942 resultados para Real Time Pricing


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Price based technique is one way to handle increase in peak demand and deal with voltage violations in residential distribution systems. This paper proposes an improved real time pricing scheme for residential customers with demand response option. Smart meters and in-home display units are used to broadcast the price and appropriate load adjustment signals. Customers are given an opportunity to respond to the signals and adjust the loads. This scheme helps distribution companies to deal with overloading problems and voltage issues in a more efficient way. Also, variations in wholesale electricity prices are passed on to electricity customers to take collective measure to reduce network peak demand. It is ensured that both customers and utility are benefitted by this scheme.


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The increasing importance given by environmental policies to the dissemination and use of wind power has led to its fast and large integration in power systems. In most cases, this integration has been done in an intensive way, causing several impacts and challenges in current and future power systems operation and planning. One of these challenges is dealing with the system conditions in which the available wind power is higher than the system demand. This is one of the possible applications of demand response, which is a very promising resource in the context of competitive environments that integrates even more amounts of distributed energy resources, as well as new players. The methodology proposed aims the maximization of the social welfare in a smart grid operated by a virtual power player that manages the available energy resources. When facing excessive wind power generation availability, real time pricing is applied in order to induce the increase of consumption so that wind curtailment is minimized. The proposed method is especially useful when actual and day-ahead wind forecast differ significantly. The proposed method has been computationally implemented in GAMS optimization tool and its application is illustrated in this paper using a real 937-bus distribution network with 20310 consumers and 548 distributed generators, some of them with must take contracts.


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In competitive electricity markets with deep concerns for the efficiency level, demand response programs gain considerable significance. As demand response levels have decreased after the introduction of competition in the power industry, new approaches are required to take full advantage of demand response opportunities. This paper presents DemSi, a demand response simulator that allows studying demand response actions and schemes in distribution networks. It undertakes the technical validation of the solution using realistic network simulation based on PSCAD. The use of DemSi by a retailer in a situation of energy shortage, is presented. Load reduction is obtained using a consumer based price elasticity approach supported by real time pricing. Non-linear programming is used to maximize the retailer’s profit, determining the optimal solution for each envisaged load reduction. The solution determines the price variations considering two different approaches, price variations determined for each individual consumer or for each consumer type, allowing to prove that the approach used does not significantly influence the retailer’s profit. The paper presents a case study in a 33 bus distribution network with 5 distinct consumer types. The obtained results and conclusions show the adequacy of the used methodology and its importance for supporting retailers’ decision making.


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The use of demand response programs enables the adequate use of resources of small and medium players, bringing high benefits to the smart grid, and increasing its efficiency. One of the difficulties to proceed with this paradigm is the lack of intelligence in the management of small and medium size players. In order to make demand response programs a feasible solution, it is essential that small and medium players have an efficient energy management and a fair optimization mechanism to decrease the consumption without heavy loss of comfort, making it acceptable for the users. This paper addresses the application of real-time pricing in a house that uses an intelligent optimization module involving artificial neural networks.


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Recent changes of paradigm in power systems opened the opportunity to the active participation of new players. The small and medium players gain new opportunities while participating in demand response programs. This paper explores the optimal resources scheduling in two distinct levels. First, the network operator facing large wind power variations makes use of real time pricing to induce consumers to meet wind power variations. Then, at the consumer level, each load is managed according to the consumer preferences. The two-level resources schedule has been implemented in a real-time simulation platform, which uses hardware for consumer’ loads control. The illustrative example includes a situation of large lack of wind power and focuses on a consumer with 18 loads.


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Electric power grids throughout the world suffer from serious inefficiencies associated with under-utilization due to demand patterns, engineering design and load following approaches in use today. These grids consume much of the world’s energy and represent a large carbon footprint. From material utilization perspectives significant hardware is manufactured and installed for this infrastructure often to be used at less than 20-40% of its operational capacity for most of its lifetime. These inefficiencies lead engineers to require additional grid support and conventional generation capacity additions when renewable technologies (such as solar and wind) and electric vehicles are to be added to the utility demand/supply mix. Using actual data from the PJM [PJM 2009] the work shows that consumer load management, real time price signals, sensors and intelligent demand/supply control offer a compelling path forward to increase the efficient utilization and carbon footprint reduction of the world’s grids. Underutilization factors from many distribution companies indicate that distribution feeders are often operated at only 70-80% of their peak capacity for a few hours per year, and on average are loaded to less than 30-40% of their capability. By creating strong societal connections between consumers and energy providers technology can radically change this situation. Intelligent deployment of smart sensors, smart electric vehicles, consumer-based load management technology very high saturations of intermittent renewable energy supplies can be effectively controlled and dispatched to increase the levels of utilization of existing utility distribution, substation, transmission, and generation equipment. The strengthening of these technology, society and consumer relationships requires rapid dissemination of knowledge (real time prices, costs & benefit sharing, demand response requirements) in order to incentivize behaviors that can increase the effective use of technological equipment that represents one of the largest capital assets modern society has created.


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With the recent development of advanced metering infrastructure, real-time pricing (RTP) scheme is anticipated to be introduced in future retail electricity market. This paper proposes an algorithm for a home energy management scheduler (HEMS) to reduce the cost of energy consumption using RTP. The proposed algorithm works in three subsequent phases namely real-time monitoring (RTM), stochastic scheduling (STS) and real-time control (RTC). In RTM phase, characteristics of available controllable appliances are monitored in real-time and stored in HEMS. In STS phase, HEMS computes an optimal policy using stochastic dynamic programming (SDP) to select a set of appliances to be controlled with an objective of the total cost of energy consumption in a house. Finally, in RTC phase, HEMS initiates the control of the selected appliances. The proposed HEMS is unique as it intrinsically considers uncertainties in RTP and power consumption pattern of various appliances. In RTM phase, appliances are categorized according to their characteristics to ease the control process, thereby minimizing the number of control commands issued by HEMS. Simulation results validate the proposed method for HEMS.


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We present a mathematically rigorous Quality-of-Service (QoS) metric which relates the achievable quality of service metric (QoS) for a real-time analytics service to the server energy cost of offering the service. Using a new iso-QoS evaluation methodology, we scale server resources to meet QoS targets and directly rank the servers in terms of their energy-efficiency and by extension cost of ownership. Our metric and method are platform-independent and enable fair comparison of datacenter compute servers with significant architectural diversity, including micro-servers. We deploy our metric and methodology to compare three servers running financial option pricing workloads on real-life market data. We find that server ranking is sensitive to data inputs and desired QoS level and that although scale-out micro-servers can be up to two times more energy-efficient than conventional heavyweight servers for the same target QoS, they are still six times less energy efficient than high-performance computational accelerators.


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We present a rigorous methodology and new metrics for fair comparison of server and microserver platforms. Deploying our methodology and metrics, we compare a microserver with ARM cores against two servers with ×86 cores running the same real-time financial analytics workload. We define workload-specific but platform-independent performance metrics for platform comparison, targeting both datacenter operators and end users. Our methodology establishes that a server based on the Xeon Phi co-processor delivers the highest performance and energy efficiency. However, by scaling out energy-efficient microservers, we achieve competitive or better energy efficiency than a power-equivalent server with two Sandy Bridge sockets, despite the microserver's slower cores. Using a new iso-QoS metric, we find that the ARM microserver scales enough to meet market throughput demand, that is, a 100% QoS in terms of timely option pricing, with as little as 55% of the energy consumed by the Sandy Bridge server.


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Im Bereich sicherheitsrelevanter eingebetteter Systeme stellt sich der Designprozess von Anwendungen als sehr komplex dar. Entsprechend einer gegebenen Hardwarearchitektur lassen sich Steuergeräte aufrüsten, um alle bestehenden Prozesse und Signale pünktlich auszuführen. Die zeitlichen Anforderungen sind strikt und müssen in jeder periodischen Wiederkehr der Prozesse erfüllt sein, da die Sicherstellung der parallelen Ausführung von größter Bedeutung ist. Existierende Ansätze können schnell Designalternativen berechnen, aber sie gewährleisten nicht, dass die Kosten für die nötigen Hardwareänderungen minimal sind. Wir stellen einen Ansatz vor, der kostenminimale Lösungen für das Problem berechnet, die alle zeitlichen Bedingungen erfüllen. Unser Algorithmus verwendet Lineare Programmierung mit Spaltengenerierung, eingebettet in eine Baumstruktur, um untere und obere Schranken während des Optimierungsprozesses bereitzustellen. Die komplexen Randbedingungen zur Gewährleistung der periodischen Ausführung verlagern sich durch eine Zerlegung des Hauptproblems in unabhängige Unterprobleme, die als ganzzahlige lineare Programme formuliert sind. Sowohl die Analysen zur Prozessausführung als auch die Methoden zur Signalübertragung werden untersucht und linearisierte Darstellungen angegeben. Des Weiteren präsentieren wir eine neue Formulierung für die Ausführung mit fixierten Prioritäten, die zusätzlich Prozessantwortzeiten im schlimmsten anzunehmenden Fall berechnet, welche für Szenarien nötig sind, in denen zeitliche Bedingungen an Teilmengen von Prozessen und Signalen gegeben sind. Wir weisen die Anwendbarkeit unserer Methoden durch die Analyse von Instanzen nach, welche Prozessstrukturen aus realen Anwendungen enthalten. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass untere Schranken schnell berechnet werden können, um die Optimalität von heuristischen Lösungen zu beweisen. Wenn wir optimale Lösungen mit Antwortzeiten liefern, stellt sich unsere neue Formulierung in der Laufzeitanalyse vorteilhaft gegenüber anderen Ansätzen dar. Die besten Resultate werden mit einem hybriden Ansatz erzielt, der heuristische Startlösungen, eine Vorverarbeitung und eine heuristische mit einer kurzen nachfolgenden exakten Berechnungsphase verbindet.


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