997 resultados para Resina de poliéster
Os materiais compósitos são conhecidos pelas suas excelentes propriedades específicas, resistência à corrosão e pela facilidade com que se podem fabricar em formas complexas. Estas características, aliadas ao baixo preço da resina de poliéster e dos reforços de fibra de vidro, tornam possível o estudo da sua utilização como material de base para o fabrico de tábuas de skate do ponto de vista de produção em série. As tábuas atualmente existentes no mercado são de madeira, material que ao fim de algumas utilizações se começa a desgastar, limitando assim o seu uso. Este desgaste das tábuas passa por numa primeira fase a madeira começar a amolecer, dando lugar ao aparecimento de lascas na tábua, acabando na inevitável fractura. A utilização de materiais compósitos baseados em reforços de fibras de vidro poderá proporcionar uma melhor resistência ao desgaste assim como também inovar no design das tábuas. Assim, o objectivo desta dissertação será o estudo e o fabrico de um protótipo funcional de uma tábua de skate, em material compósito, com um desempenho superior ao das atualmente existentes no mercado, fabricadas em madeira.
OBJETIVO: avaliar o uso da resina de poliéster na preservação de peças anatômicas para estudo da anatomia humana. MÉTODOS: foram utilizadas 150 peças anatômicas, sendo as mesmas não fixadas (frescas), fixadas em formol a 10% e moldes vasculares de órgãos injetados com acetato de vinil e a resina de poliéster. A solução utilizada foi composta de resina de poliéster com seu diluente monômero de estireno e catalisador (peroxol). Foram obtidos, após a inclusão nesta solução, modelos em resina transparente, que permitiam a plena observação das estruturas e conservação da peça utilizada. RESULTADOS: na avaliação das peças, foi observado grau de extrema transparência, promovendo uma completa visualização das estruturas com a perfeita preservação da anatomia. A duração média para a completa finalização da inclusão foi 48 horas. Apenas 14 peças (9,3%) foram inutilizadas durante o preparo. CONCLUSÃO: a resina de poliéster pode ser utilizada para a preservação de peças anatômicas para o ensino da anatomia humana, de maneira prática, estética e duradoura.
In the present research work, composites were prepared using pine apple leaf fibres (PALF) as reinforcement with unsaturated polyester resin as matrix, incorporating with fire retardant at different compositions. The PALF was obtained from the decortication of pine apple leaves obtained from Ramada 4 from Ielmo Marinho in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. The unsaturated polyester resin and the catalyzer were bought from the local establishment. The fire retardant, aluminium tri-hydroxide - Al(OH)3 was donated by Alcoa Alumínio S.A and was used in the proportions of 20%, 40% and 60% w/w. Initially the fibres were treated with 2% NaOH for 1 hour, to remove any impurities present on the fibre surface, such as wax, fat, pectin and pectate, in order to have a better adsorption of the fibres with the matrix as well as the flame retardant. The fibre mat was prepared in a mat preparator by immersion, developed in the Textile Engineering Laboratory, at the UFRN. The composites (300x300x3 mm) were prepared by compression molding and the samples (150x25x3 mm) for analysis of the properties were cut randomly using a laser cutter. Some of the cut samples were used to measure the smoke emission and fire resistance using UL94 standard. Mechanical tension-extension and flexural properties were carried in CTGás RN and the Laboratório de Metais e Ensaios Mecânicos Engenharia de Materiais UFRN , as well as SEM studies were carried out at Núcleo de Estudos em Petróleo e Gás Natural - UFRN . From the observed results, it was noted that, there was no marked influence of the fire retardant on the mechanical properties. Also in the water absorption test, the quantity of water absorbed was less in the sample with higher concentration of fire retardant. It was also observed that the increase in the proportion of the fire retardant increased the time of burning, may be due to the compactness of the composite due to the presence of fire retardant as a filling material even though it was meant to reduce the rate of inflammability of the composite
Use of natural fibres as a reinforcement material in the manufacture of composites show a series of advantages: availability, biodegradability, low weight and regeneration in relation to synthetic fibres, thus justifying its utilization. In the present research work, composites were developed with chicken feathers (KF), using unsaturated polyester resin as matrix, for diversified applications, mainly in the furniture/timber industry.At present, in Brazil the chicken feathers are used as part of the animal feed, even though this material possesses low aggregated value. The chicken feathers are hollow, light and resistant. After washing with water at room temperature, a part of the chicken feathers were treated with 2% NaOH. Composites were manufactured using treated and untreated chicken feathers with unsaturated orthothalic polyester resin and 1% peroxide as catalyser, obtained in the commerce. Samples with size 150x25x3 mm for mechanical tests were cut by laser in the composite plate. Mechanical analyses were carried out in the Laboratório de Metais e Ensaios Mecânicos UFRN. All the analyses were in accordance with ASTM standards. SEM analyses were also carried out on the samples.In the analyses of the results obtained, it was observed that the composites made with untreated chicken feathers showed better results (Traction 11.406 MPa and 9.107 MPa Bending 34.947 and 20.918 MPa for samples with and without treatment respectively) compared to the composite with treated feathers. Very low values of the water absorption results, evidenced the impermeability characteristic of the feathers. From the SEM images, the structure, fracture and the fibre/matrix adsorption can be evidenced. In the flammability test, it was observed that despite the feathers having sulfur as a constituent, natural inhibitor of flame, no burning support of the composites, because the manufacturing process of the composite
Aunque las primeras fábricas de tubos de poliéster reforzado con fibra de vidrio en España datan del año 1984, no es sino hasta el año 1996 cuando se comienza su utilización masiva como un sustituto de las tuberías de fribrocemento, que ya habían sido prohibidas por la legislación, debido a los efectos cancerígenos de este material. Desde entonces se ha prodigado la utilización de todas las diferentes tipologías de esta clase de tubería, de conformidad a los procesos de fabricación empleados que se encuentran recopilados en el AWWA Manual M45 (Fiberglass Pipe Design), obteniéndose muy diversos resultados. Durante estos años, ha surgido una creciente preocupación en los usuarios de este tipo de tuberías dadas las continuas y numerosas averías en todo el ámbito geográfico. Esto ha promovido el desarrollo de la presente investigaicón, que se ha dividido en dos partes y que ha concluido con la determinación de un nuevo mecanismo específico de fractura. La primera parte se centró en la obtención y desarrollo del modelo teórico que hemos venido a denominar como "Teoría de la Caja Mecánicamente Contaminada", y que está basado en la contaminación o separación por un impacto de dos de las tres capas que forman la tubería, la capa intermedia de arena y la capa más interna o "inner layer". La consecuencia es la disminución del canto resistente, la rotura del inner layer y la entrada de fluido a la capa de arena. Para la evaluación de la magnitud de esta separación se ha desarrollado un modelo analítico que ha determinado la existencia de una relación cuadrática que la rige, y que ha sido verificado mediante ensayos de impacto sobre probetas de tuberías, alcanzando ajustes de hasta el 92%. Así, se ha determinado que impactos de muy baja intensidad, del entorno de 90 a 160 Julios en tuberías Filament Winding continuo PN 16-20 (de 800 a 1000mm) pueden comprometer seriamente la integridad estructural de la tubería sin dejar, en un principio, muesca o traza alguna que pueda alertar del problema. Los siguientes pasos en el estudio se dirigieron a determinar qué otros mecanismos, aparte del golpe, podrían contaminar la tubería y a estudiar el consiguiente avance de la fractura a las capas externas. Se trataba además de analizar la aparición en el tubo de unas misteriosas manchas en forma de "piel de leopardo" y de otros fenómenos aparecidos en las averías como que algunas de las deformaciones de la rotura por presión interna son hacia el interior del tubo y no al revés, como habría sido de esperar a priori. Se optó entonces por comenzar la que ha constituido la segunda parte de la investigación. Para ello se recurrió a realizar ensayos hidráulicos en banco de pruebas a alta presión, cuyos resultados fueron sorprendentes al descubrir que en el proceso se producía la hidrólisis de la resina de poliéster no catalizada que fluía hacia el exterior del tubo. Como consecuencia se llevaron a cabo nuevos ensayos físicos y químicos para estudiar la migración del material y la hidrólisis producida en el proceso de fractura. En este estudio, resultó muy relevante el hecho de sobrepasar o no la presión que producía el desagarro entre las capas del tubo. En definitiva, en esta investigación, que ha constado de estudios analíticos y estudios experimentales, químicos y numéricos, se ha determinado un nuevo mecanismo de fractura que explica gran parte de los fallos acontecidos en las tuberías de poliéster reforzado con fibra de vidrio. Como aplicación se exponen recomendaciones para mejorar el comportamiento mecánico de esta tipología y evitar así los sobrecostes millonarios producidos por su reposición. Numerous and continuous failures in fiberglass reinforced polyester pipes of different companies and manufacturing processes of the AWWA Manual M45 (Fiberglass Pipe Design), have prompted the development of this research, that has concluded with a specific mechanism describing pipe fractures. This research was carried out via two independent studies. The first one is the development of the hypothesis that turned into the Mechanically Contaminated Layer Theory. This theory describes the fracture mchanism which explains a significant part of massive failures due to the existence of a sand layer placed near the neutral axis in the core making the composite very sensitive to impacts in fibreglass reinforced polyester pipes. These failures create interface delamination and consequently fluid can leak into supporting sand backfill thereby iniating the fracture process. In order to assess the delimination magnitude, an analytic method is developed and a squared root law between delamination and energy applied proposed. Vertical blunt ram testts on samples extracted from complete pipes have been carried out to verify this theory, reaching a goodness of fit up to 92%. It is concluded that low energy impacts, around 90-160J in 800-1000mm diameter PN 16-20 continuous filament winding pipes, can seriously compromise their structural integraty with no external trace. The next step in the study was to determine what other mechanism, apart from the brittle hit, could contaminate the pipe and to analyse the consequente advance of the fracture to the external layers. Another aim was to analyse two phenomena occurred in real pipe failures. The first one is the appearance on the tube of "leopard fur" stains on some of the analysed failures, and the other phenomenon is the "inverse fracture", in which the deformations of the failure due to internal pressure are towards the inside of the tube and not the other way round, as it would be expected. It was then chosen to follow a new branch of the investigation by hydraulic high-pressure bench tests that study seepage and load transmission. The results were very surprising as it was discovered that in the process, hydrolysis of the non-catalysed polyester resin occured, flowing towards the outer of the pipe, which entailed the development of chemical and physical tests of the exuded material to study material migration and hydrolysis of the fracture process. In this particular study it was relevant to exceed or not the pressure that produced the rip between the layers of the tube. In conclusion, a new breakage mechanism in FRP pies with sand-filled layer has been found, which explains a high part of the failure global cases. The whole failure process is justified by the Mechanically Contaminated Layer Theory, which has been corroborated by means of analytical, numerical and experimental studies. Several recommendations are also provided in order to improve the mechanical behaviour of this typology and avoid the millionaire overruns generated by its massive failures.
He was obtained and studied the feasibility of using TPA (Tissue Cotton Plan) screen type, for bagging, with a weight of 207.9 g / m2 in a composite of orthophthalic crystal polyester resin matrix. The process for obtaining the composite was tested against the maximum number of layers that could be used without compromising the processability and manufacturing of CPs in compression mold. Five configurations / formulations were selected and tested at 1, 4, 8, 10 and 12 layers of cotton tissue - TPA. TPA was not subjected to chemical treatment, only by passing a mechanical washing process. The composite in its various configurations / formulations was characterized to determine its physical properties. The properties of the composite were higher viability resistance to bending, approaching the matrix and impact resistance, superiority in relation to the polyester resin. Another property that has shown good result compared to other composite has water absorption. Analyzing all the properties set the settings / formulations with higher viability were TA8 and TA10, by combining good processability and higher mechanical strength, with lower loss compared to polyester resin matrix. The composite showed lower mechanical behavior of the resin matrix for all the formulations studied except the impact resistance. The SEM showed a good adhesion between the layers of TPA and polyester resin matrix, without the presence of micro voids in the matrix confirming the efficient manufacturing process of the samples for characterization. The composite proposed proved to be viable for the fabrication of structures with low requests from mechanical stresses, and as demonstrated for the manufacture of solar and wind prototypes, and packaging, shelving, decorative items, crafts and shelves, with good visual appearance.
He was obtained and studied the feasibility of using TPA (Tissue Cotton Plan) screen type, for bagging, with a weight of 207.9 g / m2 in a composite of orthophthalic crystal polyester resin matrix. The process for obtaining the composite was tested against the maximum number of layers that could be used without compromising the processability and manufacturing of CPs in compression mold. Five configurations / formulations were selected and tested at 1, 4, 8, 10 and 12 layers of cotton tissue - TPA. TPA was not subjected to chemical treatment, only by passing a mechanical washing process. The composite in its various configurations / formulations was characterized to determine its physical properties. The properties of the composite were higher viability resistance to bending, approaching the matrix and impact resistance, superiority in relation to the polyester resin. Another property that has shown good result compared to other composite has water absorption. Analyzing all the properties set the settings / formulations with higher viability were TA8 and TA10, by combining good processability and higher mechanical strength, with lower loss compared to polyester resin matrix. The composite showed lower mechanical behavior of the resin matrix for all the formulations studied except the impact resistance. The SEM showed a good adhesion between the layers of TPA and polyester resin matrix, without the presence of micro voids in the matrix confirming the efficient manufacturing process of the samples for characterization. The composite proposed proved to be viable for the fabrication of structures with low requests from mechanical stresses, and as demonstrated for the manufacture of solar and wind prototypes, and packaging, shelving, decorative items, crafts and shelves, with good visual appearance.
Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica
Um experimento foi realizado em casa de vegetação com o objetivo de examinar as modificações provocadas por ciclos de umedecimento e secagem em amostras de Latossolos com diferentes mineralogias, em agregados integrais ou quando destruídos por moagem. Amostras de terra fina seca ao ar foram passadas em peneira de 1,0 mm e subdivididas em grupos: solo integral não moído e solo moído em almofariz e passado em peneira de 0,105 mm. O solo moído foi ainda subdividido em solo moído puro ou adicionado de ácido húmico purificado. Os materiais foram montados em cilindro de alumínio e submetidos a dez ciclos sucessivos de umedecimento e secagem, realizados por ascensão capilar, seguidos por secagem ao ar, com intervalo de sete dias entre cada ciclo. Após o término dos ciclos, os solos foram impregnados com resina de poliéster, montando-se seções finas para microscopia, as quais foram levadas para observação em microscópio ótico e fotografadas. As imagens obtidas foram digitalizadas, analisadas e quantificadas por meio do programa QUANTIPORO, desenvolvido no Departamento de Solos/Universidade Federal de Viçosa. Os resultados mostraram completa modificação na forma e no padrão da estrutura após a aplicação dos ciclos nos tratamentos que sofreram destruição de agregados por moagem. Essas mudanças foram atribuídas a uma reacomodação dos agregados fragmentados com a retração do plasma, que se seguiu ao processo de secagem. Todos os materiais estudados mostraram uma estrutura bem diferente da estrutura primária original destes solos. Não se observou qualquer tendência à reversão da estrutura após os dez ciclos, demonstrando que outros fatores, além dos físico-químicos e mineralógicos, devem ser invocados para explicar a gênese de microagregados em Latossolos.
Experimentos de longa duração submetidos a diferentes manejos de solo fornecem importantes informações quando as alterações nas propriedades físicas, químicas e biológicas são avaliadas e comparadas às das condições originais do solo. Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a morfologia externa e a estabilidade de agregados superficiais de um Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo sob diferentes tipos de manejo em experimento de longa duração e nas condições sob Mata Atlântica secundária. Foram coletadas amostras de solo deformadas e indeformadas na camada de 0-5 cm, em dois tipos de manejo de solo: plantio direto (PD) e preparo com arado de disco + grade pesada (AD + GP). Também foi avaliada, como referência do estado de agregação original do solo, uma área de Mata Atlântica secundária (MS) adjacente ao experimento. As amostras indeformadas foram impregnadas com resina de poliéster e, na sequência, lâminas delgadas com 30 µm de espessura foram confeccionadas. Posteriormente, as lâminas foram examinadas em microscópio óptico, acoplado à câmera digital, para obtenção de imagens fotográficas mediante seleção aleatória de campos nas lâminas. As imagens geradas foram processadas pelo programa de computador Adobe Photoshop CS3 para análise de parâmetros relacionados à morfologia externa de agregados (perímetro, área, comprimento do maior eixo, comprimento do menor eixo, diâmetro de Feret, alongamento e arredondamento), que visam fornecer informações sobre o tamanho, a forma e a rugosidade dos agregados. Para as amostras deformadas, além da estabilidade dos agregados em água em classes de tamanho 4-2; 2-1; 1-0, 5; 0,5-0,25; 0,25-0,105; e < 0,105 mm de diâmetro, foi determinado o C orgânico total (COT). Foram calculados: diâmetro médio ponderado (DMP), diâmetro médio geométrico (DMG) e índice de estabilidade de agregados (IEA). Houve predomínio da classe de agregados de 4-2 mm nos dois tipos de manejo e na MS, sendo superior no solo sob MS e PD. Os índices de agregação DMG, DMP e IEA foram semelhantes no PD e na MS, sendo maiores que o do manejo por AD + GP. O PD promoveu diferenças morfológicas nos agregados em comparação ao AD + GP, mostrando proximidade com a referência MS.
Incluye anexo con fotos y material elaborado
In the manufacture of composite, textile materials are being used as reinforcement. Generally, the combination of the matrix with the textile material in the form of fibres or yarns is used depending on their distribution in the web. In the present work, in place of fibres or yarns, a knitted structure in the form of the final product which is defined as preform. The preform is weft knit manufactured with polyester filaments. In the manufacture of composite, polyester resin was used as matrix. The physical and mechanical properties as well as the formability of the weft knit were analysed. The physical and mechanical properties as well as the formability of the knitted structure were analysed. The results obtained on the analysis show that the courses and wales of the weft knit structure and the tensile properties help the formability of the structure and the impregnation of the resin. It could be clearly observed that composite structure in the direction of the courses support more tension than in the direction of the wales. In relation to the three points flexural tests it was possible to note that there was more flexion in the direction of wales, what was expected. It was also possible to note that there are other advantages such as reduction in the loss of materials used, homogeneity in the distribution of the knitted structure in the mould, reduction in the preparation time and also in the reduction in the cost of manufacture
There are a number of damaging mechanisms that various materials can suffer in service. However, when working with polymer composite materials, this is something that requires analysis, especially when exposed to adverse environmental conditions. Thus, the objective of the present thesis is the study of the direct influence of environmental aging and the form of hybridization of the reinforcement woven on the structural stability, surfacedegradation and fracture process of polymer composites laminates. For this, the development of two polymer composite laminates was necessary, where one of them was reinforced with a bi-directional woven with hybrid strandsofkevlar-49/glass-Efibers, and the other also with a bi-directionalwoven, however with weft and warpformed of alternating strandsof Kevlar-49 fibers and glass-E fiber The reinforcementwoven are industrially manufactured. Both laminates use a polyester resin as a matrixand are made up of four layers each. All laminates were industrially prepared by the hand lay-up method of manufacturing. To do this, test specimens were manufactured of the respective laminates and submitted to environmental aging accelerated through the aging chamber. They were exposed to alternating cycles of UV radiation and moisture (heated steam) for a standard defined period. At the end of the exposure period the specimens were subjected to mechanical tests of uniaxial tensile and bending in three points and to the characterizationsof the fracture and surface deterioration. In addition, they were submitted to a structural degradation assessment by the measurement of mass variation technique (MMVT) and the measurement of thickness variation technique (MTVT), this last technique being developed in this thesis. At the end of the analysis it was observed that the form of hybridization of the reinforcement woven and the aging process directly influence with losses or gain in mechanical properties, with losses in the structural degradation and in the formation and propagation of damage mechanism of the developedcomposite laminates
The objective of this research is the fabrication of a composite reinforced with dyed sisal fiber and polyester matrix for application in the fields such as, fashion, clothing, interior textiles; fashion accessories are some of the examples. For the fabrication of the composite, the sisal fibers were subjected to processes such as: chemical treatment with sodium hydroxide (NaOH) in the removal of impurities; bleaching for removing the yellowish color of the natural fiber and dyeing with direct dyes to confer the colors blue, green and orange. The search for new technologies ecologically correct has become a major concern in recent decades. Studies show that composite polymer reinforced by natural fibers is suitable for a large number of applications, and its use is advantageous in terms of economic and ecological. The dyed fibers were cut to a length of 30 mm, is used in the confection of webs. For this purpose, a web preparer by immersion, developed in the Laboratory of Chemical Textile of UFRN. The composite sheets measuring 300 x 300 x3 mm were molded by compression, with unsaturated orthophthalic polyester as matrix, and the samples in sizes 150 x 25 x 3 mm were cut with the aid of a laser machine, to be subjected to traction and flexion. The mechanical properties of traction and flexion in three points were performed in the Laboratory of metal and mechanical tests of Materials Engineering of UFRN. The resulting samples from the tests were evaluated in scanning electron microscope (SEM) at CTGas RN. On the basis of the analysis of the results from the mechanical tests, it was observed that the composite had good mechanical behavior, both in traction as in flexion. Furthermore, it was observed that in the water absorption test, the samples had a different percentage among themselves, this occurred due to the variation of density found in the fibre webs. The images of the SEM showed the failures from the manufacturing process and the adhesion of fibre/matrix. When the samples were prepared with the dyed fibers to be applied in fashion, the results were positive, and it can be concluded that the main objective of this work was achieved
In the present work, three composites with distinct reinforcements (polyester, modal e polyester + modal), all if a unsaturated orthophthalic polyester resin as matrix were used, in order to conduct a comparative study by mechanical tests and water absorption. The fibre mats were prepared in a mat preparatory by immersion developed in the Textile Engineering Laboratory. The composites were manufactured using a closed mould process by compression using an unsaturated orthophthalic polyester resin as matrix and 1% MEK (methyl ethyl ketone peroxide) as an initiator. In each composite twelve samples with the dimensions of 150x25x3 mm were cut randomly for the mechanical analysis (tension x extension, three points bending and water absorption and Scanning Electron Micsroscopy). The mechanical tests were carried out in the Laboratório de Metais e Ensaios Mecânicos UFRN . All the analyses were carried out according to the ASTM norms. The resultant samples from the mechanical analysis were subjected for the Scanning Electron Microscopy analysis. Based on the results obtained, it was observed that the reinforced composite with two fibres (modal + polyester) presented better results in comparison to the other two composites both in the tension/extension as well on the three point bending tests. In the water absorption test, it was possible to observe an equilibrium in the water absorption by the modal and polyester composite, due to the union of the two fibres. In the SEM images, the regions of rupture in the composites as well as the adsorption between the fiber and the matrix could be observed