909 resultados para Regulação por incentivos


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In this thesis, we investigate some aspects of the interplay between economic regulation and the risk of the regulated firm. In the first chapter, the main goal is to understand the implications a mainstream regulatory model (Laffont and Tirole, 1993) have on the systematic risk of the firm. We generalize the model in order to incorporate aggregate risk, and find that the optimal regulatory contract must be severely constrained in order to reproduce real-world systematic risk levels. We also consider the optimal profit-sharing mechanism, with an endogenous sharing rate, to explore the relationship between contract power and beta. We find results compatible with the available evidence that high-powered regimes impose more risk to the firm. In the second chapter, a joint work with Daniel Lima from the University of California, San Diego (UCSD), we start from the observation that regulated firms are subject to some regulatory practices that potentially affect the symmetry of the distribution of their future profits. If these practices are anticipated by investors in the stock market, the pattern of asymmetry in the empirical distribution of stock returns may differ among regulated and non-regulated companies. We review some recently proposed asymmetry measures that are robust to the empirical regularities of return data and use them to investigate whether there are meaningful differences in the distribution of asymmetry between these two groups of companies. In the third and last chapter, three different approaches to the capital asset pricing model of Kraus and Litzenberger (1976) are tested with recent Brazilian data and estimated using the generalized method of moments (GMM) as a unifying procedure. We find that ex-post stock returns generally exhibit statistically significant coskewness with the market portfolio, and hence are sensitive to squared market returns. However, while the theoretical ground for the preference for skewness is well established and fairly intuitive, we did not find supporting evidence that investors require a premium for supporting this risk factor in Brazil.


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The choice of accounting standards capable of defining the recognition, measurement and publicizing of financial and economic information to the general public constitutes one of the accounting community¿s greatest challenges. So, the analysis of the Fundamental Principles of Accounting and of the Conceptual Structure of Accounting becomes relevant because of its direct relation to the normative process and because it represents the essence of doctrines and theories relating to the Science of Accounting. Each country¿s set of rules diverges when it comes to creating and evidencing Accounting Statements, and that¿s why the harmonization of the International Accounting Rules is becoming more important among accountants: as an answer to the world qualitative and quantitative demand for information. When managers, answering a great variety of incentives, manipulate or manage the disclosure of accounting information, they show that the management of accounting information begins to represent a purposeful intervention in the process of elaboration of financial and economic statements with the intention of obtaining some private benefit. In this context, Accounting Regulation performs an important function in the technical procedure of professionals in the area and in the development of practices convergent with international standards, which, in their turn, are already in force. The present study, which is exploratory and non-experimental, aims at presenting and analyzing the process of accounting regulation under the perspective of rules and of the choice of accounting practices as an answer by regulated entities on a tridimensional perspective. The establishment of interaction among diverse fields, through interdisciplinarity, aims at bridging the gap between the fields of law and accounting by articulating concepts and cognitive schemes in a process of mutual enrichment. The research concludes that it is possible to apply concepts from Miguel Reale¿s Tridimensional Theory of Law in the study of accounting regulation.


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Traça o perfil dos Consórcios Intermunicipais de Saúde (CIS) no Brasil, principalmente quanto aos aspectos econômico-financeiros, e analisa sua formação e sustentabilidade político-financeira, utilizando o instrumental oferecido pela teoria dos jogos.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XVII - Segurança Pública e Defesa Nacional.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área III - Tributação, Direito Tributário.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XIV - Comunicação Social, Informática, Telecomunicações, Sistema Postal, Ciência e Tecnologia.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XX - Redação e Discurso Parlamentar - Área XI - Meio Ambiente e Direito Ambiental, Organização Territorial, Desenvolvimento Urbano e Regional.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área III - Tributação, Direito Tributário.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área III - Tributação, Direito Tributário


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Consultoria Legislativo da Área XIV - Ciência e Tecnologia, Comunicação e Informática.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área VII - Sistema Financeiro, Direito Comercial, Econômico e Defesa do Consumidor.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XIV - Ciência e Tecnologia, Comunicação e Informática


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área IX - Política e Planejamento Econômicos, Desenvolvimento Econômico, Economia Internacional.


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Consultoria Legislativa - Área XV - Educação, Cultura, Desporto, Ciência e Tecnologia.


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Desde a promulgação da Constituição de 1988, todos os governos têm buscado realizar a reforma tributária. Há aparente consenso de que essa reforma precisa ser feita. No entanto, os insucessos nas propostas submetidas ao Congresso Nacional têm sido recorrentes. Essa dissertação busca explicar esse aparente insucesso a partir da análise evolutiva histórica de cinco tipos de incentivo fiscal: 1) regional (Sudam, Sudene e Zona Franca de Manaus); 2) guerra fiscal do ICMS; 3) exportação; 4) tributação simplificada (em especial o Simples); e 5) desenvolvimento econômico. O argumento central da pesquisa é o de que a política tributária desenvolvimentista e extrativa, adotada historicamente pelo Estado brasileiro e pautada pela concessão de incentivos fiscais, envolve interesses difíceis de serem revertidos - com características de dependência de trajetória -, que têm condicionado o comportamento do ator fundamental para o desenlace da reforma tributária - o empresariado -, o qual tem atuado de forma fragmentada e na busca por rendas, em vez de atuar de forma concertada buscando o objetivo coletivo pressuposto em uma reforma tributária. A pesquisa evidenciou ter havido uma dinâmica e relevante evolução do sistema tributário no período recente, vinculada em grande medida ao conjunto de incentivos fiscais que foram objeto de análise, o que afasta a hipótese de eventual paralisia decisória e relativizam as hipóteses de pontos de veto e de impasse entre interesses federativos como variáveis explicativas para o insucesso da reforma tributária.