999 resultados para Remote authentication


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Password authentication has been adopted as one of the most commonly used solutions in network environment to protect resources from unauthorized access. Recently, Lee–Kim–Yoo [S.W. Lee, H.S. Kim, K.Y. Yoo, Improvement of Chien et al.'s remote user authentication scheme using smart cards, Computer Standards & Interfaces 27 (2) (2005) 181–183] and Lee-Chiu [N.Y. Lee, Y.C. Chiu, Improved remote authentication scheme with smart card, Computer Standards & Interfaces 27 (2) (2005) 177–180] respectively proposed a smart card based password authentication scheme. We show that these two schemes are both subject to forgery attacks provided that the information stored in the smart card is disclosed by the adversary. We also propose an improved scheme with formal security proof.


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As part of the security within distributed systems, various services and resources need protection from unauthorized use. Remote authentication is the most commonly used method to determine the identity of a remote client. This paper investigates a systematic approach for authenticating clients by three factors, namely password, smart card, and biometrics. A generic and secure framework is proposed to upgrade two-factor authentication to three-factor authentication. The conversion not only significantly improves the information assurance at low cost but also protects client privacy in distributed systems. In addition, our framework retains several practice-friendly properties of the underlying two-factor authentication, which we believe is of independent interest.


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In the last years there was an exponential growth in the offering of Web-enabled distance courses and in the number of enrolments in corporate and higher education using this modality. However, the lack of efficient mechanisms that assures user authentication in this sort of environment, in the system login as well as throughout his session, has been pointed out as a serious deficiency. Some studies have been led about possible biometric applications for web authentication. However, password based authentication still prevails. With the popularization of biometric enabled devices and resultant fall of prices for the collection of biometric traits, biometrics is reconsidered as a secure remote authentication form for web applications. In this work, the face recognition accuracy, captured on-line by a webcam in Internet environment, is investigated, simulating the natural interaction of a person in the context of a distance course environment. Partial results show that this technique can be successfully applied to confirm the presence of users throughout the course attendance in an educational distance course. An efficient client/server architecture is also proposed. © 2009 Springer Berlin Heidelberg.


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Reliability of the performance of biometric identity verification systems remains a significant challenge. Individual biometric samples of the same person (identity class) are not identical at each presentation and performance degradation arises from intra-class variability and inter-class similarity. These limitations lead to false accepts and false rejects that are dependent. It is therefore difficult to reduce the rate of one type of error without increasing the other. The focus of this dissertation is to investigate a method based on classifier fusion techniques to better control the trade-off between the verification errors using text-dependent speaker verification as the test platform. A sequential classifier fusion architecture that integrates multi-instance and multisample fusion schemes is proposed. This fusion method enables a controlled trade-off between false alarms and false rejects. For statistically independent classifier decisions, analytical expressions for each type of verification error are derived using base classifier performances. As this assumption may not be always valid, these expressions are modified to incorporate the correlation between statistically dependent decisions from clients and impostors. The architecture is empirically evaluated by applying the proposed architecture for text dependent speaker verification using the Hidden Markov Model based digit dependent speaker models in each stage with multiple attempts for each digit utterance. The trade-off between the verification errors is controlled using the parameters, number of decision stages (instances) and the number of attempts at each decision stage (samples), fine-tuned on evaluation/tune set. The statistical validation of the derived expressions for error estimates is evaluated on test data. The performance of the sequential method is further demonstrated to depend on the order of the combination of digits (instances) and the nature of repetitive attempts (samples). The false rejection and false acceptance rates for proposed fusion are estimated using the base classifier performances, the variance in correlation between classifier decisions and the sequence of classifiers with favourable dependence selected using the 'Sequential Error Ratio' criteria. The error rates are better estimated by incorporating user-dependent (such as speaker-dependent thresholds and speaker-specific digit combinations) and class-dependent (such as clientimpostor dependent favourable combinations and class-error based threshold estimation) information. The proposed architecture is desirable in most of the speaker verification applications such as remote authentication, telephone and internet shopping applications. The tuning of parameters - the number of instances and samples - serve both the security and user convenience requirements of speaker-specific verification. The architecture investigated here is applicable to verification using other biometric modalities such as handwriting, fingerprints and key strokes.


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This paper initiates the study of two specific security threats on smart-card-based password authentication in distributed systems. Smart-card-based password authentication is one of the most commonly used security mechanisms to determine the identity of a remote client, who must hold a valid smart card and the corresponding password to carry out a successful authentication with the server. The authentication is usually integrated with a key establishment protocol and yields smart-card-based password-authenticated key agreement. Using two recently proposed protocols as case studies, we demonstrate two new types of adversaries with smart card: 1) adversaries with pre-computed data stored in the smart card, and 2) adversaries with different data (with respect to different time slots) stored in the smart card. These threats, though realistic in distributed systems, have never been studied in the literature. In addition to point out the vulnerabilities, we propose the countermeasures to thwart the security threats and secure the protocols. © 2013 IEEE.


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Pós-graduação em Ciência da Computação - IBILCE


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The TCABR data analysis and acquisition system has been upgraded to support a joint research programme using remote participation technologies. The architecture of the new system uses Java language as programming environment. Since application parameters and hardware in a joint experiment are complex with a large variability of components, requirements and specification solutions need to be flexible and modular, independent from operating system and computer architecture. To describe and organize the information on all the components and the connections among them, systems are developed using the extensible Markup Language (XML) technology. The communication between clients and servers uses remote procedure call (RPC) based on the XML (RPC-XML technology). The integration among Java language, XML and RPC-XML technologies allows to develop easily a standard data and communication access layer between users and laboratories using common software libraries and Web application. The libraries allow data retrieval using the same methods for all user laboratories in the joint collaboration, and the Web application allows a simple graphical user interface (GUI) access. The TCABR tokamak team in collaboration with the IPFN (Instituto de Plasmas e Fusao Nuclear, Instituto Superior Tecnico, Universidade Tecnica de Lisboa) is implementing this remote participation technologies. The first version was tested at the Joint Experiment on TCABR (TCABRJE), a Host Laboratory Experiment, organized in cooperation with the IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency) in the framework of the IAEA Coordinated Research Project (CRP) on ""Joint Research Using Small Tokamaks"". (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Recently a new human authentication scheme called PAS (predicate-based authentication service) was proposed, which does not require the assistance of any supplementary device. The main security claim of PAS is to resist passive adversaries who can observe the whole authentication session between the human user and the remote server. In this paper we show that PAS is insecure against both brute force attack and a probabilistic attack. In particular, we show that its security against brute force attack was strongly overestimated. Furthermore, we introduce a probabilistic attack, which can break part of the password even with a very small number of observed authentication sessions. Although the proposed attack cannot completely break the password, it can downgrade the PAS system to a much weaker system similar to common OTP (one-time password) systems.


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The advent of Internet Banking has shown the importance of effective method of authenticating a users in a remote environment. There are many different countenances to contemplate when examining Internet based security. One of the most tried and trusted techniques of protecting the safety of systems and data is to control people's access. The foundation for such measures is authentication. Specifically for Internet banking there is a real need for a way to uniquely identify and authenticate users without the possibility of their authenticity being cloned. This paper proposes a framework concerning how to identify security requirements for Internet Banking.


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RFID is a revolutionary remote technology which has many useful implications. Large scale implementation of RFID is seeking 100% information privacy and untraceability, for users and organizations, which is suitable for low cost RFID tag (Class1). To protect users and organization we are proposing an enhanced RFID mutual authentication scheme. In this protocol we use authentication based on shared unique parameters as a method to protect privacy. This protocol will be capable of handling forward and backward security, rouge reader better than existing protocols. In our new scheme we involved RFID reader’s hardware ID in addition to other shared secret information which uses hash to protect users and industries privacy. Moreover, we used LAMED as our PRNG (Pseudorandom Number Generator) which is faster and take less computational power.


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Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) system is a remote identification technology which is taking the place of barcodes to become electronic tags of an object. However, its radio transmission nature is making it vulnerable in terms of security. Recently, research proposed that an RFID tag can contain malicious code which might spread viruses, worms and other exploits to middleware and back-end systems. This paper is proposing a framework which will provide protection from malware and ensure the data privacy of a tag. The framework will use a sanitization technique with a mutual authentication in the reader level. This will ensure that any malicious code in the tag is identified. If the tag is infected by malicious code it will stop execution of the code in the RFIF system. Here shared unique parameters are used for authentication. It will be capable of protecting an RFID system from denial of service (DOS) attack, forward security and rogue reader better than existing protocols. The framework is introducing a layer concept on a smart reader to reduce coupling between different tasks. Using this framework, the RFID system will be protected from malware and also the privacy of the tag will be ensured.


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In large-scale systems, user authentication usually needs the assistance from a remote central authentication server via networks. The authentication service however could be slow or unavailable due to natural disasters or various cyber attacks on communication channels. This has raised serious concerns in systems which need robust authentication in emergency situations. The contribution of this paper is two-fold. In a slow connection situation, we present a secure generic multi-factor authentication protocol to speed up the whole authentication process. Compared with another generic protocol in the literature, the new proposal provides the same function with significant improvements in computation and communication. Another authentication mechanism, which we name stand-alone authentication, can authenticate users when the connection to the central server is down. We investigate several issues in stand-alone authentication and show how to add it on multi-factor authentication protocols in an efficient and generic way.


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Over the past several years, a number of design approaches in wireless mesh networks have been introduced to support the deployment of wireless mesh networks (WMNs). We introduce a novel wireless mesh architecture that supports authentication and authorisation functionalities, giving the possibility of a seamless WMN integration into the home's organization authentication and authorisation infrastructure. First, we introduce a novel authentication and authorisation mechanism for wireless mesh nodes. The mechanism is designed upon an existing federated access control approach, i.e. the AAI infrastructure that is using just the credentials at the user's home organization in a federation. Second, we demonstrate how authentication and authorisation for end users is implemented by using an existing web-based captive portal approach. Finally, we observe the difference between the two and explain in detail the process flow of authorized access to network resources in wireless mesh networks. The goal of our wireless mesh architecture is to enable easy broadband network access to researchers at remote locations, giving them additional advantage of a secure access to their measurements, irrespective of their location. It also provides an important basis for the real-life deployment of wireless mesh networks for the support of environmental research.


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Authentication plays an important role in how we interact with computers, mobile devices, the web, etc. The idea of authentication is to uniquely identify a user before granting access to system privileges. For example, in recent years more corporate information and applications have been accessible via the Internet and Intranet. Many employees are working from remote locations and need access to secure corporate files. During this time, it is possible for malicious or unauthorized users to gain access to the system. For this reason, it is logical to have some mechanism in place to detect whether the logged-in user is the same user in control of the user's session. Therefore, highly secure authentication methods must be used. We posit that each of us is unique in our use of computer systems. It is this uniqueness that is leveraged to "continuously authenticate users" while they use web software. To monitor user behavior, n-gram models are used to capture user interactions with web-based software. This statistical language model essentially captures sequences and sub-sequences of user actions, their orderings, and temporal relationships that make them unique by providing a model of how each user typically behaves. Users are then continuously monitored during software operations. Large deviations from "normal behavior" can possibly indicate malicious or unintended behavior. This approach is implemented in a system called Intruder Detector (ID) that models user actions as embodied in web logs generated in response to a user's actions. User identification through web logs is cost-effective and non-intrusive. We perform experiments on a large fielded system with web logs of approximately 4000 users. For these experiments, we use two classification techniques; binary and multi-class classification. We evaluate model-specific differences of user behavior based on coarse-grain (i.e., role) and fine-grain (i.e., individual) analysis. A specific set of metrics are used to provide valuable insight into how each model performs. Intruder Detector achieves accurate results when identifying legitimate users and user types. This tool is also able to detect outliers in role-based user behavior with optimal performance. In addition to web applications, this continuous monitoring technique can be used with other user-based systems such as mobile devices and the analysis of network traffic.