886 resultados para Reinforced Aluminum
A study has been made of the influence of the reinforcement/matrix interfacial strength on fatigue crack propagation in a powder metallurgy aluminum alloy 8090-SiC particulate composite. The interfacial region has been altered by two separate routes, the first involving aging of the 8090 matrix, with the subsequent formation of precipitate free zones at the boundaries, and the second consisting of oxidizing the surface of the SiC particles before their incorporation into the composite. In the naturally aged condition, oxidation of the SiC leads to a reduction in fatigue crack growth resistance at higher values of stress intensity range ΔK. This is due to a proportion of the crack growth occurring through voids formed in association with many of the weak SiC interfaces which have retained a layer of thick surface oxide after processing. On overaging no difference in crack growth rate is discernible between the oxidized and unoxidized SiC composites. It is proposed that this is due to similar levels of interfacial weakening having occurred in both composites, indicating that this is an important factor in the reduction of the high ΔK crack growth resistance of the unoxidized SiC composite on aging.
The present research concentrates on the fabrication of bulk aluminum matrix nanocomposite structures with carbon nanotube reinforcement. The objective of the work was to fabricate and characterize multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) reinforced hypereutectic Al-Si (23 wt% Si, 2 wt% Ni, 1 wt% Cu, rest Al) nanocomposite bulk structure with nanocrystalline matrix through thermal spray forming techniques viz. plasma spray forming (PSF) and high velocity oxy-fuel (HVOF) spray forming. This is the first research study, which has shown that thermal spray forming can be successfully used to synthesize carbon nanotube reinforced nanocomposites. Microstructural characterization based on quantitative microscopy, scanning and transmission electron microscopy (SEM and TEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), Raman spectroscopy and X ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) confirms (i) retention and macro/sub-macro level homogenous distribution of multiwalled carbon nanotubes in the Al-Si matrix and (ii) evolution of nanostructured grains in the matrix. Formation of ultrathin β-SiC layer on MWCNT surface, due to chemical reaction of Si atoms diffusing from Al-Si alloy and C atoms from the outer walls of MWCNTs has been confirmed theoretically and experimentally. The presence of SiC layer at the interface improves the wettability and the interfacial adhesion between the MWCNT reinforcement and the Al-Si matrix. Sintering of the as-sprayed nanocomposites was carried out in an inert environment for further densification. As-sprayed PSF nanocomposite showed lower microhardness compared to HVOF, due to the higher porosity content and lower residual stress. The hardness of the nanocomposites increased with sintering time due to effective pore removal. Uniaxial tensile test on CNT-bulk nanocomposite was carried out, which is the first ever study of such nature. The tensile test results showed inconsistency in the data attributed to inhomogeneous microstructure and limitation of the test samples geometry. The elastic moduli of nanocomposites were computed using different micromechanics models and compared with experimentally measured values. The elastic moduli of nanocomposites measured by nanoindentation technique, increased gradually with sintering attributed to porosity removal. The experimentally measured values conformed better with theoretically predicted values, particularly in the case of Hashin-Shtrikman bound method.
Carbon nanotubes (CNT) could serve as potential reinforcement for metal matrix composites for improved mechanical properties. However dispersion of carbon nanotubes (CNT) in the matrix has been a longstanding problem, since they tend to form clusters to minimize their surface area. The aim of this study was to use plasma and cold spraying techniques to synthesize CNT reinforced aluminum composite with improved dispersion and to quantify the degree of CNT dispersion as it influences the mechanical properties. Novel method of spray drying was used to disperse CNTs in Al-12 wt.% Si prealloyed powder, which was used as feedstock for plasma and cold spraying. A new method for quantification of CNT distribution was developed. Two parameters for CNT dispersion quantification, namely Dispersion parameter (DP) and Clustering Parameter (CP) have been proposed based on the image analysis and distance between the centers of CNTs. Nanomechanical properties were correlated with the dispersion of CNTs in the microstructure. Coating microstructure evolution has been discussed in terms of splat formation, deformation and damage of CNTs and CNT/matrix interface. Effect of Si and CNT content on the reaction at CNT/matrix interface was thermodynamically and kinetically studied. A pseudo phase diagram was computed which predicts the interfacial carbide for reaction between CNT and Al-Si alloy at processing temperature. Kinetic aspects showed that Al4C3 forms with Al-12 wt.% Si alloy while SiC forms with Al-23wt.% Si alloy. Mechanical properties at nano, micro and macro-scale were evaluated using nanoindentation and nanoscratch, microindentation and bulk tensile testing respectively. Nano and micro-scale mechanical properties (elastic modulus, hardness and yield strength) displayed improvement whereas macro-scale mechanical properties were poor. The inversion of the mechanical properties at different scale length was attributed to the porosity, CNT clustering, CNT-splat adhesion and Al 4C3 formation at the CNT/matrix interface. The Dispersion parameter (DP) was more sensitive than Clustering parameter (CP) in measuring degree of CNT distribution in the matrix.
Carbon nanotubes (CNT) could serve as potential reinforcement for metal matrix composites for improved mechanical properties. However dispersion of carbon nanotubes (CNT) in the matrix has been a longstanding problem, since they tend to form clusters to minimize their surface area. The aim of this study was to use plasma and cold spraying techniques to synthesize CNT reinforced aluminum composite with improved dispersion and to quantify the degree of CNT dispersion as it influences the mechanical properties. Novel method of spray drying was used to disperse CNTs in Al-12 wt.% Si pre-alloyed powder, which was used as feedstock for plasma and cold spraying. A new method for quantification of CNT distribution was developed. Two parameters for CNT dispersion quantification, namely Dispersion parameter (DP) and Clustering Parameter (CP) have been proposed based on the image analysis and distance between the centers of CNTs. Nanomechanical properties were correlated with the dispersion of CNTs in the microstructure. Coating microstructure evolution has been discussed in terms of splat formation, deformation and damage of CNTs and CNT/matrix interface. Effect of Si and CNT content on the reaction at CNT/matrix interface was thermodynamically and kinetically studied. A pseudo phase diagram was computed which predicts the interfacial carbide for reaction between CNT and Al-Si alloy at processing temperature. Kinetic aspects showed that Al4C3 forms with Al-12 wt.% Si alloy while SiC forms with Al-23wt.% Si alloy. Mechanical properties at nano, micro and macro-scale were evaluated using nanoindentation and nanoscratch, microindentation and bulk tensile testing respectively. Nano and micro-scale mechanical properties (elastic modulus, hardness and yield strength) displayed improvement whereas macro-scale mechanical properties were poor. The inversion of the mechanical properties at different scale length was attributed to the porosity, CNT clustering, CNT-splat adhesion and Al4C3 formation at the CNT/matrix interface. The Dispersion parameter (DP) was more sensitive than Clustering parameter (CP) in measuring degree of CNT distribution in the matrix.
Tethered spacecraft missions to the Jovian system suit the use of electrodynamic tethers because: 1) magnetic stresses are 100 times greater than at the Earth; 2) the stationary orbit is one-third the relative distance for Earth; and 3) moon Io is a nearby giant plasma source. The (bare) tether is a reinforced aluminum foil with tens of kilometer length L and a fraction of millimeter thickness h, which collects electrons as an efficient Langmuir probe and can tap Jupiter’s rotational energy for both propulsion and power. In this paper, the critical capture operation is explicitly formulated in terms of orbit geometry and established magnetic and thermal plasma models. The design parameters L and h and capture perijove radius rp face opposite criteria independent of tape width. Efficient capture requires a low rp and a high L 3/2/h ratio. However, combined bounds on tether bowing and tether tensile stress, arising from a spin made necessary by the low Jovian gravity gradient, require a high rp and a low L 5/2/h ratio. Bounds on tether temperature again require a high rp and a low L 3/8/(tether emissivity)1/4 ratio. Optimal design values are discussed.
The effects of a thermal residual stress field on fatigue crack growth in a silicon carbide particle-reinforced aluminum alloy have been measured. Stress fields were introduced into plates of material by means of a quench from a solution heat-treatment temperature. Measurements using neutron diffraction have shown that this introduces an approximately parabolic stress field into the plates, varying from compressive at the surfaces to tensile in the center. Long fatigue cracks were grown in specimens cut from as-quenched plates and in specimens which were given a stress-relieving overaging heat treatment prior to testing. Crack closure levels for these cracks were determined as a function of the position of the crack tip in the residual stress field, and these are shown to differ between as-quenched and stress-relieved samples. By monitoring the compliance of the specimens during fatigue cycling, the degree to which the residual stresses close the crack has been evaluated. © 1995 The Minerals, Metals & Material Society.
A new design route is proposed in order to fabricate aluminum matrix diamond-containing composite materials with optimized values of thermal conductivity (TC) for thermal management applications. The proper size ratio and proportions of particulate diamond–diamond and diamond–SiC bimodal mixtures are selected based on calculations with predictive schemes, which combine two main issues: (i) the volume fraction of the packed particulate mixtures, and (ii) the influence of different types of particulates (with intrinsically different metal/reinforcement interfacial thermal conductances) on the overall thermal conductivity of the composite material. The calculated results are validated by comparison with measurements on composites fabricated by gas pressure infiltration of aluminum into preforms of selected compositions of particle mixtures. Despite the relatively low quality (low price) of the diamond particles used in this work, outstanding values of TC are encountered: a maximum of 770 W/m K for Al/diamond–diamond and values up to 690 W/m K for Al/diamond–SiC.
This investigation focused on the finite element analyses of elastic and plastic properties of aluminium/alumina composite materials with ultrafine microstructure. The commonly used unit cell model was used to predict the elastic properties. By combining the unit cell model with an indentation model, coupled with experimental indentation measurements, the plastic properties of the composites and the associated strengthening mechanism within the metal matrix material were investigated. The grain size of the matrix material was found to be an important factor influencing the mechanical properties of the composites studied. (C) 1997 Elsevier Science S.A.
In 1957, the Iowa State Highway Commission, with financial assistance from the aluminum industry, constructed a 220-ft (67-m) long, four-span continuous, aluminum girder bridge to carry traffic on Clive Road (86th Street) over Interstate 80 near Des Moines, Iowa. The bridge had four, welded I-shape girders that were fabricated in pairs with welded diaphragms between an exterior and an interior girder. The interior diaphragms between the girder pairs were bolted to girder brackets. A composite, reinforced concrete deck served as the roadway surface. The bridge, which had performed successfully for about 35 years of service, was removed in the fall of 1993 to make way for an interchange at the same location. Prior to the bridge demolition, load tests were conducted to monitor girder and diaphragm bending strains and deflections in the northern end span. Fatigue testing of the aluminum girders that were removed from the end spans were conducted by applying constant-amplitude, cyclic loads. These tests established the fatigue strength of an existing, welded, flange-splice detail and added, welded, flange-cover plates and horizontal web plate attachment details. This part, Part 2, of the final report focuses on the fatigue tests of the aluminum girder sections that were removed from the bridge and on the analysis of the experimental data to establish the fatigue strength of full-size specimens. Seventeen fatigue fractures that were classified as Category E weld details developed in the seven girder test specimens. Linear regression analyses of the fatigue test results established both nominal and experimental stress-range versus load cycle relationships (SN curves) for the fatigue strength of fillet-welded connections. The nominal strength SN curve obtained by this research essentially matched the SN curve for Category E aluminum weldments given in the AASHTO LRFD specifications. All of the Category E fatigue fractures that developed in the girder test specimens satisfied the allowable SN relationship specified by the fatigue provisions of the Aluminum Association. The lower-bound strength line that was set at two standard deviations below the least squares regression line through the fatigue fracture data points related well with the Aluminum Association SN curve. The results from the experimental tests of this research have provided additional information regarding behavioral characteristics of full-size, aluminum members and have confirmed that aluminum has the strength properties needed for highway bridge girders.
This study compared the microtensile bond strength of a repair resin to an alumina-reinforced feldspathic ceramic (Vitadur-alpha, Vita) after 3 surface conditioning methods: Group 1, etching with 9.6% hydrofluoric acid for 1 minute plus rinsing and drying, followed by application of silane for 5 minutes; group 2, airborne particle abrasion with 110-mm aluminum oxide using a chairside air-abrasion device followed by silane application for 5 minutes; group 3, chairside tribochemical silica coating with 30-mu m SiOx followed by silane application for 5 minutes (N = 30). Group 1 presented the highest mean bond strength (19.7 +/- 3.8 MPa), which was significantly higher than those of groups 2 (10 +/- 2.6 MPa) and 3 (10.4 +/- 4 MPa) (P <.01). Scanning electron microscope analysis of the failure modes demonstrated predominantly mixed types of failures, with adhesive and/or cohesive failures in all experimental groups.
This study evaluated the effect of three surface conditioning methods on the microtensile bond strength of resin cement to a glass-infiltrated zirconia-reinforced alumina-based core ceramic. Thirty blocks (5×5×4 mm) of In-Ceram Zirconia ceramics (In-Ceram Zirconia-INC-ZR, VITA) were fabricated according to the manufacturer's instructions and duplicated in resin composite. The specimens were polished and assigned to one of the following three treatment conditions (n=10): (1) Airborne particle abrasion with 110 μm Al2O3 particles + silanization, (2) Silica coating with 110 μm SiOx particles (Rocatec Pre and Plus, 3M ESPE) + silanization, (3) Silica coating with 30 μm SiOx particles (CoJet, 3M ESPE) + silanization. The ceramic-composite blocks were cemented with the resin cement (Panavia F) and stored at 37 °C in distilled water for 7 days prior to bond tests. The blocks were cut under coolant water to produce bar specimens with a bonding area of approximately 0.6 mm2. The bond strength tests were performed in a universal testing machine (cross-head speed: 1 mm/min). The mean bond strengths of the specimens of each block were statistically analyzed using ANOVA and Tukey's test (α≤0.05). Silica coating with silanization either using 110 μm SiOx or 30 μm SiOx particles increased the bond strength of the resin cement (24.6±2.7 MPa and 26.7±2.4 MPa, respectively) to the zirconia-based ceramic significantly compared to that of airborne particle abrasion with 110-μm Al2O3 (20.5±3.8 MPa) (ANOVA, P<0.05). Conditioning the INC-ZR ceramic surfaces with silica coating and silanization using either chairside or laboratory devices provided higher bond strengths of the resin cement than with airborne particle abrasion using 110 μm Al2O3. © 2005 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of two surface conditioning methods on the microtensile bond strength of a resin cement to three high-strength core ceramics: high alumina-based (In-Ceram Alumina, Procera AllCeram) and zirconia-reinforced alumina-based (In-Ceram Zirconia) ceramics. Materials and Methods: Ten blocks (5 ×6 × 8 mm) of In-Ceram Alumina (AL), In-Ceram Zirconia (ZR), and Procera (PR) ceramics were fabricated according to each manufacturer's instructions and duplicated in composite. The specimens were assigned to one of the two following treatment conditions: (1) airborne particle abrasion with 110-μm Al2O3 particles + silanization, (2) silica coating with 30 μm SiOx particles (CoJet, 3M ESPE) + silanization. Each ceramic block was duplicated in composite resin (W3D-Master, Wilcos, Petrópolis, RJ, Brazil) using a mold made out of silicon impression material. Composite resin layers were incrementally condensed into the mold to fill up the mold and each layer was light polymerized for 40 s. The composite blocks were bonded to the surface-conditioned ceramic blocks using a resin cement system (Panavia F, Kuraray, Okayama, Japan). One composite resin block was fabricated for each ceramic block. The ceramic-composite was stored at 37°C in distilled water for 7 days prior to bond tests. The blocks were cut under water cooling to produce bar specimens (n = 30) with a bonding area of approximately 0.6 mm2. The bond strength tests were performed in a universal testing machine (crosshead speed: 1 mm/min). Bond strength values were statistically analyzed using two-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (≤ 0.05). Results: Silica coating with silanization increased the bond strength significantly for all three high-strength ceramics (18.5 to 31.2 MPa) compared to that of airborne particle abrasion with 110-μm Al2O3 (12.7-17.3 MPa) (ANOVA, p < 0.05). PR exhibited the lowest bond strengths after both Al2O3 and silica coating (12.7 and 18.5 MPa, respectively). Conclusion: Conditioning the high-strength ceramic surfaces with silica coating and silanization provided higher bond strengths of the resin cement than with airborne particle abrasion with 110-μm Al2O3 and silanization.
The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that mechanical polishing methods of ceramic surfaces allow similar superficial roughness to that of glazed surfaces. Twenty-five Vitadur Alpha ceramic discs (5 mm x 2 mm) were prepared according to the manufacturer's specifications. All specimens were glazed and randomly assigned to 5 groups (n=5), according to finishing and polishing protocols: G1: glazed (control); G2: diamond bur finishing; G3: G2 + silicon rubber tip polishing; G4: G3 + felt disc/diamond polishing paste; G5: G3 + felt disc impregnated with fine-particle diamond paste. Next, surface roughness means (Ra - μm) were calculated. Qualitative analysis was made by scanning electron microscopy. Surface roughness data were submitted to ANOVA and Tukey's test at 5% significance level. G1 and G4 were statistically similar (p>0.05). G2 presented the highest roughness means (p<0.05) followed by groups G3, G5, G4 and G1 in a decreasing order. The hypothesis was partially confirmed as only the mechanical polishing (G4) produced similar superficial roughness to that of surface glazing, although finishing and polishing are technically critical procedures.