932 resultados para Relational ontology


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Le non-humain et son ontologie sont définis dans ce mémoire en fonction des écrits de Philippe Descola et d’Eduardo Viveiros de Castro, deux figures-clés en anthropologie contemporaine sur l’Amazonie. L’animisme de Descola prête aux non-humains une intériorité humaine et les différencie par leur corps. Le perspectivisme de Viveiros de Castro, quant à lui, suppose que les points de vue différents créent des mondes et établissent ce qui est humain ou non. L’humain correspond au sujet cosmologique à la position pronominale de la première personne du singulier, ou « I », au sein d’une relation. De la sorte, un non-humain se perçoit comme un humain à cette position pronominale « I » et voit l’Autre à la position pronominale « it », position du non-humain. Dans ces deux ontologies, le non-humain est conçu comme une personne capable d’agir dans les mondes. La diversité des êtres inclus dans cette ontologie relationnelle est démontrée par des illustrations provenant de l’ethnographie achuar et araweté de ces deux auteurs. Puis, les relations de parenté, d’alliance et de prédation que les non-humains tissent entre eux et avec les humains exposent l’homologie des rapports non-humains avec les rapports humains. Finalement, l’analyse des méthodes de communication entre le non-humain et l’humain élucide comment la reconnaissance du non-humain dans une communication permet le traitement de ces êtres en tant qu’humains. Le non-humain ne serait donc pas un sujet permanent, mais temporaire le moment de l’interaction.


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La musique, pour les Autochtones au Québec, joue un rôle fondamental pour l’expression et la consolidation identitaire, la mise en relation interpersonnelle, interculturelle et spirituelle ainsi que pour exercer un pouvoir d’action et de transformation sur soi et le milieu environnant. Cette thèse dresse un panorama de la scène musicale populaire autochtone contemporaine au Québec, en s’attardant plus particulièrement au milieu algonquien du Nord, tout en démontrant un lien de continuité évident avec le sens des traditions musicales et des rassemblements ancestraux. La musique populaire autochtone y est considérée comme un mode d’affirmation identitaire et de relation au monde, la scène de la musique populaire autochtone au Québec comme un réseau relationnel, et les événements musicaux comme des points de rencontre et de convergence (foyers) d’une communauté autochtone s’y reconnaissant et s’y reliant de façons différenciées. Le cadre théorique arrime les concepts de scène dans le contexte de culture populaire, des politiques/poétiques de l’identité, d’intersubjectivité, de résonance, de nomadisme, d’ontologie relationnelle, de poétiques de l’habiter (of dwelling), d’indigénisation et de transformation des identités et des modes d'être au monde autochtones dans le contexte contemporain. Selon les traditions algonquiennes, les actes musicaux servent à s’identifier en tant que personne particulière et membre d’une collectivité et du cosmos ainsi qu’à entretenir des relations avec les autres personnes du cosmos (humains et non humains) afin de vivre bien et de se donner du pouvoir sur soi et son environnement. Cette thèse démontre que les musiques populaires contemporaines et ses événements associés, bien que sous d’autres formes, poursuivent ce sens relationnel et identitaire des traditions musicales ancestrales et de leurs contextes de manifestation. Le réseau contemporain de la scène musicale populaire autochtone est ainsi formé d’espaces investis par les Autochtones de différentes nations, où ils se créent un chez-nous, un « espace à nous » et se redéfinissent des identités. Chanter, notamment dans leur langue, est ainsi un acte d’« habitation » du monde, de cohabitation, de communication, une inscription identitaire dans un environnement ainsi habité et senti.


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Although reciprocity is fundamental to all social orders, management research offers few reviews of the concept’s theoretical origins and current applications. To help bridge this gap, we elucidate the dominant understandings of reciprocity, ask which areas of research emerge from them, and explore how they interconnect. Our bibliometric methodology detects four clusters of management research on reciprocity. Across these clusters, authors subscribe mainly to substantialist ontology, marginalize morally oriented motives consistent with relational ontology, and largely assume that benefit-oriented motives underlie reciprocity. We outline the advantages of a moral-oriented relationalist concept of reciprocity and discuss potential areas for its development in management research.


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Este trabajo examina los marcos epistémicos y su modus operandi sobre los modelos explicativos en la psicología del desarrollo. En primer lugar, los rasgos del marco epistémico de la escisión y su intervención en el modo ?legítimo? de explicar las competencias, habilidades y funciones psicológicas. En segundo lugar, se muestran las dificultades de dicho modelo, aún predominante entre los investigadores, cuando se pretende dar cuenta de la emergencia de comportamientos, sistemas conceptuales y funciones que son estrictamente novedosas, esto es, que no están dadas dentro del aparato mental ni fuera del propio proceso. En tercer lugar, se exploran las características de una explicación sistémica para dichas novedades, enmarcándola en una ontología y una epistemología relacional. Se identifican las características del modelo sistémico y se evalúa su eficacia respecto de la emergencia de sistemas conceptuales y funciones psicológicas nuevas en el desarrollo. Finalmente, se identifican dos versiones de dicha explicación: el sistema complejo del constructivismo y la perspectiva vigotskyana de la explicación, estableciendo una fuerte diferencia respecto de un sistema de interacciones no dialéctico


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Este trabajo examina los marcos epistémicos y su modus operandi sobre los modelos explicativos en la psicología del desarrollo. En primer lugar, los rasgos del marco epistémico de la escisión y su intervención en el modo ?legítimo? de explicar las competencias, habilidades y funciones psicológicas. En segundo lugar, se muestran las dificultades de dicho modelo, aún predominante entre los investigadores, cuando se pretende dar cuenta de la emergencia de comportamientos, sistemas conceptuales y funciones que son estrictamente novedosas, esto es, que no están dadas dentro del aparato mental ni fuera del propio proceso. En tercer lugar, se exploran las características de una explicación sistémica para dichas novedades, enmarcándola en una ontología y una epistemología relacional. Se identifican las características del modelo sistémico y se evalúa su eficacia respecto de la emergencia de sistemas conceptuales y funciones psicológicas nuevas en el desarrollo. Finalmente, se identifican dos versiones de dicha explicación: el sistema complejo del constructivismo y la perspectiva vigotskyana de la explicación, estableciendo una fuerte diferencia respecto de un sistema de interacciones no dialéctico


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Este trabajo examina los marcos epistémicos y su modus operandi sobre los modelos explicativos en la psicología del desarrollo. En primer lugar, los rasgos del marco epistémico de la escisión y su intervención en el modo ?legítimo? de explicar las competencias, habilidades y funciones psicológicas. En segundo lugar, se muestran las dificultades de dicho modelo, aún predominante entre los investigadores, cuando se pretende dar cuenta de la emergencia de comportamientos, sistemas conceptuales y funciones que son estrictamente novedosas, esto es, que no están dadas dentro del aparato mental ni fuera del propio proceso. En tercer lugar, se exploran las características de una explicación sistémica para dichas novedades, enmarcándola en una ontología y una epistemología relacional. Se identifican las características del modelo sistémico y se evalúa su eficacia respecto de la emergencia de sistemas conceptuales y funciones psicológicas nuevas en el desarrollo. Finalmente, se identifican dos versiones de dicha explicación: el sistema complejo del constructivismo y la perspectiva vigotskyana de la explicación, estableciendo una fuerte diferencia respecto de un sistema de interacciones no dialéctico


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Bridging the contending theories of natural law and international relations, this book proposes a 'relational ontology' as the basis for rethinking our approach to international politics. The book contains a number of challenging and controversial ideas on the study of international political thought which should provoke constructive debate within international relations theory, political theory, and philosophical ethics. © Amanda Russell Beattie 2010. All rights reserved.


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I would like to thank Philip Hammond and Julian Reid for their thoughtful reviews. For Reid, the ‘life’ focus of resilience thinking is just another liberal/ neoliberal governmentality, enabling the reproduction and extension of biopolitical rule, thus my book provides interesting insights, but is not necessarily essential for the making of such claims. For Hammond, the conceptual distinctions made in the book shed some useful insights into current discussions of how policy understandings are being transformed and the emergence of the new doxa of complexity and its relational ontology (drawing adherents from across the, now defunct, Left–Right ideological divide).


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With the constant grow of enterprises and the need to share information across departments and business areas becomes more critical, companies are turning to integration to provide a method for interconnecting heterogeneous, distributed and autonomous systems. Whether the sales application needs to interface with the inventory application, the procurement application connect to an auction site, it seems that any application can be made better by integrating it with other applications. Integration between applications can face several troublesome due the fact that applications may not have been designed and implemented having integration in mind. Regarding to integration issues, two tier software systems, composed by the database tier and by the “front-end” tier (interface), have shown some limitations. As a solution to overcome the two tier limitations, three tier systems were proposed in the literature. Thus, by adding a middle-tier (referred as middleware) between the database tier and the “front-end” tier (or simply referred application), three main benefits emerge. The first benefit is related with the fact that the division of software systems in three tiers enables increased integration capabilities with other systems. The second benefit is related with the fact that any modifications to the individual tiers may be carried out without necessarily affecting the other tiers and integrated systems and the third benefit, consequence of the others, is related with less maintenance tasks in software system and in all integrated systems. Concerning software development in three tiers, this dissertation focus on two emerging technologies, Semantic Web and Service Oriented Architecture, combined with middleware. These two technologies blended with middleware, which resulted in the development of Swoat framework (Service and Semantic Web Oriented ArchiTecture), lead to the following four synergic advantages: (1) allow the creation of loosely-coupled systems, decoupling the database from “front-end” tiers, therefore reducing maintenance; (2) the database schema is transparent to “front-end” tiers which are aware of the information model (or domain model) that describes what data is accessible; (3) integration with other heterogeneous systems is allowed by providing services provided by the middleware; (4) the service request by the “frontend” tier focus on ‘what’ data and not on ‘where’ and ‘how’ related issues, reducing this way the application development time by developers.


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More and more researchers have realized that ontologies will play a critical role in the development of the Semantic Web, the next generation Web in which content is not only consumable by humans, but also by software agents. The development of tools to support ontology management including creation, visualization, annotation, database storage, and retrieval is thus extremely important. We have developed ImageSpace, an image ontology creation and annotation tool that features (1) full support for the standard web ontology language DAML+OIL; (2) image ontology creation, visualization, image annotation and display in one integrated framework; (3) ontology consistency assurance; and (4) storing ontologies and annotations in relational databases. It is expected that the availability of such a tool will greatly facilitate the creation of image repositories as islands of the Semantic Web.


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This thesis investigates how ways of being in different ontologies emerge from material and embodied practice. This general concern is explored through the particular case study of Scotland in the period of the witch trials (the 16th and 17th centuries C.E.). The field of early modern Scottish witchcraft studies has been active and dynamic over the past 15 years but its prioritisation of what people said over what they did leaves a clear gap for a situated and relational approach focusing upon materiality. Such an approach requires a move away from the Cartesian dichotomies of modern ontology to recognise past beliefs as real to those who experienced them, coconstitutive of embodiment and of the material worlds people inhabited. In theory, method and practice, this demands a different way of exploring past worlds to avoid flattening strange data. To this end, the study incorporates narratives and ‘disruptions’ – unique engagements with Contemporary Art which facilitate understanding by enabling the temporary suspension of disbelief. The methodology is iterative, tacking between material and written sources in order to better understand the heterogeneous assemblages of early modern (counter-) witchcraft. Previously separate areas of discourse are (re-)constituted into alternative ontic categories of newly-parallel materials. New interpretations of things, places, bodies and personhoods emerge, raising questions about early modern experiences of the world. Three thematic chapters explore different sets of collaborative agencies as they entwine into new things, co-fabricating a very different world. Moving between witch trial accounts, healing wells, infant burial grounds, animals, discipline artefacts and charms, the boundaries of all prove highly permeable. People, cloth and place bleed into one another through contact; trees and water emerge as powerful agents of magical-place-making; and people and animals meet to become single, hybrid-persons spread over two bodies. Life and death consistently emerge as protracted processes with the capacity to overlap and occur simultaneously in problematic ways. The research presented in this thesis establishes a new way of looking at the nature of Being as experienced by early modern Scots. This provides a foundation for further studies, which can draw in other materials not explored here such as communion wares and metal charms. Comparison with other early modern Western societies may also prove fruitful. Furthermore, the methodology may be suitable for application to other interdisciplinary projects incorporating historical and material evidence.


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We examine the representation of judgements of stochastic independence in probabilistic logics. We focus on a relational logic where (i) judgements of stochastic independence are encoded by directed acyclic graphs, and (ii) probabilistic assessments are flexible in the sense that they are not required to specify a single probability measure. We discuss issues of knowledge representation and inference that arise from our particular combination of graphs, stochastic independence, logical formulas and probabilistic assessments. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.