947 resultados para Radiowave propagation
Observations of the amplitudes and Doppler shifts of received HF radio waves are compared with model predictions made using a two-dimensional ray-tracing program. The signals are propagated over a sub-auroral path, which is shown to lie along the latitudes of the mid-latitude trough at times of low geomagnetic activity. Generalizing the predictions to include a simple model of the trough in the density and height of the F2 peak enables the explanation of the anomalous observed diurnal variations. The behavior of received amplitude, Doppler shift, and signal-to-noise ratio as a function of the Kp index value, the time of day, and the season (in 17 months of continuous recording) is found to agree closely with that predicted using the statistical position of the trough as deduced from 8 years of Alouette satellite soundings. The variation in the times of the observation of large signal amplitudes with the Kp value and the complete absence of such amplitudes when it exceeds 2.75 are two features that implicate the trough in these effects.
The propagation of 7.335 MHz, c.w. signals over a 5212 km sub-auroral, west-east path is studied. Measurements and semi-empirical predictions are made of the amplitude distributions and Doppler shifts of the received signals. The observed amplitude distribution is fitted with one produced by a numerical fading model, yielding the power losses suffered by the signals during propagation via the predominating modes. The signals are found to suffer exceptionally low losses at certain local times under geomagnetically quiet conditions. The mid-latitude trough in the F2 peak ionization density is predicted by a statistical model to be at the latitudes of this path at these times and at low Kp values. A sharp cut-off in low-power losses at a mean Kp of 2.75 strongly implicates the trough in the propagation of these signals. The Doppler shifts observed at these times cannot be explained by a simple ray-tracing model. It is shown however, that a simple extension of this model to allow for the trough can reproduce the form of the observed diurnal variation.
We propose a low complexity technique to generate amplitude correlated time-series with Nakagami-m distribution and phase correlated Gaussian-distributed time-series, which is useful for the simulation of ionospheric scintillation effects in GNSS signals. To generate a complex scintillation process, the technique requires solely the knowledge of parameters Sa (scintillation index) and σφ (phase standard deviation) besides the definition of models for the amplitude and phase power spectra. The concatenation of two nonlinear memoryless transformations is used to produce a Nakagami-distributed amplitude signal from a Gaussian autoregressive process.
A noncoherent vector delay/frequency-locked loop (VDFLL) architecture for GNSS receivers is proposed. A bank of code and frequency discriminators feeds a central extended Kalman filter that estimates the receiver's position and velocity, besides the clock error. The VDFLL architecture performance is compared with the one of the classic scalar receiver, both for scintillation and multipath scenarios, in terms of position errors. We show that the proposed solution is superior to the conventional scalar receivers, which tend to lose lock rapidly, due to the sudden drops of the received signal power.
We analyze the advantages and drawbacks of a vector delay/frequency-locked loop (VDFLL) architecture regarding the conventional scalar and the vector delay-locked loop (VDLL) architectures for GNSS receivers in harsh scenarios that include ionospheric scintillation, multipath, and high dynamics motion. The VDFLL is constituted by a bank of code and frequency discriminators feeding a central extended Kaiman filter (EKF) that estimates the receiver's position, velocity, and clock bias. Both code and frequency loops are closed vectorially through the EKF. The VDLL closes the code loop vectorially and the phase loops through individual PLLs while the scalar receiver closes both loops by means of individual independent PLLs and DLLs.
We propose a low complexity technique to generate amplitude correlated time-series with Nakagami-m distribution and phase correlated Gaussian-distributed time-series, which is useful in the simulation of ionospheric scintillation effects during the transmission of GNSS signals. The method requires only the knowledge of parameters S4 (scintillation index) and σΦ (phase standard deviation) besides the definition of models for the amplitude and phase power spectra. The Zhang algorithm is used to produce Nakagami-distributed signals from a set of Gaussian autoregressive processes.
This article summarizes the main achievementsof the Multi-Element Transmit andReceive Antennas (METRA) Project, an ISTresearch and technological development project carried out between January 2000 and June 2001 by Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya, the Center for Personkommunikation of Aalborg University, Nokia Networks, Nokia Mobile Phones, and Vodafone Group Research and Development.The main objective of METRA was the performanceevaluation of multi-antenna terminals incombination with adaptive antennas at the basestation in UMTS communication systems. 1 AMIMO channel sounder was developed that providedrealistic multi-antenna channel measurements.Using these measured data, stochasticchannel models were developed and properly validated.These models were also evaluated inorder to estimate their corresponding channelcapacity. Different MIMO configurations andprocessing schemes were developed for both theFDD and TDD modes of UTRA, and their linkperformance was assessed. Performance evaluationwas completed by system simulations thatillustrated the benefits of MIMO configurationsto the network operator. Implementation cost vs.performance improvement was also covered bythe project, including the base station and terminalmanufacturer and network operator viewpoints.Finally, significant standards contributionswere generated by the project and presented to the pertinent 3GPP working groups.
This work presents an explicit formulation for multiple- edge diffraction for mobile radiowave propagation in terms of uniform theory of diffraction (UTD) coefficients when a spherical incident wave is considered. This solution can be used in an UTD context and sharply reduces the computing time over existing formulation. Results can be applied in the planning of microcellular systems
In order to make best use of the opportunities provided by space missions such as the Radiation Belt Storm Probes, we determine the response of complementary subionospheric radiowave propagation measurements (VLF), riometer absorption measurements (CNA), and GPS-produced total electron content (vTEC) to different energetic electron precipitation (EEP). We model the relative sensitivity and responses of these instruments to idealised monoenergetic beams of precipitating electrons, and more realistic EEP spectra chosen to represent radiation belts and substorm precipitation. In the monoenergetic beam case, we find riometers are more sensitive to the same EEP event occurring during the day than during the night, while subionospheric VLF shows the opposite relationship, and the change in vTEC is independent. In general, the subionospheric VLF measurements are much more sensitive than the other two techniques for EEP over 200 keV, responding to flux magnitudes two-three orders of magnitude smaller than detectable by a riometer. Detectable TEC changes only occur for extreme monoenergetic fluxes. For the radiation belt EEP case, clearly detectable subionospheric VLF responses are produced by daytime fluxes that are ~10 times lower than required for riometers, while nighttime fluxes can be 10,000 times lower. Riometers are likely to respond only to radiation belt fluxes during the largest EEP events and vTEC is unlikely to be significantly disturbed by radiation belt EEP. For the substorm EEP case both the riometer absorption and the subionospheric VLF technique respond significantly, as does the change in vTEC, which is likely to be detectable at ~3-4 TECu.
When we look at the history of electricity and electromagnetism in Spain we discover that the most important Spanish researchers are generally out of the official institutions or stable research groups until the 20th century [1] [2]. In the 20th century most of the scientific research is done in stable research institutions and universities and the most important electromagnetism research centres in Spain are located in the Faculty of Physics of the most important universities, the National Scientific Research Council (CSIC) and the School for Telecommunication Engineering created in 1923. But the greatest impulse of research in the antenna and radiowave propagation field is done after 1960 reaching the first national URSI conference in 1980. After that year, the relation between groups and the number of research groups is continuously growing and the relation to industry is also increasing. When Spain joins the European research organizations (COST, ERC...) and the European Union in 1985 the research support experience a fast growing and the participation in the European research structures. In the antenna design field, there exist some specializations although most of the groups have dome specific projects in almost all the antenna analysis and design fields. Here, we have selected the most important and characteristic area related to each of the research groups and institutions. The easiest way to classify the research work in antennas is the selection between antenna analysis, design and measurement. After that the selected frequency bands technology, the type of antennas and the related circuits can be a good criterion to describe the variety of research work and specialization between groups.
Nowadays, digital computer systems and networks are the main engineering tools, being used in planning, design, operation, and control of all sizes of building, transportation, machinery, business, and life maintaining devices. Consequently, computer viruses became one of the most important sources of uncertainty, contributing to decrease the reliability of vital activities. A lot of antivirus programs have been developed, but they are limited to detecting and removing infections, based on previous knowledge of the virus code. In spite of having good adaptation capability, these programs work just as vaccines against diseases and are not able to prevent new infections based on the network state. Here, a trial on modeling computer viruses propagation dynamics relates it to other notable events occurring in the network permitting to establish preventive policies in the network management. Data from three different viruses are collected in the Internet and two different identification techniques, autoregressive and Fourier analyses, are applied showing that it is possible to forecast the dynamics of a new virus propagation by using the data collected from other viruses that formerly infected the network. Copyright (c) 2008 J. R. C. Piqueira and F. B. Cesar. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Compartmental epidemiological models have been developed since the 1920s and successfully applied to study the propagation of infectious diseases. Besides, due to their structure, in the 1960s an interesting version of these models was developed to clarify some aspects of rumor propagation, considering that spreading an infectious disease or disseminating information is analogous phenomena. Here, in an analogy with the SIR (Susceptible-Infected-Removed) epidemiological model, the ISS (Ignorant-Spreader-Stifler) rumor spreading model is studied. By using concepts from the Dynamical Systems Theory, stability of equilibrium points is established, according to propagation parameters and initial conditions. Some numerical experiments are conducted in order to validate the model.
In the last decade the Sznajd model has been successfully employed in modeling some properties and scale features of both proportional and majority elections. We propose a version of the Sznajd model with a generalized bounded confidence rule-a rule that limits the convincing capability of agents and that is essential to allow coexistence of opinions in the stationary state. With an appropriate choice of parameters it can be reduced to previous models. We solved this model both in a mean-field approach (for an arbitrary number of opinions) and numerically in a Barabaacutesi-Albert network (for three and four opinions), studying the transient and the possible stationary states. We built the phase portrait for the special cases of three and four opinions, defining the attractors and their basins of attraction. Through this analysis, we were able to understand and explain discrepancies between mean-field and simulation results obtained in previous works for the usual Sznajd model with bounded confidence and three opinions. Both the dynamical system approach and our generalized bounded confidence rule are quite general and we think it can be useful to the understanding of other similar models.
Fatigue and crack propagation are phenomena affected by high uncertainties, where deterministic methods fail to predict accurately the structural life. The present work aims at coupling reliability analysis with boundary element method. The latter has been recognized as an accurate and efficient numerical technique to deal with mixed mode propagation, which is very interesting for reliability analysis. The coupled procedure allows us to consider uncertainties during the crack growth process. In addition, it computes the probability of fatigue failure for complex structural geometry and loading. Two coupling procedures are considered: direct coupling of reliability and mechanical solvers and indirect coupling by the response surface method. Numerical applications show the performance of the proposed models in lifetime assessment under uncertainties, where the direct method has shown faster convergence than response surface method. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This work deals with analysis of cracked structures using BEM. Two formulations to analyse the crack growth process in quasi-brittle materials are discussed. They are based on the dual formulation of BEM where two different integral equations are employed along the opposite sides of the crack surface. The first presented formulation uses the concept of constant operator, in which the corrections of the nonlinear process are made only by applying appropriate tractions along the crack surfaces. The second presented BEM formulation to analyse crack growth problems is an implicit technique based on the use of a consistent tangent operator. This formulation is accurate, stable and always requires much less iterations to reach the equilibrium within a given load increment in comparison with the classical approach. Comparison examples of classical problem of crack growth are shown to illustrate the performance of the two formulations. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.