996 resultados para Relative degree n
This work deals with the nonlinear piezoelectric coupling in vibration-based energy harvesting, done by A. Triplett and D.D. Quinn in J. of Intelligent Material Syst. and Structures (2009). In that paper the first order nonlinear fundamental equation has a three dimensional state variable. Introducing both observable and control variables in such a way the controlled system became a SISO system, we can obtain as a corollary that for a particular choice of the observable variable it is possible to present an explicit functional relation between this variable one, and the variable representing the charge harvested. After-by observing that the structure in the Input-Output decomposition essentially changes depending on the relative degree changes, presenting bifurcation branches in its zero dynamics-we are able in to identify this type of bifurcation indicating its close relation with the Hartman - Grobman theorem telling about decomposition into stable and the unstable manifolds for hyperbolic points.
This paper proposes a definition of relative uncertainty aversion for decision models under complete uncertainty. It is shown that, for a large class of decision rules characterized by a set of plausible axioms, the new criterion yields a complete ranking of those rules with respect to the relative degree of uncertainty aversion they represent. In addition, we address a combinatorial question that arises in this context, and we examine conditions for the additive representability of our rules.
Neste artigo, examina-se o funcionamento do Centro de Informações do Exterior (CIEX), órgão do Itamaraty e vinculado ao Serviço Nacional de Informações (SNI) que foi encarregado de espionar políticos e militantes contrários ao regime militar brasileiro que se exilaram nos países vizinhos. Trata-se de um estudo que visa a desvendar como agia um dos elos do sistema repressivo montado pela ditadura brasileira, que tinha um relativo grau de interação com as outras ditaduras militares da região do Cone Sul. O artigo demonstra que o Itamaraty colaborou intensamente com o regime militar brasileiro, inclusive com a repressão.
RESUMO: Com o presente estudo pretendemos identificar a sobrecarga resultante do envolvimento familiar com os doentes portadores de VIH/SIDA. Numa breve introdução teórica, procedemos à revisão dos conceitos sobrecarga familiar e dos sentimentos/emoções vivenciados pelos prestadores de cuidados. Metodologia: Estudo do tipo descritivo e exploratório, com uma amostra de 51 indivíduos, cuja finalidade consiste na caracterização dos prestadores de cuidados familiares a doentes com VIH/SIDA. Objectivos: Identificar quem o doente com VIH/SIDA, considera ser a pessoa significativa nos cuidados informais. Caracterizar, do ponto de vista sócio-demográfico, os doentes e os prestadores de cuidados familiares. Identificar sentimentos e emoções de vivências, que justifiquem o sofrimento emocional e as repercussões na sobrecarga familiar nos prestadores de cuidados informais. Instrumentos: Na avaliação da sobrecarga familiar, utilizámos o Questionário de Problemas Familiares”- FPQ (Family Problemas Questionnaire). Para identificação dos Acontecimentos de Vida, adoptámos a escala de Holmes e Rahe (Life Events); Para identificação do estrato social escolhemos escala de Graffar. Finalmente, para a caracterização sócio-demografica concebemos dois questionários: um dirigido aos doentes e o outro aos prestadores de cuidados informais. Conclusões: A sobrecarga da doença VIH/SIDA, nos prestadores de cuidados familiares, não é uniforme nas diferentes dimensões. A dimensão sobrecarga subjectiva é superior à objectiva. O suporte social revela-se fraco, relacionado com as perdas familiares, devidas a morte, pelas relações familiares disfuncionais, entre os membros da família, pela falta de apoio e informação dos técnicos de saúde. O sexo feminino é predominante nos cuidadores. As mães e esposas são o grau de parentesco dominante. Os solteiros são o grupo mais afectado pelo VIH/SIDA. Os cuidadores apresentam idade superior à dos doentes. O estrato social preponderante é o médio baixo e o baixo. Os familiares, apesar da atitude negativa dos doentes perante os cuidadores, mantêm-se envolvidos. Segundo a avaliação multiaxial proposta pelo DM-IV, constatámos, ao nível do eixo I, sintomatologia clínica do tipo das perturbações depressivas e perturbações da ansiedade. No eixo IV, os cuidadores evidenciam problemas psicossociais e ambientais, nomeadamente nas categorias problemas com o grupo de apoio primário, problemas relacionados como grupo social, problemas educacionais, problemas de alojamento, problemas económicos. Os problemas relacionados com o grupo de apoio primário, são os que mais parecem contribuir para os problemas psicossociais e ambientais.---------------------------------------ABSTRACT: This study wants to describe several problems as a result of the family’s relationship with HIV/AIDS patients, like overload. In a brief theoric introduction, we made a small revision about the concepts of family’s overload, and feelings or emotions that have been lived by the people who provide cares to the patients with this chronic disease. Methodology: This is a describing and exploratory study, with a sample with 51 individuals, with the aim to characterize the people inside the family who give care HIV/AIDS patients. Aim: To identify who are the most important people in informal cares from the patient perspective. To characterize, in a social-demographic point of view, patients and the people who take care of them. To identify feelings and emotions that could explain an emotional suffer, and some causes in the family burden. Means: to evaluate the family’s overload we used the Family Problems Questionnaire (FPQ). To identify life events we adopted the Holmes and Rahe scale. To identify the social stratum we used the Graffer scale. Finally to do a socio-economic characterization we did two kinds of questionnaire, the first one was directed for the patients, and the second one was chosen for the people who give care. Conclusions: The HIV/AIDS disease burden on the people who takes familiar cares isn’t uniform on several areas that we studied. The subjective overload it is superior to the objective. The social support is weak and poor, and related with family losses by dead, dysfunctional family relationships, and the lack of support and information by the medical staff. Mothers and wives are the dominant relative degree. And the singles are the major group with HIV/AIDS disease. The people who take care are usually older than the sick. The major social status is low or medium-low. The relatives keep evolved though the negative attitude of the sick. According with the evaluation multiaxial proposed by the DM-IV, in axle 1 we note clinic sintomatologic belonging to the type depressive perturbations and perturbations of the anxiety. Regarding with axle IV the caretakers show up psycho-social and environmental problems, namely on the categories: problems with the primary support group and problems related as social group, educational problems, accommodation problems and.
Os processos de erosão hídrica em Cabo Verde são os mais marcantes da dinâmica actual das vertentes, pois são os mais comuns e que afectam áreas extensasdurante a curta estação húmida de três meses. A ocorrência de episódios chuvosos concentrados no tempo e com uma evidente irregularidade espacial permitem umaacentuada erosividade das precipitações, marcada por uma forte irregularidade regional. A forte variabilidade das formas de relevo, a diversidade da natureza das unidadesgeológicas e a multiplicidade de ocupação do solo favorecem condições deerodibilidade muito contrastadas no espaço. O objectivo deste trabalho é estabelecer um modelo desusceptibilidade à erosão hídricaem função de factores geomorfológicos (declive, perfil e traçado das vertentes eerodibilidade das unidades litológicas e dos materiais de cobertura), climáticos(intensidade pluviométrica) e de ocupação do solo para as bacias das ribeiras dos Picose Seca. Os resultados foram obtidos com recurso ao ambiente de Sistemas deInformação Geográfica (SIG). Este trabalho surge na sequência de outros já realizadospelos autores, onde se apresentaram as condições de erodibilidade e erosividade paraáreas mais restritas da Ilha de Santiago. O modelo de susceptibilidade à erosão hídrica resultou do cruzamento dos mapas dedeclives, de perfil e do traçado das vertentes, obtidos a partir do modelo digital deterreno (DTM), do mapa geológico, da distribuição espacial da intensidadepluviométrica e da densidade de ocupação do solo, tendo em conta que são estas asprincipais condicionantes de erosão hídrica, referidas pelos autores que estudaram estaregião. Cada um destes mapas foi reclassificado com base numa análise qualitativa dograu de erodibilidade, sendo atribuído um número de ordem a cada classe, em função da sua susceptibilidade à erosão hídrica, conforme foi localmente reconhecido. Verifica-se que as áreas de maior susceptibilidade à erosão hídrica são as do sectorsudeste da bacia da Ribeira Seca e as vertentes dos principais vales da bacia da Ribeira dos Picos, onde se encontram as unidades geológicas mais friáveis, os declives mais acentuados e onde predominam sectores das vertentes de traçado côncavo, a que seassocia pontualmente a mais elevada intensidade pluviométrica.
The purpose of this study is to introduce and describe a newly developed index using foot pressure analysis to quantify the degree of equinus gait in children with cerebral palsy before and after injection with botulinum toxin. Data were captured preinjection and 12 weeks postinjection. Ten children aged 2(1/2) to 6(1/2) years took part (5 boys and 5 girls). Three of them had a diagnosis of spastic diplegia and 7 of congenital hemiplegia. In total, 13 limbs were analyzed. After orientation and segmentation of raw pedobarographic data, we determined a dynamic foot pressure index graded 0 to 100 that quantified the relative degree of heel and forefoot contact during stance. These data were correlated (Pearson correlation) with clinical measurements of dorsiflexion at the ankle (on a slow and fast stretch) and video observation (using the Observational Gait Scale). Pedobarograph data were strongly correlated with both the Observational Gait Scale scores (R = 0.79, P < 0.005) and clinical measurements of dorsiflexion on a fast stretch, which is reflective of spasticity (R = 0.70, P < 0.005). We demonstrated the index's sensitivity in detecting changes in spasticity and good correlation with video observations seems to indicate this technique's potential validity. When manipulated and segmented appropriately, and with the development of a simple ordinal index, we found that foot pressure data provided a useful tool in tracking changes in patients with spastic equinus.
We propose an extension of Alesina and Tabellini 's model (1987) to include corruption, which is understood as the presence of weak institutions collecting revenue through formal tax channels. This paper analyses how conservative should an independent central bank be when the institutional quality is poor. When there are no political distortions, we show that the central bank has to be more conservative than the government, except with complete corruption. In this particular case, the central bank should be as conservative as the government. Further, we obtain that the relationship between the optimal relative degree of conservativeness of the central bank and the degree of corruption is affected by supply shocks. Concretely, when these shocks are not important, the central bank should be less conservative if the degree of corruption increases. However, this result may not hold when the shocks are relevant. JEL classi fication: D6, D73, E52, E58, E62, E63. Keywords: Central Bank Conservativeness; Corruption; Fiscal Policy; Monetary Policy; Seigniorage.
This thesis develops a comprehensive and a flexible statistical framework for the analysis and detection of space, time and space-time clusters of environmental point data. The developed clustering methods were applied in both simulated datasets and real-world environmental phenomena; however, only the cases of forest fires in Canton of Ticino (Switzerland) and in Portugal are expounded in this document. Normally, environmental phenomena can be modelled as stochastic point processes where each event, e.g. the forest fire ignition point, is characterised by its spatial location and occurrence in time. Additionally, information such as burned area, ignition causes, landuse, topographic, climatic and meteorological features, etc., can also be used to characterise the studied phenomenon. Thereby, the space-time pattern characterisa- tion represents a powerful tool to understand the distribution and behaviour of the events and their correlation with underlying processes, for instance, socio-economic, environmental and meteorological factors. Consequently, we propose a methodology based on the adaptation and application of statistical and fractal point process measures for both global (e.g. the Morisita Index, the Box-counting fractal method, the multifractal formalism and the Ripley's K-function) and local (e.g. Scan Statistics) analysis. Many measures describing the space-time distribution of environmental phenomena have been proposed in a wide variety of disciplines; nevertheless, most of these measures are of global character and do not consider complex spatial constraints, high variability and multivariate nature of the events. Therefore, we proposed an statistical framework that takes into account the complexities of the geographical space, where phenomena take place, by introducing the Validity Domain concept and carrying out clustering analyses in data with different constrained geographical spaces, hence, assessing the relative degree of clustering of the real distribution. Moreover, exclusively to the forest fire case, this research proposes two new methodologies to defining and mapping both the Wildland-Urban Interface (WUI) described as the interaction zone between burnable vegetation and anthropogenic infrastructures, and the prediction of fire ignition susceptibility. In this regard, the main objective of this Thesis was to carry out a basic statistical/- geospatial research with a strong application part to analyse and to describe complex phenomena as well as to overcome unsolved methodological problems in the characterisation of space-time patterns, in particular, the forest fire occurrences. Thus, this Thesis provides a response to the increasing demand for both environmental monitoring and management tools for the assessment of natural and anthropogenic hazards and risks, sustainable development, retrospective success analysis, etc. The major contributions of this work were presented at national and international conferences and published in 5 scientific journals. National and international collaborations were also established and successfully accomplished. -- Cette thèse développe une méthodologie statistique complète et flexible pour l'analyse et la détection des structures spatiales, temporelles et spatio-temporelles de données environnementales représentées comme de semis de points. Les méthodes ici développées ont été appliquées aux jeux de données simulées autant qu'A des phénomènes environnementaux réels; nonobstant, seulement le cas des feux forestiers dans le Canton du Tessin (la Suisse) et celui de Portugal sont expliqués dans ce document. Normalement, les phénomènes environnementaux peuvent être modélisés comme des processus ponctuels stochastiques ou chaque événement, par ex. les point d'ignition des feux forestiers, est déterminé par son emplacement spatial et son occurrence dans le temps. De plus, des informations tels que la surface bru^lée, les causes d'ignition, l'utilisation du sol, les caractéristiques topographiques, climatiques et météorologiques, etc., peuvent aussi être utilisées pour caractériser le phénomène étudié. Par conséquent, la définition de la structure spatio-temporelle représente un outil puissant pour compren- dre la distribution du phénomène et sa corrélation avec des processus sous-jacents tels que les facteurs socio-économiques, environnementaux et météorologiques. De ce fait, nous proposons une méthodologie basée sur l'adaptation et l'application de mesures statistiques et fractales des processus ponctuels d'analyse global (par ex. l'indice de Morisita, la dimension fractale par comptage de boîtes, le formalisme multifractal et la fonction K de Ripley) et local (par ex. la statistique de scan). Des nombreuses mesures décrivant les structures spatio-temporelles de phénomènes environnementaux peuvent être trouvées dans la littérature. Néanmoins, la plupart de ces mesures sont de caractère global et ne considèrent pas de contraintes spatiales com- plexes, ainsi que la haute variabilité et la nature multivariée des événements. A cet effet, la méthodologie ici proposée prend en compte les complexités de l'espace géographique ou le phénomène a lieu, à travers de l'introduction du concept de Domaine de Validité et l'application des mesures d'analyse spatiale dans des données en présentant différentes contraintes géographiques. Cela permet l'évaluation du degré relatif d'agrégation spatiale/temporelle des structures du phénomène observé. En plus, exclusif au cas de feux forestiers, cette recherche propose aussi deux nouvelles méthodologies pour la définition et la cartographie des zones périurbaines, décrites comme des espaces anthropogéniques à proximité de la végétation sauvage ou de la forêt, et de la prédiction de la susceptibilité à l'ignition de feu. A cet égard, l'objectif principal de cette Thèse a été d'effectuer une recherche statistique/géospatiale avec une forte application dans des cas réels, pour analyser et décrire des phénomènes environnementaux complexes aussi bien que surmonter des problèmes méthodologiques non résolus relatifs à la caractérisation des structures spatio-temporelles, particulièrement, celles des occurrences de feux forestières. Ainsi, cette Thèse fournit une réponse à la demande croissante de la gestion et du monitoring environnemental pour le déploiement d'outils d'évaluation des risques et des dangers naturels et anthro- pogéniques. Les majeures contributions de ce travail ont été présentées aux conférences nationales et internationales, et ont été aussi publiées dans 5 revues internationales avec comité de lecture. Des collaborations nationales et internationales ont été aussi établies et accomplies avec succès.
This thesis consists of a quantitative analysis of the regional prevalence of certain artistic motifs as they appear in Minoan wall painting of the Neopalatial period. This will help to establish the relative degree of artistic autonomy exercised by each of the sites included in this study. The results show that the argument for itinerant artists during this time period is a strong one, but the assumption that these travelling artists were being controlled by any one palace-centre is erroneous. Rather, the similarities and differences seen suggest that the choices were predicated either by the specific patrons, or by the function of the associated building or room. Thus, the motifs found within this study should be understood as constituting a cultural identity, with greater or lesser degrees of regional homogeneity, which act as one facet of a number of cultural indicators that can be used to better understand the role of artists and regional dynamics on the island during the Bronze Age.
This paper builds on existing theoretical work on sex markets (Della Giusta, Di Tommaso, and Strøm, 2009a). Using data from the British Sexual Attitudes Survey, we aim to replicate the analysis of the demand for paid sex previously conducted for the US (Della Giusta, Di Tommaso, Shima and Strøm, 2009b). We want to test formally the effect of attitudes, risky behaviors and personal characteristics on the demand for paid sex. Findings from empirical studies of clients suggest that personal characteristics (personal and family background, self-perception, perceptions of women, sexual preferences etc), economic factors (education, income, work) as well as attitudes towards risk (both health hazard and risk of being caught where sex work is illegal), and attitude towards relationships and sex are all likely to affect demand. Previous theoretical work has argued that stigma plays a fundamental role in determining both demand and risk, and that in particular due to the presence of stigma the demand for sex and for paid sex are not, as has been argued elsewhere, perfect substitutes. We use data from the British Sexual Attitudes Survey of 2001 to test these hypotheses. We find a positive effect of education (proxy for income), negative effects of professional status (proxies for stigma associated with buying sex), positive and significant effects of all risky behavior variables and no significant effects of variables which measure the relative degree of conservatism in morals. We conclude with some policy implications.
In this thesis, it is developed the robustness and stability analysis of a variable structure model reference adaptive controller considering the presence of disturbances and unmodeled dynamics. The controller is applied to uncertain, monovariable, linear time-invariant plants with relative degree one, and its development is based on the indirect adaptive control. In the direct approach, well known in the literature, the switching laws are designed for the controller parameters. In the indirect one, they are designed for the plant parameters and, thus, the selection of the relays upper bounds becomes more intuitive, whereas they are related to physical parameters, which present uncertainties that can be known easier, such as resistances, capacitances, inertia moments and friction coefficients. Two versions for the controller algorithm with the stability analysis are presented. The global asymptotic stability with respect to a compact set is guaranteed for both cases. Simulation results under adverse operation conditions in order to verify the theoretical results and to show the performance and robustness of the proposed controller are showed. Moreover, for practical purposes, some simplifications on the original algorithm are developed
This research aims at developing a variable structure adaptive backstepping controller (VS-ABC) by using state observers for SISO (Single Input Single Output), linear and time invariant systems with relative degree one. Therefore, the lters were replaced by a Luenberger Adaptive Observer and the control algorithm uses switching laws. The presented simulations compare the controller performance, considering when the state variables are estimated by an observer, with the case that the variables are available for measurement. Even with numerous performance advantages, adaptive backstepping controllers still have very complex algorithms, especially when the system state variables are not measured, since the use of lters on the plant input and output is not something trivial. As an attempt to make the controller design more intuitive, an adaptive observer as an alternative to commonly used K lters can be used. Furthermore, since the states variables are considered known, the controller has a reduction on the dependence of the unknown plant parameters on the design. Also, switching laws could be used in the controller instead of the traditional integral adaptive laws because they improve the system transient performance and increase the robustness against external disturbances in the plant input
With the technology progess, embedded systems using adaptive techniques are being used frequently. One of these techniques is the Variable Structure Model- Reference Adaptive Control (VS-MRAC). The implementation of this technique in embedded systems, requires consideration of a sampling period which if not taken into consideration, can adversely affect system performance and even takes the system to instability. This work proposes a stability analysis of a discrete-time VS-MRAC accomplished for SISO linear time-invariant plants with relative degree one. The aim is to analyse the in uence of the sampling period in the system performance and the relation of this period with the chattering and system instability
Includes bibliography