195 resultados para Radios.


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In the underlay mode of cognitive radio, secondary users are allowed to transmit when the primary is transmitting, but under tight interference constraints that protect the primary. However, these constraints limit the secondary system performance. Antenna selection (AS)-based multiple antenna techniques, which exploit spatial diversity with less hardware, help improve secondary system performance. We develop a novel and optimal transmit AS rule that minimizes the symbol error probability (SEP) of an average interference-constrained multiple-input-single-output secondary system that operates in the underlay mode. We show that the optimal rule is a non-linear function of the power gain of the channel from the secondary transmit antenna to the primary receiver and from the secondary transmit antenna to the secondary receive antenna. We also propose a simpler, tractable variant of the optimal rule that performs as well as the optimal rule. We then analyze its SEP with L transmit antennas, and extensively benchmark it with several heuristic selection rules proposed in the literature. We also enhance these rules in order to provide a fair comparison, and derive new expressions for their SEPs. The results bring out new inter-relationships between the various rules, and show that the optimal rule can significantly reduce the SEP.


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In the underlay mode of cognitive radio, secondary users can transmit when the primary is transmitting, but under tight interference constraints, which limit the secondary system performance. Antenna selection (AS)-based multiple antenna techniques, which require less hardware and yet exploit spatial diversity, help improve the secondary system performance. In this paper, we develop the optimal transmit AS rule that minimizes the symbol error probability (SEP) of an average interference-constrained secondary system that operates in the underlay mode. We show that the optimal rule is a non-linear function of the power gains of the channels from secondary transmit antenna to primary receiver and secondary transmit antenna to secondary receive antenna. The optimal rule is different from the several ad hoc rules that have been proposed in the literature. We also propose a closed-form, tractable variant of the optimal rule and analyze its SEP. Several results are presented to compare the performance of the closed-form rule with the ad hoc rules, and interesting inter-relationships among them are brought out.


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Transmit antenna selection (AS) is a popular, low hardware complexity technique that improves the performance of an underlay cognitive radio system, in which a secondary transmitter can transmit when the primary is on but under tight constraints on the interference it causes to the primary. The underlay interference constraint fundamentally changes the criterion used to select the antenna because the channel gains to the secondary and primary receivers must be both taken into account. We develop a novel and optimal joint AS and transmit power adaptation policy that minimizes a Chernoff upper bound on the symbol error probability (SEP) at the secondary receiver subject to an average transmit power constraint and an average primary interference constraint. Explicit expressions for the optimal antenna and power are provided in terms of the channel gains to the primary and secondary receivers. The SEP of the optimal policy is at least an order of magnitude lower than that achieved by several ad hoc selection rules proposed in the literature and even the optimal antenna selection rule for the case where the transmit power is either zero or a fixed value.


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In underlay cognitive radio (CR), a secondary user (SU) can transmit concurrently with a primary user (PU) provided that it does not cause excessive interference at the primary receiver (PRx). The interference constraint fundamentally changes how the SU transmits, and makes link adaptation in underlay CR systems different from that in conventional wireless systems. In this paper, we develop a novel, symbol error probability (SEP)-optimal transmit power adaptation policy for an underlay CR system that is subject to two practically motivated constraints, namely, a peak transmit power constraint and an interference outage probability constraint. For the optimal policy, we derive its SEP and a tight upper bound for MPSK and MQAM constellations when the links from the secondary transmitter (STx) to its receiver and to the PRx follow the versatile Nakagami-m fading model. We also characterize the impact of imperfectly estimating the STx-PRx link on the SEP and the interference. Extensive simulation results are presented to validate the analysis and evaluate the impact of the constraints, fading parameters, and imperfect estimates.


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The performance of an underlay cognitive radio (CR) system, which can transmit when the primary is on, is curtailed by tight constraints on the interference it can cause to the primary receiver. Transmit antenna selection (AS) improves the performance of underlay CR by exploiting spatial diversity but with less hardware. However, the selected antenna and its transmit power now both depend on the channel gains to the secondary and primary receivers. We develop a novel Chernoffbound based optimal AS and power adaptation (CBBOASPA) policy that minimizes an upper bound on the symbol error probability (SEP) at the secondary receiver, subject to constraints on the average transmit power and the average interference to the primary. The optimal antenna and its power are presented in an insightful closed form in terms of the channel gains. We then analyze the SEP of CBBOASPA. Extensive benchmarking shows that the SEP of CBBOASPA for both MPSK and MQAM is one to two orders of magnitude lower than several ad hoc AS policies and even optimal AS with on-off power control.


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In an underlay cognitive radio (CR) system, a secondary user can transmit when the primary is transmitting but is subject to tight constraints on the interference it causes to the primary receiver. Amplify-and-forward (AF) relaying is an effective technique that significantly improves the performance of a CR by providing an alternate path for the secondary transmitter's signal to reach the secondary receiver. We present and analyze a novel optimal relay gain adaptation policy (ORGAP) in which the relay is interference aware and optimally adapts both its gain and transmit power as a function of its local channel gains. ORGAP minimizes the symbol error probability at the secondary receiver subject to constraints on the average relay transmit power and on the average interference caused to the primary. It is different from ad hoc AF relaying policies and serves as a new and fundamental theoretical benchmark for relaying in an underlay CR. We also develop a near-optimal and simpler relay gain adaptation policy that is easy to implement. An extension to a multirelay scenario with selection is also developed. Our extensive numerical results for single and multiple relay systems quantify the power savings achieved over several ad hoc policies for both MPSK and MQAM constellations.


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This paper investigates the use of adaptive group testing to find a spectrum hole of a specified bandwidth in a given wideband of interest. We propose a group testing-based spectrum hole search algorithm that exploits sparsity in the primary spectral occupancy by testing a group of adjacent subbands in a single test. This is enabled by a simple and easily implementable sub-Nyquist sampling scheme for signal acquisition by the cognitive radios (CRs). The sampling scheme deliberately introduces aliasing during signal acquisition, resulting in a signal that is the sum of signals from adjacent subbands. Energy-based hypothesis tests are used to provide an occupancy decision over the group of subbands, and this forms the basis of the proposed algorithm to find contiguous spectrum holes of a specified bandwidth. We extend this framework to a multistage sensing algorithm that can be employed in a variety of spectrum sensing scenarios, including noncontiguous spectrum hole search. Furthermore, we provide the analytical means to optimize the group tests with respect to the detection thresholds, number of samples, group size, and number of stages to minimize the detection delay under a given error probability constraint. Our analysis allows one to identify the sparsity and SNR regimes where group testing can lead to significantly lower detection delays compared with a conventional bin-by-bin energy detection scheme; the latter is, in fact, a special case of the group test when the group size is set to 1 bin. We validate our analytical results via Monte Carlo simulations.


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In this work, spectrum sensing for cognitive radios is considered in the presence of multiple Primary Users (PU) using frequency-hopping communication over a set of frequency bands. The detection performance of the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) Average Ratio (FAR) algorithm is obtained in closed-form, for a given FFT size and number of PUs. The effective throughput of the Secondary Users (SU) is formulated as an optimization problem with a constraint on the maximum allowable interference on the primary network. Given the hopping period of the PUs, the sensing duration that maximizes the SU throughput is derived. The results are validated using Monte Carlo simulations. Further, an implementation of the FAR algorithm on the Lyrtech (now, Nutaq) small form factor software defined radio development platform is presented, and the performance recorded through the hardware is observed to corroborate well with that obtained through simulations, allowing for implementation losses. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The papers in this special issue focus on the topic of location awareness for radio and networks. Localization-awareness using radio signals stands to revolutionize the fields of navigation and communication engineering. It can be utilized to great effect in the next generation of cellular networks, mining applications, health-care monitoring, transportation and intelligent highways, multi-robot applications, first responders operations, military applications, factory automation, building and environmental controls, cognitive wireless networks, commercial and social network applications, and smart spaces. A multitude of technologies can be used in location-aware radios and networks, including GNSS, RFID, cellular, UWB, WLAN, Bluetooth, cooperative localization, indoor GPS, device-free localization, IR, Radar, and UHF. The performances of these technologies are measured by their accuracy, precision, complexity, robustness, scalability, and cost. Given the many application scenarios across different disciplines, there is a clear need for a broad, up-to-date and cogent treatment of radio-based location awareness. This special issue aims to provide a comprehensive overview of the state-of-the-art in technology, regulation, and theory. It also presents a holistic view of research challenges and opportunities in the emerging areas of localization.


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El documental aborda el artículo 103 de la ley de comunicación desde la visión de músicos cuencanos de géneros independientes, alternativos a la música tradicional y convencional cuencana ecuatoriana, su acogida dentro de las radios, la opinión de los públicos a una nueva ley, y los organismos encargados de velar por el cumplimiento de la ley.


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Flexible radio transmitters based on the Software-Defined Radio (SDR) concept are gaining an increased research importance due to the unparalleled proliferation of new wireless standards operating at different frequencies, using dissimilar coding and modulation schemes, and targeted for different ends. In this new wireless communications paradigm, the physical layer of the radio transmitter must be able to support the simultaneous transmission of multi-band, multi-rate, multi-standard signals, which in practice is very hard or very inefficient to implement using conventional approaches. Nevertheless, the last developments in this field include novel all-digital transmitter architectures where the radio datapath is digital from the baseband up to the RF stage. Such concept has inherent high flexibility and poses an important step towards the development of SDR-based transmitters. However, the truth is that implementing such radio for a real world communications scenario is a challenging task, where a few key limitations are still preventing a wider adoption of this concept. This thesis aims exactly to address some of these limitations by proposing and implementing innovative all-digital transmitter architectures with inherent higher flexibility and integration, and where improving important figures of merit, such as coding efficiency, signal-to-noise ratio, usable bandwidth and in-band and out-of-band noise will also be addressed. In the first part of this thesis, the concept of transmitting RF data using an entirely digital approach based on pulsed modulation is introduced. A comparison between several implementation technologies is also presented, allowing to state that FPGAs provide an interesting compromise between performance, power efficiency and flexibility, thus making them an interesting choice as an enabling technology for pulse-based all-digital transmitters. Following this discussion, the fundamental concepts inherent to pulsed modulators, its key advantages, main limitations and typical enhancements suitable for all-digital transmitters are also presented. The recent advances regarding the two most common classes of pulse modulated transmitters, namely the RF and the baseband-level are introduced, along with several examples of state-of-the-art architectures found on the literature. The core of this dissertation containing the main developments achieved during this PhD work is then presented and discussed. The first key contribution to the state-of-the-art presented here consists in the development of a novel ΣΔ-based all-digital transmitter architecture capable of multiband and multi-standard data transmission in a very flexible and integrated way, where the pulsed RF output operating in the microwave frequency range is generated inside a single FPGA device. A fundamental contribution regarding the simultaneous transmission of multiple RF signals is then introduced by presenting and describing novel all-digital transmitter architectures that take advantage of multi-gigabit data serializers available on current high-end FPGAs in order to transmit in a time-interleaved approach multiple independent RF carriers. Further improvements in this design approach allowed to provide a two-stage up-conversion transmitter architecture enabling the fine frequency tuning of concurrent multichannel multi-standard signals. Finally, further improvements regarding two key limitations inherent to current all-digital transmitter approaches are then addressed, namely the poor coding efficiency and the combined high quality factor and tunability requirements of the RF output filter. The followed design approach based on poliphase multipath circuits allowed to create a new FPGA-embedded agile transmitter architecture that significantly improves important figures of merit, such as coding efficiency and SNR, while maintains the high flexibility that is required for supporting multichannel multimode data transmission.


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Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias Sociales con Orientación en Desarrollo Sustentable) UANL, 2010.


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Généralement, les problèmes de conception de réseaux consistent à sélectionner les arcs et les sommets d’un graphe G de sorte que la fonction coût est optimisée et l’ensemble de contraintes impliquant les liens et les sommets dans G sont respectées. Une modification dans le critère d’optimisation et/ou dans l’ensemble de contraintes mène à une nouvelle représentation d’un problème différent. Dans cette thèse, nous nous intéressons au problème de conception d’infrastructure de réseaux maillés sans fil (WMN- Wireless Mesh Network en Anglais) où nous montrons que la conception de tels réseaux se transforme d’un problème d’optimisation standard (la fonction coût est optimisée) à un problème d’optimisation à plusieurs objectifs, pour tenir en compte de nombreux aspects, souvent contradictoires, mais néanmoins incontournables dans la réalité. Cette thèse, composée de trois volets, propose de nouveaux modèles et algorithmes pour la conception de WMNs où rien n’est connu à l’ avance. Le premiervolet est consacré à l’optimisation simultanée de deux objectifs équitablement importants : le coût et la performance du réseau en termes de débit. Trois modèles bi-objectifs qui se différent principalement par l’approche utilisée pour maximiser la performance du réseau sont proposés, résolus et comparés. Le deuxième volet traite le problème de placement de passerelles vu son impact sur la performance et l’extensibilité du réseau. La notion de contraintes de sauts (hop constraints) est introduite dans la conception du réseau pour limiter le délai de transmission. Un nouvel algorithme basé sur une approche de groupage est proposé afin de trouver les positions stratégiques des passerelles qui favorisent l’extensibilité du réseau et augmentent sa performance sans augmenter considérablement le coût total de son installation. Le dernier volet adresse le problème de fiabilité du réseau dans la présence de pannes simples. Prévoir l’installation des composants redondants lors de la phase de conception peut garantir des communications fiables, mais au détriment du coût et de la performance du réseau. Un nouvel algorithme, basé sur l’approche théorique de décomposition en oreilles afin d’installer le minimum nombre de routeurs additionnels pour tolérer les pannes simples, est développé. Afin de résoudre les modèles proposés pour des réseaux de taille réelle, un algorithme évolutionnaire (méta-heuristique), inspiré de la nature, est développé. Finalement, les méthodes et modèles proposés on été évalués par des simulations empiriques et d’événements discrets.