901 resultados para Radial topology


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Electric power distribution systems, and particularly those with overhead circuits, operate radially but as the topology of the systems is meshed, therefore a set of circuits needs to be disconnected. In this context the problem of optimal reconfiguration of a distribution system is formulated with the goal of finding a radial topology for the operation of the system. This paper utilizes experimental tests and preliminary theoretical analysis to show that radial topology is one of the worst topologies to use if the goal is to minimize power losses in a power distribution system. For this reason, it is important to initiate a theoretical and practical discussion on whether it is worthwhile to operate a distribution system in a radial form. This topic is becoming increasingly important within the modern operation of electrical systems, which requires them to operate as efficiently as possible, utilizing all available resources to improve and optimize the operation of electric power systems. Experimental tests demonstrate the importance of this issue. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This paper presents a new and efficient methodology for distribution network reconfiguration integrated with optimal power flow (OPF) based on a Benders decomposition approach. The objective minimizes power losses, balancing load among feeders and subject to constraints: capacity limit of branches, minimum and maximum power limits of substations or distributed generators, minimum deviation of bus voltages and radial optimal operation of networks. The Generalized Benders decomposition algorithm is applied to solve the problem. The formulation can be embedded under two stages; the first one is the Master problem and is formulated as a mixed integer non-linear programming problem. This stage determines the radial topology of the distribution network. The second stage is the Slave problem and is formulated as a non-linear programming problem. This stage is used to determine the feasibility of the Master problem solution by means of an OPF and provides information to formulate the linear Benders cuts that connect both problems. The model is programmed in GAMS. The effectiveness of the proposal is demonstrated through two examples extracted from the literature.


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Tipicamente as redes elétricas de distribuição apresentam uma topologia parcialmente malhada e são exploradas radialmente. A topologia radial é obtida através da abertura das malhas nos locais que otimizam o ponto de operação da rede, através da instalação de aparelhos de corte que operam normalmente abertos. Para além de manterem a topologia radial, estes equipamentos possibilitam também a transferência de cargas entre saídas, aquando da ocorrência de defeitos. As saídas radiais são ainda dotadas de aparelhos de corte que operam normalmente fechados, estes têm como objetivo maximizar a fiabilidade e isolar defeitos, minimizando a área afetada pelos mesmos. Assim, na presente dissertação são desenvolvidos dois algoritmos determinísticos para a localização ótima de aparelhos de corte normalmente abertos e fechados, minimizando a potência ativa de perdas e o custo da energia não distribuída. O algoritmo de localização de aparelhos de corte normalmente abertos visa encontrar a topologia radial ótima que minimiza a potência ativa de perdas. O método é desenvolvido em ambiente Matlab – Tomlab, e é formulado como um problema de programação quadrática inteira mista. A topologia radial ótima é garantida através do cálculo de um trânsito de potências ótimo baseado no modelo DC. A função objetivo é dada pelas perdas por efeito de Joule. Por outro lado o problema é restringido pela primeira lei de Kirchhoff, limites de geração das subestações, limites térmicos dos condutores, trânsito de potência unidirecional e pela condição de radialidade. Os aparelhos de corte normalmente fechados são localizados ao longo das saídas radiais obtidas pelo anterior algoritmo, e permite minimizar o custo da energia não distribuída. No limite é possível localizar um aparelho de corte normalmente fechado em todas as linhas de uma rede de distribuição, sendo esta a solução que minimiza a energia não distribuída. No entanto, tendo em conta que a cada aparelho de corte está associado um investimento, é fundamental encontrar um equilíbrio entre a melhoria de fiabilidade e o investimento. Desta forma, o algoritmo desenvolvido avalia os benefícios obtidos com a instalação de aparelhos de corte normalmente fechados, e retorna o número e a localização dos mesmo que minimiza o custo da energia não distribuída. Os métodos apresentados são testados em duas redes de distribuição reais, exploradas com um nível de tensão de 15 kV e 30 kV, respetivamente. A primeira rede é localizada no distrito do Porto e é caraterizada por uma topologia mista e urbana. A segunda rede é localizada no distrito de Bragança e é caracterizada por uma topologia maioritariamente aérea e rural.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this work, the planning of secondary distribution circuits is approached as a mixed integer nonlinear programming problem (MINLP). In order to solve this problem, a dedicated evolutionary algorithm (EA) is proposed. This algorithm uses a codification scheme, genetic operators, and control parameters, projected and managed to consider the specific characteristics of the secondary network planning. The codification scheme maps the possible solutions that satisfy the requirements in order to obtain an effective and low-cost projected system-the conductors' adequate dimensioning, load balancing among phases, and the transformer placed at the center of the secondary system loads. An effective algorithm for three-phase power flow is used as an auxiliary methodology of the EA for the calculation of the fitness function proposed for solutions of each topology. Results for two secondary distribution circuits are presented, whereas one presents radial topology and the other a weakly meshed topology. © 2005 IEEE.


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In this paper a genetic algorithm based reconfiguration method is proposed to minimize the real power losses of distribution systems. The main innovation of this research work is that new types of crossover and mutation operators are proposed, such that the best possible results are obtained, with an acceptable computational effort. The crossover and mutation operators were developed so as to take advantage of the particular characteristics of distribution systems (as the radial topology). Simulation results indicate that the proposed method is very efficient, being able to find excellent configurations, with low computational effort, especially for larger systems. ©2007 IEEE.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This work proposes a methodology for optimized allocation of switches for automatic load transfer in distribution systems in order to improve the reliability indexes by restoring such systems which present voltage classes of 23 to 35 kV and radial topology. The automatic switches must be allocated on the system in order to transfer load remotely among the sources at the substations. The problem of switch allocation is formulated as nonlinear constrained mixed integer programming model subject to a set of economical and physical constraints. A dedicated Tabu Search (TS) algorithm is proposed to solve this model. The proposed methodology is tested for a large real-life distribution system. © 2011 IEEE.


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This paper presents a mixed-integer quadratically-constrained programming (MIQCP) model to solve the distribution system expansion planning (DSEP) problem. The DSEP model considers the construction/reinforcement of substations, the construction/reconductoring of circuits, the allocation of fixed capacitors banks and the radial topology modification. As the DSEP problem is a very complex mixed-integer non-linear programming problem, it is convenient to reformulate it like a MIQCP problem; it is demonstrated that the proposed formulation represents the steady-state operation of a radial distribution system. The proposed MIQCP model is a convex formulation, which allows to find the optimal solution using optimization solvers. Test systems of 23 and 54 nodes and one real distribution system of 136 nodes were used to show the efficiency of the proposed model in comparison with other DSEP models available in the specialized literature. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Engenharia Elétrica - FEIS


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)