13 resultados para Returnable
Challenges of returnable transport equipment (RTE) management continue to heighten as the popularity of their usage magnifies. Logistics companies are investigating the implementation of radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology to alleviate problems such as loss prevention and stock reduction. However, the research within this field is limited and fails to fully explore with depth, the wider network improvements that can be made to optimize the supply chain through efficient RTE management. This paper, investigates the nature of RTE network management building on current research and practices, filling a gap in the literature, through the investigation of a product-centric approach where the paradigms of “intelligent products” and “autonomous objects” are explored. A network optimizing approach with RTE management is explored, encouraging advanced research development of the RTE paradigm to align academic research with problematic areas in industry. Further research continues with the development of an agent-based software system, ready for application to a real-case study distribution network, producing quantitative results for further analysis. This is pivotal on the endeavor to developing agile support systems, fully utilizing an information-centric environment and encouraging RTE to be viewed as critical network optimizing tools rather than costly waste.
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to understand how reverse resource exchanges and resource dependencies are managed in the service supply chain (SSC) of returnable transport packaging (RTP). Design/methodology/approach: A single case study was conducted in the context of automotive logistics focusing on the RTP SSC. Data were collected through 16 interviews, primarily with managers of a logistics service provider (LSP) and document analysis of contractual agreements with key customers of the packaging service. Findings: Resource dependencies among actors in the SSC result from the importance of the RTP for the customer’s production processes, the competition among users for RTP and the negative implications of the temporary unavailability of RTP for customers and the LSP (in terms of service performance). Amongst other things, the LSP is dependent on its customers and third-party users (e.g. the customer’s suppliers) for the timely return of package resources. The role of inter-firm integration and collaboration, formal contracts as well as customers’ power and influence over third-party RTP users are stressed as key mechanisms for managing LSP’s resource dependencies. Research limitations/implications: A resource dependence theory (RDT) lens is used to analyse how reverse resource exchanges and associated resource dependencies in SSCs are managed, thus complementing the existing SSC literature emphasising the bi-directionality of resource flows. The study also extends the recent SSC literature stressing the role of contracting by empirically demonstrating how formal contracts can be mobilised to explicate resource dependencies and to specify, and regulate, reverse exchanges in the SSC. Practical implications: The research suggests that logistics providers can effectively manage their resource dependencies and regulate reverse exchanges in the SSC by deploying contractual governance mechanisms and leveraging their customers’ influence over third-party RTP users. Originality/value: The study is novel in its application of RDT, which enhances our understanding of the management of reverse exchanges and resource dependencies in SSCs.
An agent approach to improving radio frequency identification enabled Returnable Transport Equipment
Returnable transport equipment (RTE) such as pallets form an integral part of the supply chain and poor management leads to costly losses. Companies often address this matter by outsourcing the management of RTE to logistics service providers (LSPs). LSPs are faced with the task to provide logistical expertise to reduce RTE related waste, whilst differentiating their own services to remain competitive. In the current challenging economic climate, the role of the LSP to deliver innovative ways to achieve competitive advantage has never been so important. It is reported that radio frequency identification (RFID) application to RTE enables LSPs such as DHL to gain competitive advantage and offer clients improvements such as loss reduction, process efficiency improvement and effective security. However, the increased visibility and functionality of RFID enabled RTE requires further investigation in regards to decision‐making. The distributed nature of the RTE network favours a decentralised decision‐making format. Agents are an effective way to represent objects from the bottom‐up, capturing the behaviour and enabling localised decision‐making. Therefore, an agent based system is proposed to represent the RTE network and utilise the visibility and data gathered from RFID tags. Two types of agents are developed in order to represent the trucks and RTE, which have bespoke rules and algorithms in order to facilitate negotiations. The aim is to create schedules, which integrate RTE pick‐ups as the trucks go back to the depot. The findings assert that: - agent based modelling provides an autonomous tool, which is effective in modelling RFID enabled RTE in a decentralised utilising the real‐time data facility. ‐ the RFID enabled RTE model developed enables autonomous agent interaction, which leads to a feasible schedule integrating both forward and reverse flows for each RTE batch. ‐ the RTE agent scheduling algorithm developed promotes the utilisation of RTE by including an automatic return flow for each batch of RTE, whilst considering the fleet costs andutilisation rates. ‐ the research conducted contributes an agent based platform, which LSPs can use in order to assess the most appropriate strategies to implement for RTE network improvement for each of their clients.
Fierce competition within the third party logistics (3PL) market has developed as providers compete to win customers and enhance their competitive advantage through cost reduction plans and creating service differentiation. 3PL providers are expected to develop advanced technological and logistical service applications that can support cost reduction while increasing service innovation. To enhance competitiveness, this paper proposes the implementation of radio-frequency identification (RFID) enabled returnable transport equipment (RTE) in combination with the consolidation of network assets and cross-docking. RFID enabled RTE can significantly improve network visibility of all assets with continuous real-time data updates. A four-level cyclic model aiding 3PL providers to achieve competitive advantage has been developed. The focus is to reduce assets, increase asset utilisation, reduce RTE cycle time and introduce real-time data in the 3PL network. Furthermore, this paper highlights the need for further research from the 3PL perspective. Copyright © 2013 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.
Dissertação de mestrado em Engenharia de Sistemas
Tutkimuksen tavoitteenaoli analysoida uuden osakeyhtiölain vaikutuksia osakeyhtiön pääomarakenteeseen ja varojenjakoon verotukselliset kysymykset huomioiden. Tavoitteena oli tutkia, millaisia uusia mahdollisuuksia uusi osakeyhtiölaki tarjoaa oman pääoman rakenteen järjestämiseen ja varojen jakamiseen. Tarkastelun pääpaino oli pienissä, ei noteeratuissa yhtiöissä, joiden osakkeenomistajilla on paremmat mahdollisuudet hyödyntää uuden osakeyhtiölain tarjoamia aiempaa liberaalimpia mahdollisuuksia. Tutkimusmenetelmä oli kvalitatiivinen ja tutkimusta varten haastateltiin KHT-tilintarkastajaa, omistajayrittäjää, sekä osakeyhtiölain ja verotuksen asiantuntijoita. Tutkimuksen mukaan uuden osakeyhtiölain mahdollistamista aiempaa liberaalimmista menettelyistä uusi sijoitetun vapaan oman pääoman rahastoon merkittävin, mutta sen käytettävyys riippuu vielä avoimista verokysymyksistä. Uusi maksukykyisyystesti ja negatiivisen oman pääoman rekisteröintivelvollisuus aiheuttavat haasteita erityisesti pienille yhtiöille. Uusi osakeyhtiölaki on erittäin liberaali ja moderni, mutta sen merkitys riippuu viime kädessä vielä avoimista verokysymyksistä.
Thermal insulation is used to protect the heated or cooled surfaces by the low thermal conductivity materials. The rigid ricin polyurethane foams (PURM) are used for thermal insulation and depend on the type and concentration of blowing agent. Obtaining PURM occurs by the use of polyol, silicone, catalyst and blowing agent are pre -mixed, reacting with the isocyanate. The glass is reusable, returnable and recyclable heat insulating material, whose time of heat dissipation determines the degree of relaxation of its structure; and viscosity determines the conditions for fusion, operating temperatures, annealing, etc. The production of PURM composites with waste glass powder (PV) represents economical and renewable actions of manufacturing of thermal insulating materials. Based on these aspects, the study aimed to produce and characterize the PURM composites with PV, whose the mass percentages were 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 wt%. PURM was obtained commercially, while the PV was recycled from the tailings of the stoning process of a glassmaking; when the refining process was applied to obtain micrometer particles. The PURM + PV composites were studied taking into account the standard sample of pure PURM and the influence of the percentage of PV in this PURM matrix. The results of the chemical, physical and morphological characterization were discussed taking into account the difference in the microstructural morphology of the PURM+PV composites and the pure PURM, as well the results of the physicochemical, mechanical e thermophysical tests by values obtained of density, hardness, compressive strength, specific heat, thermal conductivity and diffusivity. In general, the structure of pure PURM showed large, elongated and regular pores, while PURM+PV composites showed irregular, small and rounded pores with shapeless cells. This may have contributed to reducing their mechanical strength, especially for PURM - PV50. The hardness and density were found to have a proportional relationship with the PV content on PURM matrix. The specific heat, thermal diffusivity and thermal conductivity showed proportional relationship to each other. So, this has been realized that the increasing the PV content on PURM matrix resulted in the rise of diffusivity and thermal conductivity and the decrease of the specific heat. However, the values obtained by the PURM composites were similar the values of pure PURM, mainly the PURM-PV5 and PURM-PV10. Therefore, these composites can be applied like thermal insulator; furthermore, their use could reduce the production costs and to preserve the environment
Quantitative variations in heterotrophic plate count (HPC) and in the presence of indicator microorganisms in 0.5, 1.5 and 20-L bottles of different brands of Brazilian mineral water were analyzed during their shelf life. No variations were identified in the presence of indicator microorganisms, but quantitative variations in HPC were observed in some brands, which suggests that changes may be occurring in the water quality during storage. The aim of this study was also to evaluate the quality of the bottled mineral waters and the presence of enterococci and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were verified in six and two bottles, respectively, which is in disagreement with the microbiological quality criteria established in the current legislation. Although no limit is set for HPC in mineral water, this study relies on the limit of 500 colony-forming units per mL of sample (CFU/mL). Seventy-two bottles presented levels above 500 CFU/mL and up to 560,000 CFU/mL. This study showed that the control of HPC (<500 CFU/mL) for non-returnable packaging seems to be adequate to ensure the quality of mineral water during storage. The high values of HPC and its variations detected during storage seem to fully justify the need for a reevaluation of the use of HPC in bottled mineral water quality management. More detailed studies on the potential health risk of HPC and its variations in mineral water are also needed. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
Pós-graduação em Engenharia de Produção - FEB
Il presente elaborato descrive l’attività di progetto svolta durante il periodo di tirocinio presso la business unit “automotive technologies” della Robert Bosch GmbH: la Robert Bosch GmbH Branch in Italy che ha sede a Torino, e che si configura come fornitore di componenti per l’industria automotive. La funzione logistica è l’ufficio in cui si è svolta l’esperienza di tirocinio, che si è sviluppato nell’ambito del progetto di Container Management System. In particolare, è stato analizzato il sistema di gestione dei Returnable Packaging relativi ai componenti che vengono forniti agli stabilimenti dei clienti localizzati in Italia. L’elaborato è composto da due parti: una parte teorica e una parte pratica. La parte teorica espone gli strumenti teorici sui quali si fondano i contenuti sviluppati nella parte pratica. La parte pratica è volta a descrivere l’attività di progetto da un punto di vista strettamente operativo. Il primo capitolo illustra i motivi che hanno determinato l’avvio del progetto. Sono poi messi in evidenza quali sono gli obiettivi intermedi e finali che si intendono raggiungere, declinandoli in termini di organizzazione del lavoro. Sono qui esposte le basi teoriche del metodo utilizzato e della disciplina a cui si fa riferimento. Viene inoltre dato spazio alla trattazione di alcuni topic nell’ambito dei Returnable Packaging, approfondendo l’argomento per il settore automotive. Il secondo capitolo descrive la struttura organizzativa, i settori di business e le attività svolte dal gruppo Robert Bosch GmbH nel mondo e in Italia. Viene dato particolare rilievo alla sede di Torino ed alla divisione logistica di quest’ultima, in modo tale da descrivere il contesto entro il quale si sviluppa il progetto. Il capitolo presenta infine gli attori che operano nella catena logistica analizzata, descrivendone le attività svolte e caratterizzando la rete logistica studiata al fine di definire i confini entro i quali si sviluppa il progetto. Il terzo capitolo presenta l’analisi effettuata sul caso in esame, descrivendone le modalità operative per ciascuna fase. Il quarto capitolo presenta delle osservazioni sull’analisi effettuata, la validazione tecnico econimica delle soluzioni proposte e le considerazioni conclusive.
This PhD dissertation is framed in the emergent fields of Reverse Logistics and ClosedLoop Supply Chain (CLSC) management. This subarea of supply chain management has gained researchers and practitioners' attention over the last 15 years to become a fully recognized subdiscipline of the Operations Management field. More specifically, among all the activities that are included within the CLSC area, the focus of this dissertation is centered in direct reuse aspects. The main contribution of this dissertation to current knowledge is twofold. First, a framework for the so-called reuse CLSC is developed. This conceptual model is grounded in a set of six case studies conducted by the author in real industrial settings. The model has also been contrasted with existing literature and with academic and professional experts on the topic as well. The framework encompasses four building blocks. In the first block, a typology for reusable articles is put forward, distinguishing between Returnable Transport Items (RTI), Reusable Packaging Materials (RPM), and Reusable Products (RP). In the second block, the common characteristics that render reuse CLSC difficult to manage from a logistical standpoint are identified, namely: fleet shrinkage, significant investment and limited visibility. In the third block, the main problems arising in the management of reuse CLSC are analyzed, such as: (1) define fleet size dimension, (2) control cycle time and promote articles rotation, (3) control return rate and prevent shrinkage, (4) define purchase policies for new articles, (5) plan and control reconditioning activities, and (6) balance inventory between depots. Finally, in the fourth block some solutions to those issues are developed. Firstly, problems (2) and (3) are addressed through the comparative analysis of alternative strategies for controlling cycle time and return rate. Secondly, a methodology for calculating the required fleet size is elaborated (problem (1)). This methodology is valid for different configurations of the physical flows in the reuse CLSC. Likewise, some directions are pointed out for further development of a similar method for defining purchase policies for new articles (problem (4)). The second main contribution of this dissertation is embedded in the solutions part (block 4) of the conceptual framework and comprises a two-level decision problem integrating two mixed integer linear programming (MILP) models that have been formulated and solved to optimality using AIMMS as modeling language, CPLEX as solver and Excel spreadsheet for data introduction and output presentation. The results obtained are analyzed in order to measure in a client-supplier system the economic impact of two alternative control strategies (recovery policies) in the context of reuse. In addition, the models support decision-making regarding the selection of the appropriate recovery policy against the characteristics of demand pattern and the structure of the relevant costs in the system. The triangulation of methods used in this thesis has enabled to address the same research topic with different approaches and thus, the robustness of the results obtained is strengthened.
This paper aims to explore the application of Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) to Returnable transit equipment (RTE) in the supply chain. Particular attention is applied to the current structures of RTE networks as formulated by RTE providers. The problems related to RTE usage are described and the effect to the network analyzed. RFID is investigated as a tool to assist with the movement of the RTE both from the client’s and RTE provider’s point of view.
Today, the question of how to successfully reduce supply chain costs whilst increasing customer satisfaction continues to be the focus of many firms. It is noted in the literature that supply chain automation can increase flexibility whilst reducing inefficiencies. However, in the dynamic and process driven environment of distribution, there is the absence of a cohesive automation approach to guide companies in improving network competitiveness. This paper aims to address the gap in the literature by developing a three-level framework automation application approach with the assistance of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology and returnable transport equipment (RTE). The first level considers the automation of data retrieval and highlights the benefits of RFID. The second level consists of automating distribution processes such as unloading and assembling orders. As the labour is reduced with the introduction of RFID enabled robots, the balance between automation and labour is discussed. Finally, the third level is an analysis of the decision-making process at network points and the application of cognitive automation to objects. A distribution network scenario is formed and used to illustrate network reconfiguration at each level. The research pinpoints that RFID enabled RTE offers a viable tool to assist supply chain automation. Further research is proposed in particular, the area of cognitive automation to aide with decision-making.