985 resultados para Response Elements


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Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) is an invaluable tool in the study of transcriptional regulation. ChIP methods require both a priori knowledge of the transcriptional regulators which are important for a given biological system and high-quality specific antibodies for these targets. The androgen receptor (AR) is known to play essential roles in male sexual development, in prostate cancer and in the function of many other AR-expressing cell types (e.g. neurons and myocytes). As a ligand-activated transcription factor the AR also represents an endogenous, inducible system to study transcriptional biology. Therefore, ChIP studies of the AR can make use of treatment contrast experiments to define its transcriptional targets. To date several studies have mapped AR binding sites using ChIP in combination with genome tiling microarrays (ChIP-chip) or direct sequencing (ChIP-seq), mainly in prostate cancer cell lines and with varying degrees of genomic coverage. These studies have provided new insights into the DNA sequences to which the AR can bind, identified AR cooperating transcription factors, mapped thousands of potential AR regulated genes and provided insights into the biological processes regulated by the AR. However, further ChIP studies will be required to fully characterise the dynamics of the AR-regulated transcriptional programme, to map the occupancy of different AR transcriptional complexes which result in different transcriptional output and to delineate the transcriptional networks downstream of the AR.


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To shed more light on the molecular requirements for recognition of thyroid response elements (TRES) by thyroid receptors (TRs), we compared the specific aspects of DNA TRE recognition by different TR constructs. Using fluorescence anisotropy, we performed a detailed and hierarchical study of TR-TRE binding. This wits done by comparing the binding affinities of three different TR constructs for four different TRE DNA elements, including palindromic sequences and direct repeats (F2, PAL, DR-1, and DR-4) as well as their interactions with nonspecific DNA sequences. The effect of MgCl(2) on suppressing of nonselective DNA binding to TR was also investigated. Furthermore, we determined the dissociation constants of the hTR beta DBD (DNA binding domain) and hTR beta DBD-LBD (DNA binding and ligand binding domains) for specific TRES. We found that a minimum DNA recognition peptide derived from DBD (H1TR) is sufficient for recognition and interaction with TREs, whereas scrambled DNA sequences were unrecognized. Additionally, we determined that the TR DBD binds to F2, PAL, and DR-4 with high affinity and similar K(d) values. The TR DBD-LBD recognizes all the tested TRES but binds preferentially to F2, with even higher affinity. Finally, our results demonstrate the important role played by LBDs in modulating TR-DNA binding.


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Studies to elucidate the function of vitamin D have demonstrated an important role in regulating bone-related cells, including osteoblasts and osteoclasts. A seemingly paradoxical observation is that 1,25(OH)$\sb2$D$\sb3$, the active metabolite of vitamin D, stimulates bone resorption, yet regulates transcription of genes expressed by osteoblasts. One mechanism that could explain these actions is the upregulation of transcription of osteoblast-specific genes. These gene products could then act as effectors to influence osteoclastic activity. We hypothesized that molecular signals could be deposited directly into the mineralized matrix in the form of noncollagenous proteins, such as osteopontin (OPN). The structure, biosynthesis and localization of OPN suggest that it could function to mediate the molecular "cross talk" between osteoblasts and osteoclasts in response to 1,25(OH)$\sb2$D$\sb3$. To begin to address this hypothesis, elucidation of the molecular mechanisms of action involved in the transactivation of OPN by 1,25(OH)$\sb2$D$\sb3$ is essential.^ In the present study, the rat opn gene was isolated and characterized. Functional analysis by transient transfection of the 5$\sp\prime$ flanking sequences of the rat opn gene fused to the luciferase gene demonstrated that OPN is transcriptionally upregulated by 1,25(OH)$\sb2$D$\sb3$, mediated through two vitamin D response elements (VDRE). Both proximal and distal VDREs are structurally similar (two imperfect direct repeats separated by a 3 nucleotide spacer) and bind protein complexes that include the VDR and retinoid-X receptor (RXR). Isolated VDRE expression constructs produce functional activity of equivalent magnitude of responsiveness to 1,25(OH)$\sb2$D$\sb3$. However, expression constructs containing either VDRE and at least 200 bp of 5$\sp\prime$ and 3$\sp\prime$ flanking sequence demonstrated that the distal VDRE produces an amplitude of response significantly higher than the proximal VDRE. We conclude that the transcriptional upregulation of the opn gene by 1,25(OH)$\sb2$D$\sb3$ involves the transactivation of two VDREs, while maximal responsiveness requires interaction of the VDREs with additional cis-elements contained in the 5$\sp\prime$ sequence. ^


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To investigate the regulation of the human fatty acid synthase gene by the thyroid hormone triiodothyronine, various constructs of the human fatty acid synthase promoter and the luciferase reporter gene were transfected in combination with plasmids expressing the thyroid hormone and the retinoid X receptors in HepG2 cells. The reporter gene was activated 25-fold by the thyroid hormone in the presence of the thyroid hormone receptor. When both the thyroid hormone and the retinoid X receptors were expressed in HepG2 cells, there was about a 100-fold increase in reporter gene expression. 5′-Deletion analysis disclosed two thyroid hormone response elements, TRE1 (nucleotides −870 to −650) and TRE2 (nucleotides −272 to −40), in the human fatty acid synthase promoter. The presence of thyroid hormone response elements in these two regions of the promoter was confirmed by cloning various fragments of these two regions in the minimal thymidine kinase promoter−luciferase reporter gene plasmid construct and determining reporter gene expression. The results of this cloning procedure and those of electrophoretic mobility shift assays indicated that the sequence GGGTTAcgtcCGGTCA (nucleotides −716 to −731) represents TRE1 and that the sequence GGGTCC (nucleotides −117 to −112) represents TRE2. The sequence of TRE1 is very similar to the consensus sequence of the thyroid hormone response element, whereas the sequence of TRE2 contains only a half-site of the thyroid hormone response element consensus motif because it lacks the direct repeat. The sequences on either side of TRE2 seem to influence its response to the thyroid hormone and retinoid X receptors.


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Synthesis of mouse metallothionein (MT)-I and MT-II is transcriptionally induced by the synthetic glucocorticoid, dexamethasone (DEX) or both in vivo as well as in numerous cell lines. However, the location(s) of a glucocorticoid response element (GRE) has not been described. The observation that a marked MT-I gene, as well as heterologous genes, when placed in the context of 17 kb of flanking sequence from the MT locus, are inducible by DEX and lipopolysaccharide in transgenic mice renewed the search for the GRE. Analysis of a series of deletion constructs from this 17-kb region in cultured cells identified a single 455-bp region that conferred DEX induction on a reporter gene. This 455-bp region contains two GREs that bind to the glucocorticoid receptor as assessed by gel mobility shift. Deletion of this fragment from the 17-kb flanking region eliminates the DEX responsiveness of reporter genes. The two GREs, which are located ≈1 kb upstream of the MT-II gene and ≈7 kb upstream of the MT-I gene, are necessary for induction of both genes and can function independently of elements within the proximal promoter region of either gene.


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Recent structural studies of the minimal core DNA-binding domain of p53 (p53DBD) complexed to a single consensus pentamer sequence and of the isolated p53 tetramerization domain have provided valuable insights into their functions, but many questions about their interacting roles and synergism remain unanswered. To better understand these relationships, we have examined the binding of the p53DBD to two biologically important full-response elements (the WAF1 and ribosomal gene cluster sites) by using DNA circularization and analytical ultracentrifugation. We show that the p53DBD binds DNA strongly and cooperatively with p53DBD to DNA binding stoichiometries of 4:1. For the WAF1 element, the mean apparent Kd is (8.3 +/- 1.4) x 10(-8) M, and no intermediate species of lower stoichiometries can be detected. We show further that complex formation induces an axial bend of at least 60 degrees in both response elements. These results, taken collectively, demonstrate that p53DBD possesses the ability to direct the formation of a tight nucleoprotein complex having the same 4:1 DNA-binding stoichiometry as wild-type p53 which is accompanied by a substantial conformational change in the response-element DNA. This suggests that the p53DBD may play a role in the tetramerization function of p53. A possible role in this regard is proposed.


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The transcription of genes encoding gluconeogenic enzymes is tightly regulated during the perinatal period. These genes are induced by glucagon (cAMP) and glucocorticoids and repressed by insulin. To address the role of cAMP and glucocorticoids in the physiological activation of genes encoding gluconeogenic enzymes in the perinatal period, transgenic mice have been generated with chimeric constructs containing the reporter gene lacZ under the control of hormone response elements. The activity of the transgene is restricted to the liver by the presence of the enhancers from the alpha-fetoprotein gene and its transcription is driven by a promoter that contains a TATA box linked to either cAMP response elements (CREs) or glucocorticoid response elements (GREs). We demonstrate cAMP and glucocorticoid regulation, liver-specific expression, and perinatal activation of the reporter gene. These data indicate that the CRE and GRE are, independently, necessary and sufficient to mediate perinatal gene activation. Perinatal activation was not impaired when a CRE reporter transgene was assayed in mice that contain a targeted mutation of the CRE-binding protein (CREB) gene, providing further evidence for functional redundancy among the members of the CREB/ATF gene family.


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BACKGROUND: We proposed to exploit hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)-1alpha overexpression in prostate tumours and use this transcriptional machinery to control the expression of the suicide gene cytosine deaminase (CD) through binding of HIF-1alpha to arrangements of hypoxia response elements. CD is a prodrug activation enzyme, which converts inactive 5-fluorocytosine to active 5-fluorouracil (5-FU), allowing selective killing of vector containing cells.

METHODS: We developed a pair of vectors, containing either five or eight copies of the hypoxia response element (HRE) isolated from the vascular endothelial growth factor (pH5VCD) or glycolytic enzyme glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (pH8GCD) gene, respectively. The kinetics of the hypoxic induction of the vectors and sensitization effects were evaluated in 22Rv1 and DU145 cells in vitro.

RESULTS: The CD protein as selectively detected in lysates of transiently transfected 22Rv1 and DU145 cells following hypoxic exposure. This is the first evidence of GAPDH HREs being used to control a suicide gene therapy strategy. Detectable CD levels were sustained upon reoxygenation and prolonged hypoxic exposures. Hypoxia-induced chemoresistance to 5-FU was overcome in both cell lines treated with this suicide gene therapy approach. Hypoxic transfectants were sensitized to prodrug concentrations that were ten-fold lower than those that are clinically relevant. Moreover, the surviving fraction of reoxygenated transfectants could be further reduced with the concomitant delivery of clinically relevant single radiation doses.

CONCLUSIONS: This strategy thus has the potential to sensitize the hypoxic compartment of prostate tumours and improve the outcome of current therapies.


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The unfolded protein response (UPR) is triggered by the accumulation of misfolded proteins within the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). The role of the UPR during leukemogenesis is unknown so far. Here, we studied the induction of mediators of the UPR in leukaemic cells of AML patients. Increased expression of the spliced variant of the X-box binding protein 1 (XBP1s) was detected in 17.4% (16 of 92) of AML patients. Consistent with activated UPR, this group also had increased expression of ER-resident chaperones such as the 78 kD glucose-regulated protein (GRP78) and of calreticulin. Conditional expression of calreticulin in leukaemic U937 cells was found to increase calreticulin binding to the CEBPA mRNA thereby efficiently blocking translation of the myeloid key transcription factor CEBPA and ultimately affecting myeloid differentiation. Consequently, leukaemic cells from AML patients with activated UPR and thus increased calreticulin levels showed in fact suppressed CEBPA protein expression. We identified two functional ER stress response elements (ERSE) in the calreticulin promoter. The presence of NFY and ATF6, as well as an intact binding site for YY1 within these ERSE motifs were essential for mediating sensitivity to ER stress and activation of calreticulin. Thus, we propose a model of the UPR being activated in a considerable subset of AML patients through induction of calreticulin along the ATF6 pathway, thereby ultimately suppressing CEBPA translation and contributing to the block in myeloid differentiation.


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Analyses of rat T1 kininogen gene/chloramphenicol acetyltransferase (T1K/CAT) constructs revealed two regions important for tissue-specific and induced regulation of T1 kininogen.^ Although the T1 kininogen gene is inducible by inflammatory cytokines, a highly homologous K kininogen gene is minimally responsive. Moreover, the basal expression of a KK/CAT construct was 5- to 7-fold higher than that of the analogous T1K/CAT construct. To examine the molecular basis of this differential regulation, a series of promoter swapping experiments was carried out. Our transfection results showed that at least two regions in the K kininogen gene are important for its high basal expression: a distal 19-bp region (C box) constituted a binding site for CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBP) family proteins and a proximal 66-bp region contained two adjacent binding sites for hepatocyte nuclear factor-3 (HNF-3). The distal HNF-3 binding site from the K kininogen promoter demonstrated a stronger affinity than that from the T1 kininogen promoter. Since C/EBP and HNF-3 are highly enriched in the liver and known to enhance transcription of liver-specific genes, differential binding affinities of these factors accounted for the higher basal expression of the K kininogen gene.^ In contrast to the K kininogen C box, the T1 kininogen C box does not bind C/EBP presumably due to their two-nucleotide divergence. This sequence divergence, however, converts it to a consensus binding sequence for two IL-6-inducible transcription factors--IL-6 response element binding protein and acute-phase response factor. To functionally determine whether C box sequences are important for their differential acute-phase response, T1 and K kininogen C boxes were swapped and analyzed after transfection into Hep3B cells. Our results showed that the T1 kininogen C box is indeed one of the IL-6 response elements in T1 kininogen promoter. Furthermore, its function can be modulated by a 5$\sp\prime$-adjacent C/EBP-binding site (B box) whose mutation significantly reduced the overall induced activity. Moreover, this B box is the target site for binding and transactivation of another IL-6 inducible transcription factor C/EBP$\delta.$ Evolutionary divergence of a few critical nucleotides can either lead to subtle changes in the binding affinities of a given transcription factor or convert a binding sequence for a constitutive factor to a site recognized by an inducible factor. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) ^


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The MUC1 gene encodes a transmembrane mucin glycoprotein that is overexpressed in several cancers of epithelial origin, including those of breast, pancreas, lung, ovary, and colon. Functions of MUC1 include protection of mucosal epithelium, modulation of cellular adhesion, and signal transduction. Aberrantly increased expression of MUC1 in cancer cells promotes tumor progression through adaptation of these functions. Some regulatory elements participating in MUC1 transcription have been described, but the mechanisms responsible for overexpression are largely unknown. A region of MUC1 5′ flanking sequence containing two conserved potential cytokine response elements, an NFκB site at −589/−580 and a STAT binding element (SBE) at −503/−495, has been implicated in high level expression in breast and pancreatic cancer cell lines. Persistent stimulation by proinflammatory cytokines may contribute to increased MUC1 transcription by tumor cells. ^ T47D breast cancer cells and normal human mammary epithelial cells (HMEC) were used to determine the roles of the κB site and SBE in basal and stimulated expression of MUC1. Treatment of T47D cells and HMEC with interferon-γ (IFNγ) alone enhanced MUC1 expression at the level of transcription, and the effect of IFNγ was further stimulated by tumor necrosis factor-α (TNFα). MUC1 responsiveness to these cytokines was modest in T47D cells but clearly evident in HMEC. Transient transfection of T47D cells with mutant MUC1 promoter constructs revealed that the κB site at −589/−580 and the SBE at −503/−495 and were required for cooperative stimulation by TNFα and IFNγ. Electrophoretic mobility shift assays (EMSA) revealed that the synergy was mediated not by cooperative binding of transcription factors but by the independent actions of STAT1α and NFκB p65 on their respective binding sites. Independent mutations in the κB site and SBE abrogated cytokine responsiveness and reduced basal MUC1 promoter activity by 45–50%. However, only the κB site appeared to be constitutively activated in T47D cells, in part by NFκB p65. These findings implicate two cytokine response elements in the 5 ′ flanking region of MUC1, specifically a κB site and a STAT binding element, in overexpression of MUC1 in breast cancer cells. ^


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Antimicrobial peptides constitute an important factor in the defense of plants against pathogens, and bacterial resistance to these peptides have previously been shown to be an important virulence factor in Dickeya dadantii, the causal agent of soft-rot disease of vegetables. In order to understand the bacterial response to antimicrobial pep- tides, a transcriptional microarray analysis was performed upon treatment with sub-lethal concentration of thionins, a widespread plant peptide. In all, 36 genes were found to be overexpressed, and were classified according to their deduced function as i) transcriptional regulators, ii) transport, and iii) modification of the bacterial membrane. One gene encoding a uricase was found to be repressed. The majority of these genes are known to be under the control of the PhoP/PhoQ system. Five genes representing the different functions induced were selected for further analysis. The results obtained indicate that the presence of antimicrobial peptides induces a complex response which includes peptide-specific elements and general stress-response elements contributing differentially to the virulence in different hosts.


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Elements responsible for dexamethasone responsiveness of CYP3A23, a major glucocorticoid-inducible member of the CYP3A gene family, have been identified. DNase I footprint analysis of the proximal promoter region revealed three protected sites (sites A, B, and C) within the sequence defined by -167 to -60. Mutational analysis demonstrated that both sites B and C were necessary for maximum glucocorticoid responsiveness and functioned in a cooperative manner. Interestingly, neither site contained a glucocorticoid responsive element. Embedded in site C was an imperfect direct repeat (5'-AACTCAAAGGAGGTCA-3'), showing homology to an AGGTCA steroid receptor motif, typically recognized by the estrogen receptor family, while site B contained an ATGAACT direct repeat; these core sequences were designated dexamethasone response elements 1 and 2 (DexRE-1 and -2), respectively. Neither element has previously been associated with a glucocorticoid-activated transcriptional response. Conversion of the DexRE-1 to either a perfect thyroid hormone or vitamin D3 responsive element further enhanced induction by dexamethasone. Gel-shift analysis demonstrated that glucocorticoid receptor did not associate with either DexRE-1 or -2; hence, glucocorticoid receptor does not directly mediate glucocorticoid induction of CYP3A23. These unusual features suggest an alternate pathway through which glucocorticoids exert their effects.


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We have studied the effects of retinoic acid (RA) and thyroid hormone (3,3',5-triiodothyronine; T3) on platelet-activating factor receptor (PAFR) gene expression in intact rats and the ability of two human PAFR gene promoters (PAFR promoters 1 and 2) to generate two transcripts (PAFR transcripts 1 and 2). Northern blotting showed that RA and T3 regulated PAFR gene expression only in rat tissues that express PAFR transcript 2. Functional analysis of the human PAFR promoter 2 revealed that responsiveness to RA and T3 was conferred through a 24-bp element [PAFR-hormone response element (HRE) located from -67 to -44 bp of the transcription start site, whereas PAFR promoter 1 did not respond to these hormones. The PAFR-HRE is composed of three direct repeated TGACCT-like hexamer motifs with 2-and 4-bp spaces, and the two upstream and two downstream motifs were identified as response elements for RA and T3. Thus, the PAF-PAFR pathway is regulated by the PAFR level altered by a tissue-specific response to RA and T3 through the PAFR-HRE of the PAFR promoter 2.