996 resultados para Residual acceleration


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The microgravity research, as a branch of the advanced sciences and a spe- cialized field of high technology, has been made in China since the late 1980's. The research group investigating microgravity fluid physics consisted of our col- leagues and the authors in the Institute of Mechanics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and we pay special attention to the floating zone convection as our first research priority. Now, the research group has expanded and is a part of the National Microgravity Laboratory of the CAS, and the research fields have been extended to include more subjects related to microgravity science. Howev- er, the floating zone convection is still an important topic that greatly holds our research interests.


1. models of floating zone convection
1.1 floating-zone crystal growth
1.2 physical model
1.3 hydrodynamic model
1.4 mathematical model
2. basic features of floating zone convection
2.1 equations and boundary conditions
2.2 simple solutions of fz convection
2.3 solution for two-layers flow
2.4 numerical simulation
2.5 onset of oscillation
3. experimental method of fz convection
3.1 ground-based simulation experiments for pr≥1
3.2 temperature and velocity oscillations
3.3 optical diagnostics of free surface oscillation
3.4 critical parameters
3.5 microgravity experiments
3.6 ground-based simulation experiment for pr《1
4. mechanism on the onset of oscillatory convection
4.1 order of magnitude analysis
4.2 mechanism of hydrothermal instability
4.3 linear stability analysis
4.4 energy instability of thermocapillary convection
4.5 unsteady numerical simulation of 2d and 3d
4.6 two bifurcation transitions in the case of small pr number fluid
4.7 two bifurcation transitions in the case of large pr number fluid
4.8 transition to turbulence
5. liquid bridge volume as a critical geometrical parameter
5.1 critical geometrical parameters
5.2 ground-based and mierogravity experiments
5.3 instability analyses of a large prandtl number (pr≥1)fluid
5.4 instability analyses of a small prandtl number (pr《1)fluid
5.5 numerical simulation on two bifurcation process
6. theoretical model of crystal growth by the floating zone method
6.1 concentration distribution in a pure diffusion process
6.2 solutal capillary convection and diffusion
6.3 coupling with phase change convection
6.4 engineering model of floating zone technique
7. influence of applied magnetic field on the fz convection
7.1 striation due to the time-dependent convection
7.2 applied steady magnetic field and rotational magnetic field
7.3 magnetic field design for floating half zone
7.4 influence of magnetic field on segregation
8. influence of residual acceleration and g-jitter
8.1 residual acceleration in microgravity experiments
8.2 order of magnitude analyses (oma)
8.3 rayleigh instability due to residual acceleration
8.4 ground-based experiment affected by a vibration field
8.5 numerical simulation of a low frequency g-jitter
8.6 numerical simulation of a high frequency g-jitter


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Der Einstein-Elevator entspricht einer deutlichen Abwandlung eines klassischen Fallturms. In Falltürmen werden wissenschaftliche Experimente unter Schwerelosigkeit durchgeführt. In großen Vakuumkammern werden dazu die Experimente, ohne das Einleiten externer Kräfte, fallengelassen. Die klassische Fallturmtechnik hat den Nachteil einer geringen Wiederholrate durch einen hohen Zeitaufwand bei der Herstellung des Vakuums. Der Einstein-Elevator schafft durch sein weltweit einzigartiges Führungs- und Antriebskonzept den Zeitaufwand für die Versuchsdurchführung drastisch zu verkürzen und die Qualität der Schwerelosigkeit zu verbessern. Um die benötigte Qualität in der Versuchsumgebung zu erzielen, wurde das Konzept mithilfe einer Mehrkörpersimulation hinsichtlich der im Experiment in der Freifallphase zu erwartenden minimalen Restbeschleunigungen untersucht.


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The most promising concept for low frequency (millihertz to hertz) gravitational wave observatories are laser interferometric detectors in space. It is usually assumed that the noise floor for such a detector is dominated by optical shot noise in the signal readout. For this to be true, a careful balance of mission parameters is crucial to keep all other parasitic disturbances below shot noise. We developed a web application that uses over 30 input parameters and considers many important technical noise sources and noise suppression techniques to derive a realistic position noise budget. It optimizes free parameters automatically and generates a detailed report on all individual noise contributions. Thus one can easily explore the entire parameter space and design a realistic gravitational wave observatory. In this document we describe the different parameters, present all underlying calculations, and compare the final observatory's sensitivity with astrophysical sources of gravitational waves. We use as an example parameters currently assumed to be likely applied to a space mission proposed to be launched in 2034 by the European Space Agency. The web application itself is publicly available on the Internet at http://spacegravity.org/designer. Future versions of the web application will incorporate the frequency dependence of different noise sources and include a more detailed model of the observatory's residual acceleration noise.


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We present a new technical simulator for the eLISA mission, based on state space modeling techniques and developed in MATLAB. This simulator computes the coordinate and velocity over time of each body involved in the constellation, i.e. the spacecraft and its test masses, taking into account the different disturbances and actuations. This allows studying the contribution of instrumental noises and system imperfections on the residual acceleration applied on the TMs, the latter reflecting the performance of the achieved free-fall along the sensitive axis. A preliminary version of the results is presented.


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Reinforced concrete structures are susceptible to a variety of deterioration mechanisms due to creep and shrinkage, alkali-silica reaction (ASR), carbonation, and corrosion of the reinforcement. The deterioration problems can affect the integrity and load carrying capacity of the structure. Substantial research has been dedicated to these various mechanisms aiming to identify the causes, reactions, accelerants, retardants and consequences. This has improved our understanding of the long-term behaviour of reinforced concrete structures. However, the strengthening of reinforced concrete structures for durability has to date been mainly undertaken after expert assessment of field data followed by the development of a scheme to both terminate continuing degradation, by separating the structure from the environment, and strengthening the structure. The process does not include any significant consideration of the residual load-bearing capacity of the structure and the highly variable nature of estimates of such remaining capacity. Development of performance curves for deteriorating bridge structures has not been attempted due to the difficulty in developing a model when the input parameters have an extremely large variability. This paper presents a framework developed for an asset management system which assesses residual capacity and identifies the most appropriate rehabilitation method for a given reinforced concrete structure exposed to aggressive environments. In developing the framework, several industry consultation sessions have been conducted to identify input data required, research methodology and output knowledge base. Capturing expert opinion in a useable knowledge base requires development of a rule based formulation, which can subsequently be used to model the reliability of the performance curve of a reinforced concrete structure exposed to a given environment.


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A need for an efficient life care management of building portfolio is becoming increasingly due to increase in aging building infrastructure globally. Appropriate structural engineering practices along with facility management can assist in optimising the remaining life cycle costs for existing public building portfolio. A more precise decision to either demolish, refurbish, do nothing or rebuilt option for any typical building under investigation is needed. In order to achieve this, the status of health of the building needs to be assessed considering several aspects including economic and supply-demand considerations. An investment decision for a refurbishment project competing with other capital works and/or refurbishment projects can be supported by emerging methodology residual service life assessment. This paper discusses challenges in refurbishment projects of public buildings and with a view towards development of residual service life assessment methodology


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Motor vehicle emission factors are generally derived from driving tests mimicking steady state conditions or transient drive cycles. However, neither of these test conditions completely represents real world driving conditions. In particular, they fail to determine emissions generated during the accelerating phase – a condition in which urban buses spend much of their time. In this study we analyse and compare the results of time-dependant emission measurements conducted on diesel and compressed natural gas (CNG) buses during an urban driving cycle on a chassis dynamometer and we derive power-law expressions relating carbon dioxide (CO2) emission factors to the instantaneous speed while accelerating from rest. Emissions during acceleration are compared with that during steady speed operation. These results have important implications for emission modelling particularly under congested traffic conditions.


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Crack is a significant influential factor in soil slope that could leads to rainfall-induced slope instability. Existence of cracks at soil surface will decrease the shear strength and increase the hydraulic conductivity of soil slope. Although previous research has shown the effect of surface-cracks in soil stability, the influence of deep-cracks on soil stability is still unknown. The limited availability of deep crack data due to the difficulty of effective investigate methods could be one of the obstacles. Current technology in electrical resistivity can be used to detect deep-cracks in soil. This paper discusses deep cracks in unsaturated residual soil slopes in Indonesia using electrical resistivity method. The field investigation such as bore hole and SPT tests was carried out at multiple locations in the area where the electrical resistivity testing have been conducted. Subsequently, the results from bore-hole and SPT test were used to verify the results of the electrical resistivity test. This study demonstrates the benefits and limitations of the electrical resistivity in detecting deep-cracks in a residual soil slopes.


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Residual amplitude modulation (RAM) mechanisms in electro-optic phase modulators are detrimental in applications that require high purity phase modulation of the incident laser beam. While the origins of RAMare not fully understood, measurements have revealed that it depends on the beam properties of the laser as well as the properties of the medium. Here we present experimental and theoretical results that demonstrate, for the first time, the dependence of RAM production in electro-optic phase modulators on beam intensity. The results show an order of magnitude increase in the level of RAM, around 10 dB, with a fifteenfold enhancement in the input intensity from 12 to 190 mW/mm 2. We show that this intensity dependent RAM is photorefractive in origin. © 2012 Optical Society of America.