880 resultados para Requisito não-funcional. Arquitetura de software. NFR-framework. Padrão arquitetural


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The importance of non-functional requirements for computer systems is increasing. Satisfying these requirements requires special attention to the software architecture, since an unsuitable architecture introduces greater complexity in addition to the intrinsic complexity of the system. Some studies have shown that, despite requirements engineering and software architecture activities act on different aspects of development, they must be performed iteratively and intertwined to produce satisfactory software systems. The STREAM process presents a systematic approach to reduce the gap between requirements and architecture development, emphasizing the functional requirements, but using the non-functional requirements in an ad hoc way. However, non-functional requirements typically influence the system as a whole. Thus, the STREAM uses Architectural Patterns to refine the software architecture. These patterns are chosen by using non-functional requirements in an ad hoc way. This master thesis presents a process to improve STREAM in making the choice of architectural patterns systematic by using non-functional requirements, in order to guide the refinement of a software architecture


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A agencia de informação Embrapa disponibiliza na internet informação qualificada e organizada e, muitas vezes, também aquelas geradas pela própria Embrapa. As soluções de software esposta neste trabalho são dirigidas ao gerenciamento dessas informações, que são armazenadas em base de dados centralizada e atualizada via internet por aplicativos deste sistema. O objetivo de apresentar essas soluções é contribuir para o desenvolvimento de sistemas com orientação metodológica similar. Este sistema teve como principal identificação de requisitos as falhas existentes na primeira versão do mesmo, que foi orientada exclusivamente para manipulação de dados formatados em XML. A nova versão traz uma arquitetura baseada nas orientações Java 2 Enterprise Editon (J2EE): modelo em camadas (orientação Model View Controler-MVC), uso de containers e sistema gerenciador de banco de dados. O resultado é um sistema mais robusto em seu todo, além das melhorias de manutenabilidade. Termos para indexação:J2EE, XML, PDOM, Model view controller- MVC, Oracle.


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Due to the current need of the industry to integrate data of the beginning of production originating from of several sources and of transforming them in useful information for sockets of decisions, a search exists every time larger for systems of visualization of information that come to collaborate with that functionality. On the other hand, a common practice nowadays, due to the high competitiveness of the market, it is the development of industrial systems that possess characteristics of modularity, distribution, flexibility, scalability, adaptation, interoperability, reusability and access through web. Those characteristics provide an extra agility and a larger easiness in adapting to the frequent changes of demand of the market. Based on the arguments exposed above, this work consists of specifying a component-based architecture, with the respective development of a system based on that architecture, for the visualization of industrial data. The system was conceived to be capable to supply on-line information and, optionally, historical information of variables originating from of the beginning of production. In this work it is shown that the component-based architecture developed possesses the necessary requirements for the obtaining of a system robust, reliable and of easy maintenance, being, like this, in agreement with the industrial needs. The use of that architecture allows although components can be added, removed or updated in time of execution, through a manager of components through web, still activating more the adaptation process and updating of the system


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In this work, we propose the Interperception paradigm, a new approach that includes a set of rules and a software architecture for merge users from different interfaces in the same virtual environment. The system detects the user resources and provide transformations on the data in order to allow its visualization in 3D, 2D and textual (1D) interfaces. This allows any user to connect, access information, and exchange information with other users in a feasible way, without needs of changing hardware or software. As results are presented two virtual environments builded acording this paradigm


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We propose in this work a software architecture for robotic boats intended to act in diverse aquatic environments, fully autonomously, performing telemetry to a base station and getting this mission to be accomplished. This proposal aims to apply within the project N-Boat Lab NatalNet DCA, which aims to empower a sailboat navigating autonomously. The constituent components of this architecture are the memory modules, strategy, communication, sensing, actuation, energy, security and surveillance, making these systems the boat and base station. To validate the simulator was developed in C language and implemented using the graphics API OpenGL resources, whose main results were obtained in the implementation of memory, performance and strategy modules, more specifically data sharing, control of sails and rudder and planning short routes based on an algorithm for navigation, respectively. The experimental results, shown in this study indicate the feasibility of the actual use of the software architecture developed and their application in the area of autonomous mobile robotics


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Os sensores inteligentes são dispositivos que se diferenciam dos sensores comuns por apresentar capacidade de processamento sobre os dados monitorados. Eles tipicamente são compostos por uma fonte de alimentação, transdutores (sensores e atuadores), memória, processador e transceptor. De acordo com o padrão IEEE 1451 um sensor inteligente pode ser dividido em módulos TIM e NCAP que devem se comunicar através de uma interface padronizada chamada TII. O módulo NCAP é a parte do sensor inteligente que comporta o processador. Portanto, ele é o responsável por atribuir a característica de inteligência ao sensor. Existem várias abordagens que podem ser utilizadas para o desenvolvimento desse módulo, dentre elas se destacam aquelas que utilizam microcontroladores de baixo custo e/ou FPGA. Este trabalho aborda o desenvolvimento de uma arquitetura hardware/software para um módulo NCAP segundo o padrão IEEE 1451.1. A infra-estrutura de hardware é composta por um driver de interface RS-232, uma memória RAM de 512kB, uma interface TII, o processador embarcado NIOS II e um simulador do módulo TIM. Para integração dos componentes de hardware é utilizada ferramenta de integração automática SOPC Builder. A infra-estrutura de software é composta pelo padrão IEEE 1451.1 e pela aplicação especí ca do NCAP que simula o monitoramento de pressão e temperatura em poços de petróleo com o objetivo de detectar vazamento. O módulo proposto é embarcado em uma FPGA e para a sua prototipação é usada a placa DE2 da Altera que contém a FPGA Cyclone II EP2C35F672C6. O processador embarcado NIOS II é utilizado para dar suporte à infra-estrutura de software do NCAP que é desenvolvido na linguagem C e se baseia no padrão IEEE 1451.1. A descrição do comportamento da infra-estrutura de hardware é feita utilizando a linguagem VHDL


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There is growing interest in the use of context-awareness as a technique for developing pervasive computing applications that are flexible, adaptable, and capable of acting autonomously on behalf of users. However, context-awareness introduces various software engineering challenges, as well as privacy and usability concerns. In this paper, we present a conceptual framework and software infrastructure that together address known software engineering challenges, and enable further practical exploration of social and usability issues by facilitating the prototyping and fine-tuning of context-aware applications.


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Our research described in this paper identifies a three part premise relating to the spyware paradigm. Firstly the data suggests spyware is proliferating at an exponential rate. Secondly ongoing research confirms that spyware produces many security risks – including that of privacy/confidentiality breaches via illicit data collection and reporting. Thirdly, anti-spyware controls are improving but are still considered problematic for several reasons. Our research then concludes that control measures to counter this very significant challenge should merit compliance auditing – and this auditing may effectively target the vital message passing performed by all illicit data collection spyware. Our research then evolves into an experiment involving the design and implementation of a software audit tool to conduct the desired compliance auditing. The software audit tool is positioned at the protected network’s gateway. The software audit tool uses ‘phone-home’ IP addresses as spyware signatures to detect the presence of the offending software. The audit tool also has the capability to differentiate legitimate message passing software from that produced by spyware – and ‘learn’ both new spyware signatures and new legitimate message passing profiles. The testing stage of the software has proven successful – albeit using very limited levels of network message passing variety and frequency.


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When developing software for autonomous mobile robots, one has to inevitably tackle some kind of perception. Moreover, when dealing with agents that possess some level of reasoning for executing their actions, there is the need to model the environment and the robot internal state in a way that it represents the scenario in which the robot operates. Inserted in the ATRI group, part of the IEETA research unit at Aveiro University, this work uses two of the projects of the group as test bed, particularly in the scenario of robotic soccer with real robots. With the main objective of developing algorithms for sensor and information fusion that could be used e ectively on these teams, several state of the art approaches were studied, implemented and adapted to each of the robot types. Within the MSL RoboCup team CAMBADA, the main focus was the perception of ball and obstacles, with the creation of models capable of providing extended information so that the reasoning of the robot can be ever more e ective. To achieve it, several methodologies were analyzed, implemented, compared and improved. Concerning the ball, an analysis of ltering methodologies for stabilization of its position and estimation of its velocity was performed. Also, with the goal keeper in mind, work has been done to provide it with information of aerial balls. As for obstacles, a new de nition of the way they are perceived by the vision and the type of information provided was created, as well as a methodology for identifying which of the obstacles are team mates. Also, a tracking algorithm was developed, which ultimately assigned each of the obstacles a unique identi er. Associated with the improvement of the obstacles perception, a new algorithm of estimating reactive obstacle avoidance was created. In the context of the SPL RoboCup team Portuguese Team, besides the inevitable adaptation of many of the algorithms already developed for sensor and information fusion and considering that it was recently created, the objective was to create a sustainable software architecture that could be the base for future modular development. The software architecture created is based on a series of di erent processes and the means of communication among them. All processes were created or adapted for the new architecture and a base set of roles and behaviors was de ned during this work to achieve a base functional framework. In terms of perception, the main focus was to de ne a projection model and camera pose extraction that could provide information in metric coordinates. The second main objective was to adapt the CAMBADA localization algorithm to work on the NAO robots, considering all the limitations it presents when comparing to the MSL team, especially in terms of computational resources. A set of support tools were developed or improved in order to support the test and development in both teams. In general, the work developed during this thesis improved the performance of the teams during play and also the e ectiveness of the developers team when in development and test phases.


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Apresenta um plano para implantação de uma Arquitetura Orientada a Serviços "SOA", na Câmara dos Deputados - Brasil. O plano de implantação SOA foi estruturado em dois projetos: "Entender SOA" e "Implantar SOA", descritos em suas macro atividades e foi embasado em um arcabouço teórico fundamentado em significativa literatura pesquisada que incluiu os modelos de referência e de arquitetura SOA disponíveis. Foram abordados, além dos aspectos tecnológicos, as questões de governança de TI e questões de cultura organizacional que precisam ser consideradas em projetos dessa natureza, considerando que SOA não é simplesmente uma questão de tecnologia, mas fundamentalmente uma questão de negócio e governança empresarial. Os aspectos de TI também foram explorados de forma suficiente para que as equipes técnicas tenham condições de implementar os princípios de desenho da arquitetura SOA.


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The work described in this thesis aims to support the distributed design of integrated systems and considers specifically the need for collaborative interaction among designers. Particular emphasis was given to issues which were only marginally considered in previous approaches, such as the abstraction of the distribution of design automation resources over the network, the possibility of both synchronous and asynchronous interaction among designers and the support for extensible design data models. Such issues demand a rather complex software infrastructure, as possible solutions must encompass a wide range of software modules: from user interfaces to middleware to databases. To build such structure, several engineering techniques were employed and some original solutions were devised. The core of the proposed solution is based in the joint application of two homonymic technologies: CAD Frameworks and object-oriented frameworks. The former concept was coined in the late 80's within the electronic design automation community and comprehends a layered software environment which aims to support CAD tool developers, CAD administrators/integrators and designers. The latter, developed during the last decade by the software engineering community, is a software architecture model to build extensible and reusable object-oriented software subsystems. In this work, we proposed to create an object-oriented framework which includes extensible sets of design data primitives and design tool building blocks. Such object-oriented framework is included within a CAD Framework, where it plays important roles on typical CAD Framework services such as design data representation and management, versioning, user interfaces, design management and tool integration. The implemented CAD Framework - named Cave2 - followed the classical layered architecture presented by Barnes, Harrison, Newton and Spickelmier, but the possibilities granted by the use of the object-oriented framework foundations allowed a series of improvements which were not available in previous approaches: - object-oriented frameworks are extensible by design, thus this should be also true regarding the implemented sets of design data primitives and design tool building blocks. This means that both the design representation model and the software modules dealing with it can be upgraded or adapted to a particular design methodology, and that such extensions and adaptations will still inherit the architectural and functional aspects implemented in the object-oriented framework foundation; - the design semantics and the design visualization are both part of the object-oriented framework, but in clearly separated models. This allows for different visualization strategies for a given design data set, which gives collaborating parties the flexibility to choose individual visualization settings; - the control of the consistency between semantics and visualization - a particularly important issue in a design environment with multiple views of a single design - is also included in the foundations of the object-oriented framework. Such mechanism is generic enough to be also used by further extensions of the design data model, as it is based on the inversion of control between view and semantics. The view receives the user input and propagates such event to the semantic model, which evaluates if a state change is possible. If positive, it triggers the change of state of both semantics and view. Our approach took advantage of such inversion of control and included an layer between semantics and view to take into account the possibility of multi-view consistency; - to optimize the consistency control mechanism between views and semantics, we propose an event-based approach that captures each discrete interaction of a designer with his/her respective design views. The information about each interaction is encapsulated inside an event object, which may be propagated to the design semantics - and thus to other possible views - according to the consistency policy which is being used. Furthermore, the use of event pools allows for a late synchronization between view and semantics in case of unavailability of a network connection between them; - the use of proxy objects raised significantly the abstraction of the integration of design automation resources, as either remote or local tools and services are accessed through method calls in a local object. The connection to remote tools and services using a look-up protocol also abstracted completely the network location of such resources, allowing for resource addition and removal during runtime; - the implemented CAD Framework is completely based on Java technology, so it relies on the Java Virtual Machine as the layer which grants the independence between the CAD Framework and the operating system. All such improvements contributed to a higher abstraction on the distribution of design automation resources and also introduced a new paradigm for the remote interaction between designers. The resulting CAD Framework is able to support fine-grained collaboration based on events, so every single design update performed by a designer can be propagated to the rest of the design team regardless of their location in the distributed environment. This can increase the group awareness and allow a richer transfer of experiences among them, improving significantly the collaboration potential when compared to previously proposed file-based or record-based approaches. Three different case studies were conducted to validate the proposed approach, each one focusing one a subset of the contributions of this thesis. The first one uses the proxy-based resource distribution architecture to implement a prototyping platform using reconfigurable hardware modules. The second one extends the foundations of the implemented object-oriented framework to support interface-based design. Such extensions - design representation primitives and tool blocks - are used to implement a design entry tool named IBlaDe, which allows the collaborative creation of functional and structural models of integrated systems. The third case study regards the possibility of integration of multimedia metadata to the design data model. Such possibility is explored in the frame of an online educational and training platform.


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BRITTO, Ricardo S.; MEDEIROS, Adelardo A. D.; ALSINA, Pablo J. Uma arquitetura distribuída de hardware e software para controle de um robô móvel autônomo. In: SIMPÓSIO BRASILEIRO DE AUTOMAÇÃO INTELIGENTE,8., 2007, Florianópolis. Anais... Florianópolis: SBAI, 2007.


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In the context of Software Engineering, web accessibility is gaining more room, establishing itself as an important quality attribute. This fact is due to initiatives of institutions such as the W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) and the introduction of norms and laws such as Section 508 that underlie the importance of developing accessible Web sites and applications. Despite these improvements, the lack of web accessibility is still a persistent problem, and could be related to the moment or phase in which this requirement is solved within the development process. From the moment when Web accessibility is generally regarded as a programming problem or treated when the application is already developed entirely. Thus, consider accessibility already during activities of analysis and requirements specification shows itself a strategy to facilitate project progress, avoiding rework in advanced phases of software development because of possible errors, or omissions in the elicitation. The objective of this research is to develop a method and a tool to support requirements elicitation of web accessibility. The strategy for the requirements elicitation of this method is grounded by the Goal-Oriented approach NFR Framework and the use of catalogs NFRs, created based on the guidelines contained in WCAG 2.0 (Web Content Accessibility Guideline) proposed by W3C


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Computational Swarms (enxames computacionais), consistindo da integração de sensores e atuadores inteligentes no nosso mundo conectado, possibilitam uma extensão da info-esfera no mundo físico. Nós chamamos esta info-esfera extendida, cíber-física, de Swarm. Este trabalho propõe uma visão de Swarm onde dispositivos computacionais cooperam dinâmica e oportunisticamente, gerando redes orgânicas e heterogêneas. A tese apresenta uma arquitetura computacional do Plano de Controle do Sistema Operacional do Swarm, que é uma camada de software distribuída embarcada em todos os dispositivos que fazem parte do Swarm, responsável por gerenciar recursos, definindo atores, como descrever e utilizar serviços e recursos (como divulgá-los e descobrí-los, como realizar transações, adaptações de conteúdos e cooperação multiagentes). O projeto da arquitetura foi iniciado com uma revisão da caracterização do conceito de Swarm, revisitando a definição de termos e estabelecendo uma terminologia para ser utilizada. Requisitos e desafios foram identificados e uma visão operacional foi proposta. Esta visão operacional foi exercitada com casos de uso e os elementos arquiteturais foram extraídos dela e organizados em uma arquitetura. A arquitetura foi testada com os casos de uso, gerando revisões do sistema. Cada um dos elementos arquiteturais requereram revisões do estado da arte. Uma prova de conceito do Plano de Controle foi implementada e uma demonstração foi proposta e implementada. A demonstração selecionada foi o Smart Jukebox, que exercita os aspectos distribuídos e a dinamicidade do sistema proposto. Este trabalho apresenta a visão do Swarm computacional e apresenta uma plataforma aplicável na prática. A evolução desta arquitetura pode ser a base de uma rede global, heterogênea e orgânica de redes de dispositivos computacionais alavancando a integração de sistemas cíber-físicos na núvem permitindo a cooperação de sistemas escaláveis e flexíveis, interoperando para alcançar objetivos comuns.