974 resultados para Ratio Test Integer Aperture (RTIA)


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Integer carrier phase ambiguity resolution is the key to rapid and high-precision global navigation satellite system (GNSS) positioning and navigation. As important as the integer ambiguity estimation, it is the validation of the solution, because, even when one uses an optimal, or close to optimal, integer ambiguity estimator, unacceptable integer solution can still be obtained. This can happen, for example, when the data are degraded by multipath effects, which affect the real-valued float ambiguity solution, conducting to an incorrect integer (fixed) ambiguity solution. Thus, it is important to use a statistic test that has a correct theoretical and probabilistic base, which has became possible by using the Ratio Test Integer Aperture (RTIA) estimator. The properties and underlying concept of this statistic test are shortly described. An experiment was performed using data with and without multipath. Reflector objects were placed surrounding the receiver antenna aiming to cause multipath. A method based on multiresolution analysis by wavelet transform is used to reduce the multipath of the GPS double difference (DDs) observations. So, the objective of this paper is to compare the ambiguity resolution and validation using data from these two situations: data with multipath and with multipath reduced by wavelets. Additionally, the accuracy of the estimated coordinates is also assessed by comparing with the ground truth coordinates, which were estimated using data without multipath effects. The success and fail probabilities of the RTIA were, in general, coherent and showed the efficiency and the reliability of this statistic test. After multipath mitigation, ambiguity resolution becomes more reliable and the coordinates more precise. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2007.


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Integer ambiguity resolution is an indispensable procedure for all high precision GNSS applications. The correctness of the estimated integer ambiguities is the key to achieving highly reliable positioning, but the solution cannot be validated with classical hypothesis testing methods. The integer aperture estimation theory unifies all existing ambiguity validation tests and provides a new prospective to review existing methods, which enables us to have a better understanding on the ambiguity validation problem. This contribution analyses two simple but efficient ambiguity validation test methods, ratio test and difference test, from three aspects: acceptance region, probability basis and numerical results. The major contribution of this paper can be summarized as: (1) The ratio test acceptance region is overlap of ellipsoids while the difference test acceptance region is overlap of half-spaces. (2) The probability basis of these two popular tests is firstly analyzed. The difference test is an approximation to optimal integer aperture, while the ratio test follows an exponential relationship in probability. (3) The limitations of the two tests are firstly identified. The two tests may under-evaluate the failure risk if the model is not strong enough or the float ambiguities fall in particular region. (4) Extensive numerical results are used to compare the performance of these two tests. The simulation results show the ratio test outperforms the difference test in some models while difference test performs better in other models. Particularly in the medium baseline kinematic model, the difference tests outperforms the ratio test, the superiority is independent on frequency number, observation noise, satellite geometry, while it depends on success rate and failure rate tolerance. Smaller failure rate leads to larger performance discrepancy.


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In this paper we deal with the issue of performing accurate testing inference on a scalar parameter of interest in structural errors-in-variables models. The error terms are allowed to follow a multivariate distribution in the class of the elliptical distributions, which has the multivariate normal distribution as special case. We derive a modified signed likelihood ratio statistic that follows a standard normal distribution with a high degree of accuracy. Our Monte Carlo results show that the modified test is much less size distorted than its unmodified counterpart. An application is presented.


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This paper develops a general method for constructing similar tests based on the conditional distribution of nonpivotal statistics in a simultaneous equations model with normal errors and known reducedform covariance matrix. The test based on the likelihood ratio statistic is particularly simple and has good power properties. When identification is strong, the power curve of this conditional likelihood ratio test is essentially equal to the power envelope for similar tests. Monte Carlo simulations also suggest that this test dominates the Anderson- Rubin test and the score test. Dropping the restrictive assumption of disturbances normally distributed with known covariance matrix, approximate conditional tests are found that behave well in small samples even when identification is weak.


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In the context of ambiguity resolution (AR) of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), decorrelation among entries of an ambiguity vector, integer ambiguity search and ambiguity validations are three standard procedures for solving integer least-squares problems. This paper contributes to AR issues from three aspects. Firstly, the orthogonality defect is introduced as a new measure of the performance of ambiguity decorrelation methods, and compared with the decorrelation number and with the condition number which are currently used as the judging criterion to measure the correlation of ambiguity variance-covariance matrix. Numerically, the orthogonality defect demonstrates slightly better performance as a measure of the correlation between decorrelation impact and computational efficiency than the condition number measure. Secondly, the paper examines the relationship of the decorrelation number, the condition number, the orthogonality defect and the size of the ambiguity search space with the ambiguity search candidates and search nodes. The size of the ambiguity search space can be properly estimated if the ambiguity matrix is decorrelated well, which is shown to be a significant parameter in the ambiguity search progress. Thirdly, a new ambiguity resolution scheme is proposed to improve ambiguity search efficiency through the control of the size of the ambiguity search space. The new AR scheme combines the LAMBDA search and validation procedures together, which results in a much smaller size of the search space and higher computational efficiency while retaining the same AR validation outcomes. In fact, the new scheme can deal with the case there are only one candidate, while the existing search methods require at least two candidates. If there are more than one candidate, the new scheme turns to the usual ratio-test procedure. Experimental results indicate that this combined method can indeed improve ambiguity search efficiency for both the single constellation and dual constellations respectively, showing the potential for processing high dimension integer parameters in multi-GNSS environment.


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Ambiguity resolution plays a crucial role in real time kinematic GNSS positioning which gives centimetre precision positioning results if all the ambiguities in each epoch are correctly fixed to integers. However, the incorrectly fixed ambiguities can result in large positioning offset up to several meters without notice. Hence, ambiguity validation is essential to control the ambiguity resolution quality. Currently, the most popular ambiguity validation is ratio test. The criterion of ratio test is often empirically determined. Empirically determined criterion can be dangerous, because a fixed criterion cannot fit all scenarios and does not directly control the ambiguity resolution risk. In practice, depending on the underlying model strength, the ratio test criterion can be too conservative for some model and becomes too risky for others. A more rational test method is to determine the criterion according to the underlying model and user requirement. Miss-detected incorrect integers will lead to a hazardous result, which should be strictly controlled. In ambiguity resolution miss-detected rate is often known as failure rate. In this paper, a fixed failure rate ratio test method is presented and applied in analysis of GPS and Compass positioning scenarios. A fixed failure rate approach is derived from the integer aperture estimation theory, which is theoretically rigorous. The criteria table for ratio test is computed based on extensive data simulations in the approach. The real-time users can determine the ratio test criterion by looking up the criteria table. This method has been applied in medium distance GPS ambiguity resolution but multi-constellation and high dimensional scenarios haven't been discussed so far. In this paper, a general ambiguity validation model is derived based on hypothesis test theory, and fixed failure rate approach is introduced, especially the relationship between ratio test threshold and failure rate is examined. In the last, Factors that influence fixed failure rate approach ratio test threshold is discussed according to extensive data simulation. The result shows that fixed failure rate approach is a more reasonable ambiguity validation method with proper stochastic model.


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The ambiguity acceptance test is an important quality control procedure in high precision GNSS data processing. Although the ambiguity acceptance test methods have been extensively investigated, its threshold determine method is still not well understood. Currently, the threshold is determined with the empirical approach or the fixed failure rate (FF-) approach. The empirical approach is simple but lacking in theoretical basis, while the FF-approach is theoretical rigorous but computationally demanding. Hence, the key of the threshold determination problem is how to efficiently determine the threshold in a reasonable way. In this study, a new threshold determination method named threshold function method is proposed to reduce the complexity of the FF-approach. The threshold function method simplifies the FF-approach by a modeling procedure and an approximation procedure. The modeling procedure uses a rational function model to describe the relationship between the FF-difference test threshold and the integer least-squares (ILS) success rate. The approximation procedure replaces the ILS success rate with the easy-to-calculate integer bootstrapping (IB) success rate. Corresponding modeling error and approximation error are analysed with simulation data to avoid nuisance biases and unrealistic stochastic model impact. The results indicate the proposed method can greatly simplify the FF-approach without introducing significant modeling error. The threshold function method makes the fixed failure rate threshold determination method feasible for real-time applications.


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Ambiguity validation as an important procedure of integer ambiguity resolution is to test the correctness of the fixed integer ambiguity of phase measurements before being used for positioning computation. Most existing investigations on ambiguity validation focus on test statistic. How to determine the threshold more reasonably is less understood, although it is one of the most important topics in ambiguity validation. Currently, there are two threshold determination methods in the ambiguity validation procedure: the empirical approach and the fixed failure rate (FF-) approach. The empirical approach is simple but lacks of theoretical basis. The fixed failure rate approach has a rigorous probability theory basis, but it employs a more complicated procedure. This paper focuses on how to determine the threshold easily and reasonably. Both FF-ratio test and FF-difference test are investigated in this research and the extensive simulation results show that the FF-difference test can achieve comparable or even better performance than the well-known FF-ratio test. Another benefit of adopting the FF-difference test is that its threshold can be expressed as a function of integer least-squares (ILS) success rate with specified failure rate tolerance. Thus, a new threshold determination method named threshold function for the FF-difference test is proposed. The threshold function method preserves the fixed failure rate characteristic and is also easy-to-apply. The performance of the threshold function is validated with simulated data. The validation results show that with the threshold function method, the impact of the modelling error on the failure rate is less than 0.08%. Overall, the threshold function for the FF-difference test is a very promising threshold validation method and it makes the FF-approach applicable for the real-time GNSS positioning applications.


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We propose a likelihood ratio test ( LRT) with Bartlett correction in order to identify Granger causality between sets of time series gene expression data. The performance of the proposed test is compared to a previously published bootstrapbased approach. LRT is shown to be significantly faster and statistically powerful even within non- Normal distributions. An R package named gGranger containing an implementation for both Granger causality identification tests is also provided.


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Reliable ambiguity resolution (AR) is essential to Real-Time Kinematic (RTK) positioning and its applications, since incorrect ambiguity fixing can lead to largely biased positioning solutions. A partial ambiguity fixing technique is developed to improve the reliability of AR, involving partial ambiguity decorrelation (PAD) and partial ambiguity resolution (PAR). Decorrelation transformation could substantially amplify the biases in the phase measurements. The purpose of PAD is to find the optimum trade-off between decorrelation and worst-case bias amplification. The concept of PAR refers to the case where only a subset of the ambiguities can be fixed correctly to their integers in the integer least-squares (ILS) estimation system at high success rates. As a result, RTK solutions can be derived from these integer-fixed phase measurements. This is meaningful provided that the number of reliably resolved phase measurements is sufficiently large for least-square estimation of RTK solutions as well. Considering the GPS constellation alone, partially fixed measurements are often insufficient for positioning. The AR reliability is usually characterised by the AR success rate. In this contribution an AR validation decision matrix is firstly introduced to understand the impact of success rate. Moreover the AR risk probability is included into a more complete evaluation of the AR reliability. We use 16 ambiguity variance-covariance matrices with different levels of success rate to analyse the relation between success rate and AR risk probability. Next, the paper examines during the PAD process, how a bias in one measurement is propagated and amplified onto many others, leading to more than one wrong integer and to affect the success probability. Furthermore, the paper proposes a partial ambiguity fixing procedure with a predefined success rate criterion and ratio-test in the ambiguity validation process. In this paper, the Galileo constellation data is tested with simulated observations. Numerical results from our experiment clearly demonstrate that only when the computed success rate is very high, the AR validation can provide decisions about the correctness of AR which are close to real world, with both low AR risk and false alarm probabilities. The results also indicate that the PAR procedure can automatically chose adequate number of ambiguities to fix at given high-success rate from the multiple constellations instead of fixing all the ambiguities. This is a benefit that multiple GNSS constellations can offer.


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Reliability of carrier phase ambiguity resolution (AR) of an integer least-squares (ILS) problem depends on ambiguity success rate (ASR), which in practice can be well approximated by the success probability of integer bootstrapping solutions. With the current GPS constellation, sufficiently high ASR of geometry-based model can only be achievable at certain percentage of time. As a result, high reliability of AR cannot be assured by the single constellation. In the event of dual constellations system (DCS), for example, GPS and Beidou, which provide more satellites in view, users can expect significant performance benefits such as AR reliability and high precision positioning solutions. Simply using all the satellites in view for AR and positioning is a straightforward solution, but does not necessarily lead to high reliability as it is hoped. The paper presents an alternative approach that selects a subset of the visible satellites to achieve a higher reliability performance of the AR solutions in a multi-GNSS environment, instead of using all the satellites. Traditionally, satellite selection algorithms are mostly based on the position dilution of precision (PDOP) in order to meet accuracy requirements. In this contribution, some reliability criteria are introduced for GNSS satellite selection, and a novel satellite selection algorithm for reliable ambiguity resolution (SARA) is developed. The SARA algorithm allows receivers to select a subset of satellites for achieving high ASR such as above 0.99. Numerical results from a simulated dual constellation cases show that with the SARA procedure, the percentages of ASR values in excess of 0.99 and the percentages of ratio-test values passing the threshold 3 are both higher than those directly using all satellites in view, particularly in the case of dual-constellation, the percentages of ASRs (>0.99) and ratio-test values (>3) could be as high as 98.0 and 98.5 % respectively, compared to 18.1 and 25.0 % without satellite selection process. It is also worth noting that the implementation of SARA is simple and the computation time is low, which can be applied in most real-time data processing applications.


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We propose an optical apparatus enabling the measurement of spherical power, cylindrical power, and optical center coordinates of ophthalmic lenses. The main advantage of this new focimeter is to provide a full bidimensional mapping of the characteristics of ophthalmic glasses. This is made possible thanks to the use of a large-area and high-resolution position-sensitive detector. We describe the measurement principle and present some typical mappings, particularly for progressive lenses. We then discuss the advantages in terms of speed and versatility of such a focimeter for the measurement of complex lens mappings. (C) 2002 Optical Society of America.