964 resultados para Renal bone disease


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Low bone remodeling and relatively low serum parathyroid hormone (PTH) levels characterize adynamic bone disease (ABD). The impact of renal transplantation (RT) on the course of ABD is unknown. We studied prospectively 13 patients with biopsy-proven ABD after RT. Bone histomorphometry and bone mineral density (BMD) measurements were performed in the 1st and 12th months after RT. Serum PTH, 25-hydroxyvitamin D, 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D, and osteocalcin were measured regularly throughout the study. Serum PTH levels were slightly elevated at transplantation, normalized at the end of the third month and remained stable thereafter. Bone biopsies performed in the first month after RT revealed low bone turnover in all patients, with positive bone aluminum staining in 5. In the 12th month, second biopsies were performed on 12 patients. Bone histomorphometric dynamic parameters improved in 9 and were completely normalized in 6, whereas no bone mineralization was detected in 3 of these 12 patients. At 12 months post-RT, no bone aluminum was detected in any patient. We also found a decrease in lumbar BMD and an increase in femoral BMD. Patients suffering from ABD, even those with a reduction in PTH levels, may present partial or complete recovery of bone turnover after successful renal transplantation. However, it is not possible to positively identify the mechanisms responsible for the improvement. Identifying these mechanisms should lead to a better understanding of the physiopathology of ABD and to the development of more effective treatments.


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The guidelines proposed by the Kidney Disease Outcomes Quality Initiative (K/DOQI) suggested that intact parathyroid hormone (iPTH) should be maintained in a target range between 150 and 300 pg ml(-1) for patients with stage 5 chronic kidney disease. Our study sought to verify the effectiveness of that range in preventing bone remodeling problems in hemodialysis patients. We measured serum ionized calcium and phosphorus while iPTH was measured by a second-generation assay. Transiliac bone biopsies were performed at the onset of the study and after completing 1 year follow-up. The PTH levels decreased within the target range in about one-fourth of the patients at baseline and at the end of the study. The bone biopsies of two-thirds of the patients were classified as showing low turnover and a one-fourth showed high turnover, the remainder having normal turnover. In the group achieving the target levels of iPTH 88% had low turnover. Intact PTH levels less than 150 pg ml(-1) for identifying low turnover and greater than 300 pg ml(-1) for high turnover presented a positive predictive value of 83 and 62%, respectively. Our study suggests that the iPTH target recommended by the K/DOQI guidelines was associated with a high incidence of low-turnover bone disease, suggesting that other biochemical markers may be required to accurately measure bone-remodeling status in hemodialysis patients.


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A 50-year-old post-menopausal recipient of a kidney allograft with bone pain, osteoporosis, persistent hypercalcaemia and elevated parathormone (PTH) levels, despite a satisfactory graft function, was treated with bisphosphonates and cinacalcet starting, respectively, 5 and 6 months after renal transplantation (RT). Sixteen months after treatment, there was improvement of bone mineral density (BMD) measured by dualenergy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). A bone biopsy was taken, unveiling a surprising and worrisome result. Post-RT bone disease is different from classic CKD-MBD and should be managed distinctly, including, in some difficult cases, an invasive evaluation through the performance of a bone biopsy, as suggested in the KDIGO guidelines.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Background Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGBP) has been found to be the most efficient way to lose weight and maintain the weight loss in morbid obesity. However, with the formation of a new stomach and the modification of intestinal anatomy, there are significant changes on physiological properties of these organs that lead to nutrient deficiency, including calcium. The objectives of this study were to evaluate calcium intake, bone metabolism, and prevalence of metabolic bone disease in women subjected to RYGBP after 8 years. Methods Food frequency questionnaire and 3-day dietary recall, laboratory tests of bone metabolism and bone mineral density were accessed. Results Calcium intake was below the recommendation in all women. Serum PTH and alkaline phosphatase were elevated, whereas vitamin D and urinary calcium were significantly lower. Also, a higher prevalence of metabolic bone disease than the one expected for the normal population at the same age was noted. Conclusion These data suggest that metabolic bone disease could be a complication of this type of surgery.


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Background: The aim was to evaluate the presence of metabolic bone disease (MBD) in patients with Crohn’s disease (CD) and to identify potential etiologic factors. Methods: The case–control study included 99 patients with CD and 56 controls with a similar age and gender distribution. Both groups had dual-energy x-ray absorptionmetry and a nutritional evaluation. Single nucleotide polymorphisms at the IL1, TNF-a, LTa, and IL-6 genes were analyzed in patients only. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS software. Results: The prevalence of MBD was significantly higher in patients (P ¼ 0.006). CD patients with osteoporosis were older (P < 0.005), small bowel involvement and surgical resections were more frequent (P < 0.005), they more often exhibited a penetrating or stricturing phenotype (P < 0.05), duration of disease over 15 years (P < 0.005), and body mass index (BMI) under 18.5 kg/m2 (P < 0.01) were more often found. No association was found with steroid use. Patients with a Z-score < 2.0 more frequently had chronic active disease (P < 0.05). With regard to diet, low vitamin K intake was more frequent (P ¼ 0.03) and intake of total, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fat was higher in patients with Z-score < 2.0 (P < 0.05). With respect to genetics, carriage of the polymorphic allele for LTa252 A/G was associated with a higher risk of osteoporosis (P ¼ 0.02). Regression analysis showed that age over 40 years, chronic active disease, and previous colonic resections were independently associated with the risk of developing MBD. Conclusions: The prevalence of MBD was significantly higher in CD patients. Besides the usual risk factors, we observed that factors related to chronic active and long-lasting disease increased the risk of MBD.


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Disturbances in mineral metabolism play a central role in the development of renal bone disease. In a 54-wk, randomized, open-label study, 119 hemodialysis patients were enrolled to compare the effects of sevelamer hydrochloride and calcium carbonate on bone. Biopsy-proven adynamic bone disease was the most frequent bone abnormality at baseline (59%). Serum phosphorus, calcium, and intact parathyroid hormone were well controlled in both groups, although calcium was consistently lower and intact parathyroid hormone higher among patients who were randomly assigned to sevelamer. Compared with baseline values, there were no changes in mineralization lag time or measures of bone turnover (e.g., activation frequency) after 1 yr in either group. Osteoid thickness significantly increased in both groups, but there was no significant difference between them. Bone formation rate per bone surface, however, significantly increased from baseline only in the sevelamer group (P = 0.019). In addition, of those with abnormal microarchitecture at baseline (i.e., trabecular separation), seven of 10 in the sevelamer group normalized after 1 yr compared with zero of three in the calcium group. In summary, sevelamer resulted in no statistically significant changes in bone turnover or mineralization compared with calcium carbonate, but bone formation increased and trabecular architecture improved with sevelamer. Further studies are required to assess whether these changes affect clinical outcomes, such as rates of fracture.


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RESUMO: Introdução: Uma meta-análise recente demonstrou que uso adjuvante de ácido zoledrónico (AZ) em mulheres pós-menopáusicas com cancro da mama precoce (CM) conduz a redução do risco de morte por CM em 17%. Investigámos o efeito do estado hormonal (pré [PrM] vs pós-menopausa tardia [PoM]) na remodelação óssea e controlo de doença em mulheres com CM e metástases ósseas (MO) tratadas com AZ e quimioterapia (QT). Métodos: Neste estudo de coorte retrospetivo, colhemos variáveis clinico-patológicas e quantificámos o telopéptido N-terminal (NTX) urinário e marcadores tumorais (MT) séricos em mulheres com CM e MO tratadas com QT e AZ. As doentes foram divididas em PrM (<45 anos) e PoM (>60 anos). Endpoints do estudo: variação do NTX, CA15.3 e CEA nos meses 3, 6 e 9, tempo até falência de QT de primeira-linha e sobrevivência. Quando apropriado foram usados os testes de Wilcoxon rank-sum, modelo de efeitos lineares mistos, teste log-rank e modelo de Cox. Resultados: Quarenta doentes foram elegíveis para análise (8 PrM e 32 PoM). Depois da introdução de AZ e QT, os níveis de NTX e MT caíram no coorte global. O perfil de resposta não diferiu entre grupos no mês 3 ou em tempos posteriores (valor-p para interação tempo-estado hormonal no mês 3=0.957). Ademais, o perfil de resposta dos MT também não diferiu entre grupos. O tempo mediano até falência de primeira-linha de QT em PrM e PoM foi de 15.2 e 17.4 meses, respetivamente. Não foi identificada diferença significativa entre grupos, quer em análise univariada quer após controlo para envolvimento visceral (p=0.399 e 0.469, respetivamente). Igualmente, não houve diferenças em termos de sobrevivência. Conclusões: Neste coorte, não foram identificadas diferenças no controlo de NTX ou MT em função do estado menopausico. Igualmente, não foi identificada diferença no tempo até falência de primeira-linha de CT ou sobrevivência.----------- ABSTRACT: Background: A recent meta-analysis showed that the adjuvant use of zoledronic acid (ZA) in postmenopausal women with early breast cancer (BC) leads to a reduction in the risk of breast cancer death by 17%. We investigated the effect of the hormonal status (pre [PrM] vs late post menopause [PoM]) on bone turnover and disease control among women with BC and boné metastases (BM) treated with ZA and chemotherapy (CT). Methods: In this retrospective cohort study, we collected clinicopathologic variables, urinary Nterminal telopeptide (NTX) and serum tumor marker levels from women with BC and BM treated with CT and ZA. Patients were divided in PrM (<45 years) and PoM (>60 years). Study endpoints were NTX, CA15.3 and CEA variation at 3, 6 and 9 months, and time to first-line CT failure and survival. We performed multilevel mixed-effects linear regression models to assess the variation of repeated measures and cox regression models for time to event outcomes. Results: Forty patients were eligible for analysis (8 PrM and 32 PoM). After introduction of ZA and CT, NTX and tumor markers declined in the overall cohort. Response profile was similar between menopausal groups at month 3 and at later time points (p-value for time-hormonal status interaction at month 3=0.957). Furthermore, tumor markers response profile was also equal between groups. Median time to first-line CT failure in PrM and PoM women was 15.2 and 17.4 months, respectively. No significant difference between groups was found, either using a univariate analysis or after controlling for visceral disease involvement (p=0.399 and 0.469, respectively). Likewise, no differences in survival were found. Conclusions: In this cohort, no differences were found in terms of NTX or tumor markers control according to menopausal status. Similarly, no difference in time to first-line CT failure or survival was found.


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Atherosclerotic renal artery disease represents a cause of which little is known but not a cause to be neglected for hypertension and renal insufficiency. Even though its occurrence remains badly defined, atherosclerotic renal artery disease is constantly on the rise due to the aging population, the never prevailing hypertension and diabetes mellitus. This review aims to give a clinical profile of patients presenting with atherosclerotic renal artery disease and to discuss, in the light of study results, which diagnostic evaluation should be used considering the sequence and the benefit and risk of each in order to initiate a personalized treatment. Patients affected by atherosclerotic renal artery disease are likely to have more complications and more extensive target-organ damage than patients without renal artery stenosis. The evolution of the atherosclerotic renal artery disease is in general slow and progressive. Nevertheless, certain clinical cases manifest themselves with the onset of acute renal failure bought upon by the administration of blockers of the rennin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, or by some other causes responsible for a sudden drop in renal plasma flow (e.g., thrombosis of the renal artery). The relationship between atherosclerotic renal artery disease and atherosclerosis is complex, and mediators implicated in the pathophysiology of renovascular disease may also contribute to the progression of cardiovascular damage. An early assumption of the atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis is warranted to determine the adapted treatment (i.e., medical treatment, revascularisation...) just as the assumption and the correction of the more general cardiovascular risk factors.


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In the case of atherosclerotic renal artery disease, the best conclusive results lie principally not in the degree of the stenosis but rather in the degree the renal parenchymal disease beyond the stenosis itself. These determining factors involve the controlling of the patients blood pressure, the improvement in the renal function and the beneficial results to the cardiovascular system. Besides the indispensable medical treatment, a revascularisation by angioplasty may be indicated. This procedure with or without vascular stent often allows satisfactory angiographic results. A treatment by surgical revascularisation is only recommended in the case of extensive atherosclerotic lesions of the aorta, complex lesions of the latter or an abdominal aortic aneurism. Although the frequency of restenosis of angioplasty with stent remains extremely low, the risk of cholesterol emboli due to the diffuse atherosclerotic lesions of the abdominal aorta, must be considered at the time of each aortic catheterization. The therapeutic approach of atherosclerotic renal artery disease must be dictated by the whole cardiovascular risk factors and by the threat of target organs. The control of the blood pressure and the maintenance of the renal function must be integrated in the decisional algorithm as well as the possible risks in carrying out an eventual revascularisation procedure. Finally, the renal angioplasty should in numerous situations be integrated in the overall assumption of responsibility of the atherosclerotic vascular diseases, and should be part of the medical treatment. Several questions still do exist; at what moment an atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis should and e considered critical, and which procedure should be considered for which patient? The purpose of this review is to propose a decisional tool for individualized treatments in the light of results from randomized and controlled studies.


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Mono- and bi-allelic mutations in the low-density lipoprotein receptor related protein 5 (LRP5) may cause osteopetrosis, autosomal dominant and recessive exudative vitreoretinopathy, juvenile osteoporosis, or persistent hyperplastic primary vitreous (PHPV). We report on a child affected with PHPV and carrying compound mutations. The father carried the splice mutation and suffered from severe bone fragility since childhood. The mother carried the missense mutation without any clinical manifestations. The genetic diagnosis of their child allowed for appropriate treatment in the father and for the detection of osteopenia in the mother. Mono- and bi-allelic mutations in LRP5 may cause osteopetrosis, autosomal dominant and recessive exudative vitreoretinopathy, juvenile osteoporosis, or PHPV. PHPV is a component of persistent fetal vasculature of the eye, characterized by highly variable expressivity and resulting in a wide spectrum of anterior and/or posterior congenital developmental defects, which may lead to blindness. We evaluated a family diagnosed with PHPV in their only child. The child presented photophobia during the first 3 weeks of life, followed by leukocoria at 2 months of age. Molecular resequencing of NDP, FZD4, and LRP5 was performed in the child and segregation of the observed mutations in the parents. At presentation, fundus examination of the child showed a retrolental mass in the right eye. Ultrasonography revealed retinal detachment in both eyes. Thorough familial analysis revealed that the father suffered from many fractures since childhood without specific fragility bone diagnosis, treatment, or management. The mother was asymptomatic. Molecular analysis in the proband identified two mutations: a c.[2091+2T>C] splice mutation and c.[1682C>T] missense mutation. We report the case of a child affected with PHPV and carrying compound heterozygous LRP5 mutations. This genetic diagnosis allowed the clinical diagnosis of the bone problem to be made in the father, resulting in better management of the family. It also enabled preventive treatment to be prescribed for the mother and accurate genetic counseling to be provided.


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Nephrolithiasis remains a formidable health problem in the United States and worldwide. A very important but underaddressed area in nephrolithiasis is the accompanying bone disease. Epidemiologic studies have shown that osteoporotic fractures occur more frequently in patients with nephrolithiasis than in the general population. Decreased bone mineral density and defects in bone remodeling are commonly encountered in patients with calcium nephrolithiasis. The pathophysiologic connection of bone defects to kidney stones is unknown. Hypercalciuria and hypocitraturia are two important risk factors for stone disease, and treatments with thiazide diuretics and alkali, respectively, have been shown to be useful in preventing stone recurrence in small prospective trials. However, no studies have examined the efficacy of these agents or other therapies in preventing continued bone loss in calcium stone formers. This manuscript reviews the epidemiology, pathophysiology, and potential treatments of bone disease in patients with nephrolithiasis.


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A variety of chronic kidney diseases tend to progress towards end-stage kidney disease. Progression is largely due to factors unrelated to the initial disease, including systemic hypertension and proteinuria. Drugs that block the renin-angiotensin II-aldosterone system, either ACE inhibitors or angiotensin II receptor antagonists, reduce both BP and proteinuria and appear superior to a more conventional antihypertensive treatment regimen in preventing progression to end-stage kidney disease. The most recent recommendations state that the BP goal in children with chronic kidney disease is the corresponding 90th centile for body height, age, and gender.Since satisfactory BP control is often not achieved, the mnemonic acronym DELTAREPROSI was generated to recall the following tips for the practical management of hypertension and proteinuria in childhood chronic renal parenchymal disease: DEfinition of hypertension and Low blood pressure TArget in REnal disease (90th centile calculated by means of simple formulas), potential of drugs inhibiting the REnin-angiotensin II-aldosterone system in hypertension and PROteinuria, advantages of SImplified treatment regimens and escalating the doses every SIx weeks.


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Bisphosphonates have proven effectiveness in preventing skeletal-related events (SREs) in advanced breast cancer, prostate cancer and multiple myeloma. The purpose of this study was to assess efficacy of bisphosphonates in preventing SREs, in controlling pain, and in increasing life expectancy in lung cancer patients with bone metastases.^ We performed an electronic search in MEDLINE, EMBASE, Web of Science, and Cochrane library databases up to April 4, 2010. Hand searching and searching in clinicaltrials.gov were also performed. Two independent reviewers selected all clinical trials that included lung cancer patients with bone metastases treated with bisphosphonates. We excluded articles that involved cancers other than lung, patients without bone metastasis and treatment other than bisphosphonates. Outcome questions answered were efficacy measured as overall pain control, overall improvement in survival and reduction in skeletal-related events or SREs (fracture, cord compression, radiation or surgery to the bone, hypercalcemia of malignancy). The quality of each study was evaluated using the Cochrane Back Review group questionnaire to assess risk of bias (0-worst to 11-best). Data extraction and quality assessments were independently performed by two assessors. Meta-analyses were performed where more than one study with similar outcomes were found.^ We identified eight trials that met our inclusion criteria. Three studies evaluated zoledronic acid, three pamidronate, three clodronate and two ibandronate. Two were placebocontrol trials while two had multi-group comparisons (radiotherapy, radionucleotides, and chemotherapy) and two had different bisphosphonate as active controls. Quality scores ranged from 1-4 out of 11 suggesting high risk of bias. Studies failed to report adequate explanation of randomization procedures, concealment of randomization and blinding. Metaanalysis showed that patients treated with zoledronic acid alone had lower rates of developing SREs compared to placebo at 21 months (RR=0.80, 95% CI=0.66-0.97, p=0.02). Meta-analyses also showed increased pain control when a bisphosphonate was added to the existing treatment modality like chemotherapy or radiation (RR=1.17, 95% CI=1.03-1.34, p=0.02). However, pain control was not statistically significantly different among various bisphosphonates when other treatment modalities were not present. Despite improvement in SRE and pain control, bisphosphonates failed to show improvement in overall survival (Difference in means=109.1 days, 95% CI= -51.52 – 269.71, p=0.183).^ Adding biphosphonates to standard care improved pain control and reduced SREs. Biphosphonates did not improve overall survival. Further larger studies with higher quality are required to stengthen the evidence.^ Keywords/MeSH terms Bisphosphonates/diphosphonates: generic, chemical and trade names.^