied. The efficiency obtained in the oil extraction process was 70%, in average. Oil sludge is composed of 36,2% of oil, 16,8% of ash, 40% of water and 7% of volatile constituents. However, the statistical analysis showed that the quadratic model was not well fitted to the process with a relative low determination coefficient (60,6%). This occurred due to the complexity of the oil sludge. To obtain a model able to represent the experiments, the mathematical model was used, the so called artificial neural networks (RNA), which was generated, initially, with 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 neurons in the hidden layer, 64 experimental results and 10000 presentations (interactions). Lesser dispersions were verified between the experimental and calculated values using 4 neurons, regarding the proportion of experimental points and estimated parameters. The analysis of the average deviations of the test divided by the respective training showed up that 2150 presentations resulted in the best value parameters. For the new model, the determination coefficient was 87,5%, which is quite satisfactory for the studied system


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The use of membrane filters in the post-treatment of sewage has been increasingly employed to obtain water quality, applicable to various forms of reuse. Despite the advantages presented using the permeate membranes, such as saving water and reducing water pollution, the concentrate generated in the process ends up being an inconvenience to the deployment of this technology due to lack of sustainable solutions for their management. Thus, the main objective of this research was to evaluate the use of membranes for microfiltration, ultrafiltration, nanofiltration and reverse osmosis concentrated in agriculture, using it as liquid fertilizer. The permeated membranes were also assessed in order to identify activities in which they could be reused. Five configurations were established from four types of membranes, so that each configuration represents a different system. The tests were conducted in batch mode, with triplicate for each configuration. The results indicated that permeated the microfiltration and ultrafiltration can be used in urban areas, in non-potable uses. Have the nanofiltration permeate can be reused in the industry, replacement cooling towers, and other non -potable uses required in the manufacturing unit. The permeate obtained in reverse osmosis met the intended uses for nanofiltration as well as the standards required for boiler feed, adding alkalizing being required to raise the pH to the recommended value. Concentrates generated in nanofiltration and reverse osmosis can be availed as liquid fertilizer in agriculture, but they must be diluted in the irrigation water, in order to adjust the salt concentration allowed for the least tolerant crops patterns


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG


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Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Energia na Agricultura) - FCA


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Mecânica - FEG