995 resultados para Response complexity
This study investigated the influence of cueing on the performance of untrained and trained complex motor responses. Healthy adults responded to a visual target by performing four sequential movements (complex response) or a single movement (simple response) of their middle finger. A visual cue preceded the target by an interval of 300, 1000, or 2000 ms. In Experiment 1, the complex and simple responses were not previously trained. During the testing session, the complex response pattern varied on a trial-by-trial basis following the indication provided by the visual cue. In Experiment 2, the complex response and the simple response were extensively trained beforehand. During the testing session, the trained complex response pattern was performed in all trials. The latency of the untrained and trained complex responses decreased from the short to the medium and long cue-target intervals. The latency of the complex response was longer than that of the simple response, except in the case of the trained responses and the long cue-target interval. These results suggest that the preparation of untrained complex responses cannot be completed in advance, this being possible, however, for trained complex responses when enough time is available. The duration of the 1st submovement, 1st pause and 2nd submovement of the untrained and the trained complex responses increased from the short to the long cue-target interval, suggesting that there is an increase of online programming of the response possibly related to the degree of certainty about the moment of target appearance.
There is evidence that the left hemisphere is more competent for motor control than the right hemisphere. This study investigated whether this hemispheric asymmetry is expressed in the latency/duration of sequential responses performed by the left and/or right hands. Thirty-two right-handed young adults (16 males, 16 females; 18-25 years old) were tested in a simple or choice reaction time task. They responded to a left and/or right visual target by moving their left and/or right middle fingers between two keys on each side of the midline. Right hand reaction time did not differ from left hand reaction time. Submovement times were longer for the right hand than the left hand when the response was bilateral. Pause times were shorter for the right hand than the left hand, both when the responses were unilateral or bilateral. Reaction time results indicate that the putatively more efficient response preparation by the left hemisphere motor mechanisms is not expressed behaviorally. Submovement time and pause time results indicate that the putatively more efficient response execution by the left hemisphere motor mechanisms is expressed behaviorally. In the case of the submovements, the less efficient motor control of the left hand would be compensated by a more intense attention to this hand.
This study investigated the influence of cueing on the performance of untrained and trained complex motor responses. Healthy adults responded to a visual target by performing four sequential movements (complex response) or a single movement (simple response) of their middle finger. A visual cue preceded the target by an interval of 300, 1000, or 2000 ms. In Experiment 1, the complex and simple responses were not previously trained. During the testing session, the complex response pattern varied on a trial-by-trial basis following the indication provided by the visual cue. In Experiment 2, the complex response and the simple response were extensively trained beforehand. During the testing session, the trained complex response pattern was performed in all trials. The latency of the untrained and trained complex responses decreased from the short to the medium and long cue-target intervals. The latency of the complex response was longer than that of the simple response, except in the case of the trained responses and the long cue-target interval. These results suggest that the preparation of untrained complex responses cannot be completed in advance, this being possible, however, for trained complex responses when enough time is available. The duration of the 1st submovement, 1st pause and 2nd submovement of the untrained and the trained complex responses increased from the short to the long cue-target interval, suggesting that there is an increase of online programming of the response possibly related to the degree of certainty about the moment of target appearance.
The goal of this article is to build an abstract mathematical theory rather than a computational one of the process of transmission of ideology. The basis of much of the argument is Patten's Environment Theory that characterizes a system with its double environment (input or stimulus and output or response) and the existing interactions among them. Ideological processes are semiotic processes, and if in Patten's theory, the two environments are physical, in this theory ideological processes are physical and semiotic, as are stimulus and response.
Climate change affects the rate of insect invasions as well as the abundance, distribution and impacts of such invasions on a global scale. Among the principal analytical approaches to predicting and understanding future impacts of biological invasions are Species Distribution Models (SDMs), typically in the form of correlative Ecological Niche Models (ENMs). An underlying assumption of ENMs is that species-environment relationships remain preserved during extrapolations in space and time, although this is widely criticised. The semi-mechanistic modelling platform, CLIMEX, employs a top-down approach using species ecophysiological traits and is able to avoid some of the issues of extrapolation, making it highly applicable to investigating biological invasions in the context of climate change. The tephritid fruit flies (Diptera: Tephritidae) comprise some of the most successful invasive species and serious economic pests around the world. Here we project 12 tephritid species CLIMEX models into future climate scenarios to examine overall patterns of climate suitability and forecast potential distributional changes for this group. We further compare the aggregate response of the group against species-specific responses. We then consider additional drivers of biological invasions to examine how invasion potential is influenced by climate, fruit production and trade indices. Considering the group of tephritid species examined here, climate change is predicted to decrease global climate suitability and to shift the cumulative distribution poleward. However, when examining species-level patterns, the predominant directionality of range shifts for 11 of the 12 species is eastward. Most notably, management will need to consider regional changes in fruit fly species invasion potential where high fruit production, trade indices and predicted distributions of these flies overlap.
The understanding of complex physiological processes requires information from many different areas of knowledge. To meet this interdisciplinary scenario, the ability of integrating and articulating information is demanded. The difficulty of such approach arises because, more often than not, information is fragmented through under graduation education in Health Sciences. Shifting from a fragmentary and deep view of many topics to joining them horizontally in a global view is not a trivial task for teachers to implement. To attain that objective we proposed a course herein described Biochemistry of the envenomation response aimed at integrating previous contents of Health Sciences courses, following international recommendations of interdisciplinary model. The contents were organized by modules with increasing topic complexity. The full understanding of the envenoming pathophysiology of each module would be attained by the integration of knowledge from different disciplines. Active-learning strategy was employed focusing concept map drawing. Evaluation was obtained by a 30-item Likert-type survey answered by ninety students; 84% of the students considered that the number of relations that they were able to establish as seen by concept maps increased throughout the course. Similarly, 98% considered that both the theme and the strategy adopted in the course contributed to develop an interdisciplinary view.
Background: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a clinically significant disorder in adulthood, but current diagnostic criteria and instruments do not seem to adequately capture the complexity of the disorder in this developmental phase. Accordingly, there are limited data on the proportion of adults affected by the disorder, specially in developing countries. Method: We assessed a representative household sample of the Brazilian population for ADHD with the Adult ADHD Self-report Scale (ASRS) Screener, and evaluated the instrument according to the Rasch model of item response theory. Results: The sample was comprised by 3007 individuals, and the overal prevalence of positive screeners for ADHD was 5.8% [95% confidence interval (CI), 4.8-7.0]. Rasch analyses revealed the misfitt of the overall sample to expectations of the model. The evaluation of the sample stratified by age revealed that data for adolescents showed a signficant fittnes to the model expectations, while items completed by adults were not adequated. Conclusions: The lack of fitness to the model for adult respondents challenges the possibility of a linear transformation of the ordinal data into interval measures and the utilization of parametric analyses of data. This result suggests that diagnostic criteria and instruments for adult ADHD must take into account a developmental perspective. Moreover, it calls for further evaluation of currently employed research methods in light of modern theories of psychometrics. Copyright (C) 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
The growing importance and influence of new resources connected to the power systems has caused many changes in their operation. Environmental policies and several well know advantages have been made renewable based energy resources largely disseminated. These resources, including Distributed Generation (DG), are being connected to lower voltage levels where Demand Response (DR) must be considered too. These changes increase the complexity of the system operation due to both new operational constraints and amounts of data to be processed. Virtual Power Players (VPP) are entities able to manage these resources. Addressing these issues, this paper proposes a methodology to support VPP actions when these act as a Curtailment Service Provider (CSP) that provides DR capacity to a DR program declared by the Independent System Operator (ISO) or by the VPP itself. The amount of DR capacity that the CSP can assure is determined using data mining techniques applied to a database which is obtained for a large set of operation scenarios. The paper includes a case study based on 27,000 scenarios considering a diversity of distributed resources in a 33 bus distribution network.
RESUMO:Aterosclerose é uma das principais causas de morbilidade e mortalidade no mundo ocidental. É responsável, direta ou indiretamente, pela maior percentagem de gastos com a saúde na maioria dos países europeus. A “teoria lipídica” da aterosclerose, que se baseia na dislipidemia como causa primária para a doença vascular tem algumas implicações práticas importantes: permite a definição de linhas de orientação e protocolos simples e ainda estabelece alvos terapêuticos que podem ser atingidos na maior parte dos casos com a atual intervenção farmacológica. A associação da aterosclerose com o sistema imunológico (a “teoria imunológica”), forneceu por sua vez novas formas de explorar os mecanismos envolvidos e abriu novas perspetivas para um conhecimento mais completo da doença. No entanto, levanta dificuldades evidentes no que diz respeito às possibilidades terapêuticas. De todos os intervenientes no processo aterosclerótico (bioquímicos, imunológicos e anatómicos), as lipoproteínas de elevada densidade (HDL) são atualmente reconhecidas como um dos fatores mais importantes na aterogénese. Isto é baseado no reconhecimento das múltiplas propriedades anti-aterogénicas das HDL como por exemplo: a anti-oxidante, a anti-inflamatória e a antitrombótica, bem como o seu importante papel na melhoraria da função endotelial. Atualmente, é consensual que as funções anti-aterogénicas das HDL vão além do seu papel no transporte reverso do colesterol (RCT) e a importância das HDL no processo aterosclerótico baseia-se não apenas no seu papel protetor impedindo a formação da placa de ateroma, mas também na estabilização destas, prevenindo a sua ruptura e, consequentemente o evento trombótico. Como fundamentais no processo aterosclerótico estão reconhecidos dois principais conjuntos de eventos: um caracterizado por alterações no metabolismo das lipoproteínas que resultam em lipoproteínas pró-inflamatórias e pró-oxidantes que interagem com os componentes celulares da parede arterial e que conduzem à formação da placa de ateroma; o outro evento é a resposta imunológica desencadeada contra um novo conjunto de antigénios que por sua vez leva à produção de citoquinas pró-inflamatórias. Dada a complexidade da HDL e das suas múltiplas funções estas lipoproteínas tornaram-se um potencial alvo para a resposta auto-imune, e cujas consequências podem explicar algumas das associações identificados em estudos clínicos e epidemiológicos. Contudo esta interação entre o sistema imunológico e HDL nunca foi exaustivamente estudada. Portanto, pomos a hipótese de que em condições oxidativas e pró-inflamatórias, um aumento do antigénio (HDL) conduz a um consequente acréscimo na produção de anticorpos anti-HDL (aHDL) responsáveis pela alteração quantitativa e / ou qualitativa das HDL. O conceito de que estes anticorpos podem contribuir tanto para a evolução a longo prazo do processo aterosclerótico, como para o desencadeamento de eventos clínicos pode também explicar a heterogeneidade encontrada em cada doente e nos grandes estudos clínicos, no que diz respeito aos fatores de risco e outcomes clínicos. Para além disso, a confirmação desta hipótese pode permitir explicar porque é que as intervenções terapêuticas atualmente em desenvolvimento para aumentar os níveis de HDL, não conseguem mostrar a tão esperada redução do risco vascular. O objetivo geral desta tese foi identificar e caracterizar a resposta humoral contra os componentes da HDL, e avaliar possíveis mecanismos que possam contribuir para a modificação das propriedades anti-aterogénicas das HDL. Para alcançar este objetivo investigou-se: 1) A presença de anticorpos aHDL em doentes com lúpus eritematoso sistémico (SLE) e em doentes com manifestações clínicas de aterosclerose, como os doentes com doença arterial coronária (CAD), acidente vascular cerebral isquémico (IS) e diabetes tipo 2; 2) Os principais alvos antigénicos dentro do complexo das HDL e a associação entre os títulos de anticorpos aHDL e diferentes características clínicas destas doenças; 3) As modificações das funções normais associadas às HDL, em particular da função anti-oxidante e anti-inflamatória; 4) A atividade biológica dos anticorpos aHDL isolados do soro de doentes através de um conjunto de experiências in vitro de inibição da atividade da paraoxonase 1 (PON1) e da expressão de moléculas de adesão em culturas de células endoteliais. Para tal foi necessário estabelecer um método de isolamento dos anticorpos. Os anticorpos aHDL isolados do soro de doentes foram utilizados de forma a identificar as potenciais alterações dos sistemas celulares utilizados; 5) O efeito de fármacos usados no tratamento das dislipidemias, em particular o ácido nicotínico e as estatinas, na variação dos títulos de anticorpos aHDL através de ensaios clínicos randomizados, controlados com placebo e em dupla ocultação. Os métodos utilizados neste trabalho incluíram: técnicas imunológicas (como por exemplo, enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay - ELISA, ensaio imunoturbidimetrico e cromatografia de imuno-afinidade) técnicas bioquímicas (tais como a quantificação de atividade enzimática por espectrofotometria e por luminescência), experiências com cultura de células e citometria de fluxo. Os nossos resultados mostram que: 1) A presença de anticorpos aHDL, e mais especificamente anticorpos contra alguns do seus principais componentes como a apolipoproteína A-I (ApoA-I, principal apolipoproteína presente nas HDL) e a PON1 (o enzima que mais contribui para a propriedade anti-oxidante das HDL), quer em doentes com doenças auto-imunes, como o SLE, quer em doentes com manifestações clínicas de aterosclerose, como CAD, IS e diabetes tipo 2. Os doentes apresentaram títulos de anticorpos IgG aHDL, aApoA-I e aPON1 significativamente mais elevados do que controlos saudáveis com a mesma idade e sexo. 2) A correlação positiva estatisticamente significativa entre os títulos de aHDL e aApoA-I e aPON1 sugere que estes sejam dois dos principais alvos antigénicos dentro do complexo das HDL. Os anticorpos encontrados nestes doentes estão associados com a diminuição da atividade da PON1 e a uma redução da capacidade anti-oxidante total (TAC) do soro, um aumento dos biomarcadores de disfunção endotelial (como por exemplo dos metabolitos do óxido nítrico - NO2- e NO3-, as moléculas de adesão vascular e intracelular - VCAM-1 e ICAM-1 e os níveis de 3-nitrotirosina). Nos doentes com SLE os títulos destes estão associados a um aumento do dano cardiovascular e à atividade global da doença avaliados pelas escalas SLICC/ACR DI e BILAG score, respetivamente. Enquanto que nos doentes com diabetes tipo 2 estes anticorpos estão associados com um aumento dos níveis de glicemia em jejum (FGP) e hemoglobina glicada (HbA1c). 3) Após se ter estabelecido um método de isolamento dos anticorpos que permite isolar quantidades significativas de anticorpos do soro de doentes sem perder a sua especificidade, foi identificada a capacidade dos anticorpos isolados do soro de doentes inibirem de uma forma dependente da concentração a atividade da PON1 até um máximo de 70% no caso dos doentes com SLE e ente 7-52% no caso dos anticorpos isolados de doentes com CAD e IS. 4) O efeito anti-inflamatório das HDL na inibição da produção de VCAM-1 induzida por citoquinas (como o TNF-) foi revertido em mais de 80% pelos anticorpos aHDL isolados do soro de doentes. 5) A angiogenesis induzida por HDL através do aumento do fator de crescimento do endotélio vascular (VEGF) foi anulada em 65% pelos anticorpos aHDL isolados do soro de doentes. 6) Os atuais agentes farmacológicos disponíveis para aumentar as concentrações de HDL-C estão associados a um aumento dos títulos de anticorpos.-------- ABSTRACTAtherosclerosis is the major cause of morbidity and mortality in the western world. It is also responsible, directly or indirectly, for the highest percentage of health costs in most European countries. Despite the use of new technologies for the diagnosis of vascular disease and regardless of the major advances in treatment, the atherosclerosis-related clinical burden is still raising. The “lipid theory” of atherogenesis, which identifies dyslipidemia as the primary cause of this vascular disease has some important practical implications: it allows the definition of simple guidelines and establishes therapeutic targets which can be generally met with current pharmacologic intervention. The association between atherosclerosis an the immune system (the immune concept) has in turn provided new ways of exploring the mechanisms involved in this condition and has opened new perspectives in the understanding of the disease. However, it raises obvious difficulties when it comes to treatment options. Of all the players (biochemical, immunological and anatomical) involved in this matter, high-density lipoproteins (HDL) are currently recognised as one of the most important factors in atherogenesis. This is based on the recognition of HDL's multiple anti-atherogenic properties: anti-oxidant, anti-inflammatory and antithrombotic, as well as its capacity to improve endothelial function. Nowadays, it is widely recognized that the anti-atherogenic functions of HDL go beyond reverse cholesterol transport (RCT), and the importance of HDL is based not just on its ability to reduce atheroma formation but also on its ability to stabilise plaques, therefore preventing their rupture and ultimately thrombosis. Two main set of events have been recognised as fundamental in atherogenesis: one, characterized by lipoprotein metabolism alterations, resulting in pro-inflammatory and pro-oxidative lipoproteins, which interact with the normal cellular elements of the arterial wall leading to atheroma formation; the other, the immune cellular response towards new sets of antigens which lead to the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines. Given to HDL complexity and multiple functions this lipoprotein has became a potential target for an auto-immune response, the consequences of which may explain some of the association identified in epidemiological and clinical studies, though the interaction between the immune system and HDL has never been thoroughly addressed. Therefore, we hypothesized that under oxidative and pro-inflammatory conditions, the increase in the antigen (HDL) would lead to a consequent increase in the production of anti-HDL (aHDL) antibodies be responsible for quantitative and/or qualitative changes of HDL. The concept that these antibodies may contribute either to the long-term evolution of atherosclerosis or to the triggering of clinical events may also explain the heterogeneity found in individual patients and in large cohorts regarding risk factors and clinical outcomes. Moreover this may be a major breakthrough in understanding why therapeutic interventions that increase HDL levels, failed to show the anticipated reduction in vascular risk. The overall aims of this thesis were to identified and characterize the humoral response towards HDL components and to evaluate the possible mechanisms that may contribute to the modifications of the anti-atherogenic properties of HDL. To achieve this objective we investigated: 1) the presence of aHDL antibodies in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and in patients with atherosclerosis-related clinical events, such as coronary artery disease (CAD), ischemic stroke (IS) and type 2 diabetes; 2) the association between the titres of aHDL antibodies and different clinical features of these diseases; 3) the modifications of the anti-atherogenic properties of HDL; 4) the biologic effect of aHDL antibodies isolated from serum of patients on the anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of HDL; 5) the effect of different pharmacologic treatments for dyslipidemia on the prevalence and activity of aHDL antibodies. The methodologies used in this work included immunologic-related techniques (e.g. enzyme-linked immunoabsorbent assay – ELISA, immunoturbidimetric immunoassay and immunoaffinity chromatography), biochemical techniques (enzymatic assays with quantification by spectrophotometry and luminescence methods), cell culture experiments and flow cytometry. Our results indicate that: 1) The titres of IgG aHDL, anti-apolipoprotein A-I (aApoA-I) and anti-paraoxonase 1 (aPON1) antibodies were higher in patients with SLE, CAD, IS and type 2 diabetes when compared with age and sex matched healthy controls. 2) The antibodies found in these patients were associated with decreased PON1 activity, (the enzyme responsible for most of the anti-oxidant effect of HDL), reduced total anti-oxidant capacity (TAC) of serum and increased biomarkers of endothelial dysfunction (nitric oxide metabolites, adhesion molecules, nitrotyrosine). In patients with SLE the antibody titres were associated with an increase in disease-related cardiovascular damage and activity whereas in patients with type 2 diabetes they were directly related with the fasting glucose plasma (FGP) levels and the glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c). 3) The antibodies isolated from serum of our patients, directly inhibited HDL-associated PON1 activity in a dose dependent way ranging from 7 to 52%. 4) The anti-inflammatory effect of HDL, measured by the percentage of inhibition of the cytokine-induced production of vascular adhesion molecules (VCAM-1), was reduced in more than 80% by aHDL antibodies isolated from our patients. 5) The HDL-induced angiogenesis by increasing vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) levels was abrogated in 65% by the antibodies isolated from serum of patients. 6) The current available pharmacologic agents for increasing HDL-C concentrations were associated with an increase in the titres of IgG aApoA-I antibodies. This increase was higher in the extended release niacin when compared to statins probably due to their dampening effect on oxidative stress. In conclusion, aHDL antibodies are present in different pathologic conditions. aHDL antibodies represent a family of self-reacting immunoglobulins, of which ApoA-I and PON1 might be the most relevant targets. These antibodies are biologically active, interfering with the HDL anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and, consequently, with the atherosclerotic process. The pathogenic potential of these antibodies may lead to the identification of a new biomarker for vascular disease, whilst presenting itself as a novel target for a different treatment approach which may redefine the treatment strategies and clinical trials design for HDL interventions in the future.
OBJECTIVES: To document biopsychosocial profiles of patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) by means of the INTERMED and to correlate the results with conventional methods of disease assessment and health care utilization. METHODS: Patients with RA (n = 75) were evaluated with the INTERMED, an instrument for assessing case complexity and care needs. Based on their INTERMED scores, patients were compared with regard to severity of illness, functional status, and health care utilization. RESULTS: In cluster analysis, a 2-cluster solution emerged, with about half of the patients characterized as complex. Complex patients scoring especially high in the psychosocial domain of the INTERMED were disabled significantly more often and took more psychotropic drugs. Although the 2 patient groups did not differ in severity of illness and functional status, complex patients rated their illness as more severe on subjective measures and on most items of the Medical Outcomes Study Short Form 36. Complex patients showed increased health care utilization despite a similar biologic profile. CONCLUSIONS: The INTERMED identified complex patients with increased health care utilization, provided meaningful and comprehensive patient information, and proved to be easy to implement and advantageous compared with conventional methods of disease assessment. Intervention studies will have to demonstrate whether management strategies based on INTERMED profiles can improve treatment response and outcome of complex patients.
Trypanosomosis is the most economically important disease constraint to livestock productivity in sub-Saharan Africa and has significant negative impact in other parts of the world. Livestock are an integral component of farming systems and thus contribute significantly to food and economic security in developing countries. Current methods of control for trypanosomosis are inadequate to prevent the enormous socioeconomic losses resulting from this disease. A vaccine has been viewed as the most desirable control option. However, the complexity of the parasite's antigenic repertoire made development of a vaccine based on the variable surface glycoprotein coat unlikely. As a result, research is now focused on identifying invariant trypanosome components as potential targets for interrupting infection or infection-mediated disease. Immunosuppression appears to be a nearly universal feature of infection with African trypanosomes and thus may represent an essential element of the host-parasite relationship, possibly by reducing the host's ability to mount a protective immune response. Antibody, T cell and macrophage/monocyte responses of infected cattle are depressed in both trypanosusceptible and trypanotolerant breeds of cattle. This review describes the specific T cell and monocyte/macrophage functions that are altered in trypanosome-infected cattle and compares these disorders with those that have been described in the murine model of trypanosomosis. The identification of parasite factors that induce immunosuppression and the mechanisms that mediate depressed immune responses might suggest novel disease intervention strategies.
BACKGROUND: Two long synthetic peptides representing the dimorphic and constant C-terminal domains of the two allelic families of Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface proteins 2 are considered promising malaria vaccine candidates. The aim of the current study is to characterize the immune response (epitope mapping) in naturally exposed individuals and relate immune responses to the risk of clinical malaria. METHODS: To optimize their construction, the fine specificity of human serum antibodies from donors of different age, sex and living in four distinct endemic regions was determined in ELISA by using overlapping 20 mer peptides covering the two domains. Immune purified antibodies were used in Western blot and immunofluorescence assay to recognize native parasite derivate proteins. RESULTS: Immunodominant epitopes were characterized, and their distribution was similar irrespective of geographic origin, age group and gender. Acquisition of a 3D7 family and constant region-specific immune response and antibody avidity maturation occur early in life while a longer period is needed for the corresponding FC27 family response. In addition, the antibody response to individual epitopes within the 3D7 family-specific region contributes to protection from malaria infection with different statistical weight. It is also illustrated that affinity-purified antibodies against the dimorphic or constant regions recognized homologous and heterologous parasites in immunofluorescence and homologous and heterologous MSP2 and other polypeptides in Western blot. CONCLUSION: Data from this current study may contribute to a development of MSP2 vaccine candidates based on conserved and dimorphic regions thus bypassing the complexity of vaccine development related to the polymorphism of full-length MSP2.
While adaptive adjustment of sex ratio in the function of colony kin structure and food availability commonly occurs in social Hymenoptera, long-term studies have revealed substantial unexplained between-year variation in sex ratio at the population level. In order to identify factors that contribute to increased between-year variation in population sex ratio, we conducted a comparative analysis across 47 Hymenoptera species differing in their breeding system. We found that between-year variation in population sex ratio steadily increased as one moved from solitary species, to primitively eusocial species, to single-queen eusocial species, to multiple-queen eusocial species. Specifically, between-year variation in population sex ratio was low (6.6% of total possible variation) in solitary species, which is consistent with the view that in solitary species, sex ratio can vary only in response to fluctuations in ecological factors such as food availability. In contrast, we found significantly higher (19.5%) between-year variation in population sex ratio in multiple-queen eusocial species, which supports the view that in these species, sex ratio can also fluctuate in response to temporal changes in social factors such as queen number and queen-worker control over sex ratio, as well as factors influencing caste determination. The simultaneous adjustment of sex ratio in response to temporal fluctuations in ecological and social factors seems to preclude the existence of a single sex ratio optimum. The absence of such an optimum may reflect an additional cost associated with the evolution of complex breeding systems in Hymenoptera societies.
Introduction ICM+ software encapsulates our 20 years' experience in brain monitoring. It collects data from a variety of bedside monitors and produces time trends of parameters defi ned using confi gurable mathematical formulae. To date it is being used in nearly 40 clinical research centres worldwide. We present its application for continuous monitoring of cerebral autoregulation using near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS). Methods Data from multiple bedside monitors are processed by ICM+ in real time using a large selection of signal processing methods. These include various time and frequency domain analysis functions as well as fully customisable digital fi lters. The fi nal results are displayed in a variety of ways including simple time trends, as well as time window based histograms, cross histograms, correlations, and so forth. All this allows complex information from bedside monitors to be summarized in a concise fashion and presented to medical and nursing staff in a simple way that alerts them to the development of various pathological processes. Results One hundred and fi fty patients monitored continuously with NIRS, arterial blood pressure (ABP) and intracranial pressure (ICP), where available, were included in this study. There were 40 severely headinjured adult patients, 27 SAH patients (NCCU, Cambridge); 60 patients undergoing cardiopulmonary bypass (John Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore) and 23 patients with sepsis (University Hospital, Basel). In addition, MCA fl ow velocity (FV) was monitored intermittently using transcranial Doppler. FV-derived and ICP-derived pressure reactivity indices (PRx, Mx), as well as NIRS-derived reactivity indices (Cox, Tox, Thx) were calculated and showed signifi cant correlation with each other in all cohorts. Errorbar charts showing reactivity index PRx versus CPP (optimal CPP chart) as well as similar curves for NIRS indices versus CPP and ABP were also demonstrated. Conclusions ICM+ software is proving to be a very useful tool for enhancing the battery of available means for monitoring cerebral vasoreactivity and potentially facilitating autoregulation guided therapy. Complexity of data analysis is also hidden inside loadable profi les, thus allowing investigators to take full advantage of validated protocols including advanced processing formulas.
Application of semi-distributed hydrological models to large, heterogeneous watersheds deals with several problems. On one hand, the spatial and temporal variability in catchment features should be adequately represented in the model parameterization, while maintaining the model complexity in an acceptable level to take advantage of state-of-the-art calibration techniques. On the other hand, model complexity enhances uncertainty in adjusted model parameter values, therefore increasing uncertainty in the water routing across the watershed. This is critical for water quality applications, where not only streamflow, but also a reliable estimation of the surface versus subsurface contributions to the runoff is needed. In this study, we show how a regularized inversion procedure combined with a multiobjective function calibration strategy successfully solves the parameterization of a complex application of a water quality-oriented hydrological model. The final value of several optimized parameters showed significant and consistentdifferences across geological and landscape features. Although the number of optimized parameters was significantly increased by the spatial and temporal discretization of adjustable parameters, the uncertainty in water routing results remained at reasonable values. In addition, a stepwise numerical analysis showed that the effects on calibration performance due to inclusion of different data types in the objective function could be inextricably linked. Thus caution should be taken when adding or removing data from an aggregated objective function.