32 resultados para Radioprotection
The role of net charge (Z) of thiols in their ability to radioprotect cells has been investigated in a glutathione (GSH)-deficient strain of E. coli. This strain, 7, is deficient in the enzyme gamma-glutamylcysteine synthetase and allows the effects of added low molecular weight thiols to be studied. Using the gas explosion system it is possible to measure the chemical repair of the free-radical precursors of lethal lesions by thiols in intact cells. The first-order chemical repair rate in strain 7 is 280s(-1) in comparison with 1100s(-1) in the wild-type strain 1157. From the measured difference in the intracellular concentration of GSH between the wild-type and the mutant, this gives a second-order repair rate, k(r)'s of 1.23 +/- 0.3 X 10(5) dm(3)mol(-1)s(-1). Measurement of intracellular thiol levels after addition of various low molecular weight thiols showed that uptake was rapid, leading to stable thiol levels within 1 min. The ratios of the intracellular to extracellular concentrations (C-in/C-out) were 0.74 for 3-mercaptopropionic acid (Z=-1), 0.56 for 2-mercaptoethanol (Z=0), 1.47 for cysteamine (Z=+1) and 1.04 for WR1065 (Z=+2). The k(r)'s for these thiols were 1.3 +/- 0.5 X 10(5) dm(3)mol(-1)s(-1) for 30-mercaptopropionic acid, 3.3 +/- 1.6 x 10(5) dm(3)mol(-1)s(-1) for 2-mercaptoethanol, 3.9 +/- 1.1 X 10(5) dm(3)mol(-1)s(-1) for cysteamine and 2.7 +/- 1.1 X 10(6) dm(3)mol(-1)s(-1) for WR1065. These are lower and increase less with charge than previously published values for chemical repair in isolated pBR322 DNA, probably because of the association of nucleoproteins and polyamines with the cellular DNA of E. coli. However, the approximate three-fold increase in k(r) per unit increase in Z shows that the counter-ion condensation and co-ion depletion are important in determining the effectiveness of charged thiols in the radioprotection of E. coli.
INTRODUCTION: Radioprotective agents are of interest for application in radiotherapy for cancer and in public health medicine in the context of accidental radiation exposure. Methylproamine is the lead compound of a class of radioprotectors which act as DNA binding anti-oxidants, enabling the repair of transient radiation-induced oxidative DNA lesions. This study tested methylproamine for the radioprotection of both directly targeted and bystander cells.
METHODS: T98G glioma cells were treated with 15 μM methylproamine and exposed to (137)Cs γ-ray/X-ray irradiation and He(2+) microbeam irradiation. Radioprotection of directly targeted cells and bystander cells was measured by clonogenic survival or γH2AX assay.
RESULTS: Radioprotection of directly targeted T98G cells by methylproamine was observed for (137)Cs γ-rays and X-rays but not for He(2+) charged particle irradiation. The effect of methylproamine on the bystander cell population was tested for both X-ray irradiation and He(2+) ion microbeam irradiation. The X-ray bystander experiments were carried out by medium transfer from irradiated to non-irradiated cultures and three experimental designs were tested. Radioprotection was only observed when recipient cells were pretreated with the drug prior to exposure to the conditioned medium. In microbeam bystander experiments targeted and nontargeted cells were co-cultured with continuous methylproamine treatment during irradiation and postradiation incubation; radioprotection of bystander cells was observed.
DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Methylproamine protected targeted cells from DNA damage caused by γ-ray or X-ray radiation but not He(2+) ion radiation. Protection of bystander cells was independent of the type of radiation which the donor population received.
In the present paper, the protective effect of beta-carotene was evaluated after whole body exposure of mice to 2 Gy of X-rays. Splenocytes, reticulocytes, bone marrow cells and spermatids were evaluated for the frequency of micronuclei (MN) induced by X-rays. Mice were treated (gavage) with beta-carotene (10, 25 and 50 mg/kg b.w.) for 5 consecutive days and, 4 h after the last treatment, the animals were irradiated. The results obtained showed different frequencies of X-ray-induced-MN between different cell populations analysed and also different response of these cells to the beta-carotene treatment. The radioprotective effect of beta-carotene was observed in splenocytes, reticulocytes, and spermatids but not in bone marrow cells. No dose-response relationship for beta-carotene was detected. The time of sampling, the sensitivity of the cells as well as the antioxidant activity of beta-carotene are discussed as important factors for the radioprotective action of this provitamin.
Conceptual Design, Neutronic and Radioprotection Study of a Fast Neutron Irradiation Station at SINQ
Pretreatment with deuterium oxide (D2O) has been shown to protect mice against lethal effects of X-rays. In contrast, X-irradiation of cultured mammalian cells in D2O-containing medium has previously been reported to result in increased cell killing. Therefore, the effects of preincubation in medium containing 20% D2O on radiosensitivity were tested, using cells of a heat-sensitive cell-cycle mutant (21-Tb) of the murine mastocytoma P 815-X2. The mutant cells proliferate at 33 degrees C and are arrested in G1 phase in a state of reversible proliferative quiescence at 39.5 degrees C. Prior to irradiation with single X-ray doses of 0-10 Gy, the cells were cultured in normal or D2O-containing medium, either for 96 h at 33 degrees C ('proliferating cells'), or for 72 h at 33 degrees C followed by 24 h at 39.5 degrees C ('arrested cells'). After X-irradiation the cells were resuspended in normal medium, and cell survival was determined by the capacity of cells to form colonies in fibrin gels. Preincubation in medium containing 20% D2O resulted in a radioprotective effect on both proliferating and arrested cells, particularly at the higher X-ray doses. This radioprotection was manifested as a decreased slope of the semilogarithmic survival curves, whereas pretreatment with D2O had no significant effect on postirradiation repair as judged from Dq values. These results support the interpretation that the increase in postirradiation survival may be attributed to incorporation of deuterium into cellular metabolites during the period of preincubation.
Bien que les technologies d’imagerie soient un acquis réel de la médecine moderne, leur introduction ne semble pas avoir été précédée d’une démarche réflexive suffisante qui aurait permis d’anticiper les multiples enjeux que rencontre la pratique radiologique actuelle. En effet, à force de se focaliser sur les acquis techniques et scientifiques, le cadre de radioprotection en place semble ne pas avoir suffisamment considéré l’apport essentiel que représente la connaissance des aspects sociaux, éthiques et humains que peuvent amener des domaines comme la bioéthique. Cette insuffisance fait en sorte que l’on se retrouve aujourd’hui face à des enjeux importants relatifs à la radioprotection du patient comme la surutilisation des examens radiologiques ou encore le manque d’information des acteurs du milieu face aux risques des rayonnements. Après un état des lieux des enjeux éthiques en radiologie diagnostique ayant un impact sur la radioprotection médicale des patients, un enjeu majeur de la pratique actuelle, qui est la justification inadéquate des prescriptions d’examens radiologiques, sera analysé selon une approche par principes. De cet exercice, visant à démontrer comment l’éthique peut concrètement contribuer à la radioprotection, découle l’impératif d’une vision nouvelle et globale permettant de proposer des pistes de solution aux controverses liées à l’utilisation actuelle de l’imagerie. Dans une perspective de santé des populations, il est important de contribuer à la diminution de la banalisation du recours au rayonnement ionisant dans la pratique médicale diagnostique en alliant bioéthique et radioprotection. Ce projet de recherche se veut être une étape limitée, mais nécessaire dans l’établissement de ce dialogue interdisciplinaire.
Bien que les technologies d’imagerie soient un acquis réel de la médecine moderne, leur introduction ne semble pas avoir été précédée d’une démarche réflexive suffisante qui aurait permis d’anticiper les multiples enjeux que rencontre la pratique radiologique actuelle. En effet, à force de se focaliser sur les acquis techniques et scientifiques, le cadre de radioprotection en place semble ne pas avoir suffisamment considéré l’apport essentiel que représente la connaissance des aspects sociaux, éthiques et humains que peuvent amener des domaines comme la bioéthique. Cette insuffisance fait en sorte que l’on se retrouve aujourd’hui face à des enjeux importants relatifs à la radioprotection du patient comme la surutilisation des examens radiologiques ou encore le manque d’information des acteurs du milieu face aux risques des rayonnements. Après un état des lieux des enjeux éthiques en radiologie diagnostique ayant un impact sur la radioprotection médicale des patients, un enjeu majeur de la pratique actuelle, qui est la justification inadéquate des prescriptions d’examens radiologiques, sera analysé selon une approche par principes. De cet exercice, visant à démontrer comment l’éthique peut concrètement contribuer à la radioprotection, découle l’impératif d’une vision nouvelle et globale permettant de proposer des pistes de solution aux controverses liées à l’utilisation actuelle de l’imagerie. Dans une perspective de santé des populations, il est important de contribuer à la diminution de la banalisation du recours au rayonnement ionisant dans la pratique médicale diagnostique en alliant bioéthique et radioprotection. Ce projet de recherche se veut être une étape limitée, mais nécessaire dans l’établissement de ce dialogue interdisciplinaire.
Purpose: The therapeutic ratio for ionising radiation treatment of tumour is a trade-off between normal tissue side-effects and tumour control. Application of a radioprotector to normal tissue can reduce side-effects. Here we study the effects of a new radioprotector on the cellular response to radiation. Methylproamine is a DNA-binding radioprotector which, on the basis of published pulse radiolysis studies, acts by repair of transient radiation-induced oxidative species on DNA. To substantiate this hypothesis, we studied protection by methylproamine at both clonogenic survival and radiation-induced DNA damage, assessed by γH2AX (histone 2AX phosphorylation at serine 139) focus formation endpoints. Materials and methods: The human keratinocyte cell line FEP1811 was used to study clonogenic survival and yield of γH2AX foci following irradiation (137Cs γ-rays) of cells exposed to various concentrations of methylproamine. Uptake of methylproamine into cell nuclei was measured in parallel. Results: The extent of radioprotection at the clonogenic survival endpoint increased with methylproamine concentration up to a maximum dose modification factor (DMF) of 2.0 at 10 μM. At least 0.1 fmole/nucleus of methylproamine is required to achieve a substantial level of radioprotection (DMF of 1.3) with maximum protection (DMF of 2.0) achieved at 0.23 fmole/nucleus. The γH2AX focus yield per cell nucleus 45 min after irradiation decreased with drug concentration with a DMF of 2.5 at 10 μM. Conclusions: These results are consistent with the hypothesis that radioprotection by methylproamine is mediated by attenuation of the extent of initial DNA damage.
Purpose The majority of cancer patients will receive radiotherapy (RT), therefore, investigations into advances of this modality are important. Conventional RT dose intensities are limited by adverse responses in normal tissues and a primary goal is to ameliorate adverse normal tissue effects. The aim of these experiments is to further our understanding regarding the mechanism of radioprotection by the DNA minor groove binder, methylproamine, in a cellular context at the DNA level. Materials and methods We used immunocytochemical methods to measure the accumulation of phosphorylated H2AX (γH2AX) foci following ionizing radiation (IR) in patient-derived lymphoblastoid cells exposed to methylproamine. Furthermore, we performed pulsed field gel electrophoresis DNA damage and repair assays to directly interrogate the action of methylproamine on DNA in irradiated cells. Results We found that methylproamine-treated cells had fewer γH2AX foci after IR compared to untreated cells. Also, the presence of methylproamine decreased the amount of lower molecular weight DNA entering the gel as shown by the pulsed field gel electrophoresis assay. Conclusions These results suggest that methylproamine acts by preventing the formation of DNA double-strand breaks (dsbs) and support the hypothesis that radioprotection by methylproamine is mediated, at least in part, by decreasing initial DNA damage.
Com o aumento do rigor para descarte de efluentes contaminado com metais pesados, as pesquisas têm se intensificado na busca de métodos de remoção, que tragam bons resultados de captação dos metais, aliado a um baixo custo. O uso de biomassas como bactérias, fungos e algas marinhas como material adsorvente, tem se apresentado como uma alternativa, principalmente para soluções com baixo teor de metais. Neste trabalho, a alga marinha Sargassum filipendula foi avaliada na sua capacidade de remoção do metal tório de uma solução sintética e do efluente dos laboratórios de análises ambientais do IRD. A cinética desta biossorção foi estudada em regime de batelada e o equilíbrio foi alcançado com 180 min de reação. Dois modelos cinéticos foram utilizados nesta avaliação, um de primeira ordem e um modelo de pseudo segunda ordem, tendo o modelo de segunda ordem apresentado um melhor ajuste dos dados. Na avaliação da capacidade máxima de captação do tório pela biomassa marinha em regime de batelada, foi construída a isoterma que apresentou um perfil crescente na captação alcançando um máximo de 2,59 mol/g. Os modelos de Langmuir e Freundlich foram utilizados para ajustar os dados da isoterma, tendo apresentado maior correlação com os dados o modelo de Langmuir, resultando num valor de captação máxima calculado pelo modelo de 2,92 mol/g. A capacidade de remoção do metal tório da alga Sargassum filipendula também foi avaliada em regime contínuo. Um estudo de altura crítica de leito foi realizado preenchendo-se uma coluna com diferentes massas de alga correspondendo a diferentes alturas de leito. A concentração de tório residual foi quantificada na solução de saída e a menor concentração na saída foi alcançada com 40 cm de leito ou 96 g de biomassa. Após este estudo um sistema contínuo com duas colunas, com 96 g de biomassa cada, e uma bomba peristáltica foi utilizado para o tratamento do efluente real do IRD, contendo não apenas o metal tório, mas outros metais como urânio, cálcio, cromo, ferro, chumbo, etc. Cento e cinco litros de efluente foram tratados numa concentração de 6 mg/L, a concentração do efluente de saída foi de 3,75 mg/L. A caracterização do efluente quanto aos metais presentes foi realizada em ICP-MS, os resultados demonstraram que não houve competição pelos sítios ligantes da biomassa entre o tório e os demais metais. Além disso, alguns metais como cálcio, ferro e magnésio, tiveram um aumento na concentração de saída indicando a presença do mecanismo de troca iônica na biossorção do tório por Sargassum filipendula