930 resultados para Reflex Modification
Prepulse inhibition and facilitation of the blink reflex are said to reflect different responses elicited by the lead stimulus, transient detection and orienting response respectively. Two experiments investigated the effects of trial repetition and lead stimulus change on blink modification. It was hypothesized that these manipulations will affect orienting and thus blink facilitation to a greater extent than they will affect transient detection and thus blink inhibition. In Experiment 1 (N = 64), subjects were trained with a sequence of 12 lead stimulus and 12 blink stimulus alone presentations, and 24 lead stimulus-blink stimulus pairings. Lead interval was 120 ms for 12 of the trials and 2000 ms for the other 12. For half the subjects this sequence was followed by a change in pitch of the lead stimulus. In Experiment 2 (N = 64), subjects were trained with a sequence of 36 blink alone stimuli and 36 lead stimulus-blink stimulus pairings. The lead interval was 120 ms for half the subjects and 2000 ms for the other half. The pitch of the lead stimulus on prestimulus trials 31-33 was changed for half the subjects in each group. In both experiments, the amount of blink inhibition decreased during training whereas the amount of blink facilitation remained unchanged. Lead stimulus change had no effect on blink modification in either experiment although it resulted in enhanced skin conductance responses and greater heart rate deceleration in Experiment 2. The present results are not consistent with the notion that blink facilitation is linked to orienting whereas blink inhibition reflects a transient detection mechanism. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.
Participants in Experiments 1 and 2 performed a discrimination and counting task to assess the effect of lead stimulus modality on attentional modification of the acoustic startle reflex. Modality of the discrimination stimuli was changed across subjects. Electrodermal responses were larger during task-relevant stimuli than during task-irrelevant stimuli in all conditions. Larger blink magnitude facilitation was found during auditory and visual task-relevant stimuli, but not for tactile stimuli. Experiment 3 used acoustic, visual, and tactile conditioned stimuli (CSs) in differential conditioning with an aversive unconditioned stimulus (US). Startle magnitude facilitation and electrodermal responses were larger during a CS that preceded the US than during a CS that was presented alone regardless of lead stimulus modality. Although not unequivocal, the present data pose problems for attentional accounts of blink modification that emphasize the importance of lead stimulus modality.
In two experiments we investigated the effect of generalized orienting induced by changing the modality of the lead stimulus on the modulation of blink reflexes elicited by acoustic stimuli. In Experiment 1 (n = 32), participants were presented with acoustic or visual change stimuli after habituation training with tactile lead stimuli. In Experiment 2 (n = 64), modality of the lead stimulus (acoustic vs. visual) was crossed with experimental condition (change vs. no change). Lead stimulus change resulted in increased electrodermal orienting in both experiments. Blink latency shortening and blink magnitude facilitation increased from habituation to change trials regardless of whether the change stimulus was presented in the same or in a different modality as the reflex-eliciting stimulus. These results are not consistent with modality-specific accounts of attentional startle modulation.
Emotional accounts of startle modulation predict that startle is facilitated if elicited during aversive foreground stimuli. Attentional accounts hold that startle is enhanced if startle-eliciting stimulus and foreground stimulus are in the same modality. Visual and acoustic foreground stimuli and acoustic startle probes were employed in aversive differential conditioning and in a stimulus discrimination task. Differential conditioning was evident in electrodermal responses and blink latency shortening in both modalities, but effects on magnitude facilitation were found only for visual stimuli. In the discrimination task, skin conductance responses, blink latency shortening, and blink magnitude facilitation were larger during to-be-attended stimuli regardless of stimulus modality. The present results support the notion that attention and emotion can affect blink startle modulation during foreground stimuli.
Previous research using punctuate reaction time and counting tasks has found that the startle eyeblink reflex is sensitive to attentional demands. The present experiment explored whether startle eyeblink is also modulated during a complex continuous task and is sensitive to different levels of mental workload. Participants (N=14) performed a visual horizontal tracking task either alone (single-task condition) or in combination with a visual gauge monitoring task (multiple-task condition) for three minutes. On some task trials, the startle eyeblink reflex was elicited by a noise burst. Results showed that startle eyeblink was attenuated during both tasks and that the attenuation was greater during the multiple-task condition than during the single-task condition. Subjective ratings, endogenous eyeblink rate, heart period, and heart period variability provided convergent validity of the workload manipulations. The findings suggest that the startle eyeblink is sensitive to the workload demands associated with a continuous visual task. The application of startle eyeblink modulation as a workload metric and the possibility that it may be diagnostic of workload demands in different stimulus modalities is discussed.
We used the startle eyeblink modification paradigm to investigate whether clinically anxious children, like high trait-anxious adults, display a bias in favour of threat words compared to neutral words. The present study included 16 clinically anxious children whose diagnostic status was determined using the parent version of a semistructured diagnostic interview as part of a larger childhood anxiety study. The children were presented with threat and neutral words fur 6 s each. A startle-eliciting auditory stimulus - a 100 dBA burst of white noise of 50 ms duration - was presented during the words at lead intervals of 60, 120, 240, or 3500 ms and during intertrial intervals. The overall pattern of startle eyeblink modification indicated inhibition at the 120 and 240 ms lead intervals and facilitation at the 3500 ms lead interval. startle-latency shortening during threat words at the :60 ms lead interval was larger than at other intervals, whereas there was no difference during neutral words. This result reflects an anxiety-related bias in favour of threat words occurring at a very early - and possibly preattentive stage - of information processing.
Two experiments investigated the effects of the sensory modality of the lead and of the blink-eliciting stimulus during lead stimulus modality change on blink modulation at lead intervals of 2500 and 3500 ins. Participants were presented with acoustic, visual, or tactile change stimuli after habituation training with lead stimuli from the same or a different sensory modality. In Experiment 1, latency and magnitude of the acoustic blink were facilitated during a change to acoustic or visual lead stimuli, but not during a change to tactile lead stimuli. After habituation to acoustic lead stimuli, blink magnitude was smaller during tactile change stimuli than during habituation stimuli. The latter finding was replicated in Experiment 2 in which blink was elicited by electrical stimulation of the trigeminal nerve. The consistency of the findings across different combinations of lead stimulus and blink-eliciting stimulus modalities does not support a modality-specific account of attentional blink modulation. Rather, blink modulation during generalized orienting reflects modality non-specific processes, although modulation may not always be found during tactile lead stimuli. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Neuronal outgrowth has been proposed in many systems as a mechanism underlying memory storage. For example, sensory neuron outgrowth is widely accepted as an underlying mechanism of long-term sensitization of defensive withdrawal reflexes in Aplysia. The hypothesis is that learning leads to outgrowth and consequently to the formation of new synapses, which in turn strengthen the neural circuit underlying the behavior. However, key experiments to test this hypothesis have never been performed. ^ Four days of sensitization training leads to outgrowth of siphon sensory neurons mediating the siphon-gill withdrawal response in Aplysia . We found that a similar training protocol produced robust outgrowth in tail sensory neurons mediating the tail siphon withdrawal reflex. In contrast, 1 day of training, which effectively induces long-term behavioral sensitization and synaptic facilitation, was not associated with neuronal outgrowth. Further examination of the effect of behavioral training protocols on sensory neuron outgrowth indicated that this structural modification is associated only with the most persistent forms of sensitization, and that the induction of these changes is dependent on the spacing of the training trials over multiple days. Therefore, we suggest that neuronal outgrowth is not a universal mechanism underlying long-term sensitization, but is involved only in the most persistent forms of the memory. ^ Sensory neuron outgrowth presumably contributes to long-term sensitization through formation of new synapses with follower motor neurons, but this hypothesis has never been directly tested. The contribution of outgrowth to long-term sensitization was assessed using confocal microscopy to examine sites of contact between physiologically connected pairs of sensory and motor neurons. Following 4 days of training, the strength of both the behavior and sensorimotor synapse and the number of appositions with follower neurons was enhanced only on the trained side of the animal. In contrast, outgrowth was induced on both sides of the animal, indicating that although sensory neuron outgrowth does appear to contribute to sensitization through the formation of new synapses, outgrowth alone is not sufficient to account for the effects of sensitization. This indicates that key regulatory steps are downstream from outgrowth, possibly in the targeting of new processes and activation of new synapses. ^
Four experiments investigated the attentional modulation of acoustic blinks during continuous spatial tracking tasks. Experiment 1 found blink magnitude inhibition in a visual tracking task. Experiment 2 replicated this finding and also found blink latency slowing. Experiment 3 varied the difficulty of the task and found larger blink inhibition in the easy condition. Blink latency slowing did not differ and was significant at both difficulty levels. Experiment 4 employed less difficult visual and acoustic tracking tasks at two levels of task load. Blink magnitude inhibition during the visual and facilitation during the acoustic task was significant during high load in both modality groups. Blink latency was slowed in all visual task conditions and shortened in the difficult acoustic task. These results indicate that attentional blink modulation in a continuous spatial tracking task is modality specific.
Purpose: Use of lipid nanoemulsions as carriers of drugs for therapeutic or diagnostic purposes has been increasingly studied. Here, it was tested whether modifications of core particle constitution could affect the characteristics and biologic properties of lipid nanoemulsions. Methods: Three nanoemulsions were prepared using cholesteryl oleate, cholesteryl stearate, or cholesteryl linoleate as main core constituents. Particle size, stability, pH, peroxidation of the nanoemulsions, and cell survival and uptake by different cell lines were evaluated. Results: It was shown that cholesteryl stearate nanoemulsions had the greatest particle size and all three nanoemulsions were stable during the 237-day observation period. The pH of the three nanoemulsion preparations tended to decrease over time, but the decrease in pH of cholesteryl stearate was smaller than that of cholesteryl oleate and cholesteryl linoleate. Lipoperoxidation was greater in cholesteryl linoleate than in cholesteryl oleate and cholesteryl stearate. After four hours' incubation of human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVEC) with nanoemulsions, peroxidation was minimal in the presence of cholesteryl oleate and more pronounced with cholesteryl linoleate and cholesteryl stearate. In contrast, macrophage incubates showed the highest peroxidation rates with cholesteryl oleate. Cholesteryl linoleate induced the highest cell peroxidation rates, except in macrophages. Uptake of cholesteryl oleate nanoemulsion by HUVEC and fibroblasts was greater than that of cholesteryl linoleate and cholesteryl stearate. Uptake of the three nanoemulsions by monocytes was equal. Uptake of cholesteryl oleate and cholesteryl linoleate by macrophages was negligible, but macrophage uptake of cholesteryl stearate was higher. In H292 tumor cells, cholesteryl oleate showed the highest uptakes. HUVEC showed higher survival rates when incubated with cholesteryl stearate and smaller survival with cholesteryl linoleate. H292 survival was greater with cholesteryl stearate. Conclusion: Although all three nanoemulsion types were stable for a long period, considerable differences were observed in size, oxidation status, and cell survival and nanoemulsion uptake in all tested cell lines. Those differences may be helpful in protocol planning and interpretation of data from experiments with lipid nanoemulsions.
Transanal endorectal pull-through (TAEPT) surgery is primarily performed for rectosigmoid aganglionosis, generally with excellent results. There is evidence that overstretching the anus and tension traction in the sigmoid during the procedure could impair the final continence of the patient. Many researchers suggest the use of small umbilical or laparoscopic access to aid in colon mobilization, thus preventing excessive handling within the anal canal. We assumed that transabdominal mobilization of the sigmoid could be prevented by utilizing the NOTES (natural orifices transluminal endoscopic surgery) technique. We performed a TAEPT with NOTES access of the sigmoid vascular pedicle, keeping the surgery exclusively transanal, which prevented scars in the abdomen and minimized the stretching of perineal structures.
The PHENIX experiment at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider has performed systematic measurements of phi meson production in the K(+)K(-) decay channel at midrapidity in p + p, d + Au, Cu + Cu, and Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. Results are presented on the phi invariant yield and the nuclear modification factor R(AA) for Au + Au and Cu + Cu, and R(dA) for d + Au collisions, studied as a function of transverse momentum (1 < p(T) < 7 GeV/c) and centrality. In central and midcentral Au + Au collisions, the R(AA) of phi exhibits a suppression relative to expectations from binary scaled p + p results. The amount of suppression is smaller than that of the pi(0) and the. in the intermediate p(T) range (2-5 GeV/c), whereas, at higher p(T), the phi, pi(0), and. show similar suppression. The baryon (proton and antiproton) excess observed in central Au + Au collisions at intermediate p(T) is not observed for the phi meson despite the similar masses of the proton and the phi. This suggests that the excess is linked to the number of valence quarks in the hadron rather than its mass. The difference gradually disappears with decreasing centrality, and, for peripheral collisions, the R(AA) values for both particle species are consistent with binary scaling. Cu + Cu collisions show the same yield and suppression as Au + Au collisions for the same number of N(part). The R(dA) of phi shows no evidence for cold nuclear effects within uncertainties.
Hard-scattered parton probes produced in collisions of large nuclei indicate large partonic energy loss, possibly with collective produced-medium response to the lost energy. We present measurements of pi(0) trigger particles at transverse momenta p(T)(t) = 4-12 GeV/c and associated charged hadrons (p(T)(a) = 0.5-7 GeV/c) vs relative azimuthal angle Delta phi in Au + Au and p + p collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV. The Au + Au distribution at low p(T)(a), whose shape has been interpreted as a medium effect, is modified for p(T)(t) < 7 GeV/c. At higher p(T)(t), the data are consistent with unmodified or very weakly modified shapes, even for the lowest measured p(T)(a), which quantitatively challenges some medium response models. The associated yield of hadrons opposing the trigger particle in Au + Au relative to p + p (I(AA)) is suppressed at high p(T) (I(AA) approximate to 0.35-0.5), but less than for inclusive suppression (R(AA) approximate to 0.2).
Measurements in Au + Au collisions at root s(NN) = 200 GeV of jet correlations for a trigger hadron at intermediate transverse momentum (p(T,trig)) with associated mesons or baryons at lower p(T,assoc) indicate strong modification of the away-side jet. The ratio of jet-associated baryons to mesons increases with centrality and p(T,assoc). For the most central collisions, the ratio is similar to that for inclusive measurements. This trend is incompatible with in-vacuum fragmentation but could be due to jetlike contributions from correlated soft partons, which recombine upon hadronization.
This work aimed at the production of stabilized derivatives of Thermomyces lanuginosus lipase (TLL) by multipoint covalent immobilization of the enzyme on chitosan-based matrices. The resulting biocatalysts were tested for synthesis of biodiesel by ethanolysis of palm oil. Different hydrogels were prepared: chitosan alone and in polyelectrolyte complexes (PEC) with kappa-carrageenan, gelatin, alginate, and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA). The obtained supports were chemically modified with 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS) to increase support hydrophobicity, followed by activation with different agents such as glycidol (GLY), epichlorohydrin (EPI), and glutaraldehyde (GLU). The chitosan-alginate hydrogel, chemically modified with TNBS, provided derivatives with higher apparent hydrolytic activity (HA(app)) and thermal stability, being up to 45-fold more stable than soluble lipase. The maximum load of immobilized enzyme was 17.5 mg g(-1) of gel for GLU, 7.76 mg g(-1) of gel for GLY, and 7.65 mg g(-1) of gel for EPI derivatives, the latter presenting the maximum apparent hydrolytic activity (364.8 IU g(-1) of gel). The three derivatives catalyzed conversion of palm oil to biodiesel, but chitosan-alginate-TNBS activated via GLY and EPI led to higher recovered activities of the enzyme. Thus, this is a more attractive option for both hydrolysis and transesterification of vegetable oils using immobilized TLL, although industrial application of this biocatalyst still demands further improvements in its half-life to make the enzymatic process economically attractive.