714 resultados para Reinforcement Corrosion


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The corrosion of steel reinforcement bars in reinforced concrete structures exposed to severe marine environments usually is attributed to the aggressive nature of chloride ions. In some cases in practice corrosion has been observed to commence already within a few years of exposure even with considerable concrete cover to the reinforcement and apparently high quality concretes. However, there are a number of other cases in practice for which corrosion initiation took much longer, even in cases with quite modest concrete cover and modest concrete quality. Many of these structures show satisfactory long-term structural performance, despite having high levels of localized chloride concentrations at the reinforcement. This disparity was noted already more than 50 years ago, but appears still not fully explained. This paper presents a systematic overview of cases reported in the engineering and corrosion literature and considers possible reasons for these differences. Consistent with observations by others, the data show that concretes made from blast furnace cements have better corrosion durability properties. The data also strongly suggest that concretes made with limestone or non-reactive dolomite aggregates or sufficiently high levels of other forms of calcium carbonates have favourable reinforcement corrosion properties. Both corrosion initiation and the onset of significant damage are delayed. Some possible reasons for this are explored briefly.


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Based on extensive research on reinforcing steel corrosion in concrete in the past decades, it is now possible to estimate the effect of the progression of reinforcement corrosion in concrete infrastructure on its structural performance. There are still areas of considerable uncertainty in the models and in the data available, however This paper uses a recently developed model for reinforcement corrosion in concrete to improve the estimation process and to indicate the practical implications. In particular stochastic models are used to estimate the time likely to elapse for each phase of the whole corrosion process: initiation, corrosion-induced concrete cracking, and structural strength reduction. It was found that, for practical flexural structures subject to chloride attacks, corrosion initiation may start quite early in their service life. It was also found that, once the structure is considered to be unserviceable due to corrosion-induced cracking, there is considerable remaining service life before the structure can be considered to have become unsafe. The procedure proposed in the paper has the potential to serve as a rational tool for practitioners, operators, and asset managers to make decisions about the optimal timing of repairs, strengthening, and/or rehabilitation of corrosion-affected concrete infrastructure. Timely intervention has the potential to prolong the service life of infrastructure.


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In this work, cracking of concrete due to steel reinforcement corrosion is experimentally and numerically studied. The tests combined accelerated corrosion—to generate the cracks—with impregnation under vacuum with resin containing fluorescein—to enhance their visibility under ultraviolet light. In parallel, a model—called expansive joint element—was developed to simulate the expansion of the oxide and finite elements with an embedded adaptable cohesive crack were used to describe concrete cracking. The results show that a good agreement exists between the experimental and numerical crack patterns, which constitutes promising progress towards a comprehensive understanding of corrosion-induced cracking in reinforced concrete.


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La corrosión del acero es una de las patologías más importantes que afectan a las estructuras de hormigón armado que están expuestas a ambientes marinos o al ataque de sales fundentes. Cuando se produce corrosión, se genera una capa de óxido alrededor de la superficie de las armaduras, que ocupa un volumen mayor que el acero inicial; como consecuencia, el óxido ejerce presiones internas en el hormigón circundante, que lleva a la fisuración y, ocasionalmente, al desprendimiento del recubrimiento de hormigón. Durante los últimos años, numerosos estudios han contribuido a ampliar el conocimiento sobre el proceso de fisuración; sin embargo, aún existen muchas incertidumbres respecto al comportamiento mecánico de la capa de óxido, que es fundamental para predecir la fisuración. Por ello, en esta tesis se ha desarrollado y aplicado una metodología, para mejorar el conocimiento respecto al comportamiento del sistema acero-óxido-hormigón, combinando experimentos y simulaciones numéricas. Se han realizado ensayos de corrosión acelerada en condiciones de laboratorio, utilizando la técnica de corriente impresa. Con el objetivo de obtener información cercana a la capa de acero, como muestras se seleccionaron prismas de hormigón con un tubo de acero liso como armadura, que se diseñaron para conseguir la formación de una única fisura principal en el recubrimiento. Durante los ensayos, las muestras se equiparon con instrumentos especialmente diseñados para medir la variación de diámetro y volumen interior de los tubos, y se midió la apertura de la fisura principal utilizando un extensómetro comercial, adaptado a la geometría de las muestras. Las condiciones de contorno se diseñaron cuidadosamente para que los campos de corriente y deformación fuesen planos durante los ensayos, resultando en corrosión uniforme a lo largo del tubo, para poder reproducir los ensayos en simulaciones numéricas. Se ensayaron series con varias densidades de corriente y varias profundidades de corrosión. De manera complementaria, el comportamiento en fractura del hormigón se caracterizó en ensayos independientes, y se midió la pérdida gravimétrica de los tubos siguiendo procedimientos estándar. En todos los ensayos, la fisura principal creció muy despacio durante las primeras micras de profundidad de corrosión, pero después de una cierta profundidad crítica, la fisura se desarrolló completamente, con un aumento rápido de su apertura; la densidad de corriente influye en la profundidad de corrosión crítica. Las variaciones de diámetro interior y de volumen interior de los tubos mostraron tendencias diferentes entre sí, lo que indica que la deformación del tubo no fue uniforme. Después de la corrosión acelerada, las muestras se cortaron en rebanadas, que se utilizaron en ensayos post-corrosión. El patrón de fisuración se estudió a lo largo del tubo, en rebanadas que se impregnaron en vacío con resina y fluoresceína para mejorar la visibilidad de las fisuras bajo luz ultravioleta, y se estudió la presencia de óxido dentro de las grietas. En todas las muestras, se formó una fisura principal en el recubrimiento, infiltrada con óxido, y varias fisuras secundarias finas alrededor del tubo; el número de fisuras varió con la profundidad de corrosión de las muestras. Para muestras con la misma corrosión, el número de fisuras y su posición fue diferente entre muestras y entre secciones de una misma muestra, debido a la heterogeneidad del hormigón. Finalmente, se investigó la adherencia entre el acero y el hormigón, utilizando un dispositivo diseñado para empujar el tubo en el hormigón. Las curvas de tensión frente a desplazamiento del tubo presentaron un pico marcado, seguido de un descenso constante; la profundidad de corrosión y la apertura de fisura de las muestras influyeron notablemente en la tensión residual del ensayo. Para simular la fisuración del hormigón causada por la corrosión de las armaduras, se programó un modelo numérico. Éste combina elementos finitos con fisura embebida adaptable que reproducen la fractura del hormigón conforme al modelo de fisura cohesiva estándar, y elementos de interfaz llamados elementos junta expansiva, que se programaron específicamente para reproducir la expansión volumétrica del óxido y que incorporan su comportamiento mecánico. En el elemento junta expansiva se implementó un fenómeno de despegue, concretamente de deslizamiento y separación, que resultó fundamental para obtener localización de fisuras adecuada, y que se consiguió con una fuerte reducción de la rigidez tangencial y la rigidez en tracción del óxido. Con este modelo, se realizaron simulaciones de los ensayos, utilizando modelos bidimensionales de las muestras con elementos finitos. Como datos para el comportamiento en fractura del hormigón, se utilizaron las propiedades determinadas en experimentos. Para el óxido, inicialmente se supuso un comportamiento fluido, con deslizamiento y separación casi perfectos. Después, se realizó un ajuste de los parámetros del elemento junta expansiva para reproducir los resultados experimentales. Se observó que variaciones en la rigidez normal del óxido apenas afectaban a los resultados, y que los demás parámetros apenas afectaban a la apertura de fisura; sin embargo, la deformación del tubo resultó ser muy sensible a variaciones en los parámetros del óxido, debido a la flexibilidad de la pared de los tubos, lo que resultó fundamental para determinar indirectamente los valores de los parámetros constitutivos del óxido. Finalmente, se realizaron simulaciones definitivas de los ensayos. El modelo reprodujo la profundidad de corrosión crítica y el comportamiento final de las curvas experimentales; se comprobó que la variación de diámetro interior de los tubos está fuertemente influenciada por su posición relativa respecto a la fisura principal, en concordancia con los resultados experimentales. De la comparación de los resultados experimentales y numéricos, se pudo extraer información sobre las propiedades del óxido que de otra manera no habría podido obtenerse. Corrosion of steel is one of the main pathologies affecting reinforced concrete structures exposed to marine environments or to molten salt. When corrosion occurs, an oxide layer develops around the reinforcement surface, which occupies a greater volume than the initial steel; thus, it induces internal pressure on the surrounding concrete that leads to cracking and, eventually, to full-spalling of the concrete cover. During the last years much effort has been devoted to understand the process of cracking; however, there is still a lack of knowledge regarding the mechanical behavior of the oxide layer, which is essential in the prediction of cracking. Thus, a methodology has been developed and applied in this thesis to gain further understanding of the behavior of the steel-oxide-concrete system, combining experiments and numerical simulations. Accelerated corrosion tests were carried out in laboratory conditions, using the impressed current technique. To get experimental information close to the oxide layer, concrete prisms with a smooth steel tube as reinforcement were selected as specimens, which were designed to get a single main crack across the cover. During the tests, the specimens were equipped with instruments that were specially designed to measure the variation of inner diameter and volume of the tubes, and the width of the main crack was recorded using a commercial extensometer that was adapted to the geometry of the specimens. The boundary conditions were carefully designed so that plane current and strain fields were expected during the tests, resulting in nearly uniform corrosion along the length of the tube, so that the tests could be reproduced in numerical simulations. Series of tests were carried out with various current densities and corrosion depths. Complementarily, the fracture behavior of concrete was characterized in independent tests, and the gravimetric loss of the steel tubes was determined by standard means. In all the tests, the main crack grew very slowly during the first microns of corrosion depth, but after a critical corrosion depth it fully developed and opened faster; the current density influenced the critical corrosion depth. The variation of inner diameter and inner volume of the tubes had different trends, which indicates that the deformation of the tube was not uniform. After accelerated corrosion, the specimens were cut into slices, which were used in post-corrosion tests. The pattern of cracking along the reinforcement was investigated in slices that were impregnated under vacuum with resin containing fluorescein to enhance the visibility of cracks under ultraviolet lightening and a study was carried out to assess the presence of oxide into the cracks. In all the specimens, a main crack developed through the concrete cover, which was infiltrated with oxide, and several thin secondary cracks around the reinforcement; the number of cracks diminished with the corrosion depth of the specimen. For specimens with the same corrosion, the number of cracks and their position varied from one specimen to another and between cross-sections of a given specimen, due to the heterogeneity of concrete. Finally, the bond between the steel and the concrete was investigated, using a device designed to push the tubes of steel in the concrete. The curves of stress versus displacement of the tube presented a marked peak, followed by a steady descent, with notably influence of the corrosion depth and the crack width on the residual stress. To simulate cracking of concrete due to corrosion of the reinforcement, a numerical model was implemented. It combines finite elements with an embedded adaptable crack that reproduces cracking of concrete according to the basic cohesive model, and interface elements so-called expansive joint elements, which were specially designed to reproduce the volumetric expansion of oxide and incorporate its mechanical behavior. In the expansive joint element, a debonding effect was implemented consisting of sliding and separation, which was proved to be essential to achieve proper localization of cracks, and was achieved by strongly reducing the shear and the tensile stiffnesses of the oxide. With that model, simulations of the accelerated corrosion tests were carried out on 2- dimensional finite element models of the specimens. For the fracture behavior of concrete, the properties experimentally determined were used as input. For the oxide, initially a fluidlike behavior was assumed with nearly perfect sliding and separation; then the parameters of the expansive joint element were modified to fit the experimental results. Changes in the bulk modulus of the oxide barely affected the results and changes in the remaining parameters had a moderate effect on the predicted crack width; however, the deformation of the tube was very sensitive to variations in the parameters of oxide, due to the flexibility of the tube wall, which was crucial for indirect determination of the constitutive parameters of oxide. Finally, definitive simulations of the tests were carried out. The model reproduced the critical corrosion depth and the final behavior of the experimental curves; it was assessed that the variation of inner diameter of the tubes is highly influenced by its relative position with respect to the main crack, in accordance with the experimental observations. From the comparison of the experimental and numerical results, some properties of the mechanical behavior of the oxide were disclosed that otherwise could not have been measured.


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The reduction in the useful-service life of reinforced concrete construction in the Arabian Gulf is attributed to reinforcement corrosion. While this phenomenon is primarily related to chloride ions, the concomitant pressure of sulfate salts may accelerate the deterioration process. Another factor which might influence reinforcement corrosion is the elevated ambient temperature. While few studies have been conducted to evaluate the individual effect of sulfate contamination and temperature on chloride binding and reinforcement corrosion, the synergistic effect of these factors on concrete durability, viz.-a-viz., reinforcement corrosion, needs to be evaluated. Further, the environmental conditions of the Arabian Gulf are also conducive for accelerated carbonation. However, no data are available on the concomitant effect of chloride-sulfate contamination and elevated temperature on the carbonation behaviour of plain and blended cements.This study was conducted to evaluate the conjoint effect of chloride-sulfate contamination and temperature on the pore solution chemistry and reinforcement corrosion. The effect of chloride-sulfate contamination and elevated temperature on carbonation in plain and blended cements was also investigated. Pore solution extraction and analysis, X-ray diffraction, differential thermal analysis, scanning electron microscopy, DC linear polarization resistance and AC impedance spectroscopy techniques were utilized to study the effect of experimental parameters on chloride binding, reinforcement corrosion and carbonation.The results indicated that the concomitant presence of chloride and sulfate salts and temperature significantly influences the durability performance of concrete by: (i) decreasing the chloride binding, (ii) increasing reinforcement corrosion, and (iii) accelerating the carbonation process. To avoid such deterioration, it is advisable to minimize both chloride and sulfate contamination contributed by the mixture ingredients. Due to the known harmful role of sulfate ions in decreasing the chloride binding and increasing reinforcement corrosion, limits on allowable sulfate contamination in concrete should also be established.


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There are currently many types of protective materials for reinforced concrete structures and the influence of these materials in the chloride diffusion coefficient and water penetration still needs more research. The aim of this work is to analyze the contributions regarding the typical three surface concrete protection systems (coatings, linings and pore blockers) and discusses the results of three pore blockers (sodium silicate) tested in this work. To this end, certain tests were used: one involving permeability mechanism (low pressure-immersion absorption), one involving capillary water absorption, and the last, a migration test used to estimate the effective chloride diffusion coefficient in saturated condition. Results indicated reduction in chloride diffusion coefficients and capillary water absorption, therefore, restrictions to water penetration from external environmental. As a consequence, a reduction of the corrosion kinetics and a control of the chloride ingress are expected.


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The carbonation of concrete or the chlorides ingress in such quantity to reach the level of bars is triggers of reinforcement corrosion. One of the most significant effects of reinforcing steel corrosion on reinforced concrete structures is the decline in the ductility-related properties of the steel. Reinforcement ductility has a decisive effect on the overall ductility of reinforced concrete structures. Different Codes classify the type of steel depending on their ductility defined by the minimum values of several parameters. Using indicators of ductility associating different properties can be advantageous on many occasions. It is considered necessary to define the ductility by means of a single parameter that considers strength values and deformation simultaneously. There are a number of criteria for defining steel ductility by a single parameter. The present experimental study addresses the variation in the ductility of concrete-embedded steel bars when exposed to accelerated corrosion. This paper analyzes the suitability of a new indicator of ductility used in corroded bars.


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The effectiveness of a repair work for the restoration of spalled reinforced concrete (r.c.) structures depends to a great extent, on their ability to restore the structural integrity of the r.c. element, to restore its serviceability and to protect the reinforcements from further deterioration. This paper presents results of a study concocted to investigate the structural performance of eight spalled r.c. beams repaired using two advanced repair materials in various zones for comparison purposes, namely a free flowing self compacting mortar (FFSCM) and a polymer Modified cementitious mortar (PMCM). The repair technique adopted was that for the repair of spalled concrete in which the bond between the concrete and steel was completely lost due to reinforcement corrosion or the effect of fire or impact. The beams used for the experiment were first cast, then hacked at various zones before they were repaired except for the control beam. The beam specimens were then loaded to failure under four point loadings. The structural response of each beam was evaluated in terms of first crack load, cracking behavior, crack pattern, deflection, variation of strains in the concrete and steel, collapse load and the modes of failure. The results of the test showed that, the repair materials applied on the various zones of the beams were able to restore more than 100% of the beams’ capacity and that FFSCM gave a better overall performance.


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Despite being exposed to the harsh sea-spray environment of the North Sea at Arbroath, Scotland, for over 63 years, many of the reinforced concrete precast beam elements of the 1.5 km long promenade railing are still in very good condition and show little evidence of reinforcement corrosion. In contrast, railing replacements constructed in about 1968 and in 1993 are almost all badly cracked as a result of extensive corrosion of the longitudinal reinforcement. This is despite the newer concrete appearing to be of better quality than the 1943 concrete. Statistics for maximum crack width for each of the three populations, based on measurements made in 2004 and in 2006, are presented. In situ and laboratory measurements show that the 1943 concrete appears to have high permeability but it also shows high electrical resistivity. Chloride penetration measurements show the 1943 and 1993 concretes to have similar chloride profiles and similar chloride concentrations at the reinforcement bars. This is inconsistent with the 1943 beams showing much less reinforcement corrosion than their later replacements and casts doubt on the conventional practice for durability design focusing on reducing concrete permeability through denser concretes or greater cover.


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This paper describes the condition of a reinforced concrete balustrade consisting of some 1000 individual beam elements all exposed similarly to the hostile marine environment of the North Sea at Arbroath, Scotland since 1943. A comparison is made of the condition of the original construction with the condition of repairs carried out in 1968 and in 1993. It is shown that the 1943 construction shows very little corrosion-induced cracking and little rust staining even though it does not appear to be of high construction quality. Only a very low percentage of the balustrade beams have been replaced. In contrast the beam installed in 1968 and later in 1993 show very considerable and large concrete cracks directly attributable to the corrosion of the longitudinal reinforcement, even though the concrete is of a higher quality and density. A detailed condition survey and statistics of crack sizes are presented in the paper. It is found that the higher corrosion resistance of the 1943 concrete is generally consistent with the concrete electrical resistivity measurements but the degree of corrosion of the reinforcing bars is inconsistent with chloride penetration measurements. The results are compared with the very few observations available in the literature for ageing concrete structures in marine environments. The results cast doubt on the conventional wisdom that chloride content at the reinforcement correlates well with reinforcement corrosion.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica - Processos Químicos


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil


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Infrastructure works are included in strategic areas for the social development. For that matter that all of the investments are very important for the social development. When the population has enough water and an acceptable quality, and it includes a wastewater gathering and its treatment, the whole society became less susceptible to the water diseases. Even the Water Supply and the Sewage depend for its perfect operation of reservoirs, or of the accumulation of water to provide the popular necessity, either due to retention or for the treatment wastewarer. These structures present very specific environmental conditions, because the microclimate created around them, like high environmental humidity and for the existence of many harmful substances for the concrete, such as chloride ions presents in water. The reservoir that compose the System of Water Supply of Natal were built between 1970s and 1980s, a period whom the technical and scientific community did not have in-depth studies about the reinforced concrete mechanism of deterioration. Therefore, these reservoirs have been suffered accelerated deterioration progress, and they have been shown many pathological manifestations strikingly visible. In front of all these problems this academic work aims to identify the generally conditions of conservation of all the reservoirs components of the Water Supply System of Natal. This academic work objectives to develop a recuperation plan for use in these reservoirs, in this academic work it was achieved all the survey of pathological manifestation existing in each reservoir. It was made with local visits, photographic recorders of all manifestations viii and realization of in loco tests. The other step consisted in a application of GDE/UnB metodolgy reformulated by Fonseca (2007). In the step of local visits in each reservoir it was evaluated carbonation depth, by spreading a phenolphthalein solution with 1% of concentration; evaluation of contamination of chlorides, by spreading silver nitrate solution with 1% of concentration, and evaluation of width cracks. After the conclusion of all the testings, it was established that all reservoir, studied in this academic work, have showed an advanced deteriorating condition. It´s presents prevalent pathological manifestations as unacceptable cracks, spots, efflorescence and reinforcement corrosion, and in some cases, chlorides contamination. After the conclusion of the testings and its concatenation it was able to implementing, using GDE/UnB methodology, the order of the restoration its service life and initial safety conditions