861 resultados para Response of linear systems


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Identifiability of the so-called ω-slice algorithm is proven for ARMA linear systems. Although proofs were developed in the past for the simpler cases of MA and AR models, they were not extendible to general exponential linear systems. The results presented in this paper demonstrate a unique feature of the ω-slice method, which is unbiasedness and consistency when order is overdetermined, regardless of the IIR or FIR nature of the underlying system, and numerical robustness.


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In this article, we consider the stochastic optimal control problem of discrete-time linear systems subject to Markov jumps and multiplicative noise under three kinds of performance criterions related to the final value of the expectation and variance of the output. In the first problem it is desired to minimise the final variance of the output subject to a restriction on its final expectation, in the second one it is desired to maximise the final expectation of the output subject to a restriction on its final variance, and in the third one it is considered a performance criterion composed by a linear combination of the final variance and expectation of the output of the system. We present explicit sufficient conditions for the existence of an optimal control strategy for these problems, generalising previous results in the literature. We conclude this article presenting a numerical example of an asset liabilities management model for pension funds with regime switching.


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Porokeratoses are a group of different entities that belong to the skin keratinization disorders. From the histological point of view the main and common characteristic of these disorders is the presence of compact parakeratotic columns known as cornoid lamellae. All varieties should be carefully treated and followed-up because of the risk of developing malignant epithelial tumors. We report the successful response to photodynamic therapy (PDT) in a pediatric patient diagnosed with linear porokeratosis.


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The paper proposes a method of performing system identification of a linear system in the presence of bounded disturbances. The disturbances may be piecewise parabolic or periodic functions. The method is demonstrated effectively on two example systems with a range of disturbances.


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This paper deals with stability properties of the feasible set of linear inequality systems having a finite number of variables and an arbitrary number of constraints. Several types of perturbations preserving consistency are considered, affecting respectively, all of the data, the left-hand side data, or the right-hand side coefficients.


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Photocopy of original: Berkeley : Structural Engineering Laboratory, University of California, 1974.


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A modification of the Nekrassov method for finding a solution of a linear system of algebraic equations is given and a numerical example is shown.


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Modern High-Performance Computing HPC systems are gradually increasing in size and complexity due to the correspondent demand of larger simulations requiring more complicated tasks and higher accuracy. However, as side effects of the Dennard’s scaling approaching its ultimate power limit, the efficiency of software plays also an important role in increasing the overall performance of a computation. Tools to measure application performance in these increasingly complex environments provide insights into the intricate ways in which software and hardware interact. The monitoring of the power consumption in order to save energy is possible through processors interfaces like Intel Running Average Power Limit RAPL. Given the low level of these interfaces, they are often paired with an application-level tool like Performance Application Programming Interface PAPI. Since several problems in many heterogeneous fields can be represented as a complex linear system, an optimized and scalable linear system solver algorithm can decrease significantly the time spent to compute its resolution. One of the most widely used algorithms deployed for the resolution of large simulation is the Gaussian Elimination, which has its most popular implementation for HPC systems in the Scalable Linear Algebra PACKage ScaLAPACK library. However, another relevant algorithm, which is increasing in popularity in the academic field, is the Inhibition Method. This thesis compares the energy consumption of the Inhibition Method and Gaussian Elimination from ScaLAPACK to profile their execution during the resolution of linear systems above the HPC architecture offered by CINECA. Moreover, it also collates the energy and power values for different ranks, nodes, and sockets configurations. The monitoring tools employed to track the energy consumption of these algorithms are PAPI and RAPL, that will be integrated with the parallel execution of the algorithms managed with the Message Passing Interface MPI.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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O risco associado a um navio em manobra pode ser avaliado pela probabilidade do movimento vertical de um ponto do navio ultrapassar um determinado limiar pré-definido. Essa excedência pode originar danos tanto no próprio navio como nas estruturas portuárias envolventes. Este trabalho surge no seguimento de um estudo efectuado no Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil (LNEC), no qual foi desenvolvido um conjunto de ferramentas de avaliação da função resposta do navio quando sujeito à agitação marítima e, partindo dessas ferramentas, foi obtido um procedimento para determinação do espectro dos movimentos verticais de um ponto de um navio parado sujeito àquele estado de agitação (Rodrigues, 2010). No presente estudo, estendeu-se esse procedimento de modo a avaliar a influência da velocidade de avanço do navio no espectro dos movimentos verticais do mesmo. O percurso de entrada do “N/M Fernão Gomes” no porto da Praia da Vitória foi o caso de estudo considerado. A agitação marítima incidente no navio cobriu o período de Janeiro de 2009 a Dezembro de 2010 e foi obtida com base no modelo previsão de escala regional (WAVEWATCH III) e posteriormente transferida para o interior do porto com o recurso a modelos numéricos de propagação de ondas (SWAN e DREAMS). Foi também assumido que a altura do movimento vertical do navio segue uma distribuição de Rayleigh, a qual possibilita a determinação da altura significativa desse movimento vertical, bem como a implementação de um procedimento para determinar a probabilidade de a altura do movimento vertical do navio não exceder um limiar pré-definido e consequentemente mostrar, através da análise dos resultados, a influência da velocidade de avanço do navio. Da análise dos resultados concluiu-se que a velocidade tem uma influência significativa nos resultados. No final avaliou-se a contribuição dos resultados anteriormente determinados, para a análise do risco associado aos movimentos verticais do navio quando em manobra no porto em estudo.


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The decomposition of a fractional linear system is discussed in this paper. It is shown that it can be decomposed into an integer order part, corresponding to possible existing poles, and a fractional part. The first and second parts are responsible for the short and long memory behaviors of the system, respectively, known as characteristic of fractional systems.


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This note deals whith the problem of extrema which may occur in the step-response of a stable linear system with real zeros and poles. Some simple sufficients conditions and necessary conditions are presented for analyses when zeros located between the dominant and fastest pole does not cause extrema in the step-response. These conditions require knowledge of the pole-zero configuration of the corresponding transfer-function.


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The seismic behaviour of one-storey asymmetric structures has been studied since 1970s by a number of researches studies which identified the coupled nature of the translational-to-torsional response of those class of systems leading to severe displacement magnifications at the perimeter frames and therefore to significant increase of local peak seismic demand to the structural elements with respect to those of equivalent not-eccentric systems (Kan and Chopra 1987). These studies identified the fundamental parameters (such as the fundamental period TL normalized eccentricity e and the torsional-to-lateral frequency ratio Ωϑ) governing the torsional behavior of in-plan asymmetric structures and trends of behavior. It has been clearly recognized that asymmetric structures characterized by Ωϑ >1, referred to as torsionally-stiff systems, behave quite different form structures with Ωϑ <1, referred to as torsionally-flexible systems. Previous research works by some of the authors proposed a simple closed-form estimation of the maximum torsional response of one-storey elastic systems (Trombetti et al. 2005 and Palermo et al. 2010) leading to the so called “Alpha-method” for the evaluation of the displacement magnification factors at the corner sides. The present paper provides an upgrade of the “Alpha Method” removing the assumption of linear elastic response of the system. The main objective is to evaluate how the excursion of the structural elements in the inelastic field (due to the reaching of yield strength) affects the displacement demand of one-storey in-plan asymmetric structures. The system proposed by Chopra and Goel in 2007, which is claimed to be able to capture the main features of the non-linear response of in-plan asymmetric system, is used to perform a large parametric analysis varying all the fundamental parameters of the system, including the inelastic demand by varying the force reduction factor from 2 to 5. Magnification factors for different force reduction factor are proposed and comparisons with the results obtained from linear analysis are provided.