29 resultados para Recumbent


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This study investigated cycling performance and oxygen uptake (VO2) kinetics between upright and two commonly used recumbent (R) postures, 65ºR and 30ºR. On three occasions, ten young active males performed three bouts of high-intensity constant-load (85% peak workload achieved during a graded test) cycling in one of the three randomly assigned postures (upright, 65ºR or 30ºR). The first bout was performed to fatigue and second and third bouts were limited to 7 min. A subset of seven subjects performed a final constant-load test to failure in the supine posture. Exercise time to failure was not altered when the body inclination was lowered from the upright (13.1 ± 4.5 min) to 65ºR (10.5 ± 2.7 min) and 30ºR (11.5 ± 4.6 min) postures; but it was significantly shorter in the supine posture (5.8 ± 2.1 min) when compared with the three inclined postures. Resulting kinetic parameters from a tri-exponential analysis of breath-by-breath VO2 data during the first 7 min of exercise were also not different between the three inclined postures. However, inert gas rebreathing analysis of cardiac output revealed a greater cardiac output and stroke volume in both recumbent postures compared with the upright posture at 30 s into the exercise. These data suggest that increased cardiac function may counteract the reduction of hydrostatic pressure from upright ~25 mmHg; to 65ºR ~22 mmHg; and 30ºR ~18 mmHg such that perfusion of active muscle presumably remains largely unchanged, and also therefore, VO2 kinetics and performance during high-intensity cycling.


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Objective - To evaluate the effect of changing the mode of ventilation from spontaneous to controlled on the arterial-to-end-tidal CO2 difference [P(a-ET)CO2] and physiological dead space (VD(phys)/VT) in laterally and dorsally recumbent halothane-anesthetized horses. Study Design - Prospective, experimental, nonrandomized trial. Animals - Seven mixed breed adult horses (1 male and 6 female) weighing 320 ± 11 kg. Methods - Horses were anesthetized in 2 positions - right lateral and dorsal recumbency - with a minimum interval of 1 month. Anesthesia was maintained with halothane in oxygen for 180 minutes. Spontaneous ventilation (SV) was used for 90 minutes followed by 90 minutes of controlled ventilation (CV). The same ventilator settings were used for both laterally and dorsally recumbent horses. Arterial blood gas analysis was performed every 30 minutes during anesthesia. End-tidal CO2 (PETCO2) was measured continuously. P(a-ET)CO2 and VD(phys)/VT were calculated. Statistical analysis included analysis of variance for repeated measures over time, followed by Student-Newman-Keuls test. Comparison between groups was performed using a paired t test; P < .05 was considered significant. Results - P(a-ET)CO2 and VD(phys)/VT increased during SV, whereas CV reduced these variables. The variables did not change significantly throughout mechanical ventilation in either group. Dorsally recumbent horses showed greater P(a-ET)CO2 and VD(phys)/VT values throughout. PaCO2 was greater during CV in dorsally positioned horses. Conclusions and Clinical Relevance - Changing the mode of ventilation from spontaneous to controlled was effective in reducing P(a-ET)CO2 and physiological dead space in both laterally and dorsally recumbent halothane-anesthetized horses. Dorsal recumbency resulted in greater impairment of effective ventilation. Capnometry has a limited value for accurate estimation of PaCO, in anesthetized horses, although it may be used to evaluate pulmonary function when paired with arterial blood gas analysis. © Copyright 2000 by The American College of Veterinary Surgeons.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A healthy human would be expected to show periodic blinks, making a brief closure of the eyelids. Most blinks are spontaneous, occurring regularly with no external stimulus. However a reflex blink can occur in response to external stimuli such as a bright light, a sudden loud noise, or an object approaching toward the eyes. A voluntary or forced blink is another type of blink in which the person deliberately closes the eyes and the lower eyelid raises to meet the upper eyelid. A complete blink, in which the upper eyelid touches the lower eyelid, contributes to the health of ocular surface by providing a fresh layer of tears as well as maintaining optical integrity by providing a smooth tear film over the cornea. The rate of blinking and its completeness vary depending on the task undertaken during blink assessment, the direction of gaze, the emotional state of the subjects and the method under which the blink was measured. It is also well known that wearing contact lenses (both rigid and soft lenses) can induce significant changes in blink rate and completeness. It is been established that efficient blinking plays an important role in ocular surface health during contact lens wear and for improving contact lens performance and comfort. Inefficient blinking during contact lens wear may be related to a low blink rate or incomplete blinking and can often be a reason for dry eye symptoms or ocular surface staining. It has previously been shown that upward gaze can affect blink rate, causing it to become faster. In the first experiment, it was decided to expand on previous studies in this area by examining the effect of various gaze directions (i.e. upward gaze, primary gaze, downward gaze and lateral gaze) as well as head angle (recumbent position) on normal subjects’ blink rate and completeness through the use of filming with a high-speed camera. The results of this experiment showed that as the open palpebral aperture (and exposed ocular surface area) increased from downward gaze to upward gaze, the number of blinks significantly increased (p<0.04). Also, the size of closed palpebral aperture significantly increased from downward gaze to upward gaze (p<0.005). A weak positive correlation (R² = 0.18) between the blink rate and ocular surface area was found in this study. Also, it was found that the subjects showed 81% complete blinks, 19% incomplete blinks and 2% of twitch blinks in primary gaze, consistent with previous studies. The difference in the percentage of incomplete blinks between upward gaze and downward gaze was significant (p<0.004), showing more incomplete blinks in upward gaze. The findings of this experiment suggest that while blink rate becomes slower in downward gaze, the completeness of blinking is typically better, thereby potentially reducing the risk of tear instability. On the other hand, in upward gaze while the completeness of blinking becomes worse, this is potentially offset by increased blink frequency. In addition, blink rate and completeness were not affected by lateral gaze or head angle, possibly because these conditions have similar size of the open palpebral aperture compared with primary gaze. In the second experiment, an investigation into the changes in blink rate and completeness was carried out in primary gaze and downward gaze with soft and rigid contact lenses in unadapted wearers. Not surprisingly, rigid lens wear caused a significant increase in the blink rate in both primary (p<0.001) and downward gaze (p<0.02). After fitting rigid contact lenses, the closed palpebral aperture (blink completeness) did not show any changes but the open palpebral aperture showed a significant narrowing (p<0.04). This might occur from the subjects’ attempt to avoid interaction between the upper eyelid and the edge of the lens to minimize discomfort. After applying topical anaesthetic eye drops in the eye fitted with rigid lenses, the increased blink rate dropped to values similar to that before lens insertion and the open palpebral aperture returned to baseline values, suggesting that corneal and/or lid margin sensitivity was mediating the increased blink rate and narrowed palpebral aperture. We also investigated the changes in the blink rate and completeness with soft contact lenses including a soft sphere, double slab-off toric design and periballast toric design. Soft contact lenses did not cause any significant changes in the blink rate, closed palpebral aperture, open palpebral aperture and the percentage of incomplete blinks in either primary gaze or downward gaze. After applying anaesthetic eye drops, the blink rate reduced in both primary gaze and downward gaze, however this difference was not statistically significant. The size of the closed palpebral aperture and open palpebral aperture did not show any significant changes after applying anaesthetic eye drops. However it should be noted that the effects of rigid and soft contact lenses that we observed in these studies were only the immediate reaction to contact lenses and in the longer term, it is likely that these responses will vary as the eye adapts to the presence of the lenses.


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New Findings

What is the central question of this study?Exercise performance is limited during hypoxia by a critical reduction in cerebral and skeletal tissue oxygenation. To what extent an elevation in systemic free radical accumulation contributes to microvascular deoxygenation and the corresponding reduction in maximal aerobic capacity remains unknown.What is the main finding and its importance?We show that altered free radical metabolism is not a limiting factor for exercise performance in hypoxia, providing important insight into the fundamental mechanisms involved in the control of vascular oxygen transport.

Exercise performance in hypoxia may be limited by a critical reduction in cerebral and skeletal tissue oxygenation, although the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. We examined whether increased systemic free radical accumulation during hypoxia would be associated with elevated microvascular deoxygenation and reduced maximal aerobic capacity (). Eleven healthy men were randomly assigned single-blind to an incremental semi-recumbent cycling test to determine  in both normoxia (21% O2) and hypoxia (12% O2) separated by a week. Continuous-wave near-infrared spectroscopy was employed to monitor concentration changes in oxy- and deoxyhaemoglobin in the left vastus lateralis muscle and frontal cerebral cortex. Antecubital venous blood samples were obtained at rest and at  to determine oxidative (ascorbate radical by electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy), nitrosative (nitric oxide metabolites by ozone-based chemiluminescence and 3-nitrotyrosine by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) and inflammatory stress biomarkers (soluble intercellular/vascular cell adhesion 1 molecules by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay). Hypoxia was associated with increased cerebral and muscle tissue deoxygenation and lower  (P < 0.05 versus normoxia). Despite an exercise-induced increase in oxidative–nitrosative–inflammatory stress, hypoxia per se did not have an additive effect (P > 0.05 versus normoxia). Consequently, we failed to observe correlations between any metabolic, haemodynamic and cardiorespiratory parameters (P > 0.05). Collectively, these findings suggest that altered free radical metabolism cannot explain the elevated microvascular deoxygenation and corresponding lower  in hypoxia. Further research is required to determine whether free radicals when present in excess do indeed contribute to the premature termination of exercise in hypoxia.


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The Rankin Inlet area, on the west shore of Hudson Bay in the Northwest Territories, is in the Churchill Structural Province. Metamorphosed volcanic and sedimentary rocks, previously mapped as Archean and part of the Kaminak Group, underlie most of the area. The Rankin Inlet Group consists of greywacke, with minor conglomeratic greywacke, quartzite and dolomite, overlain by massive and pillowed basaltic flows. Gabbro sills intrude the sediments near the base of the volcanic sequence and three serpentinite sills outcrop at the base of the volcanic sequence. The sediments are in fault-contact with quartz monzonite to the south and were intruded by granitic rocks to the northwest. Two periods of folding were defined by the mapping. The first generation folds are recumbent isoclinal folds, with northwest-trending and northeast-dipping axial planes, formed through gravitational sliding. The second generation folds are symmetrically disposed about the axis of the granitic intrusion and have east-southeast trending and nearly vertical axial planes. Whole-rock analysis of 64 rock samples indicates that metasomatic alteration accompanied the intrusion of both the granitic rocks and the serpentinite. The volcanic rocks, gabbro and serpentinite were derived from a magma of oceanic tholeiitic affinities. The stratigraphic sequence and chemistry of the volcanic rocks of the Rankin Inlet Group indicate that this assemblage is correlative with the Hurwitz Group rather than the Kaminak Group and is therefore Aphebian in age.


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The study area is situated in NE Newfoundland between Gander Lake and the north coast and on the boundary between the Gander and Botwood tectonostratigraphic zones (Williams et al., 1974). The area is underlain by three NE trending units; the Gander Group, the Gander River Ultramafic Belt (the GRUB) and the Davidsville Group. The easternmost Gander Group consists of a thick, psammitic unit composed predominantly of psammitic schist and a thinner, mixed unit of semipelitic and pelitic schist with minor psammite. The mixed unit may stratigraphically overlie the psammitic unit or be a lateral facies equivalent of the latter. No fossils have been recovered from the Gander Group. The GRUB is a terrain of mafic and ultramafic plutonic rocks with minor pillow lava and plagiogranite. It is interpreted to be a dismembered ophiolite in thrust contact with the Gander Group. The westernmost Davidsville Group consists of a basal conglomerate, believed deposited unconformably upon the GRUB from which it was derived, and an upper unit of greywacke and slate, mostly of turbidite origin, with minor limestone and calcareous sandstone. The limestone, which lies near the base of the unit, contains Upper Llanvirn to Lower Llandeilo fossils. The Gander and Davidsville Groups display distinctly different sedimentological , structural and metamorphic histories. The Gander Group consists of quartz-rich, relatively mature sediment. It has suffered three pre-Llanvirn deformations, of which the main deformation, Dp produced a major, NE-N-facing recumbent anticline in the southern part of the study area. Middle greenschist conditions existed from D^ to D- with growth of metamorphic minerals during each dynamic and static phase. In contrast, the mineralogically immature Davidsville Group sediment contains abundant mafic and ultramafic detritus which is absent from the Gander Group. The Davidsville Group displays the effects of a single penetrative deformation with localized D_ and D_ features, all of which can be shown to postdate D_ in the Gander Group. Rotation of the flat Gander S- into a subvertical orientation near the contact with the GRUB and the Davidsville Group is believed to be a Davidsville D^ feature. Regional metamorphism in the Davidsville Group is lower greenschist with a single growth phase, MS . These sedimentological, structural and metamorphic differences between the Gander and Davidsville Groups persist even where the GRUB is absent and the two units are in contact, indicating that the tectonic histories of the Gander and Davidsville Groups are distinctly different. Structural features in the GRUB, locally the result of multiple deformations, may be the result of Gander and/or Davidsville deformations. Metamorphism is in the greenschist facies. Geochemical analyses of the pillow lava suggest that these rocks were formed in a back-arc basin. Mafic intrusives in the Gander Group appear to be the result of magraatism separate from that producing the pillow lava. The Gander Group is interpreted to be a continental rise prism deposited on the eastern margin of the Late Precambrian-Lower Paleozoic lapetus Ocean. The GRUB, oceanic crust possibly formed in a marginal basin to the west, is believed to have been thrust eastward over the Gander Group, deforming the latter, during the pre-Llanvirnian, possibly Precambrian, Ganderian Orogeny. The Middle Ordovician and younger Davidsville Group was derived from, and deposited unconformably on, this deformed terrain. Deformation of the Davidsville Group occurred during the Middle Devonian Acadian Orogeny.


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This thesis investigated the impact of pubertal maturation and sex on cardiovagal baroreflex sensitivity (BRS) and arterial properties of the common carotid artery (CCA), and the relationship between CCA arterial properties and BRS. This thesis also investigated the effect of orthostatic stress on arterial properties of the CCA and carotid sinus (CS), as well as their impact on BRS in response to orthostatic stress. Children and adolescents between the ages of 8-18 years were examined. To assess pubertal maturation participants were organized into five pubertal groups based on the criteria of Tanner. BRS was assessed by transfer function analysis in the low frequency range (0.05 – 0.15Hz). Pulse pressure (PP) was measured at the CCA (PPCCA) and CS (PPCS) using applanation tonometry, and at the finger (PPFinger) using photoplethysmography. Ultrasound sonography and applanation tonometry were used to determine the distensibility coefficient (DC) at the CCA (DCCCA) and CS (DCCS). A moderate posture stimulus was implemented by passively moving participants into a 50° seated-recumbent (SR) position. The results demonstrated a sex-by-maturation interaction on BRS (p= 0.019). BRS decreased from early- to post-puberty in males (p<0.01), and remained unchanged in females. Females demonstrated greater BRS compared to males post-puberty (p<0.05). CCA distensibility was not affected by sex or maturation and was not related to BRS. PPCS was greater than PPCCA (p<0.001), while PPFinger was greater than both PPCCA (p<0.001) and PPCS (p<0.001). In response to SR, the relative change in PPFinger was significantly different than the relative change in PPCCA (p<0.001) and PPCS (p<0.001), while the relative change between PPCCA and PPCS were not different. Finally, in response to SR there was a significant decrease in DCCS (p=0.001), but not DCCCA. The relative change in BRS in response to SR was significantly correlated to the relative change in DCCS (p=0.004), but not DCCCA. The findings demonstrated an important sex-dependent maturation effect on BRS in children and adolescents that was not explained by CCA distensibility. Also, the CS and CCA responded differently to orthostatic stress. The CS was more suitable to evaluate the effect of arterial distensibility on BRS in response to posture change.


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We have discovered that the current protocols to assemble Au nanoparticles based on DNA hybridization do not work well with the small metal nanoparticles (e.g. 5 nm Au, 3.6 nm Pt and 3.2 nm Ru particles). Further investigations revealed the presence of strong interaction between the oligonucleotide backbone and the surface of the small metal nanoparticles. The oligonucleotides in this case are recumbent on the particle surface and are therefore not optimally oriented for hybridization. The nonspecific adsorption of oligonucleotides on small metal nanoparticles must be overcome before DNA hybridization can be accepted as a general assembly method. Two methods have been suggested as possible solutions to this problem. One is based on the use of stabilizer molecules which compete with the oligonucleotides for adsorption on the metal nanoparticle surface. Unfortunately, the reported success of this approach in small Au nanoparticles (using K₂BSPP) and Au films (using 6-mercapto-1-hexanol) could not be extended to the assembly of Pt and Ru nanoparticles by DNA hybridization. The second approach is to simply use larger metal particles. Indeed most reports on the DNA hybridization induced assembly of Au nanoparticles have made use of relatively large particles (>10 nm), hinting at a weaker non-specific interaction between the oligonucleotides and large Au nanoparticles. However, most current methods of nanoparticle synthesis are optimized to produce metal nanoparticles only within a narrow size range. We find that core-shell nanoparticles formed by the seeded growth method may be used to artificially enlarge the size of the metal particles to reduce the nonspecific binding of oligonucleotides. We demonstrate herein a core-shell assisted growth method to assemble Pt and Ru nanoparticles by DNA hybridization. This method involves firstly synthesizing approximately 16 nm core-shell Ag-Pt and 21 nm core-shell Au-Ru nanoparticles from 9.6 nm Ag seeds and 17.2 nm Au seeds respectively by the seed-mediated growth method. The core-shell nanoparticles were then functionalized by complementary thiolated oligonucleotides followed by aging in 0.2 M PBS buffer for 6 hours. The DNA hybridization induced bimetallic assembly of Pt and Ru nanoparticles could then be carried out in 0.3 M PBS buffer for 10 hours.


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An important Athecate genus, Eudendrium, and a group of species of the Thecata, the latter ecologically related by life on a common substrate, are reviewed. Eudendrium, hitherto poorly known in Australia, comprises 17 species, including 10 undescribed species with 71% Australian, and high provincial endemicity. Eudendrium may be a shelf genus avoiding turbulent oceanic waters. Species of Eudendrium are predominantly epizoic and some gregariously settling colonies may live for five years. Identification of sterile material is refined by using the cnidome in a key to classification. The species and population dynamics of hydroid epiphytes of the endemic southern Australian marine angiosperm Amphibolis were investigated with revision of historically vexatious taxa. In contrast with the northern hemisphere, no Athecata are associated with southern Australian seagrasses. Seventeen species from eight thecate families are associated with the two species of Amphibolis, including one undescribed species, H&lecium amphibolum, and one new record for Australia, Aglaophenia postdentata. The Lineolariidae is revised and a new genus, Millardaria, erected for a species from seagrass in Madagascar. The high endemicity (58%) and host-specificity of hydroids to Amphibolis is an evolutionary consequence of isolation of the seagrass dating from break-up of the Tethyan Sea. Hydroids occur throughout the year in the Amphibolis leaf canopy with a mean annual epiphytism of 44% on A. antarctica in the eastern continent and 86% in the western continent; epiphytism is 52% on A. griffithii in the western continent. Half of the eight important species are dominant epiphytes across the southern continent but the species and order of abundance varies regionally. Most are pioneer colonists with short, repetetive life-cycles lasting from weeks to a few months. Three species epiphytise the seagrass stems but only one is a leaf-canopy dominant. The canopy community comprises small, fast-growing species or dwarfed variants of species larger in other habitats: these ecomorphically constant forms are associated only with seagrass. Strategies for survival in the harsh Amphibolis environment include adnate colonies and gonothecae adnate or recumbent to the substrate, marked strengthening of the hydrorhiza, various hydrodynamic adaptations of the hydrotheca, early maturation and production of numerous small ova.


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Em eqüinos, as enterotomias no cólon descendente são necessárias para remover enterólitos, corpos estranhos e material alimentar compactado que não podem ser removidos por técnicas conservativas. Este segmento intestinal possui um suprimento sangüíneo pobre, além de predisposição a complicações pós-operatórias relacionadas à contaminação bacteriana. Assim, este estudo foi conduzido com o objetivo de efetuar avaliações clínicas e anatomopatológicas do emprego de adesivo tecidual à base de cianoacrilato no cólon descendente de eqüinos, comparando-o a uma técnica de sutura aposicional convencional. A intervenção cirúrgica foi realizada em 15 animais posicionados em decúbito lateral direito, através de laparotomia pelo flanco esquerdo, sob anestesia geral inalatória. Após a exteriorização do cólon descendente, foram realizadas duas enterotomias de cinco centímetros de extensão cada, distanciadas 20cm uma da outra. Os animais foram aleatoriamente distribuídos em cinco tempos de observação de três animais cada e sacrificados aos três, sete, 14, 35 e 70 dias de pós-operatório. O adesivo butil-2-cianoacrilato e o fio de poliglactina 910 mostraram-se igualmente apropriados para uso em enterorrafias desse órgão, sendo que o fio de poliglactina 910 provocou inflamação inicial mais intensa que o cianoacrilato e, mais tardiamente, ambos causaram inflamação granulomatosa do tipo corpo estranho observada, primeiramente, junto ao fio de poliglactina 910 (7º dia) e, a partir do 35º dia, ao redor do cianoacrilato.


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Realizou-se estudo retrospectivo (1987-2002) dos aspectos clínicos das fraturas vertebrais em eqüinos, bovinos, ovinos, caprinos e suínos atendidos no hospital veterinário da FMVZ-Unesp de Botucatu. Todos os casos tiveram confirmação radiográfica ou post-mortem. Segundo a espécie, a ordem de acometimento foi: bovina, eqüina, ovina, caprina e suína. As lesões ocorreram desde os 12 dias de idade até os 10 anos, com maior freqüência até os 12 meses. O segmento torácico foi o mais comprometido seguido dos segmentos lombar, cervical e sacral. As fraturas vertebrais devem fazer parte da lista de diagnósticos diferenciais de animais em decúbito, independente da espécie, sexo ou idade.


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Objective: To assess the reliability of the standing measurement of hand-to-foot bioimpedance compared with measurements made in the lying position.Research Methods and Procedures: In 205 volunteers 6 to 89 years of age, 111 males and 94 females from six ethnic groups, effects of posture, time, and age on hand-to-foot resistance were studied over a range of body size. The effect of time in a position on resistance was also recorded in a small subset (n = 10), and repeat measurements over 3 days at the same time of the day were recorded in another subset (n = 12).Results: Lying impedance was consistently higher than standing, with the relationship (resistance lying/resistance standing) for the children (5 to 14 years) being 1.031, progressing to a ratio of 1.016 in those >60 years. The time spent static in either position did change resistance measurements - a decrease of up to 9 Omega (mean 5 Omega, 1.0%) over 10 minutes of standing and an increase of up to 7 Omega (mean 3 Omega, 0.7%) with lying.Discussion: In the field, measurements of hand-to-foot bioimpedance can be made in the standing position, and, with appropriate adjustment, previously validated recumbent equations can be used. Given that errors in the measurement of height and weight also affect the reliability of the derivation of body fat from bioelectrical conductance, the errors that may arise from a more practical standing measurement rather than lying are minimal.


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A combination of 0.5 mg/kg of methotrimeprazine, 0.1 mg/kg of midazolam and 100 mg/kg of a 10 per cent guaiphenesin solution was investigated for the induction of recumbency in 15 horses; the addition of 1.6 mg/kg of ketamine was also evaluated in 15 horses and anaesthesia was maintained with halothane in oxygen. The horses became recumbent quickly and smoothly and they recovered quietly, with little ataxia. Tachycardia occurred after induction, but no other changes from pre-operative values were observed until halothane in oxygen had been given, when hypothermia, hypotension, bradypnoea, hyperoxaemia, respiratory acidosis and decreased respiratory minute volume developed. Horses given ketamine in addition to methotrimeprazine, midazolam and guaiphenesin were easier to intubate and recovered more quickly than horses receiving only methotrimeprazine, midazolam and guaiphenesin.