849 resultados para Religious Movement


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Introduction.--Loos, C. L. Introductory period.--Tyler, B. B. Period of organization.--Moore, W. T. The turbulent period.--Grafton, T. W. The transition period.--Smith, B. L. Period of revival of home missions.--McLean, A. The period of foreign missions.--White, L. A. Period of woman's work.--Garrison, J. H. Lessons from our past.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Rather than focus on the Afro-Catholic syncretism in Santeria, which other scholars have explored extensively, this thesis treats a related but relatively obscure area of study: a syncretic religious movement that arose in Havana, Cuba in the second half of the twentieth century. The José Movement revolves around the belief in José, a spirit who communicated with people through an acclaimed medium named Leocadia Pérez. Since Pérez's death in 1962, however, the legacy of José has not only spread to Miami among the exile Cuban community, but it has taken on a new direction in Cuba. Given the scarcity of literary sources that contain references to José or Leocadia, the principal methodology used in this investigation is based on oral accounts of those who met and/or knew the leaders, as well as on field observations of those who continue to venerate the spiritual forces these charismatic figures reflect. ^


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With so many voices, groups, and organizations participating in the Emerging Church Movement (ECM), few are willing to “define” it, though authors have offered various definitions. Emerging Christians themselves do not offer systematic or coherent definitions, which contributes to frustration in isolating it as a coherent group – especially for sociologists who strive to define and categorize. In presenting our understanding of this movement, we categorize Emerging Christianity as an orientation rather than an identity, and focus on the diverse practices within what we describe as “pluralist congregations” (often called “gatherings,” “collectives” or “communities” by Emerging Christians themselves). This leads us to define the ECM as a creative, entrepreneurial religious movement that strives to achieve social legitimacy and spiritual vitality by actively disassociating from its roots in conservative, evangelical Christianity. Our findings are extensively developed in The Deconstructed Church: Understanding Emerging Christianity (Marti and Ganiel 2014).


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Les anthropologues ont examiné le syncrétisme religieux, soit l’incorporation d’éléments de sources diverses, au sein des religions du monde depuis plusieurs décennies. Cependant, très peu d’intérêt a été accordé au paganisme contemporain, un Nouveau Mouvement Religieux hautement syncrétique. À travers les récits de plusieurs païens/nes contemporain/es à Montréal, j’examine comment et pourquoi les pratiquants sont inspiré/es à faire le choix d’incorporer divers éléments provenant de sources religieuses et non religieuses. Le recours à des sources différentes reflète l’effort de créer une expérience religieuse plus profonde et personnelle. La créativité impliquée dans la construction d’une pratique spirituelle et d’un système de croyance personnels est souvent conduite par un désir de (re)connexion, que ce soit à la terre, aux ancêtres, ou bien à une communauté. Les acteurs acquièrent un sentiment accru d’agentivité dans ce processus. Ma participation dans cette communauté a influencé mes expériences de recherche; j’examine également ma position en tant qu’anthropologue chez soi.


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Thèse présentée en cotutelle en vue de l’obtention des grades de Philosophiae Doctor (Ph.D.) en Sciences des Religions de l’Université de Montréal et de Docteur en Sociologie de l’École Pratique des Hautes Études Paris-Sorbonne


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Nossa pesquisa visa estudar a produção de subjetividade em instituições e estabelecimentos católicos dedicados à formação religiosa de seus membros. Neste artigo, tomamos como estudo o caso de um relato feito por um ex-membro do movimento Focolare. Procuramos descrever seu percurso formativo, sua integração e posterior abandono do grupo religioso. Operando basicamente por subtração e por meio de acréscimo de imaginário, a tecnologia empregada pelos movimentos religiosos integristas pode produzir uma subjetividade serializada de matiz fortemente fanático, sem espaço para a individualidade, para a iniciativa criadora, para a singularidade. Concluímos com algumas notas psicossociais relativas à compreensão psicanalítica do fanatismo religioso.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Denomina-se Neopentecostalismo o movimento religioso que se configurou no Brasil, na década de 1970, como uma ramificação do chamado Pentecostalismo clássico, surgido nos Estados Unidos da América, no início do século XX. Para a pesquisa do tema proposto, adotam-se como principais fontes as literaturas neopentecostais, matérias jornalísticas da mídia impressa, depoimentos de líderes e fiéis, observações presenciais e programas veiculados pela mídia. Utilizam-se como referencial teórico-metodológico, parâmetros da Nova História Cultural, priorizando-se os conceitos de apropriação, circulação cultural, habitus, imaginário e longa duração. Da análise aqui empreendida, constata-se que a leitura da Bíblia exerce um papel preponderante nas práticas deste segmento religioso ao orientar o comportamento coletivo e configurar um fertilíssimo passado cultural. Na magia dos ritos e na riqueza símbólica ali adotados, percebe-se um substrato cultural legado das crenças afro e da religiosidade popular católica, o qual é sincreticamente re-significado a partir de elementos da tradição evangélica.


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By analysing primary sources, I show in this paper how the Vipassanā meditation movement publicly objects to being categorized as a religious movement that teaches a certain form of ritual. I argue that the application of the meta-language terms “ritual” or “religion” to the practices taught by this movement, even though it is doubtlessly possible, does not help us solve the problems in explaining this fact; nor does it help in analysing the movement and its history. I argue that it is more appropriate to understand the polemic differentiation by Vipassanā as a strategy in a “modern” public discourse on religion and ritual. It seems that the reason for applying this strategy lies in the wish to avoid being identified with negative connotations of the terms “ritual” and “religion,” such as inefficacy, irrationality and exaggerated rigidity. Instead, the protagonists stress rationality, efficacy and adaptation to the necessities of modern Western society. On the other hand, the movement also draws a line between itself and a so-called modern “esotericism” in which “rituals” are regarded as highly positive in their effects on humans.


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The charismatic and controversial Indian guru Sathya Sai Baba is the centre of attention and devotion for a great number of adherents from various national, religious, and ethnic backgrounds. Due to its global spread, the Sathya Sai Baba movement is an ideal case for examining displaced religious practices. Singing is a vital part of the religious practice of Sai devotees. In this article I will discuss the contents and usage of the songbook that Swiss devotees compiled. We can observe the extent to which Indian contents are carried over and how they are supplemented with Swiss songs, but also with songs perceived as being part of a universal spiritual treasury of songs (e.g. Native American, Hebrew or International Christian songs). I will suggest that the concept of de- and reterritorialization helps us to analyze the practices of this global religious community. Additionally, I will argue that the devotees’ choice of songs and their singing practices are indeed a manifestation of their claim to universalism as well as their need to be rooted locally. I will further argue that a globalized religious movement is limited in dealing with the encounter of diverse cultural contents by the strategy of reterritorialization, but beyond that creates a new and supraterritorial cultural context.


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Después de la reciente publicación de numerosos textos poéticos rápidamente considerados de inspiración órfica, ha llegado el momento de tener una mirada crítica sobre una clasificación en la que las motivaciones no son siempre explícitas. Es la ocasión de interrogar sobre el rol cultual de estos nuevos textos, sobre el status del orfismo como movimiento religioso en la época clásica, sobre las funciones asumidas por la figura heroica de Orfeo y sobre el papel jugado por las prácticas de la escritura dentro de la composición poética órfica.


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Después de la reciente publicación de numerosos textos poéticos rápidamente considerados de inspiración órfica, ha llegado el momento de tener una mirada crítica sobre una clasificación en la que las motivaciones no son siempre explícitas. Es la ocasión de interrogar sobre el rol cultual de estos nuevos textos, sobre el status del orfismo como movimiento religioso en la época clásica, sobre las funciones asumidas por la figura heroica de Orfeo y sobre el papel jugado por las prácticas de la escritura dentro de la composición poética órfica.