945 resultados para Replication forks


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Homologous recombination repair (HRR) is required for both the repair of DNA double strand breaks (DSBs) and the maintenance of the integrity of DNA replication forks. To determine the effect of a mutant allele of the RAD51 paralog XRCC2 (342delT) found in an HRR-defective tumour cell line, 342delT was introduced into HRR proficient cells containing a recombination reporter substrate. In one set of transfectants, expression of 342delT conferred sensitivity to thymidine and mitomycin C and suppressed HRR induced at the recombination reporter by thymidine but not by DSBs. In a second set of transfectants, the expression of 342delT was accompanied by a decreased level of the full-length XRCC2. These cells were defective in the induction of HRR by either thymidine or DSBs. Thus 342delT suppresses recombination induced by thymidine in a dominant negative manner while recombination induced by DSBs appears to depend upon the level of XRCC2 as well as the expression of the mutant XRCC2 allele. These results suggest that HRR pathways responding to stalled replication forks or DSBs are genetically distinguishable. They further suggest a critical role for XRCC2 in HRR at replication forks, possibly in the loading of RAD51 onto gapped DNA.


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Aberrant DNA replication is a primary cause of mutations that are associated with pathological disorders including cancer. During DNA metabolism, the primary causes of replication fork stalling include secondary DNA structures, highly transcribed regions and damaged DNA. The restart of stalled replication forks is critical for the timely progression of the cell cycle and ultimately for the maintenance of genomic stability. Our previous work has implicated the single-stranded DNA binding protein, hSSB1/NABP2, in the repair of DNA double-strand breaks via homologous recombination. Here, we demonstrate that hSSB1 relocates to hydroxyurea (HU)-damaged replication forks where it is required for ATR and Chk1 activation and recruitment of Mre11 and Rad51. Consequently, hSSB1-depleted cells fail to repair and restart stalled replication forks. hSSB1 deficiency causes accumulation of DNA strand breaks and results in chromosome aberrations observed in mitosis, ultimately resulting in hSSB1 being required for survival to HU and camptothecin. Overall, our findings demonstrate the importance of hSSB1 in maintaining and repairing DNA replication forks and for overall genomic stability.


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Aberrant DNA replication, defects in the protection, and restart of stalled replication forks are major causes of genome instability in all organisms. Replication fork reversal is emerging as an evolutionarily conserved physiological response for restart of stalled forks. Escherichia coli RecG, RuvAB, and RecA proteins have been shown to reverse the model replication fork structures in vitro. However, the pathways and the mechanisms by which Mycobacterium tuberculosis, a slow growing human pathogen, responds to different types of replication stress and DNA damage are unclear. Here, we show that M. tuberculosis RecG rescues E. coli Delta recG cells from replicative stress. The purified M. tuberculosis RecG (MtRecG) and RuvAB(MtRuvAB) proteins catalyze fork reversal of model replication fork structures with and without a leading strand single-stranded DNA gap. Interestingly, single-stranded DNA-binding protein suppresses the MtRecG- and MtRuvAB-mediated fork reversal with substrates that contain lagging strand gap. Notably, our comparative studies with fork structures containing template damage and template switching mechanism of lesion bypass reveal that MtRecG but not MtRuvAB or MtRecA is proficient in driving the fork reversal. Finally, unlike MtRuvAB, we find that MtRecG drives efficient reversal of forks when fork structures are tightly bound by protein. These results provide direct evidence and valuable insights into the underlying mechanism of MtRecG-catalyzed replication fork remodeling and restart pathways in vivo.


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DNA synthesis is an accurate and very processive phenomenon; nevertheless, replication fork progression on chromosomes can be impeded by DNA lesions, DNA secondary structures, or DNA-bound proteins. Elements interfering with the progression of replication forks have been reported to induce rearrangements and/or render homologous recombination essential for viability, in all organisms from bacteria to human. Arrested replication forks may be the target of nucleases, thereby providing a substrate for double-strand break repair enzyme. For example in bacteria, direct fork breakage was proposed to occur at replication forks blocked by a bona fide replication terminator sequence, a specific site that arrests bacterial chromosome replication. Alternatively, an arrested replication fork may be transformed into a recombination substrate by reversal of the forked structures. In reversed forks, the last duplicated portions of the template strands reanneal, allowing the newly synthesized strands to pair. In bacteria, this reaction was proposed to occur in replication mutants, in which fork arrest is caused by a defect in a replication protein, and in UV irradiated cells. Recent studies suggest that it may also occur in eukaryote organisms. We will review here observations that link replication hindrance with DNA rearrangements and the possible underlying molecular processes.


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Alternative reproductive cycles make use of different strategies to generate different reproductive products. In Escherichia coli, recA and several other rec genes are required for the generation of recombinant genomes during Hfr conjugation. During normal asexual reproduction, many of these same genes are needed to generate clonal products from UV-irradiated cells. However, unlike conjugation, this latter process also requires the function of the nucleotide excision repair genes. Following UV irradiation, the recovery of DNA replication requires uvrA and uvrC, as well as recA, recF, and recR. The rec genes appear to be required to protect and maintain replication forks that are arrested at DNA lesions, based on the extensive degradation of the nascent DNA that occurs in their absence. The products of the recJ and recQ genes process the blocked replication forks before the resumption of replication and may affect the fidelity of the recovery process. We discuss a model in which several rec gene products process replication forks arrested by DNA damage to facilitate the repair of the blocking DNA lesions by nucleotide excision repair, thereby allowing processive replication to resume with no need for strand exchanges or recombination. The poor survival of cellular populations that depend on recombinational pathways (compared with that in their excision repair proficient counterparts) suggests that at least some of the rec genes may be designed to function together with nucleotide excision repair in a common and predominant pathway by which cells faithfully recover replication and survive following UV-induced DNA damage.


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Replication forks are halted by many types of DNA damage. At the site of a leading-strand DNA lesion, forks may stall and leave the lesion in a single-strand gap. Fork regression is the first step in several proposed pathways that permit repair without generating a double-strand break. Using model DNA substrates designed to mimic one of the known structures of a fork stalled at a leading-strand lesion, we show here that RecA protein of Escherichia coli will promote a fork regression reaction in vitro. The regression process exhibits an absolute requirement for ATP hydrolysis and is enhanced when dATP replaces ATP. The reaction is not affected by the inclusion of the RecO and R proteins. We present this reaction as one of several potential RecA protein roles in the repair of stalled and/or collapsed replication forks in bacteria.


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Modification of damaged replication forks is emerging as a crucial factor for efficient chromosomal duplication and the avoidance of genetic instability. The RecG helicase of Escherichia coli, which is involved in recombination and DNA repair, has been postulated to act on stalled replication forks to promote replication restart via the formation of a four-stranded (Holliday) junction. Here we show that RecG can actively unwind the leading and lagging strand arms of model replication fork structures in vitro. Unwinding is achieved in each case by simultaneous interaction with and translocation along both the leading and lagging strand templates at a fork. Disruption of either of these interactions dramatically inhibits unwinding of the opposing duplex arm. Thus, RecG translocates simultaneously along two DNA strands, one with 5′-3′ and the other with 3′-5′ polarity. The unwinding of both nascent strands at a damaged fork, and their subsequent annealing to form a Holliday junction, may explain the ability of RecG to promote replication restart. Moreover, the preferential binding of partial forks lacking a leading strand suggests that RecG may have the ability to target stalled replication intermediates in vivo in which lagging strand synthesis has continued beyond the leading strand.


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Replication forks formed at bacterial origins often encounter template roadblocks in the form of DNA adducts and frozen protein–DNA complexes, leading to replication-fork stalling and inactivation. Subsequent correction of the corrupting template lesion and origin-independent assembly of a new replisome therefore are required for survival of the bacterium. A number of models for replication-fork restart under these conditions posit that nascent strand regression at the stalled fork generates a Holliday junction that is a substrate for subsequent processing by recombination and repair enzymes. We show here that early replication intermediates containing replication forks stalled in vitro by the accumulation of excess positive supercoils could be cleaved by the Holliday junction resolvases RusA and RuvC. Cleavage by RusA was inhibited by the presence of RuvA and was stimulated by RecG, confirming the presence of Holliday junctions in the replication intermediate and supporting the previous proposal that RecG could catalyze nascent strand regression at stalled replication forks. Furthermore, RecG promoted Holliday junction formation when replication intermediates in which the replisome had been inactivated were negatively supercoiled, suggesting that under intracellular conditions, the action of RecG, or helicases with similar activities, is necessary for the catalysis of nascent strand regression.


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Mammalian RAD51 paralogs are implicated in the repair of collapsed replication forks by homologous recombination. However, their physiological roles in replication fork maintenance prior to fork collapse remain obscure. Here, we report on the role of RAD51 paralogs in short-term replicative stress devoid of DSBs. We show that RAD51 paralogs localize to nascent DNA and common fragile sites upon replication fork stalling. Strikingly, RAD51 paralogs deficient cells exhibit elevated levels of 53BP1 nuclear bodies and increased DSB formation, the latter being attributed to extensive degradation of nascent DNA at stalled forks. RAD51C and XRCC3 promote the restart of stalled replication in an ATP hydrolysis dependent manner by disengaging RAD51 and other RAD51 paralogs from the halted forks. Notably, we find that Fanconi anemia (FA)-like disorder and breast and ovarian cancer patient derived mutations of RAD51C fails to protect replication fork, exhibit under-replicated genomic regions and elevated micro-nucleation. Taken together, RAD51 paralogs prevent degradation of stalled forks and promote the restart of halted replication to avoid replication fork collapse, thereby maintaining genomic integrity and suppressing tumorigenesis.


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Genetically distinct checkpoints, activated as a consequence of either DNA replication arrest or ionizing radiation-induced DNA damage, integrate DNA repair responses into the cell cycle programme. The ataxia-telangiectasia mutated (ATM) protein kinase blocks cell cycle progression in response to DNA double strand breaks, whereas the related ATR is important in maintaining the integrity of the DNA replication apparatus. Here, we show that thymidine, which slows the progression of replication forks by depleting cellular pools of dCTP, induces a novel DNA damage response that, uniquely, depends on both ATM and ATR. Thymidine induces ATM-mediated phosphorylation of Chk2 and NBS1 and an ATM-independent phosphorylation of Chk1 and SMC1. AT cells exposed to thymidine showed decreased viability and failed to induce homologous recombination repair (HRR). Taken together, our results implicate ATM in the HRR-mediated rescue of replication forks impaired by thymidine treatment.


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Initially discovered in Escherichia coli, RuvAB proteins are ubiquitous in bacteria and play a dual role as molecular motor proteins responsible for branch migration of the Holliday junction(s) and reversal of stalled replication forks. Despite mounting genetic evidence for a crucial role of RuvA and RuvB proteins in reversal of stalled replication forks, the mechanistic aspects of this process are still not fully understood. Here, we elucidate the ability of Mycobacterium tuberculosis RuvAB (MtRuvAB) complex to catalyze the reversal of replication forks using a range of DNA replication fork substrates. Our studies show that MtRuvAB, unlike E. coli RuvAB, is able to drive replication fork reversal via the formation of Holliday junction intermediates, suggesting that RuvAB-catalyzed fork reversal involves concerted unwinding and annealing of nascent leading and lagging strands. We also demonstrate the reversal of replication forks carrying hemi-replicated DNA, indicating that MtRuvAB complex-catalyzed fork reversal is independent of symmetry at the fork junction. The fork reversal reaction catalyzed by MtRuvAB is coupled to ATP hydrolysis, is processive, and culminates in the formation of an extended reverse DNA arm. Notably, we found that sequence heterology failed to impede the fork reversal activity of MtRuvAB. We discuss the implications of these results in the context of recognition and processing of varied types of replication fork structures by RuvAB proteins.


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Chk1 both arrests replication forks and enhances repair of DNA damage by phosphorylating downstream effectors. Although there has been a concerted effort to identify effectors of Chk1 activity, underlying mechanisms of effector action are still being identified. Metnase (also called SETMAR) is a SET and transposase domain protein that promotes both DNA double-strand break (DSB) repair and restart of stalled replication forks. In this study, we show that Metnase is phosphorylated only on Ser495 (S495) in vivo in response to DNA damage by ionizing radiation. Chk1 is the major mediator of this phosphorylation event. We had previously shown that wild-type (wt) Metnase associates with chromatin near DSBs and methylates histone H3 Lys36. Here we show that a Ser495Ala (S495A) Metnase mutant, which is not phosphorylated by Chk1, is defective in DSB-induced chromatin association. The S495A mutant also fails to enhance repair of an induced DSB when compared with wt Metnase. Interestingly, the S495A mutant demonstrated increased restart of stalled replication forks compared with wt Metnase. Thus, phosphorylation of Metnase S495 differentiates between these two functions, enhancing DSB repair and repressing replication fork restart. In summary, these data lend insight into the mechanism by which Chk1 enhances repair of DNA damage while at the same time repressing stalled replication fork restart. Oncogene (2012) 31, 4245-4254; doi:10.1038/onc.2011.586; published online 9 January 2012


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ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling has been shown to be critical for transcription and DNA repair. However, the involvement of ATP-dependent chromatin remodeling in DNA replication remains poorly defined. Interestingly, we found that the INO80 chromatin-remodeling complex is directly involved in the DNA damage tolerance pathways activated during DNA replication. DNA damage tolerance is important for genomic stability and is controlled by formation of either mono-ubiquitinated or multi-ubiquitinated PCNA, which respectively induce error prone or error-free replication bypass of the lesions. In addition, homologous recombination (HR) mediated by the Rad51 pathway is also involved in the DNA damage tolerance pathways. ^ We found that INO80 is specifically recruited to replication origins during S phase in a genome-wide fashion. In addition, DNA combing analysis shows INO80 is required for the resumption of replication at stalled forks induced by methyl methane-sulfonate (MMS). Mechanistically, we find that INO80 is required for PCNA ubiquitination as well as for Rad51 mediated processing of replication forks after MMS treatment. Furthermore, chromatin immunoprecipitation at specific ARSs indicates INO80 is necessary for Rad18 and Rad51 recruitment to replication forks after MMS treatment. Moreover, 2D gel analysis shows INO80 is necessary to process Rad51 mediated intermediates at impeded replication forks. ^ In conclusion, our findings establish a novel role of a chromatin-remodeling complex in DNA damage tolerance pathways and suggest that chromatin remodeling is fundamentally important to ensure faithful replication of DNA and genome stability in eukaryotes. ^


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Protein phosphatase 2A (PP2A) is an abundant, multifunctional serine/threonine-specific phosphatase that stimulates simian virus 40 DNA replication. The question as to whether chromosomal DNA replication also depends on PP2A was addressed by using a cell-free replication system derived from Xenopus laevis eggs. Immunodepletion of PP2A from Xenopus egg extract resulted in strong inhibition of DNA replication. PP2A was required for the initiation of replication but not for the elongation of previously engaged replication forks. Therefore, the initiation of chromosomal DNA replication depends not only on phosphorylation by protein kinases but also on dephosphorylation by PP2A.


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Chromosomal replication in Escherichia coli was studied by flow cytometry and was found to be inhibited by an extracellular factor present in conditioned media collected during late exponential and early stationary phase, i.e., via a quorum-sensing mechanism. Our results suggest that the inhibitory activity of the extracellular factor is exerted during initiation of DNA replication rather than during elongation. Furthermore, we present evidence that this interaction may occur directly at each of the replication forks. Unlike other quorum-sensing systems described so far for Gram-negative bacteria, this inhibitory activity does not require transcription or translation to be effective. Implications of quorum-sensing regulation of DNA replication are discussed.