1000 resultados para Ramsey problem
This paper analyzes whether a minimum wage can be an optimal redistribution policy when distorting taxes and lump-sum transfers are also available in a competitive economy. We build a static general equilibrium model with a Ramsey planner making decisions on taxes, transfers, and minimum wage levels. Workers are assumed to differ only in their productivity. We find that optimal redistribution may imply the use of a minimum wage. The key factor driving our results is the reaction of the demand for low skilled labor to the minimum wage law. Hence, an optimal minimum wage appears to be most likely when low skilled households are scarce, the complementarity between the two types of workers is large or the difference in productivity is small. The main contribution of the paper is a modelling approach that allows us to adopt analysis and solution techniques widely used in recent public finance research. Moreover, this modelling strategy is flexible enough to allow for potential extensions to include dynamics into the model.
Published as an article in: Journal of Monetary Economics, 2003, vol. 50, issue 6, pages 1311-1331.
Published as an article in: Topics in Macroeconomics, 2005, vol. 5, issue 1, article 17.
This thesis focuses mainly on linear algebraic aspects of combinatorics. Let N_t(H) be an incidence matrix with edges versus all subhypergraphs of a complete hypergraph that are isomorphic to H. Richard M. Wilson and the author find the general formula for the Smith normal form or diagonal form of N_t(H) for all simple graphs H and for a very general class of t-uniform hypergraphs H.
As a continuation, the author determines the formula for diagonal forms of integer matrices obtained from other combinatorial structures, including incidence matrices for subgraphs of a complete bipartite graph and inclusion matrices for multisets.
One major application of diagonal forms is in zero-sum Ramsey theory. For instance, Caro's results in zero-sum Ramsey numbers for graphs and Caro and Yuster's results in zero-sum bipartite Ramsey numbers can be reproduced. These results are further generalized to t-uniform hypergraphs. Other applications include signed bipartite graph designs.
Research results on some other problems are also included in this thesis, such as a Ramsey-type problem on equipartitions, Hartman's conjecture on large sets of designs and a matroid theory problem proposed by Welsh.
Consider the following problem: Forgiven graphs G and F(1),..., F(k), find a coloring of the edges of G with k colors such that G does not contain F; in color i. Rodl and Rucinski studied this problem for the random graph G,,, in the symmetric case when k is fixed and F(1) = ... = F(k) = F. They proved that such a coloring exists asymptotically almost surely (a.a.s.) provided that p <= bn(-beta) for some constants b = b(F,k) and beta = beta(F). This result is essentially best possible because for p >= Bn(-beta), where B = B(F, k) is a large constant, such an edge-coloring does not exist. Kohayakawa and Kreuter conjectured a threshold function n(-beta(F1,..., Fk)) for arbitrary F(1), ..., F(k). In this article we address the case when F(1),..., F(k) are cliques of different sizes and propose an algorithm that a.a.s. finds a valid k-edge-coloring of G(n,p) with p <= bn(-beta) for some constant b = b(F(1),..., F(k)), where beta = beta(F(1),..., F(k)) as conjectured. With a few exceptions, this algorithm also works in the general symmetric case. We also show that there exists a constant B = B(F,,..., Fk) such that for p >= Bn(-beta) the random graph G(n,p) a.a.s. does not have a valid k-edge-coloring provided the so-called KLR-conjecture holds. (C) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Random Struct. Alg., 34, 419-453, 2009
A new solution to the millionaire problem is designed on the base of two new techniques: zero test and batch equation. Zero test is a technique used to test whether one or more ciphertext contains a zero without revealing other information. Batch equation is a technique used to test equality of multiple integers. Combination of these two techniques produces the only known solution to the millionaire problem that is correct, private, publicly verifiable and efficient at the same time.