905 resultados para Religious temples
Heritage conservation has raised historical problems usually centered in defects resulting from water leaks. Thus, any intervention is presented as a difficult task, both due to building techniques to be used and the lack of economic resources in many cases. In relation to the temples existing in Alicante (Spain), water drainage is solved with pitched roofs on slope formation (in vaulted naves) or directly supported on the vaulted elements (in the domes). Since those construction systems are composed by brick and plaster, the presence of moisture is problematic, and represents a risk of losing the strength capacity and therefore the stability of the dome. An example of this problem is the dome of the church “Nuestra Señora de Belén” in Crevillente, built with solid bricks, it has the highest diameter of the province (18th century). This historic building has been restored on several occasions in the recent years due to moisture, cracks or fissures. The study of these works give an idea of the difficulties of maintenance, conservation and proper restoration of such kind of buildings as unique and valued constructions in our heritage.
Pós-graduação em Artes - IA
Na segunda metade do século XVIII, Belém viveu um momento de grande expansão econômica, o que se refletiu positivamente na arquitetura, quando foram construídos imponentes templos religiosos no atual centro histórico, dentre os quais a igreja de São João Batista. Esta pesquisa analisou tecnologicamente a pintura de quadratura realizada pelo arquiteto Antonio Landi no interior da igreja de São João Batista, em Belém do Pará, para identificar a tinta utilizada na rara pintura do século XVIII, uma vez que o quadraturista disse ter utilizado em seus trabalhos o pigmento extraído da Arrabidaea chica (H & B) Verlot, popularmente conhecida como carajiru; os processos de alteração sofridos por ela e, assim, obter subsídios para a sua conservação e restauração. O estudo foi realizado em etapas: na primeira, foi feita uma pesquisa histórica envolvendo a literatura sobre as tintas, pigmentos e corantes do período colonial amazônico, utilizados na arquitetura religiosa; sobre a contribuição das ordens religiosas na decoração dos templos; sobre a formação e as atividades de Landi em Belém, e sobre a técnica de pintura denominada de quadratura. Na mesma etapa foi realizado um mapeamento dos danos na pintura e medidos o padrão de cores, por colorimetria, e a temperatura da parede pintada, com câmera de infravermelho. A etapa seguinte foi a investigação laboratorial, que consistiu em analisar a tinta usada por Landi na pintura e o pigmento extraído do carajiru, em microscópio ótico, em microscópio eletrônico de varredura, em difratômetro de raios-X e em espectrômetro de infravermelho. Os resultados possibilitaram a identificação e comparação dos materiais utilizados na pintura de quadratura. E por último, realizou-se um ensaio com a tinta produzida a partir do pigmento extraído do carajiru. A pesquisa histórica contribuiu para o entendimento das tintas, pigmentos e corantes e técnicas de pintura e a interdisciplinaridade facilitou a condução dos procedimentos tecnológicos, permitindo a elaboração de diagnósticos que servem para estabelecer medidas de conservação preventiva e propostas de futuras intervenções de restauro.
From the late seventeenth to early nineteenth centuries, many religious temples have been built in the province of Alicante (south east of Spain) with brick domes as their main characteristic feature. Often, the limited data available about these remarkable constructions make rehabilitation interventions become into real research projects, with a high value for their historic conservation over time. The aim of this paper is to show a detailed refurbishment analysis of a religious temple built in 1778, showing the need of preservation of historic buildings as a part of the architectural heritage by establishing a common pattern of materials, geometry and constructive systems, specifically in their domes. In most cases, there was not an architectural project for the construction, that is why the analysis of any documentary and archival sources available is essential to find different ways to proceed on the use and maintenance of these religious buildings.
Richard Wagner concebia a arte como uma atividade similar à religião, que deveria conduzir o ser humano à reflexão sobre as questões principais de sua existência e levá-lo ao aperfeiçoamento. Wagner sempre foi obcecado pela ideia da redenção e a preocupação do compositor com a regeneração do ser humano perpassa toda a sua obra. Os conceitos religiosos de Wagner, presentes em sua obra musical e em seus ensaios literários, reúnem tradições cristãs e budistas, ideias políticas e preceitos mitológicos que delineiam o seu credo pessoal, uma forma de religião sincrética na qual a arte tem o seu lugar como elemento de transcendência, cumprindo a função de interpretar os símbolos míticos para torna-los compreensíveis à percepção do espírito humano. Os ideais artísticos de Wagner vão ao encontro do pensamento de Paul Tillich e a sua Teologia da Cultura. Tillich afirma que a religião não está restrita aos limites dos templos religiosos ou aos domínios institucionais, mas encontra-se em qualquer expressão humana na qual se manifeste a preocupação suprema . Ela pode ser reconhecida em qualquer situação onde se encontre o elemento incondicional, nas manifestações da criatividade humana e na cultura, na busca honesta da verdade ou na procura de solução para as adversidades da existência. Portanto, o objetivo desse estudo é buscar no pensamento tillichiano uma correlação teológica para os anseios de redenção evidenciados na obra de arte wagneriana.
Deux mouvements théologiques et culturels actuellement en croissance rapide suscitent un intérêt mondial, Ibandla lamaNazaretha et les Rastafari. Fondé par le Zulu prédicateur Isaiah Shembe pendant les années 1910, Ibandla lamaNazaretha prend son origine d’une église hiérarchique célébrant dans des temples extérieurs dans la province de KwaZulu-Natal et inclut maintenant un certain nombre de factions regroupées autour de la péninsule de l’Afrique du Sud. Le groupe des Rastafari, quant à lui, né en Jamaïque, a commencé comme une idéologie à plusieurs têtes qui a fleuri dans des zones éparses de l’île des Caraïbes. Il découle des interprétations d’une prophétie généralement attribuée à Marcus Garvey, concernant un roi devant être couronné en Afrique (circa 1920), et qui fut appliquée aux années 1930, avec le couronnement de Ras Tafari Makonnen comme Haile Selassie I, 225e empereur d’Éthiopie. Les adhérents et sympathisants de ces deux mouvements se comptent en dizaines de millions et ils exercent plusieurs types d’influences, tant aux niveaux politique, théologique, social que culturel, en particulier en Afrique et dans les Caraïbes aujourd’hui. Cette thèse soutient que les deux, Ibandla lamaNazaretha et les Rastafari, perpétuent un amalgame entre le « Naziréat » de l’Ancien Testament (Nombres 6:1-8) et le « Nazaréen » de l’évangile de Matthieu (2:23), à travers la dévotion à un seigneur contemporain: Haile Selassie I dans le cas du mouvement Rastafari et Isaiah Shembe dans le cas du mouvement Ibandla lamaNazaretha. Dans ce cadre théologique, à la fois les Rastafari et Ibandla lamaNazaretha ont réanimé les anciens rites de purification judaïques du naziréat jusque-là disparus, et les ont également adaptés, dans le contexte du messianisme, aux préoccupations postcoloniales de l’autochtonie. Grâce à la persistance de l’autochtonie, l’influence des idéaux indiens de résistance non-violente, et l’appropriation des différents thèmes bibliques, les deux mouvements africains noirs ont habilité avec succès leurs membres « dépossédés ». Ils l’ont fait par la création de communautés liminales, alors que des modes de vie agraires et auto-suffisants s’épanouissent en dehors des auspices d’une élite dominante : une herméneutique du nazaritisme unifie les diverses racines hybrides africaines, judaïques, chrétiennes, indiennes, et européennes.
This text discusses the phonographic segment of religious music in Brazil in its two main manifestations, linked respectively to the Catholic and Protestant traditions. The text offers a brief history of both traditions, as well as a description of their main recording companies and artists of greatest prominence. In its final part. the text presents the strategies that bring together recording companies and independent artists, as well as ponders over Brazil`s independent musical production as a whole.
This paper introduces the concept of religious information poverty in Australian state schools from an information science perspective. Information scientists have been theorising about the global information society for some time, along with its increased provision of vital information for the good of the world. Australian state schools see themselves as preparing children for effective participation in the information society, yet Australian children are currently suffering a religious illiteracy that undermines this goal. Some reasons and theories are offered to explain the existence of religious information poverty in state schools, and suggestions for professional stakeholders are offered for its alleviation.
The author seeks to analyse the relationships between religion and culture in Latin America, especially in Brazil, highlighting the fact that the different religions enjoy diverse relationships with culture in a single location. He also addresses the fact that religions interpret culture in different ways and these interpretations help define their conversion strategies and how best to confront opposing religions. For the sake of discussion, the author considers, hypothetically, a not-so-distant future in which Latin America becomes predominantly evangelical, and asks what will happen to Latin America`s supposed Catholic culture if the evangelical religions do indeed take over.
Why did Levinas choose Isaiah 45:7 ("I make peace and create evil: I the Lord do all that") as a superscription of his essay on evil? This article explores the role of evil in Levinas's religious ethics. The author discusses the structure of evil as revealed phenomenologically and juxtaposes it to the structure of subjectivity found in the writings of Levinas. The idea of the "ethical anthropic principle," modeled upon the cosmic anthropic principle, is then used to link evil to the responsibility of the subject. The link is subsequently extended to God. This is proposed as one way of understanding the meaning of Isaiah 45:7. © 2001 Journal of Religious Ethics, Inc.
The contemporary Vampire Subculture can be defined as a multi-faceted, socio-religious movement with its own distinct collective community and network of participants who share a similar belief system and customary lifestyle that reflect their concept of the vampire. The Vampire Subculture consists of individuals who profess to be 'real vampires', vampire communities of like-minded persons, 'blood-donors' who willingly allow vampires to partake of them, occult-based and mystical-orientated groups that appeal to their spirituality, the blood fetishists, and the live-action vampire role-players. In response, a Christian counter-movement of self-proclaimed 'vampire-slayers' has emerged that actively opposes the vampire subculture and its beliefs and practices. The socio-religious nature of the Vampire Subculture can be best described as a Segmented, Polycentric and Integrated Network of participants.