950 resultados para Refined nonlinear non-conforming triangular plate element


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Based on the refined non-conforming element method for geometric nonlinear analysis, a refined nonlinear non-conforming triangular plate element is constructed using the Total Lagrangian (T.L.) and the Updated Lagrangian (U.L.) approach. The refined nonlinear non-conforming triangular plate element is based on the Allman's triangular plane element with drilling degrees of freedom [1] and the refined non-conforming triangular plate element RT9 [2]. The element is used to analyze the geometric nonlinear behavior of plates and the numerical examples show that the refined non-conforming triangular plate element by the T.L. and U.L. approach can give satisfactory results. The computed results obtained from the T.L. and U.L. approach for the same numerical examples are somewhat different and the reasons for the difference of the computed results are given in detail in this paper. © 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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A computer solution to analyze nonprismatic folded plate structures is shown. Arbitrary cross-sections (simple and multiple), continuity over intermediate supports and general loading and longitudinal boundary conditions are dealt with. The folded plates are assumed to be straight and long (beam like structures) and some simplifications are introduced in order to reduce the computational effort. The formulation here presented may be very suitable to be used in the bridge deck analysis.


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The problem of separating structured information representing phenomena of differing natures is considered. A structure is assumed to be independent of the others if can be represented in a complementary subspace. When the concomitant subspaces are well separated the problem is readily solvable by a linear technique. Otherwise, the linear approach fails to correctly discriminate the required information. Hence, a non-extensive approach is proposed. The resulting nonlinear technique is shown to be suitable for dealing with cases that cannot be tackled by the linear one.


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The theme of this dissertation is the finite element method applied to mechanical structures. A new finite element program is developed that, besides executing different types of structural analysis, also allows the calculation of the derivatives of structural performances using the continuum method of design sensitivities analysis, with the purpose of allowing, in combination with the mathematical programming algorithms found in the commercial software MATLAB, to solve structural optimization problems. The program is called EFFECT – Efficient Finite Element Code. The object-oriented programming paradigm and specifically the C ++ programming language are used for program development. The main objective of this dissertation is to design EFFECT so that it can constitute, in this stage of development, the foundation for a program with analysis capacities similar to other open source finite element programs. In this first stage, 6 elements are implemented for linear analysis: 2-dimensional truss (Truss2D), 3-dimensional truss (Truss3D), 2-dimensional beam (Beam2D), 3-dimensional beam (Beam3D), triangular shell element (Shell3Node) and quadrilateral shell element (Shell4Node). The shell elements combine two distinct elements, one for simulating the membrane behavior and the other to simulate the plate bending behavior. The non-linear analysis capability is also developed, combining the corotational formulation with the Newton-Raphson iterative method, but at this stage is only avaiable to solve problems modeled with Beam2D elements subject to large displacements and rotations, called nonlinear geometric problems. The design sensitivity analysis capability is implemented in two elements, Truss2D and Beam2D, where are included the procedures and the analytic expressions for calculating derivatives of displacements, stress and volume performances with respect to 5 different design variables types. Finally, a set of test examples were created to validate the accuracy and consistency of the result obtained from EFFECT, by comparing them with results published in the literature or obtained with the ANSYS commercial finite element code.


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Osteoporotic proximal femur fractures are caused by low energy trauma, typically when falling on the hip from standing height. Finite element simulations, widely used to predict the fracture load of femora in fall, usually include neither mass-related inertial effects, nor the viscous part of bone's material behavior. The aim of this study was to elucidate if quasi-static non-linear homogenized finite element analyses can predict in vitro mechanical properties of proximal femora assessed in dynamic drop tower experiments. The case-specific numerical models of thirteen femora predicted the strength (R2=0.84, SEE=540 N, 16.2%), stiffness (R2=0.82, SEE=233 N/mm, 18.0%) and fracture energy (R2=0.72, SEE=3.85 J, 39.6%); and provided fair qualitative matches with the fracture patterns. The influence of material anisotropy was negligible for all predictions. These results suggest that quasi-static homogenized finite element analysis may be used to predict mechanical properties of proximal femora in the dynamic sideways fall situation.


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We derive analytical solutions for the three-dimensional time-dependent buckling of a non-Newtonian viscous plate in a less viscous medium. For the plate we assume a power-law rheology. The principal, axes of the stretching D-ij in the homogeneously deformed ground state are parallel and orthogonal to the bounding surfaces of the plate in the flat state. In the model formulation the action of the less viscous medium is replaced by equivalent reaction forces. The reaction forces are assumed to be parallel to the normal vector of the deformed plate surfaces. As a consequence, the buckling process is driven by the differences between the in-plane stresses and out of plane stress, and not by the in-plane stresses alone as assumed in previous models. The governing differential equation is essentially an orthotropic plate equation for rate dependent material, under biaxial pre-stress, supported by a viscous medium. The differential problem is solved by means of Fourier transformation and largest growth coefficients and corresponding wavenumbers are evaluated. We discuss in detail fold evolutions for isotropic in-plane stretching (D-11 = D-22), uniaxial plane straining (D-22 = 0) and in-plane flattening (D-11 = -2D(22)). Three-dimensional plots illustrate the stages of fold evolution for random initial perturbations or initial embryonic folds with axes non-parallel to the maximum compression axis. For all situations, one dominant set of folds develops normal to D-11, although the dominant wavelength differs from the Biot dominant wavelength except when the plate has a purely Newtonian viscosity. However, in the direction parallel to D-22, there exist infinitely many modes in the vicinity of the dominant wavelength which grow only marginally slower than the one corresponding to the dominant wavelength. This means that, except for very special initial conditions, the appearance of a three-dimensional fold will always be governed by at least two wavelengths. The wavelength in the direction parallel to D-11 is the dominant wavelength, and the wavelength(s) in the direction parallel to D-22 is determined essentially by the statistics of the initial state. A comparable sensitivity to the initial geometry does not exist in the classic two-dimensional folding models. In conformity with tradition we have applied Kirchhoff's hypothesis to constrain the cross-sectional rotations of the plate. We investigate the validity of this hypothesis within the framework of Reissner's plate theory. We also include a discussion of the effects of adding elasticity into the constitutive relations and show that there exist critical ratios of the relaxation times of the plate and the embedding medium for which two dominant wavelengths develop, one at ca. 2.5 of the classical Biot dominant wavelength and the other at ca. 0.45 of this wavelength. We propose that herein lies the origin of parasitic folds well known in natural examples.


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The focus of this dissertation is to develop finite elements based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation. The absolute nodal coordinate formulation is a nonlinear finite element formulation, which is introduced for special requirements in the field of flexible multibody dynamics. In this formulation, a special definition for the rotation of elements is employed to ensure the formulation will not suffer from singularities due to large rotations. The absolute nodal coordinate formulation can be used for analyzing the dynamics of beam, plate and shell type structures. The improvements of the formulation are mainly concentrated towards the description of transverse shear deformation. Additionally, the formulation is verified by using conventional iso-parametric solid finite element and geometrically exact beam theory. Previous claims about especially high eigenfrequencies are studied by introducing beam elements based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation in the framework of the large rotation vector approach. Additionally, the same high eigenfrequency problem is studied by using constraints for transverse deformation. It was determined that the improvements for shear deformation in the transverse direction lead to clear improvements in computational efficiency. This was especially true when comparative stress must be defined, for example when using elasto-plastic material. Furthermore, the developed plate element can be used to avoid certain numerical problems, such as shear and curvature lockings. In addition, it was shown that when compared to conventional solid elements, or elements based on nonlinear beam theory, elements based on the absolute nodal coordinate formulation do not lead to an especially stiff system for the equations of motion.


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Esta tesis propone una completa formulación termo-mecánica para la simulación no-lineal de mecanismos flexibles basada en métodos libres de malla. El enfoque se basa en tres pilares principales: la formulación de Lagrangiano total para medios continuos, la discretización de Bubnov-Galerkin, y las funciones de forma libres de malla. Los métodos sin malla se caracterizan por la definición de un conjunto de funciones de forma en dominios solapados, junto con una malla de integración de las ecuaciones discretas de balance. Dos tipos de funciones de forma se han seleccionado como representación de las familias interpolantes (Funciones de Base Radial) y aproximantes (Mínimos Cuadrados Móviles). Su formulación se ha adaptado haciendo sus parámetros compatibles, y su ausencia de conectividad predefinida se ha aprovechado para interconectar múltiples dominios de manera automática, permitiendo el uso de mallas de fondo no conformes. Se propone una formulación generalizada de restricciones, juntas y contactos, válida para sólidos rígidos y flexibles, siendo estos últimos discretizados mediante elementos finitos (MEF) o libres de malla. La mayor ventaja de este enfoque reside en que independiza completamente el dominio con respecto de las uniones y acciones externas a cada sólido, permitiendo su definición incluso fuera del contorno. Al mismo tiempo, también se minimiza el número de ecuaciones de restricción necesarias para la definición de uniones realistas. Las diversas validaciones, ejemplos y comparaciones detalladas muestran como el enfoque propuesto es genérico y extensible a un gran número de sistemas. En concreto, las comparaciones con el MEF indican una importante reducción del error para igual número de nodos, tanto en simulaciones mecánicas, como térmicas y termo-mecánicas acopladas. A igualdad de error, la eficiencia numérica de los métodos libres de malla es mayor que la del MEF cuanto más grosera es la discretización. Finalmente, la formulación se aplica a un problema de diseño real sobre el mantenimiento de estructuras masivas en el interior de un reactor de fusión, demostrando su viabilidad en análisis de problemas reales, y a su vez mostrando su potencial para su uso en simulación en tiempo real de sistemas no-lineales. A new complete formulation is proposed for the simulation of nonlinear dynamic of multibody systems with thermo-mechanical behaviour. The approach is founded in three main pillars: total Lagrangian formulation, Bubnov-Galerkin discretization, and meshfree shape functions. Meshfree methods are characterized by the definition of a set of shape functions in overlapping domains, and a background grid for integration of the Galerkin discrete equations. Two different types of shape functions have been chosen as representatives of interpolation (Radial Basis Functions), and approximation (Moving Least Squares) families. Their formulation has been adapted to use compatible parameters, and their lack of predefined connectivity is used to interconnect different domains seamlessly, allowing the use of non-conforming meshes. A generalized formulation for constraints, joints, and contacts is proposed, which is valid for rigid and flexible solids, being the later discretized using either finite elements (FEM) or meshfree methods. The greatest advantage of this approach is that makes the domain completely independent of the external links and actions, allowing to even define them outside of the boundary. At the same time, the number of constraint equations needed for defining realistic joints is minimized. Validation, examples, and benchmarks are provided for the proposed formulation, demonstrating that the approach is generic and extensible to further problems. Comparisons with FEM show a much lower error for the same number of nodes, both for mechanical and thermal analyses. The numerical efficiency is also better when coarse discretizations are used. A final demonstration to a real problem for handling massive structures inside of a fusion reactor is presented. It demonstrates that the application of meshfree methods is feasible and can provide an advantage towards the definition of nonlinear real-time simulation models.


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O método dos elementos finitos é o método numérico mais difundido na análise de estruturas. Ao longo das últimas décadas foram formulados inúmeros elementos finitos para análise de cascas e placas. As formulações de elementos finitos lidam bem com o campo de deslocamentos, mas geralmente faltam testes que possam validar os resultados obtidos para o campo das tensões. Este trabalho analisa o elemento finito T6-3i, um elemento finito triangular de seis nós proposto dentro de uma formulação geometricamente exata, em relação aos seus resultados de tensões, comparando-os com as teorias analíticas de placas, resultados de tabelas para o cálculo de momentos em placas retangulares e do ANSYSr, um software comercial para análise estrutural, mostrando que o T6-3i pode apresentar resultados insatisfatórios. Na segunda parte deste trabalho, as potencialidades do T6-3i são expandidas, sendo proposta uma formulação dinâmica para análise não linear de cascas. Utiliza-se um modelo Lagrangiano atualizado e a forma fraca é obtida do Teorema dos Trabalhos Virtuais. São feitas simulações numéricas da deformação de domos finos que apresentam vários snap-throughs e snap-backs, incluindo domos com vincos curvos, mostrando a robustez, simplicidade e versatilidade do elemento na sua formulação e na geração das malhas não estruturadas necessárias para as simulações.


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The analysis and prediction of the dynamic behaviour of s7ructural components plays an important role in modern engineering design. :n this work, the so-called "mixed" finite element models based on Reissnen's variational principle are applied to the solution of free and forced vibration problems, for beam and :late structures. The mixed beam models are obtained by using elements of various shape functions ranging from simple linear to complex cubic and quadratic functions. The elements were in general capable of predicting the natural frequencies and dynamic responses with good accuracy. An isoparametric quadrilateral element with 8-nodes was developed for application to thin plate problems. The element has 32 degrees of freedom (one deflection, two bending and one twisting moment per node) which is suitable for discretization of plates with arbitrary geometry. A linear isoparametric element and two non-conforming displacement elements (4-node and 8-node quadrilateral) were extended to the solution of dynamic problems. An auto-mesh generation program was used to facilitate the preparation of input data required by the 8-node quadrilateral elements of mixed and displacement type. Numerical examples were solved using both the mixed beam and plate elements for predicting a structure's natural frequencies and dynamic response to a variety of forcing functions. The solutions were compared with the available analytical and displacement model solutions. The mixed elements developed have been found to have significant advantages over the conventional displacement elements in the solution of plate type problems. A dramatic saving in computational time is possible without any loss in solution accuracy. With beam type problems, there appears to be no significant advantages in using mixed models.


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In the process of engineering design of structural shapes, the flat plate analysis results can be generalized to predict behaviors of complete structural shapes. In this case, the purpose of this project is to analyze a thin flat plate under conductive heat transfer and to simulate the temperature distribution, thermal stresses, total displacements, and buckling deformations. The current approach in these cases has been using the Finite Element Method (FEM), whose basis is the construction of a conforming mesh. In contrast, this project uses the mesh-free Scan Solve Method. This method eliminates the meshing limitation using a non-conforming mesh. I implemented this modeling process developing numerical algorithms and software tools to model thermally induced buckling. In addition, convergence analysis was achieved, and the results were compared with FEM. In conclusion, the results demonstrate that the method gives similar solutions to FEM in quality, but it is computationally less time consuming.


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A new two-dimensionally mapped infinite boundary element (IBE) is presented. The formulation is based on a triangular boundary element (BE) with linear shape functions instead of the quadrilateral IBEs usually found in the literature. The infinite solids analyzed are assumed to be three-dimensional, linear-elastic and isotropic, and Kelvin fundamental solutions are employed. One advantage of the proposed formulation over quadratic or higher order elements is that no additional degrees of freedom are added to the original BE mesh by the presence of the IBEs. Thus, the IBEs allow the mesh to be reduced without compromising the accuracy of the result. Two examples are presented, in which the numerical results show good agreement with authors using quadrilateral IBEs and analytical solutions. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We construct a new family of semi-discrete numerical schemes for the approximation of the one-dimensional periodic Vlasov-Poisson system. The methods are based on the coupling of discontinuous Galerkin approximation to the Vlasov equation and several finite element (conforming, non-conforming and mixed) approximations for the Poisson problem. We show optimal error estimates for the all proposed methods in the case of smooth compactly supported initial data. The issue of energy conservation is also analyzed for some of the methods.