964 resultados para Research and new techniques


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Fifty years ago Carl Sauer suggested, controversially and on the basis of theory rather than evidence, that Southeast Asia was the source area for agriculture throughout the Old World, including the Pacific. Since then, the archaeobotanical record (macroscopic and microscopic) from the Pacific islands has increased, leading to suggestions, also still controversial, that Melanesia was a center of origin of agriculture independent of South-east Asia, based on tree fruits and nuts and vegetatively propagated starchy staples. Such crops generally lack morphological markers of domestication, so exploitation, cultivation and domestication cannot easily be distinguished in the archaeological record. Molecular studies involving techniques such as chromosome painting, DNA fingerprinting and DNA sequencing, can potentially complement the archaeological record by suggesting where species which were spread through the Pacific by man originated and by what routes they attained their present distributions. A combination of archaeobotanical and molecular studies should therefore eventually enable the rival claims of Melanesia versus South-east Asia as independent centers of invention of agriculture to be assessed.


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Academic writing has a tendency to be turgid and impenetrable. This is not only anathema to communication between academics, but also a major barrier to advancing construction industry development. Clarity in our communication is a prerequisite to effective collaboration with industry. An exploration of what it means to be an academic in a University is presented in order to provide a context for a discussion on how academics might collaborate with industry to advance development. There are conflicting agendas that pull the academic in different directions: peer group recognition, institutional success and industry development. None can be achieved without the other, which results in the need for a careful balancing act. While academics search for better understandings and provisional explanations within the context of conceptual models, industry seeks the practical application of new ideas, whether the ideas come from research or experience. Universities have a key role to play in industry development and in economic development.


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Debates into the positioning of research and aligning them with new knowledge systems has received mixed reactions. Many argue that research needs to follow discrete silos of disciplinary knowledge where knowledge needs to remain within a particular and defined construct. However, in the global world that we now embrace, there is a burgeoning of new knowledge systems that have disrupted ‘traditional’ processes of carrying out research and foregrounded the encompassing of new knowledge systems that follow research pathways and methodologies that are all encompassing of the multifaceted educational and social systems that embrace specific postcolonial and indigenous societies. Much of this corollary has stemmed from historical and political factors that have seen the rise of some disciplines of knowledge and the non-awareness’s and non-recognition of others. This paper articulates from an auto-ethnographic perspective the discussion surrounding the positioning of research, new knowledge systems and interdisciplinary learning in the areas of International and Aboriginal students. Focusing on postcolonial theory and Aboriginal approaches to research, the author foregrounds the tensions of historiography, hybridity, subjectivities, collaborative sharing and voice through what she terms a ‘strands of knowledge’ approach in these two areas. In the process, the author conceptualises two definitions. These are: intra-paradigm shifts and the irreducibility of the ethics of research and discusses how they are integral concepts when researching in or around particular cultural communities and groups.


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Background: Significant morbidity and mortality are related to conventional aortic replacement surgery. Endovascular debranching techniques, fenestrated or branched endografts are time consuming and costly.Objective: We alternatively propose to use endovascular approach with parallel grafts for debranching of aortic arch.Methods: Under general anesthesia, 12 F sheaths were inserted in the femoral, axillary and common carotid arteries for vascular accesses. ViaBahn grafts 10 - 15 cm in length were placed into the aortic arch from right common carotid, left common carotid and left axillary arteries, until the tip of each graft reached into the ascending aorta. Through one femoral artery, the aortic stent-graft was positioned and delivered. Soon after, the parallel grafts were sequentially delivered. Self-spanding Wallstents(R) were used for parallel grafts reinforcement. Ballooning was routinely used for parallel grafts and rarely for aortic graft.Results: This technique was used in 2 cases. The first one was a lady with 72 years old, with an aortic retrograde dissection from left subclavian artery and involving remaining arch branches. Through right common carotid artery a stent-graft was placed in the ascending aorta and through the left common carotid artery a ViaBahn was inserted parallel to the former. A thoracic endograft then covered all the aortic arch dissection extending into the ascending aorta close to the sinu-tubular junction. The second case was a 82 year old male patient with a 7 cm aortic arch aneurysm. Through both common carotid arteries ViaBahn grafts were introduced and positioned into the ascending aorta. Soon after, the deployment of the thoracic stent graft covered all parallel grafts of the aortic arch, excluding the aneurysm. Both cases did not have neurologic or cardiac complications and were discharged 10 days after the procedure.Conclusions: This technique may be a good minimal invasive off-the-shelf technical option for aortic arch "debranching". More data and further improvements are required before this promising technique can be widely advocated. (C) 2011 European Society for Vascular Surgery. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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El processament d'imatges mèdiques és una important àrea de recerca. El desenvolupament de noves tècniques que assisteixin i millorin la interpretació visual de les imatges de manera ràpida i precisa és fonamental en entorns clínics reals. La majoria de contribucions d'aquesta tesi són basades en Teoria de la Informació. Aquesta teoria tracta de la transmissió, l'emmagatzemament i el processament d'informació i és usada en camps tals com física, informàtica, matemàtica, estadística, biologia, gràfics per computador, etc. En aquesta tesi, es presenten nombroses eines basades en la Teoria de la Informació que milloren els mètodes existents en l'àrea del processament d'imatges, en particular en els camps del registre i la segmentació d'imatges. Finalment es presenten dues aplicacions especialitzades per l'assessorament mèdic que han estat desenvolupades en el marc d'aquesta tesi.


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The world is urbanizing rapidly with more than half of the global population now living in cities. Improving urban environments for the well-being of the increasing number of urban citizens is becoming one of the most important challenges of the 21st century. Even though it is common that city planners have visions of a ’good urban milieu’, those visions are concerning visual aesthetics or practical matters. The qualitative perspective of sound, such as sonic diversity and acoustic ecology are neglected aspects in architectural design. Urban planners and politicians are therefore largely unaware of the importance of sounds for the intrinsic quality of a place. Whenever environmental acoustics is on the agenda, the topic is noise abatement or noise legislation – a quantitative attenuation of sounds. Some architects may involve acoustical aspects in their work but sound design or acoustic design has yet to develop to a distinct discipline and be incorporated in urban planning.My aim was to investigate to what extent the urban soundscape is likely to improve if modern architectural techniques merge with principles of acoustics. This is an important, yet unexplored, research area. My study explores and analyses the acoustical aspects in urban development and includes interviews with practitioners in the field of urban acoustics, situated in New York City. My conclusion is that to achieve a better understanding of the human living conditions in mega-cities, there is a need to include sonic components into the holistic sense of urban development.


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Issued by Florida Livestock Board and USDA. Agricultural Research Service, Animal Disease Eradication Division.


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Issued Sept. 1975.


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This paper focusses on the study of the underdrawings of 16th century easel paintings attributed to the workshop of the Portuguese-Flemish Master Frei Carlos. This investigation encompasses multidisciplinary research that relates the results of surface exams (infrared reflectography, standard light photography and infrared photography) with analytical investigations. The surface analysis of Frei Carlos’ underdrawings by infrared reflectography has shown heterogeneous work, revealing two different situations: (1) an abundant and expressive underdrawing, revealing a Flemish influence and (2) a simple and outlined underdrawing. This preliminary research raised an important question related to this Portuguese-Flemish workshop and to the analytical approach: Is the underdrawing's heterogeneity, as observed in the reflectograms, related to different artists or is this rather an effect that is produced due to the use of different materials in the underdrawing's execution? Consequently, if different materials were used, how can we have access to the hidden underdrawings? In order to understand the reasons for this dissemblance, chemical analysis of micro-samples collected in underdrawing areas and representing both situations were carried out by optical microscopy, micro Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (μ-FTIR), scanning electron microscopy coupled with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM-EDX) and micro-Raman spectroscopy (μ-Raman). Taking into account the different possibilities and practical and theoretical limitations of surface and punctual examinations in the study of easel painting underdrawings, the methodology of research was adjusted, sometimes resulting in a re-analysis of experimental results. This research shows the importance of combining multispectral surface exams and chemical analysis in the understanding of the artistic creative processes of 16th century easel paintings.


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With an increasing level of collaboration amongst researchers, software developers and industry practitioners in the past three decades, building information modelling (BIM) is now recognized as an emerging technological and procedural shift within the architect, engineering and construction (AEC) industry. BIM is not only considered as a way to make a profound impact on the professions of AEC, but is also regarded as an approach to assist the industry to develop new ways of thinking and practice. Despite the widespread development and recognition of BIM, a succinct and systematic review of the existing BIM research and achievement is scarce. It is also necessary to take stock on existing applications and have a fresh look at where BIM should be heading and how it can benefit from the advances being made. This paper first presents a review of BIM research and achievement in AEC industry. A number of suggestions are then made for future research in BIM. This paper maintains that the value of BIM during design and construction phases is well documented over the last decade, and new research needs to expand the level of development and analysis from design/build stage to postconstruction and facility asset management. New research in BIM could also move beyond the traditional building type to managing the broader range of facilities and built assets and providing preventative maintenance schedules for sustainable and intelligent buildings


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This paper raises the question of whether comparative national models of communications research can be developed, along the lines of Hallin and Mancini’s (2004) analysis of comparative media policy, or the work of Perraton and Clift (2004) on comparative national capitalisms. Taking consideration of communications research in Australia and New Zealand as its starting point, the paper will consider what are relevant variables in shaping an “intellectual milieu” for communications research in these countries, as compared to those of Europe, North America and Asia. Some possibly relevant variables include: • Type of media system (e.g. how significant is public service media?); • Political culture (e.g. are there significant left-of-centre political parties?); • Dominant intellectual traditions; • Level and types of research funding; • Overall structure of higher education system, and where communications sits within it. In considering whether such an exercise can or should be undertaken, we can also evaluate, as Hallin and Mancini do, the significance of potentially homogenizing forces. These would include globalization, new media technologies, and the rise of a global “audit culture”. The paper will raise these issues as questions that emerge as we consider, as Curran and Park (2000) and Thussu (2009) have proposed, what a “de-Westernized” media and communications research paradigm may look like.


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The term literacy remains highly contested and debates continue about how literacy might best be researched and to what ends. For some, literacy is simply a matter of acquiring the technical competence which enables people to read and write. Literacy research conducted from this point of view does not usually concern itself with the new media but rather focuses on how people learn to code and decode print text. For others, however, literacy is more complex and involves learning a repertoire of practices for communicating and getting things done in particular social and cultural contexts. Literacy research conducted from this sociocultural point of view accepts that the new media are central to the field because in everyday cultural practice people are using the new media to make meaning, to express themselves and to communicate and work with others. Socio-cultural approaches to literacy research have already provided rich material which has assisted educators to understand literacy practices in everyday use (e.g. Barton & Hamilton, 1998; Barton, Hamilton and Ivanic, 2000) including children’s appropriation of the media in school-based writing (Dyson, 1997). However, the changing semiotic and cultural practices associated with new media and online participation have less frequently been the object of study...