999 resultados para Radio de campus


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Le présent mémoire vise à faire avancer la réflexion sur la conception de média alternatif à travers une analyse d’une organisation médiatique dite alternative, soit CISM 89,3 FM, la radio de campus de l’Université de Montréal. À partir de la littérature, l’auteur émet certaines interrogations et explore quelques pistes d’analyse en regard de cet univers médiatique. Suite à un travail sur le terrain, basé sur une série d’entrevues avec des acteurs oeuvrant au sein de CISM, ce travail de recherche permet de mettre en lumière certains éléments peu discutés dans la littérature. L’auteur met notamment en relief l’importance que revêt le statut d’alternatif pour CISM aux yeux de ses artisans, ainsi que la complexité de ce statut et les enjeux qu’il soulève. Le mémoire montre aussi, à travers les propos des personnes interrogées, la difficulté et les tensions avec lesquelles les artisans d’un tel média doivent jongler quotidiennement afin d’être fidèle à ce statut d’alternatif. C’est à travers ses remises en questions, ses points litigieux, ses tensions, ses négociations que CISM se définit à travers ce qu’est ou doit être un média alternatif. Mais, ce sont aussi ces tensions constantes qui lui permettent d’évoluer.


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In this thesis a manifold learning method is applied to the problem of WLAN positioning and automatic radio map creation. Due to the nature of WLAN signal strength measurements, a signal map created from raw measurements results in non-linear distance relations between measurement points. These signal strength vectors reside in a high-dimensioned coordinate system. With the help of the so called Isomap-algorithm the dimensionality of this map can be reduced, and thus more easily processed. By embedding position-labeled strategic key points, we can automatically adjust the mapping to match the surveyed environment. The environment is thus learned in a semi-supervised way; gathering training points and embedding them in a two-dimensional manifold gives us a rough mapping of the measured environment. After a calibration phase, where the labeled key points in the training data are used to associate coordinates in the manifold representation with geographical locations, we can perform positioning using the adjusted map. This can be achieved through a traditional supervised learning process, which in our case is a simple nearest neighbors matching of a sampled signal strength vector. We deployed this system in two locations in the Kumpula campus in Helsinki, Finland. Results indicate that positioning based on the learned radio map can achieve good accuracy, especially in hallways or other areas in the environment where the WLAN signal is constrained by obstacles such as walls.


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El objetivo del trabajo es llevar a cabo una implementación planificada de un programa de radio donde se enseñe a leer a niños de 3 a 6 años. Estará dirigido tanto a los niños del medio rural de los distintos departamentos de Colombia como a los de los Hogares Infantiles de Bienestar Familiar. Dicho programa se complementará con una guía didáctica de apoyo y unas hojas de trabajo para los niños. En primer lugar se aborda la radio como medio tecnológico de comunicación, tratando su naturaleza, características y posibilidades didácticas. Se centra a continuación en el desarrollo del lenguaje en la edad preescolar, las relaciones entre lectura y escritura, el aprendizaje y las habilidades para la lectura, los sistemas de lectura, la percepción auditiva y el aprendizaje de la lectura a través de la radio. Realiza la propuesta propiamente dicha apostando por una metodología de lecto-escritura analítica y sintética en la que se partirá del cuento para ir pasando progresivamente a la frase, a la palabra, a la sílaba, al fonema, al grafema, y de nuevo al fonema y al grafema. A modo de ejemplo presenta un guión radiofónico de una clase de lectura. Las hojas de trabajo servirán como evaluación del aprendizaje del niño. Afirma que la aplicación del proyecto será viable en Colombia dada la infraestructura y experiencia existentes en el campo de la educación radiofónica.


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El objetivo principal del estudio es ver bajo qué condiciones podrán desarrollarse las radios comunitarias en Chile. Se presentan la situación política y económica de la sociedad chilena a fin de establecer el contexto de la radio comunitaria en dicho país. Se describe la historia y la situación actual de las radios comunitarias. Se discute el concepto de radio comunitaria como medio alternativo a los medios comerciales y su función educativa en el ámbito de la comunicación popular. Se analiza la fundamentación teórica de las radios comunitarias, explicando el concepto de comunicación popular y sus características (participación y no comercialidad). A nivel práctico se expone la experiencia de la radio comunitaria de Villa Nonguén de la ciudad de Concepción, comparándola con el desarrollo de otras radios comunitarias en Chile. Entre las conclusiones a las que se llega, cabe destacar las siguientes: a) en general las condiciones para el desarrollo y subsistencia de las radios comunitarias son poco prometedoras; b) el marco jurídico es restrictivo; c) llenan un vacío en el sistema tradicional pero las radios comerciales las consideran peligrosas. El acercamiento al tema se realizó aplicando una metodología exploratoria y descriptiva; por una parte se estudió la literatura existente y por otra se entrevistó a algunos expertos de los medios de comunicación chilenos y a varios representantes de organizaciones de capacitación que apoyan las radios comunitarias en el país.


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Resumen tomado de la publicación


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The radio communication system is one of the most critical system of the overall satellite platform: it often represents the only way of communication, between a spacecraft and the Ground Segment or among a constellation of satellites. This thesis focuses on specific innovative architectures for on-board and on-ground radio systems. In particular, this work is an integral part of a space program started in 2004 at the University of Bologna, Forlì campus, which led to the completion of the microsatellite ALMASat-1, successfully launched on-board the VEGA maiden flight. The success of this program led to the development of a second microsatellite, named ALMASat-EO, a three-axis stabilized microsatellite able to capture images of the Earth surface. Therefore, the first objective of this study was focused on the investigation of an innovative, efficient and low cost architecture for on-board radio communication systems. The TT&C system and the high data rate transmitter for images downlink design and realization are thoroughly described in this work, together with the development of the embedded hardware and the adopted antenna systems. Moreover, considering the increasing interest in the development of constellations of microsatellite, in particular those flying in close formations, a careful analysis has been carried out for the development of innovative communication protocols for inter-satellite links. Furthermore, in order to investigate the system aspects of space communications, a study has been carried out at ESOC having as objective the design, implementation and test of two experimental devices for the enhancement of the ESA GS. Thus, a significant portion of this thesis is dedicated to the description of the results of a method for improving the phase stability of GS radio frequency equipments by means of real-time phase compensation and a new way to perform two antennas arraying tracking using already existing ESA tracking stations facilities.


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Despite research gathered in the Campus Climate Report, I believe that it underrepresented the student experience of the social scene. The document primarily served as an identification tool for four major problems on campus: binge drinking, sexual assault, diversity, and disengagement in the classroom. Double Take Project also identifies similar issues however, this project uses theatrical techniques to gather the anecdotal reality of the student perspective. Double Take Project expands beyond the Campus Climate Report to inspire dialogue in a variety of student-to-student interactions and, more importantly, the project seeks action and solution plans. The social scene dominates our culture and its many issues result in concern for the safety, self-identity, and development of Bucknell students into thriving adults. Double Take Project is rooted in the belief that theatre is a palpable tool for social change. Over the course of many events, Double Take Project has utilized facets of theatre to provide opportunities to voice discontent, widen perception of normalcy on campus, and inspire confidence to act on personal beliefs. The Double Take Project uses many Applied Theatre methods to impact the social scene. For example, I conducted 36 student interviews and transformed the stories into a one-woman show, Rage Behind Curtains, which I performed at multiple venues across campus. I also used interviews to create a radio show airing one story per day. I conducted ten workshops with student groups, Fraternities and Sororities, and in the classroom utilizing Augusto Boal’s Theatre of the Oppressed (TO) techniques. I also created a “social scene confessional” where I stood outside the Elaine Langone Center with a sign that read, “Tell me a story about the social scene” from a wide variety of Bucknell students. Finally, I have assembled a Forum Theatre Company based on Augusto Boal’s method of the spect-actor, utilizing participants as both actors and spectators in the theatre piece. All of the names indicated in this paper have been altered to protect the identity of the participants. While planning events and conducting various theatrical experiences, I learned that there are a series of internal and external issues contributing to our social environment. Internally, students are conflicted with personal beliefs while battling outward social pressure. Whether they are on the outskirts or center of the social scene determines their response to this conflict. For example, I have discovered that students on the borders of the social culture respond with criticism because they feel excluded, whereas the student’s centrally involved critique the culture in private and while their persona appears to not want change. Externally, there are many structural issues that contribute to the current social climate such as without Fraternity meal plans, Cafeteria space is not sufficient to feed all of the students, exclusive party culture, and gendered housing. Through meetings with Deans and staff, I have learned there are also problems between administration and students, resulting in resentment and blame. Although addressing structural issues would instigate immediate change, in my opinion, internal student conflicts are the primary cause for the current negative social atmosphere. I believe that pressure to conform is rooted in lack of personal identity. Because students simply do not know themselves, they form strong social groups that become the definition of themselves. Without confident self-awareness, large and powerful groups coerce students to accept social norms resulting in the individual’s outward distaste for change, yet internal discomfort.


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Music composition using prominent broadcast speeches across the whole twentieth century in commemoration of the centenary of Marconi's first transatlantic radio transmission. The work is based on creating music from the found objects of melody derived from spoken intonation. Recordings of the speeches are accompanied throughout by live instrumental music.


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Poor workplace relations are an issue of concern in many workplaces and this phenomenon is not restricted to the nursing profession. The issue of workplace violence in nursing is well documented and there are an increasing number of studies which have investigated the notion of horizontal violence amongst graduate nurses. The impact that poor workplace relations has on the development of a professional identity by nursing students in the off-campus clinical setting is significant in light of the current global shortage of nurses. There is a dearth of knowledge in understanding how Australian undergraduate nursing students experience the off-campus clinical setting and subsequently develop a professional identity as a nurse. Therefore the aim of this study was to discover and describe the phenomena in order to develop a substantive theory that explains the experiences of the undergraduate nursing students in a regional setting. Constructivist grounded theory methods were utilised in the conduct of the study. A sample of 29 participants was recruited permitting the formulation of a substantive theory regarding the development of a professional identity in nursing students. This substantive theory contributes knowledge relevant to the undergraduate nursing students, nurse educators, nursing workforce planners, and the tertiary educational institutions offering nursing. This is achieved through discovering, describing and explaining the phenomenon of ‘anxiety’ which the nursing students experience as a result of the interrelationship and interactions of tradition bearing, staff and student performance. These interactions intersect to form expectations of where the student fits within the hierarchy of the facility and the nursing profession in general. An understanding of the issues associated with tradition bearing, staff performance, and student performance and the impact that the interaction of these conditions has upon the student’s developing professional identity as a nurse is necessary to allow for the implementation of corrective strategies.


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This article explores the role of radio sound in establishing what I term ‘affective rhythms’ in everyday life. Through exploring the affective qualities of radio sound and its capacity for mood generation in the home, this article explores personal affective states and personal organisation. The term affective rhythm relates both to mood, and to routine. It is the combination of both that allows the possibility of thinking about sound and affect, and how they relate to, and integrate with, routine everyday life. The notion of ‘affective rhythm’ forces us to consider the idea of mood in the light of the routine nature of everyday domestic life.


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In this paper, we present recent results with using range from radio for mobile robot localization. In previous work we have shown how range readings from radio tags placed in the environment can be used to localize a robot. We have extended previous work to consider robustness. Specifically, we are interested in the case where range readings are very noisy and available intermittently. Also, we consider the case where the location of the radio tags is not known at all ahead of time and must be solved for simultaneously along with the position of the moving robot. We present results from a mobile robot that is equipped with GPS for ground truth, operating over several km.