997 resultados para Radiogenic isotope


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Interstitial waters from four sites of the Japan Sea (794 to 797) have been analyzed for stable isotopes (delta D, delta11B, delta18O, and delta34S) and 87Sr/86Sr, besides major and minor ions. The isotopic composition is dominated by organic matter degradation, alteration of ash layers and volcaniclastic sands, silica transformation (opal A/CT), and basement alteration. Organic matter degradation and corresponding sulfate reduction leads to 32S depletion and is dependent upon sedimentation rate. The remaining sulfate reservoir is characterized by very "heavy" delta34S ratios, up to +93 ? (rel. CDT = Canyon Diabolo Troilite). "Barite fronts," which may develop in such sediments, should also be characterized by very "heavy" sulfur isotopes. The alteration of volcaniclastic material in the Quaternary sections influences the delta18O (-1.5 ? shift) and delta11B (desorption and later adsorption of "labile"11B). A pronounced positive delta11B anomaly at Site 795 represents the depth range of preferential 10B uptake by alteration products of the ash layers. At Site 796 delta D, delta11B, and 87Sr/86Sr are severely affected by alteration processes of volcaniclastic sands. The opal A/CT transformation may influence the oxygen isotopes and serves as a potential source for B, which is liberated at this interval at Site 795. This positive B anomaly is not reflected in the delta11B profile. Basement alteration processes dominate the sedimentary sequence below the opal A/CT transition, which serves as a chemical and physical boundary. The decreases in delta D and delta18O are probably related to a "paleo ocean water reservoir" situated in the permeable Layer II of the oceanic crust, as is indicated by the positive correlation between these two parameters. Besides Mg, alkalies and delta18O basement rocks also serve as a sink for 11 B (Site 795) and are the source for the Ca and Sr increases, as is documented by the less radiogenic 87Sr/86Sr ratio. 87Sr/86Sr ratios for the lowermost pore waters from Site 795 (0.70529) are comparable to those from volcaniclastic rocks from the "Green Tuff' region (0.704 to 0.706) and oil field brines from the Niigata Oil Field.


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Geological reconstructions and general circulation models suggest that the onset of both Northern Hemisphere glaciation, 2.7 Myr ago, and convection of Labrador Sea Water (LSW) were caused by the closure of the Panama Gateway ~4.5 Myr ago. Time series data that have been obtained from studies of ferromanganese crusts from the northwestern Atlantic suggest that radiogenic isotopes of intermediate ocean residence time (Pb and Nd) can serve as suitable tracers to reconstruct these events. However, it has been unclear until now as to whether the changes that have been observed in isotope composition at this time are the result of increased thermohaline circulation or due to the effects of increased glacial weathering. In this paper we adopt a box model approach to demonstrate that the shifts in radiogenic isotope compositions are unlikely to be due to changes in convection in LSW but can be explained in terms of increases of erosion levels due to the glaciation of Greenland and Canada. Furthermore, we provide experimental evidence for the incongruent release of a labile fraction of strongly radiogenic Pb and nonradiogenic Nd from continental detritus eroding into the Labrador Sea. This can be attributed to the glacial weathering of old continents and accounts for the paradox that one of the areas of the world most deficient in radiogenic Pb should provide such a rich supply of radiogenic Pb to the oceans. An important general conclusion is that the compositions of radiogenic isotopes in seawater are not always a reflection of their continental sources. Perhaps more importantly, the transition from chemical weathering to mechanical erosion is likely to result in significant variations in radiogenic tracers in seawater.


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Identifying terrigenous sources in deep-sea sediments may reveal temporal trends in paleocirculation and the relative role of eolian, upwelled, and hemipelagic Fe sources to surface waters. Bulk elemental and isotopic geochemistry of deep-sea sediments recovered during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 177 in the southeastern Atlantic sector of the Southern Ocean reveal several important aspects of paleocirculation and terrigenous provenance. The sites studied span 43°-53°S and represent different oceanographic settings relative to regional hydrography and sediment type. Bulk sediment geochemistry indicates that terrigenous provenance varied over the past 600 k.y. Site 1089, the northernmost site, exhibits clear glacial-interglacial variability in provenance, while provenance appears to vary regardless of climate state at the more southerly sites (Site 1093 and 1094). Nd and Sr isotopes and Sm/Nd ratios of the terrigenous fraction indicate that study sites have geochemically distinguishable provenance. Nd and Sr isotopes further suggest that Sites 1089 and 1094 both contain detrital components that originated in South America over the past 30 k.y.; however, Site 1089 is also influenced by southern African sources and the strength of the Agulhas Current. The e-Nd data support a more hemipelagic source for the terrigenous material rather than an eolian source based on comparisons with Antarctic ice core data and known sea-ice extent.