981 resultados para Recommendation system
Existing recommendation systems often recommend products to users by capturing the item-to-item and user-to-user similarity measures. These types of recommendation systems become inefficient in people-to-people networks for people to people recommendation that require two way relationship. Also, existing recommendation methods use traditional two dimensional models to find inter relationships between alike users and items. It is not efficient enough to model the people-to-people network with two-dimensional models as the latent correlations between the people and their attributes are not utilized. In this paper, we propose a novel tensor decomposition-based recommendation method for recommending people-to-people based on users profiles and their interactions. The people-to-people network data is multi-dimensional data which when modeled using vector based methods tend to result in information loss as they capture either the interactions or the attributes of the users but not both the information. This paper utilizes tensor models that have the ability to correlate and find latent relationships between similar users based on both information, user interactions and user attributes, in order to generate recommendations. Empirical analysis is conducted on a real-life online dating dataset. As demonstrated in results, the use of tensor modeling and decomposition has enabled the identification of latent correlations between people based on their attributes and interactions in the network and quality recommendations have been derived using the 'alike' users concept.
A tag-based personalized item recommendation system using tensor modeling and topic model approaches
This research falls in the area of enhancing the quality of tag-based item recommendation systems. It aims to achieve this by employing a multi-dimensional user profile approach and by analyzing the semantic aspects of tags. Tag-based recommender systems have two characteristics that need to be carefully studied in order to build a reliable system. Firstly, the multi-dimensional correlation, called as tag assignment
This paper proposes a recommendation system that supports process participants in taking risk-informed decisions, with the goal of reducing risks that may arise during process execution. Risk reduction involves decreasing the likelihood and severity of a process fault from occurring. Given a business process exposed to risks, e.g. a financial process exposed to a risk of reputation loss, we enact this process and whenever a process participant needs to provide input to the process, e.g. by selecting the next task to execute or by filling out a form, we suggest to the participant the action to perform which minimizes the predicted process risk. Risks are predicted by traversing decision trees generated from the logs of past process executions, which consider process data, involved resources, task durations and other information elements like task frequencies. When applied in the context of multiple process instances running concurrently, a second technique is employed that uses integer linear programming to compute the optimal assignment of resources to tasks to be performed, in order to deal with the interplay between risks relative to different instances. The recommendation system has been implemented as a set of components on top of the YAWL BPM system and its effectiveness has been evaluated using a real-life scenario, in collaboration with risk analysts of a large insurance company. The results, based on a simulation of the real-life scenario and its comparison with the event data provided by the company, show that the process instances executed concurrently complete with significantly fewer faults and with lower fault severities, when the recommendations provided by our recommendation system are taken into account.
We design and implement a system that recommends musicians to listeners. The basic idea is to keep track of what artists a user listens to, to find other users with similar tastes, and to recommend other artists that these similar listeners enjoy. The system utilizes a client-server architecture, a web-based interface, and an SQL database to store and process information. We describe Audiomomma-0.3, a proof-of-concept implementation of the above ideas.
Il focus di questo elaborato è sui sistemi di recommendations e le relative caratteristiche. L'utilizzo di questi meccanism è sempre più forte e presente nel mondo del web, con un parallelo sviluppo di soluzioni sempre più accurate ed efficienti. Tra tutti gli approcci esistenti, si è deciso di prendere in esame quello affrontato in Apache Mahout. Questa libreria open source implementa il collaborative-filtering, basando il processo di recommendation sulle preferenze espresse dagli utenti riguardo ifferenti oggetti. Grazie ad Apache Mahout e ai principi base delle varie tipologie di recommendationè stato possibile realizzare un applicativo web che permette di produrre delle recommendations nell'ambito delle pubblicazioni scientifiche, selezionando quegli articoli che hanno un maggiore similarità con quelli pubblicati dall'utente corrente. La realizzazione di questo progetto ha portato alla definizione di un sistema ibrido. Infatti l'approccio alla recommendation di Apache Mahout non è completamente adattabile a questa situazione, per questo motivo le sue componenti sono state estese e modellate per il caso di studio. Siè cercato quindi di combinare il collaborative filtering e il content-based in un unico approccio. Di Apache Mahout si è mantenuto l'algoritmo attraverso il quale esaminare i dati del data set, tralasciando completamente l'aspetto legato alle preferenze degli utenti, poichè essi non esprimono delle valutazioni sugli articoli. Del content-based si è utilizzata l'idea del confronto tra i titoli delle pubblicazioni. La valutazione di questo applicativo ha portato alla luce diversi limiti, ma anche possibili sviluppi futuri che potrebbero migliorare la qualità delle recommendations, ma soprattuto le prestazioni. Grazie per esempio ad Apache Hadoop sarebbe possibile una computazione distribuita che permetterebbe di elaborare migliaia di dati con dei risultati più che discreti.
Recommender system is a specific type of intelligent systems, which exploits historical user ratings on items and/or auxiliary information to make recommendations on items to the users. It plays a critical role in a wide range of online shopping, e-commercial services and social networking applications. Collaborative filtering (CF) is the most popular approaches used for recommender systems, but it suffers from complete cold start (CCS) problem where no rating record are available and incomplete cold start (ICS) problem where only a small number of rating records are available for some new items or users in the system. In this paper, we propose two recommendation models to solve the CCS and ICS problems for new items, which are based on a framework of tightly coupled CF approach and deep learning neural network. A specific deep neural network SADE is used to extract the content features of the items. The state of the art CF model, timeSVD++, which models and utilizes temporal dynamics of user preferences and item features, is modified to take the content features into prediction of ratings for cold start items. Extensive experiments on a large Netflix rating dataset of movies are performed, which show that our proposed recommendation models largely outperform the baseline models for rating prediction of cold start items. The two proposed recommendation models are also evaluated and compared on ICS items, and a flexible scheme of model retraining and switching is proposed to deal with the transition of items from cold start to non-cold start status. The experiment results on Netflix movie recommendation show the tight coupling of CF approach and deep learning neural network is feasible and very effective for cold start item recommendation. The design is general and can be applied to many other recommender systems for online shopping and social networking applications. The solution of cold start item problem can largely improve user experience and trust of recommender systems, and effectively promote cold start items.
Online dating websites enable a specific form of social networking and their efficiency can be increased by supporting proactive recommendations based on participants' preferences with the use of data mining. This research develops two-way recommendation methods for people-to-people recommendation for large online social networks such as online dating networks. This research discovers the characteristics of the online dating networks and utilises these characteristics in developing efficient people-to-people recommendation methods. Methods developed support improved recommendation accuracy, can handle data sparsity that often comes with large data sets and are scalable for handling online networks with a large number of users.
This article addresses the establishment of integrated diagnostics and recommendation system (DRIS) standards for irrigated bean crops (Phaseolus vulgaris) and compares leaf concentrations and productivity in low- and high-productivity populations. The work was carried out in Santa Fe de Goias, Goias State, Brazil, in the agricultural years 1999/2000 and 2000/2001. For the nutritional diagnosis, leaf samples were collected, and leaf concentrations of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), sulfur (S), boron (B), copper (Cu), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), and zinc (Zn) were established in 100 commercial bean crops. A database was set up listing the leaf nutrient content and the respective productivities, subdivided into two subpopulations, high and low productivity, using a bean yield value of 3000 kg ha-1 to separate these subpopulations. Sufficiency values found in the high-productivity population matched only for the micronutrients B and Zn. The nutritional balance among the populations studied was coherent and was lower in the high-productivity population. The DRIS standards proposed for irrigated bean farming were efficient in evaluating the nutritional status of the crop areas studied. Calcium, Cu, and S were found to be the least available nutrients, indicating high response potential for the fertilizing using these nutrients.
We apply the Artificial Immune System (AIS)technology to the collaborative Filtering (CF)technology when we build the movie recommendation system. Two different affinity measure algorithms of AIS, Kendall tau and Weighted Kappa, are used to calculate the correlation coefficients for this movie recommendation system. From the testing we think that Weighted Kappa is more suitable than Kendall tau for movie problems.
We apply the Artificial Immune System (AIS)technology to the collaborative Filtering (CF)technology when we build the movie recommendation system. Two different affinity measure algorithms of AIS, Kendall tau and Weighted Kappa, are used to calculate the correlation coefficients for this movie recommendation system. From the testing we think that Weighted Kappa is more suitable than Kendall tau for movie problems.
Several websites utilise a rule-base recommendation system, which generates choices based on a series of questionnaires, for recommending products to users. This approach has a high risk of customer attrition and the bottleneck is the questionnaire set. If the questioning process is too long, complex or tedious; users are most likely to quit the questionnaire before a product is recommended to them. If the questioning process is short; the user intensions cannot be gathered. The commonly used feature selection methods do not provide a satisfactory solution. We propose a novel process combining clustering, decisions tree and association rule mining for a group-oriented question reduction process. The question set is reduced according to common properties that are shared by a specific group of users. When applied on a real-world website, the proposed combined method outperforms the methods where the reduction of question is done only by using association rule mining or only by observing distribution within the group.
Negli ultimi cinque anni lo sviluppo di applicazioni mobile ha visto un grandissimo incremento dovuto pricipalmente all’esplosione della diffusione di smartphone; questo fenomeno ha reso disponibile agli analisti una enorme quantità di dati sulle abitudini degli utenti. L’approccio centralizzato nella distribuzione delle applicazioni da parte dei grandi provider quali Apple, Google e Microsoft ha permesso a migliaia di sviluppatori di tutto il mondo di raggiungere con i loro prodotti gli utenti finali e diffondere l’utilizzo di applicativi installabili; le app infatti sono diventate in poco tempo fondamentali nella vita di tutti i giorni e in alcuni casi hanno sostituito funzioni primarie del telefono cellulare. Obiettivo principale di questo studio sarà inferire pattern comportamentali dall’analisi di una grossa mole di dati riguardanti l’utilizzo dello smartphone e delle app installabili da parte di un gruppo di utenti. Ipotizzando di avere a disposizione tutte le azioni che un determinato bacino di utenza effettua nella selezione delle applicazioni di loro interesse quando accedono al marketplace (luogo digitale da cui è possibile scaricare nuove applicazioni ed installarle) è possibile stimare, ovviamente con un certo margine di errore, dati sensibili dell’utente quali: Sesso, Età, Interessi e così via analizzandoli in relazione ad un modello costruito su dati di un campione di utenti ben noto. Costruiremo così un modello utilizzando dati di utenti ben noti di cui conosciamo i dettagli sensibili e poi, tramite avanzate tecniche di regressione e classificazione saremo in grado di definire se esiste o meno una correlazione tra le azioni effettuate su uno Smartphone e il profilo dell’utente. La seconda parte della tesi sarà incentrata sull'analisi di sistemi di raccomandazioni attualmente operativi e ci concentreremo sullo studio di possibili sviluppi sviluppi futuri di questi sistemi partendo dai risultati sperimentali ottenuti.
Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2014
Abstract. We combine Artificial Immune Systems (AIS) technology with Collaborative Filtering (CF) and use it to build a movie recommendation system. We already know that Artificial Immune Systems work well as movie recommenders from previous work by Cayzer and Aickelin ([3], [4], [5]). Here our aim is to investigate the effect of different affinity measure algorithms for the AIS. Two different affinity measures, Kendall's Tau and Weighted Kappa, are used to calculate the correlation coefficients for the movie recommender. We compare the results with those published previously and show that that Weighted Kappa is more suitable than others for movie problems. We also show that AIS are generally robust movie recommenders and that, as long as a suitable affinity measure is chosen, results are good.
The growing availability and popularity of opinion rich resources on the online web resources, such as review sites and personal blogs, has made it convenient to find out about the opinions and experiences of layman people. But, simultaneously, this huge eruption of data has made it difficult to reach to a conclusion. In this thesis, I develop a novel recommendation system, Recomendr that can help users digest all the reviews about an entity and compare candidate entities based on ad-hoc dimensions specified by keywords. It expects keyword specified ad-hoc dimensions/features as input from the user and based on those features; it compares the selected range of entities using reviews provided on the related User Generated Contents (UGC) e.g. online reviews. It then rates the textual stream of data using a scoring function and returns the decision based on an aggregate opinion to the user. Evaluation of Recomendr using a data set in the laptop domain shows that it can effectively recommend the best laptop as per user-specified dimensions such as price. Recomendr is a general system that can potentially work for any entities on which online reviews or opinionated text is available.