435 resultados para Raud, Rein
Tobacco consumption is a major public health problem. More than 20 years ago smoking has been identified to contribute substantially to the degradation of renal function in patients suffering from diabetic nephropathy. Recently it has been shown that smoking alters renal hemodynamics and contributes to albuminuria. Smoking increases the risk of progression of renal failure in patients suffering from IgA nephropathy and polycystic kidney disease. Furthermore smoking has a deleterious effect on patients on hemodialysis and on the transplanted kidney. Nonetheless, it is important to realize that smoking not only is deleterious for the progression of vascular and pulmonary diseases, but also has a strong negative effect on kidney function.
Nowadays more and more children survive after an intensive anti-tumoral therapy. The price to pay consists of numerous and relatively frequent long-term sequelae (secondary tumors, neuropsychological deficits, endocrine or cardiac damage). After chemotherapy, we sometimes observe renal side-effects, either tubular (metabolic acidosis, hypokalemia, hypomagnesemia, proteinuria, Fanconi syndrome, rickets) or glomerular (acute or chronic decreased GFR). These renal toxic side-effects are encountered especially after cisplatinum and ifosfamide, less frequently after carboplatin and cyclophosphamide. The pediatrician has to be aware of these toxic nephrologic side-effects, to look out for them and monitor carefully the renal function of all paediatric patients receiving these potentially nephrotoxic chemotherapies.
Altruistic kidney donation challenges ethical principles, questions the anthropological meaning of donation and is associated with important psychological aspects. Obtaining free and informed consent is essential and requires a depth evaluation by a psychologist or a psychiatrist in order to identify the motivations which stimulate the desire of donation. By means of a psychodynamic understanding of a clinical case, we illustrate the complexity of the evaluation of consent and discuss the psychological issues associated with altruistic kidney donation.
Rising renal cell carcinoma incidence is in relationship with early diagnosis during radiological exams. Radical nephrectomy was the gold standard treatment for 30 years. Partial nephrectomy is nowadays a validated therapeutic option for renal cell carcinoma up to 7 cm with comparable oncological results associated with better life quality and survival. Partial nephrectomy is tricky and laparoscopic approach remains reserved for expert centers.
Smoking remains a major public health problem. It is associated with a considerable number of deaths in the world's population. Smoking is just like high blood pressure, an independent predictor of progression to any primary renal disease and renal transplant patients. It seems that smoking cessation slows the progression of kidney disease in smokers. The literature data are sometimes contradictory about it because of some methodological weaknesses. However, experimental models highlight the harmful effects of tobacco by hemodynamic and non-hemodynamic factors. The conclusion is that a major effort should be further produced by the nephrology community to motivate our patients to stop smoking.
Renal and testicular cancers account for 4% and 1% of all malignancies, respectively. Their prevalence has increased over the past years and is related to the widespread use of medical imaging and the incidental findings of small asymptomatic tumors on computed tomography scanners and ultrasounds examinations. The urologist faces the dilemma of overtreating benign asymptomatic lesions with radical surgery. Therefore, organ-sparing surgery was developed. Recent studies have shown that recurrence rates are often similar between organ-sparing and radical surgery for small kidney or testicular tumors. However, the risk of positive surgical margins consecutive to organ-sparing surgery remains a matter of debate. This article discusses the role of ex-vivo peroperative ultrasonography in predicting negative surgical margins during kidney- and testicular-sparing surgery.
Zur Anlage des tibialen Bohrkanals bei der Rekonstruktion des hinteren Kreuzbandes (HKB) wird imAllgemeinen eine intraoperative Bildwandlerkontrolle empfohlen.Hypothese: Die Anlage des tibialen Bohrkanals unter rein arthroskopischer Kontrolle erlaubt eineanatomische und reproduzierbare Bohrkanalplatzierung.Material/Methoden: Von Februar 2007 bis Dezember 2009 wurden 109 arthroskopischeRekonstruktionen des hinteren Kreuzbandes in tibialer Tunneltechnik durchgeführt. Der tibialeBohrkanal wurde jeweils nach Anlage eines postero-medialen Arthroskopieportals und Darstellung deranatomischen HKB-Insertion unter direkter Sicht gebohrt. Nach eingehender Qualitätskontrolle derpostoperativen Röntgenbilder wurden 51 standardisierte Aufnahmen ausgewertet. Im a.-p.-Bild wurdeder Abstand des Tunnelzentrums von der medialen Kante des Tibiaplateaus gemessen und inRelation zur Gesamtbreite des Tibiaplateaus gesetzt. Im strikt seitlichen Bild wurde der Abstand desTunnelzentrums senkrecht zur Tangente des medialen Tibiaplateaus gemessen.Ergebnisse: Relativ zur medialen Tibiakante befand sich das Zentrum des dorsalen tibialenTunnelausgangs im Mittel bei 50,6 % ± 4.9 (Range 40 - 64) des Tibiakopfdurchmessers. Im seitlichenBild lag der Tunnelausgang im Mittel 11,6 mm ± 4,4 (Range 4,5 - 27,5) unterhalb der Oberkante desmedialen Tibiaplateaus. Es wurden keine postoperativen Gefäß- oder Nervenläsionen beobachtet.Schlussfolgerung: Gemäß den Empfehlungen der Literatur zeigen die Ergebnisse der vorliegendeStudie, dass die Anlage des tibialen Bohrkanals unter rein arthroskopischer Kontrolle anatomischkorrekte und reproduzierbare Ergebnisse erzielt. Dabei ist eine regelgerechte arthroskopischeDarstellung der HKB-Insertion eine unbedingte Voraussetzung. Vorteile dieses Vorgehens sind dieVermeidung von Strahlenbelastung für Patient und Operateur, Zeit- und Raumersparnis im OP unddie Möglichkeit, den Bohrvorgang unter direkter Sicht zu kontrollieren.
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