884 resultados para Relation between professional insertion and training
Ce mémoire est une recherche théorique qui tire son origine du constat selon lequel il est difficile d’analyser la réalisation du projet professionnel des candidats à l’enseignement. Tel est le cas en raison des particularités contextuelles et des pluralités théoriques relatives aux notions de formation et d’insertion. À partir de ce constat, ce mémoire propose un cadre d’analyse permettant de comprendre comment les jeunes enseignants du Québec appréhendent le « rapport entre » leur formation et leur insertion face aux différentes contraintes (i.e. rigidité du système institutionnel de la formation, marché de l’insertion fluctuant et saturé, etc.) et aux ressources disponibles (i.e. programme d’études, cours, etc.) pour réaliser leur projet professionnel. Il repose sur l’hypothèse selon laquelle, pour réaliser leur projet professionnel, les candidats à l’enseignement mobilisent des stratégies afin de négocier les contraintes et ressources de leurs contextes respectifs. Dans cette optique, la démarche de cette recherche théorique s’inscrit dans une perspective interactionniste, telle qu’elle est véhiculée par la tradition de Chicago (Chapoulie, 2001). Quelques postulats sont mobilisés pour baliser les différentes étapes d’élaboration du cadre d’analyse. Le premier postulat considère que le « point de vue » de l’acteur est prépondérant pour comprendre ses conduites (Morrissette, Guignon & Demaziére, 2011). Cela amène à articuler les ancrages théoriques nécessaires à l’élaboration du cadre d’analyse en croisant une sociologie interactionniste avec une sociologie de l’action. Plus particulièrement, les concepts de « définition de la situation » de Thomas (1923) et de la « représentation de soi » de Goffman (1969) sont mis à profit. Les notions de coopération, d’incertitude et de rationalité, tirées du modèle de l’acteur stratégique de Crozier et Friedberg (1981), viennent compléter les assises de la modélisation d’une trame de négociation (Strauss & Baszanger, 1992). Le deuxième postulat considère que les contextes, sont prépondérants pour expliquer les conduites humaines (Abbott, 1999). Ces contextes, dits «éloignés» et «rapprochés» de l’acteur, constituent le « contexte d’action » (Strauss & Baszanger, 1992). Ce faisant, ils influent sur les stratégies mobilisées par l’acteur candidat à l’enseignement. Le troisième postulat considère que le monde social est animé par des processus (re)créés au travers des interactions entre acteurs (Morrissette & Guignon, 2014). Il amène à envisager la formation et l’insertion comme des processus sujets à des redéfinitions continues. Cela conduit à repenser la réalisation du projet professionnel des candidats à l’enseignement sous l’angle du « rapport entre ». Ces trois postulats structurent le cadre d’analyse qui se présente comme une « trame de négociation ». Il est développé pour éventuellement éclairer les stratégies de négociation mobilisées en contexte par les candidats québécois à l’enseignement pour réaliser leur projet professionnel.
In this paper we present a research that took place between 2010 and 2012 included in an investigation scholarship awarded by the State University of la Plata. It is about the problem with the transition between college and professional work. It is a part of the produced studies on the importance of social representations as factors that impact on the performance of specific activities. In this case it's about finding out the relations given among the representations about graduated professional role of the Psychology career and its job insertion and performance. The theoretical framework corresponds to Social Psychology and Guidance theories. Methodologically this is an exploratory and descriptive study, based on the 'triangulation' conception, of multiple type, that allows combining in the same investigation, different strategies, theoretical perspectives and sources; however qualitative techniques were prioritized to analyze data. Finally there are some considerations about the social representations concerning to the professional performance, mainly in the clinical field associated to education, and also to the problems of both situations over other fields
In this paper we present a research that took place between 2010 and 2012 included in an investigation scholarship awarded by the State University of la Plata. It is about the problem with the transition between college and professional work. It is a part of the produced studies on the importance of social representations as factors that impact on the performance of specific activities. In this case it's about finding out the relations given among the representations about graduated professional role of the Psychology career and its job insertion and performance. The theoretical framework corresponds to Social Psychology and Guidance theories. Methodologically this is an exploratory and descriptive study, based on the 'triangulation' conception, of multiple type, that allows combining in the same investigation, different strategies, theoretical perspectives and sources; however qualitative techniques were prioritized to analyze data. Finally there are some considerations about the social representations concerning to the professional performance, mainly in the clinical field associated to education, and also to the problems of both situations over other fields
In this paper we present a research that took place between 2010 and 2012 included in an investigation scholarship awarded by the State University of la Plata. It is about the problem with the transition between college and professional work. It is a part of the produced studies on the importance of social representations as factors that impact on the performance of specific activities. In this case it's about finding out the relations given among the representations about graduated professional role of the Psychology career and its job insertion and performance. The theoretical framework corresponds to Social Psychology and Guidance theories. Methodologically this is an exploratory and descriptive study, based on the 'triangulation' conception, of multiple type, that allows combining in the same investigation, different strategies, theoretical perspectives and sources; however qualitative techniques were prioritized to analyze data. Finally there are some considerations about the social representations concerning to the professional performance, mainly in the clinical field associated to education, and also to the problems of both situations over other fields
The content and context of work significantly influences an employees’ satisfaction. While managers see work motivation as a tool to engage the employees so that they perform better, academicians value work motivation for its contribution to human behaviour. Though the relationship between employee motivation and project success has been extensively covered in the literature, more research focusing on the nature of job design on project success may have been wanting. We address this gap through this study. The present study contributes to the extant literature by suggesting an operational framework of work motivation for project—based organizations. We are also advancing the conceptual understanding of this variable by understanding how the different facets of work motivation have a differing impact of the various parameters of project performance. A survey instrument using standardized scales of work motivation and project success was used. 199 project workers from various industries completed the survey. We first ‘operationalized’ the definition of work motivation for the purpose of our study through a principal component analysis of work motivation items. We obtained a five factor structure that had items pertaining to employee development, work climate, goal clarity, and job security. We then performed a Pearson’s correlation analysis which revealed moderate to significant relationship between project outcomes ad work climate; project outcomes & employee development. In order to establish a causality between work motivation and project management success, we employed linear regression analysis. The results show that work climate is a significant predictor of client satisfaction, while it moderately influences the project quality. Further, bringing in objectivity to project work is important for a successful implementation.
The purpose of this paper is to present theoretical lenses that explain the relation between work motivation and project management success in case of temporary organizations such as projects. This paper is a part of the larger research study that first empirically identifies the constructs of work motivation in case of temporary organizations, and then empirically determines the relation between work motivation, and project management success. In the current paper, we have briefly reviewed the theories of work motivation from the work design school. These theories are predominantly drawn from the industrial/ organizational psychology literature. Then, we have considered the recent research on Nine Schools of Project Management as a point of departure to review theory on project management success. These theoretical perspectives are drawn from project management literature. We then illustrate the points of overlap for the theories drawn from these two disciplines. This review helps us to position our research study within the industrial/ organizational psychology, and project management literature as a cross-discipline study.
Let A be a positive definite operator in a Hilbert space and consider the initial value problem for u(t) = -A(2)u. Using a representation of the semigroup exp(-A(2)t) in terms of the group exp(iAt) we express u in terms of the solution of the standard heat equation w(t) = W-yy, with initial values v solving the initial value problem for v(y) = iAv. This representation is used to construct a method for approximating u in terms of approximations of v. In the case that A is a 2(nd) order elliptic operator the method is combined with finite elements in the spatial variable and then reduces the solution of the 4(th) order equation for u to that of the 2(nd) order equation for v, followed by the solution of the heat equation in one space variable.
This paper makes explicit the relation between relative part position and kinematic freedom of the parts which is implicitly available in the literature. An extensive set of representative papers in the areas of assembly and kinematic modelling is reviewed to specifically identify how the ideas in the two areas are related and influencing the development of each other. The papers are categorised by the approaches followed in the specification, representation, and solution of the part relations. It is observed that the extent of the part geometry is not respected in modelling schemes and as a result, the causal flow of events (proximity–contact–mobility) during the assembling process is not realised in the existing modelling paradigms, which are focusing on either the relative positioning problem or the relative motion problem. Though an assembly is a static description of part configuration, achievement of this configuration requires availability of relative motion for bringing parts together during the assembly process. On the other hand, the kinematic freedom of a part depends on the nature of contacting regions with other parts in its static configuration. These two problems are thus related through the contact geometry. The chronology of the approaches that significantly contributed to the development of the subject is also included in the paper.
An attempt has been made to describe the glass forming ability (GFA) of liquid alloys, using the concepts of the short range order (SRO) and middle range order (MRO) characterizing the liquid structure.A new approach to obtain good GFA of liquid alloys is based on the following four main factors: (1) formation of new SRO and competitive correlation with two or more kinds of SROs for crystallization, (2) stabilization of dense random packing by interaction between different types of SRO, (3) formation of stable cluster (SC) or middle range order (MRO) by harmonious coupling of SROs, and (4) difference between SRO characterizing the liquid structure and the near-neighbor environment in the corresponding equilibrium crystalline phases. The atomic volume mismatch estimated from the cube of the atomic radius was found to be a close relation with the minimum solute concentration for glass formation. This empirical guideline enables us to provide the optimum solute concentration for good GFA in some ternary alloys. Model structures, denoted by Bernal type and the Chemical Order type, were again tested in the novel description for the glass structure as a function of solute concentration. We illustrated the related energetics of the completion between crystal embryo and different types of SRO. Recent systematic measurements also provide that thermal diffusivity of alloys in the liquid state may be a good indicator of their GFA.
It is pointed out that the change in refractive index with temperature of a crystal is different from what is calculated from the accompanying change in volume and the piezo-optic coefficients. The difference, which is a pure temperature effect, is explained as being due to the change in polarizability of the atoms produced by a change in the amplitude of vibration. The polarizability (α) can be expanded as a Taylor series in the changes of the distance (r) between the atoms and it is found that while the piezo-optic coefficient depends only on ∂α/∂r, the pure temperature effect is a function of ∂ 2 a/∂r 2. Making use of the experimental data, the values of a and its first two derivatives can be determined. These values are foundto be of the same order as those deduced from the intensities of Rayleigh and Raman scattering of light. The theory predicts that dn/dT should vary as the coefficient of cubical expansion at different temperatures and this is verified to be true. Finally, calculations are made of the thermo- and piezo-optic coefficients, considering the electrostatic interaction between the atoms. These do not adequately explain the observed facts, since no provision is made for the distortion of electron atmospheres around the atoms and the consequent changes in polarizability.
Non-negative matrix factorization [5](NMF) is a well known tool for unsupervised machine learning. It can be viewed as a generalization of the K-means clustering, Expectation Maximization based clustering and aspect modeling by Probabilistic Latent Semantic Analysis (PLSA). Specifically PLSA is related to NMF with KL-divergence objective function. Further it is shown that K-means clustering is a special case of NMF with matrix L2 norm based error function. In this paper our objective is to analyze the relation between K-means clustering and PLSA by examining the KL-divergence function and matrix L2 norm based error function.
Stellar mass black holes (SMBHs), forming by the core collapse of very massive, rapidly rotating stars, are expected to exhibit a high density accretion disk around them developed from the spinning mantle of the collapsing star. A wide class of such disks, due to their high density and temperature, are effective emitters of neutrinos and hence called neutrino cooled disks. Tracking the physics relating the observed (neutrino) luminosity to the mass, spin of black holes (BHs) and the accretion rate ((M) over dot) of such disks, here we establish a correlation between the spin and mass of SMBHs at their formation stage. Our work shows that spinning BHs are more massive than nonspinning BHs for a given (M) over dot. However, slowly spinning BHs can turn out to be more massive than spinning BHs if (M) over dot at their formation stage was higher compared to faster spinning BHs.
Minced fish is a significant component of a number of frozen fishery products like fish fingers, cakes and patties. Predominately minced fish is produced from gadoid species (Alaska pollack, cod, saithe, hake and others) possessing the enzyme trimethylamine oxide demethylase (TMAOase, E.C. (Rehbein and Schreiber 1984). TMAOase catalyses the degradation of trimethylamine oxide (TMAO) to formaldehyde (FA) and dimethylamine (DMA), preferentially during frozen storage of products (Hultin 1992). In most gadoid species light muscle contains only low activity of TMAOase, the activity of red muscle and bellyflaps being somewhat higher. In contrast, the TMAOase activity in blood, kidney and other tissues, residues of which may contaminate minced fish flesh, may be higher for several orders of magnitude (Rehbein and Schreiber 1984).
Based on the statistical analysis of 119 human and 92 E. coli proteins it was found that for both human and E. coli, the mRNA sequences consisting of tri-codon and tetra-codon with high translation speed preferably code for alpha helices more than for coils. For beta strand, the preference/ avoidance oscillates with the translation speed. Moreover, the non-homogeneous usages of tri-codon and tetra-codon with different translation speeds in a given secondary structure have also been found. These results cannot be simply explained by the effect of stochastic fluctuation.
In this paper, the spectral relation between the master and the frequency-locked slave laser (FLSL) is investigated by the conventional technique of optical intensity modulation and optical heterodyne. Experimentally, we demonstrate that under complete and stable locking condition, the lightwave of the FLSL and the sidebands of the master laser produced by the optical intensity modulation are perfectly coherent (frequency coherence). Referring to our recent studies, the lightwave of the master laser and its corresponding sidebands are also perfectly coherent. Additionally, the spectral structures of two perfectly coherent lightwaves are identical in the level of wave train. Therefore, we indirectly verify that the spectral structures of the FLSL and the master laser are identical in the level of wave train.