963 resultados para Residue of guava


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An experiment was conducted on guava trees Psidium guajava L. (cv. Paluma) grown in the Experimental Citrus Culture Station of Bebedouro, SP, on dystrophic, acid Typical Hapludox in order to assess the effects of application of increasing lime doses to the soil on the quality of guava fruits on the basis of the physicochemical changes observed in the fruits after harvesting. The treatments consisted of increasing lime doses applied before planting, considering 0, 1.85, 3.79, 5.56 and 7.41 t ha(-1), applied in August 1999. Leaf calcium content was assessed at flowering time. After fruit harvesting, calcium content in the pulp, total weight, transverse diameter, length, pulp weight, % pulp, Brix degrees (degrees Brix), titratable acidity, and fruit ratio were determined. Loss of fruit fresh mass, firmness and color were determined daily during a period of 8 days of storage. Lime application to an acid Red Latosol before guava tree planting did not affect the physical characteristics of the fruits but provided a lower loss of fresh matter and greater fruit firmness when the fruits presented Ca levels close to 0.99 g kg(-1). It is important to conduct new studies of the effects of liming on guava fruit quality under different edaphic-climatic conditions and on different guava tree genotypes. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The guava seed protein isolate ( PI) was obtained from the protein precipitation belonging to the class of the gluteline (Ip 4.5). The conditions for the preparation of the PI were determined by both the solubility curve and simultaneous thermogravimetry-differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA): pH 11.5, absence of NaCl and whiteners and T=( 25 +/- 3) degrees C. Under these conditions a yield of 77.0 +/- 0.4%, protein content of 94.2 +/- 0.3, ashes 0.50 +/- 0.05% and thermal stability, T= 200 degrees C, were obtained. The TG-DTA curves and the PI emulsification capacity study showed the presence of hydrophobic microdomains at pH 11.5 and 3.0 suggesting a random coil protein conformation and, to pH 10.0, an open protein conformation. The capacity of emulsification (CE), in the absence of NaCl, was verified for: 1 - pH 3.0 and 8.5, using the IP extracted at pH 10.0 and 11.5, CE >= 343 +/- 5 g of emulsified oil/g of protein; 2 - pH 6.60 just for the PI obtained at pH 11.5, CE >= 140 +/- 8 g of emulsified oil/g of protein.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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O desempenho animal é a medida mais direta de se avaliar a qualidade dos alimentos. Entretanto, dados de desempenho são insuficientes para se detectar as possíveis interações que possam ocorrer no ambiente ruminal. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar os possíveis efeitos associativos nas concentrações de ácidos graxos voláteis (AGVs), nitrogênio amoniacal (N-NH3) e pH da fração líquida remanescente da digestão da matéria seca (MS) de volumosos exclusivos (cana-de-açúcar= CN; capim-elefante com 60 dias= CP60 e 180 dias= CP180 de crescimento; e silagem de milho= SIL) e suas combinações (cana-de-açúcar+silagem de milho= CNSIL; cana-de-açúcar+capim-elefante-60d= CNCP60; cana-de-açúcar+capim-elefante-180d= CNCP180; silagem de milho+capim-elefante-60d= SILCP60; silagem de milho+capim-elefante-180d= SILCP180) na proporção de 50% na MS, que levam a resultados de desempenhos positivos ou negativos de bovinos. As concentrações de AGVs, N-NH3 e pH dos tratamentos foram: CN= 56,9 mmol L-1, 50,1 mg dL-1, 5,7; CNSIL= 61,4 mmol L-1, 50,7 mg dL-1, 5,8; CNCP60= 54,7 mmol L-1, 47,6 mg dL-1, 5,8; CNCP180= 45,4 mmol L-1, 49,4 mg dL-1, 6,0; SIL= 57,2 mmol L-1, 54,0 mg dL-1, 5,8; SILCP60= 57,1 mmol L-1, 53,1 mg dL-1, 5,9; SILCP180= 55,9 mmol L-1, 52,3 mg dL-1, 6,0; CP60= 58,1 mmol L-1, 49,4 mg dL-1, 5,9; CP180= 44,0 mmol L-1, 46,4 mg dL-1, 6,1. Os carboidratos não estruturais e amido, aliados à fibra e proteína, contribuíram para que ocorresse o efeito associativo positivo na mistura 50:50 cana/silagem. Isso pode ter propiciado os melhores resultados de desempenho em bovinos devido ao elevado padrão fermentativo.


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Pressure drop and minimum fluidization velocity were experimentally studied in a vibro-fluidized bed of inert particles subjected to different vibration intensities during drying of guava pulp. Maltodextrin was added to the pulp in order to prevent stickiness between particles and the consequent bed collapse. Pulps were initially concentrated, resulting in pastes with different soluble solids content, and a constant fraction of maltodextrin was guaranteed in the final pulp samples. The pulp rheological behavior as affected by temperature and total soluble solids content, including maltodextrin, was evaluated and the effect of pulp apparent viscosity on pressure drop and minimum vibro-fluidization velocity were investigated. Two types of inert particles -3.6 mm glass beads and 3 mm Teflon cylinders were tested and, due to lower pressure drop presented by Teflon cylinders during operation of the dry vibro-fluidized bed, these particles were adopted for pulp drying process. Increasing pulp apparent viscosity caused a considerable increase in the vibro-fluidized bed pressure drop during pulp drying and, as a consequence resulted in a larger value of minimum vibro-fluidization velocity. on the other hand, the negative effect of increasing apparent viscosity could be attenuated by increasing the fluidized bed vibration intensity, which could prevent stickiness between particles. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Commonly grown in tropical and sub-tropical regions, guava (Psidium guajava L.) is an important fruit crop of Brazil. It is cultivated on a large scale in São Paulo state, and covers about 6,500 hectares. As a result of the guava selection program developed at FCAV/UNESP, two new cultivars were created: 'Rica' and 'Paluma' with a high productivity, and also with higher nutritional requirement. Leaves analysis has become a powerful tool in mineral-nutrition research with fruit crops, not only to determine response to different nutrients, but also for diagnostic techniques in making fertilizer recommendations and assessing deficiency symptoms. Nutrient composition of the leaves varies depending on the leaf maturity, tree age, variety and nutrient supply. For the interpretation of analytical values, selection of the index tissue is important. The results of experiments conducted in the field during 1989-2000 were studied. The nutritional status was evaluated by annual leaf sampling, carried out at full bloom. Recent fully developed leaves, corresponding to the third pair (with the petiole) were collected, starting at the end of the branch, all around the tree, at a height of 1.5 m from the soil, with a total of 30 leaf pairs per sample. The yield was evaluated by weighing all the fruits in the useful area of each lot. Foliar chemical analysis showed excellent correlation with the fruit production. Through the results it was verified that the maximum yield was associated to the following levels: N = 22-26; P = 1.5-1.9; K = 17-20; Ca = 11-15; Mg = 2.5-3.5; S = 3.0-3.5 g kg -1; B = 20-25; Cu = 10-40; Fe = 50-150; Mn = 180-250; Zn = 25-35 mg kg-1 DW in the leaves of the 'Rica' guava and to N = 20-23; P = 1.4-1.8; K = 14-17; Ca = 7-11; Mg = 3.4-4.0; S = 2.5-3.5 g kg-1; B = 20-25; Cu = 20-40; Fe = 60-90; Mn = 40-80; Zn = 25-35 mg kg-1 DW in the leaves of the 'Paluma' guava.


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The sequential extraction procedure of Zinc and lead performed in a Brazilian soil showed that it presents high pollution potential once over 90% of total lead is present in fractions where the metals can be easily mobilized. The fraction contents are as follow: F1 = 174 and 15 mg kg-1; F2 = 3155 and 9.7 mg kg -1; F3 = 99 and 1.6 mg kg -1; Residual fraction = 38 and 5.5 mg kg -1 for lead and zinc, respectively. The comparison with non contaminated soil only Pb 2+ concentration is above its intervention reference concentration, 900 mg kg -1.


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Guava and araçá, species of the Psidium genus, are important options for Brazilian agribusiness, especially the former species, due to their fruit characteristics, such as appearance, taste and richness in minerals and phenolic compounds. These fruits can be consumed in natura or in several processed forms. The active germplasm bank is an important tool for genetic resource characterization and plant breeding studies. Sixty guava and ten araçá accessions of the Psidium active germplasm, sampled in 44 different Brazilian regions and grown at Embrapa Semiarid, were chemically and biochemically characterized in order to support breeding programs. The accessions were grown in a randomized block design, with two replications and three plants/plot. The sugar, proteins, soluble solids, titratable acidity, calcium, magnesium, iron and phosphorus contents were determined. Large variations were observed in the analyzed compounds, which could be attributed to the diversity of genotypes and also to the environmental conditions, which affect the plant metabolism. The high variability observed in most parameters of the accessions is an important factor for the improvement of these species. Most guava accessions showed higher titratable acidity and soluble solids than those found in commercial cultivars and, in araçá, these levels were even higher, which makes them promising for commercial exploitation. Moreover, fruits of the guava and araçá accessions present good sources of sugars and minerals. Special attention should be given to some guava and araçá accessions from Maranhão and Pernambuco States, respectively, which showed high levels for titratable acidity, soluble solids, SS/TA ratio, total soluble sugars, calcium, magnesium and iron, should be targets of breeding programs for new Psidium cultivars. © ISHS.


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Computer programs enable the transformation of raw data into useful information for decision making in many fields, including agriculture. Various programs have been developed to assist farmers to make better decisions about crop management practices and plant nutrition parameters. This article introduces the CND-Goiaba 1.0 software (C Sharp) and its use as a tool to perform the mathematical calculations involved in determining the compositional nutrient diagnosis (CND) indexes for the guava tree. This program was developed in Brazil, the world's leading producer of red guavas. A database was created based on 205 leaf samples collected in commercial plots (sampling units) of cultivated 'Paluma' guava trees (Psidium guajava L.) with ages between 5 and 20 years, during the 2009-2010 and 2010-2011 growing seasons. The production data were normally distributed according to the Shapiro-Wilk test (W=0.988; p=0.11). The software made it possible to diagnose that 63% of the orchards evaluated needed to improve the nutritional status of their trees. The CND method showed severe nutritional imbalances in Mg and Zn in these orchards. © ISHS.