886 resultados para Radón interior


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En esta tesis doctoral se estudian las variaciones de radón en el interior de dos viviendas similares de construcción nueva en Madrid, una de ellas ocupada y la otra no, que forman parte del mismo edificio residencial. La concentración de radón y los parámetros ambientales (presión, temperatura y humedad) se midieron durante ocho meses. La monitorización del gas radón se realizó mediante detectores de estado sólido. Simultáneamente, se adquirieron algunas variables atmosféricas de un modelo atmosférico. En el análisis de los datos, se utilizó principalmente el método de la Transformada Wavelet. Los resultados muestran que el nivel de radón es ligeramente más alto en la vivienda ocupada que en la otra. A partir del análisis desarrollado en este estudio, se encontró que había un patrón específico estacional en la concentración de radón interior. Además, se analizó también la influencia antropogénica. Se pudieron observar patrones periódicos muy similares en intervalos concretos sin importar si la vivienda está ocupada o no. Por otra parte, los datos se almacenaron en cubos OLAP. El análisis se realizó usando unos algoritmos de agrupamiento (clustering) y de asociación. El objetivo es descubrir las relaciones entre el radón y las condiciones externas como la presión, estabilidad, etc. Además, la metodología aplicada puede ser útil para estudios ambientales en donde se mida radón en espacios interiores. ABSTRACT The present thesis studies the indoor radon variations in two similar new dwellings, one of them occupied and the other unoccupied, from the same residential building in Madrid. Radon concentration and ambient parameters were measured during eight months. Solid state detectors were used for the radon monitoring. Simultaneously, several atmospheric variables were acquired from an atmospheric model. In the data analysis, the Wavelet Transform Method was mainly used. The results show that radon level is slightly higher in the unoccupied dwelling than in the other one. From the analysis developed in this study, it is found that a specific seasonal pattern exists in the indoor radon concentration. Besides, the anthropogenic influence is also analysed. Nearly periodical patterns could be observed in specific periods whether dwelling is occupied or not. Otherwise, data were stored in cubes OLAP. Analysis was carried out using clustering and association algorithms. The aim is to find out the relationships among radon and external conditions like pressure, stability, etc. Besides, the methodology could be useful to assess environmental studies, where indoor radon is measured.


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Las medidas del gas radiactivo radón en lugares de trabajo subterráneos del Campus de la Universidad de Alicante fueron realizadas mediante dispositivos E-PERM® de corto plazo durante el invierno de 2010 y el verano de 2011. Las concentraciones de radón obtenidas muestran valores máximos de 73,8 Bq/m3 en invierno y 84,0 Bq/m3 en verano, así como una media aritmética de 30,3 Bq/m3. Aunque no se abordan concentraciones medias anuales, todos los resultados se encuentran por debajo de los valores recogidos en la Recomendación 90/143/EURATOM de la Comisión Europea relativa a la protección de la población contra los peligros de una exposición al radón en el interior de edificios así como los establecidos por la Instrucción IS-33 del Consejo de Seguridad Nuclear en lugares de trabajo, contribuyendo a la evaluación de la distribución de radón a nivel nacional y prestando atención a los problemas que este gas puede ocasionar en espacios subterráneos.


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The main contribution to the radiological impact from natural radiation received by general population is due to the emission of radon (222Rn). The objective of this project is the study of radon gas as a radioactive element in our buildings (existing and future constructions) to avoid its influence in interior rooms. The proposed methodology reflects different aspects of natural radioactivity in buildings, their sources, their control criteria and regulatory framework; aspects related to the presence of radon in our constructions, entryways, measurement methodology for indoor environmental concentration are studied; other protection solutions and remediation measures in both existing buildings and new construction projects are analyzed. In conclusion, the paper presents previous evaluation tools, the analysis of existing concentration and the choice of the most appropriate mitigation / remediation measures depending on each case, through the establishment of different architectural proposals to plan actions against radon where necessary.


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La importancia de la medida de concentración de radón en recintos cerrados radica en que la dosis debida a su presencia en el ambiente representa aproximadamente el 50% de la dosis total de la radiación de origen natural recibida por la población, estando presente tanto en espacios abiertos, como en el interior de edificios. Se han desarrollado numerosos estudios encaminados a determinar el riesgo radiológico por unidad de exposición Para alcanzar este fin se han puesto a punto diversas técnicas que permiten analizar, tanto en una instalación de laboratorio como en espacios habitados, el factor de equilibrio, la fracción libre y el espectro dimensional de descendientes del radón en estado libre. Por otra parte, si tenemos en cuenta los mecanismos de desplazamiento del 222 Rn sabemos que éste se difunde a través de las grietas del terreno y de los materiales de construcción. Por lo tanto, tendremos que en recintos cerrados el mecanismo difusivo es el más significativo, siendo en este caso determinante la longitud de difusión desintegrarse.


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El trabajo de investigación desarrollado que ha dado lugar a la realización de esta Tesis, aborda la protección de los edificios frente a la entrada de gas radón y su acumulación en los espacios habitados. Dicho gas (isótopo del radón Rn-222) es un elemento radiactivo que se genera, principalmente, en terrenos con altos contenidos de radio (terrenos graníticos por ejemplo). Su alto grado de movilidad permite que penetre en los edificios a través de los materiales de cerramiento del mismo (porosidad de los materiales, fisuras, grietas y juntas) y se acumule en su interior, donde puede ser inhalado en altas concentraciones. La Organización Mundial de la Salud, califica al radón como agente cancerígeno de grado 1. Según este Organismo, el radón es la segunda causa de contracción de cáncer pulmonar detrás del tabaco. Como respuesta a esta alarma, distintos estados ya han elaborado normativas en las que se proponen soluciones para que los niveles de concentración de radón no superen los valores recomendados por los organismos internacionales responsables de la protección radiológica. En España aún no existe normativa de protección frente a este agente cancerígeno causante de numerosas muertes, y es por tal motivo evidente la necesidad de aportar documentación técnica que ayude a las administraciones nacionales y locales a desarrollar dicha normativa para ajustarse a las recomendaciones europeas e internacionales sobre los niveles que no se deben superar y que, por otro lado, ya han contemplado una gran cantidad de países. Como principal aportación de este trabajo se muestran los resultados de reducción de concentración de gas radón de distintas soluciones constructivas enfocadas a frenar la entrada de gas radón al interior de los edificios haciendo uso de técnicas y materiales habituales en el ámbito de la construcción en España. Para ello, se han estudiado las efectividades de dichas soluciones, en lo referente a su capacidad para frenar la inmisión de radón, en un prototipo de vivienda construido al efecto en un terreno con altas concentraciones de radón. Las soluciones propuestas y ensayadas han sido el resultado de una labor de optimización de los sistemas estudiados en la bibliografía con el fin de adaptar las técnicas a los sistemas constructivos habituales en España y en concreto a la situación real del prototipo de vivienda construido en un lugar con contenidos de radón en terreno muy elevados. El trabajo incluye un capítulo inicial con los conceptos básicos necesarios para entender la problemática que supone habitar en espacios con altos contenidos de radón. ABSTRACT The research developed, which has led to the completion of this thesis, deal with the protection of buildings against entry of radon gas and its accumulation in the ocupated spaces. This gas (radon isotope Rn-222) is a radioactive element generated, mainly, in areas with high levels of radio (granitic terrain for example). Its high mobility allows entering in buildings through the enclosure materials of it (porosity of materials, cracks, crevices and joints) and accumulates inside, where it can be inhaled in high concentrations. The World Health Organization describes radon gas as a carcinogen agent in level 1. According to this Agency, radon is the second leading cause of lung cancer behind tobacco. In response to this alarm, some states have developed regulations that propose solutions to reduce radon concentration levels for not exceeding the values recommended by international agencies responsible in radiation protection. In Spain there is still no legislation to protect against this carcinogen element that cause numerous deaths, and for that reason it is evident the need to provide technical documentation to help the national and local governments to develop legislation for reaching the European and international levels recommendations. As the main contribution of this work are the results of reducing radon concentration using different constructive solutions aimed to stop radon entry in buildings, with techniques and materials common in Spain. To do this, effectiveness of such solutions, have been studied in terms of its ability to stop radon entry in a housing prototype built for this purpose in an area with high radon levels. The solutions proposed and tested have been the result of a process of optimization of systems studied in the literature in order to adapt the techniques to Spanish building material and, specifically, to the actual situation of housing prototype built in a place with high contents of radon in soil. The work includes an initial chapter with the basic concepts needed to understand the problem of living in areas with high levels of radon.


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El presente artículo analiza aspectos relacionados con los tipos de radiactividad natural presentes en el interior de las edificaciones, sus fuentes y sus influencias. Más concretamente, desarrolla el estudio de la radiactividad ambiental en el interior de los espacios construidos debida a la presencia del gas radón, así como sus fuentes de origen y los niveles recomendados. Este es un artículo que se presenta como la segunda parte de un trabajo sobre radiactividad natural en los materiales de construcción, cuya primera parte hace referencia a la radiación externa de dichos materiales y se publica por los mismos autores, en esta misma revista. Al mismo tiempo, se realiza un recorrido por el marco normativo, tanto internacional como nacional, relativo al radón y a sus descendientes de vida media corta. El presente trabajo es parte de la tesis doctoral de la primera autora del mismo, Beatriz Piedecausa García, a quien el resto de autores agradece su esfuerzo para preparar el texto que ahora se publica y la autorización y las facilidades ofrecidas para acceder a su trabajo.


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What happens when patterns become all pervasive? When pattern contagiously corrupts and saturates adjacent objects, artefacts and surfaces; blurring internal and external environment and dissolving any single point of perspective or static conception of space. Mark Taylor ruminates on the possibilities of relentless patterning in interior space in both a historic and a contemporary context.


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This research reports on a project concerned with the relationship between the person and the environment in the context of achieving a contemplative or existential state – a state which can be experienced either consciously or subconsciously. The need for such a study originated with the desire to contribute to the design of multicultural spaces which could be used for a range of activities within the public and the personal arena, activities including contemplation, meditation and prayer. The concept of ‘sacred’ is explored in the literature review and in primary interviews with the participants of this study. Given that the word ‘sacred’ is highly value-laden and potentially alienating for some people, it was decided to use the more accessible term ‘contemplative’. The outcomes of the study inform the practice of interior design and architecture which tends currently to neglect the potential for all spaces to be existentially meaningful. Informed by phenomenological methodology, data were collected from a diverse group of people, using photo-elicitation and interviews. The technique of photo-elicitation proved to be highly effective in helping people reveal their everyday lived experience of contemplative spaces. Reflective analysis (Van Manen 2000) was used to explore the data collected. The initial stage of analysis produced three categories of data: varying conceptions of contemplation, aspects of the person involved in the contemplation, and aspects of environment involved in contemplation. From this, it was found that achieving a state of contemplation involves both the person and the environment in a dialectic process of unfolding. The unfolding has various physical, psycho-social, and existential dimensions or qualities which operate sequentially and simultaneously. Two concepts emerged as being central to unfolding: ‘Cleansing’ and ‘Nothingness’. Unfolding is found to comprise the Core; Distinction; Manifestation; Cleansing; Creation; and Sharing. This has a parallel with Mircea Eliade’s (1959) definition of sacred as something that manifests itself as different from the profane. The power of design, re-contextualization through utility and purpose, and the existential engagements between the person and environment are used as a basis for establishing the potential contribution of the study to interior design. In this way, the study makes a contribution to our understanding of how space and its elements inspire, support and sustain person environment interaction – particularly at the existential level – as well as to our understanding of the multi-dimensional and holistic nature of this interaction. In addition, it points to the need for a phenomenological re-conceptualisation of the design/client relationship. In summary, the contributions of this research are: the exploration of contemplative experience as sacred experience; an understanding of the design of space as creating engagement between person and environment; a rationale for the introduction of a phenomenological approach to the relationship between designer and clients; and raising awareness of the spiritual in a holistic approach to design.


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Mark Taylor's new essay assesses the impact of the diagram on interior design from the late 19th century to the present. Taylor identifies the pop-cultural discourse of advice writing in both books and magazines as a starting point for his analysis. Drawing on diverse sources, his analysis focuses on texts relating to the dynamics of use and flexibility by Catherine Beecher, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Melusina Fay Peirce, Mary Haweis and Christine Frederick among others. The examples in these texts use the home, domestic housekeeping and kitchens as the sites and practices of intervention through which interior design innovations can be enacted. Taylor's analysis identified the innovations in both the social and the political aspects of space and the critique of static space behind these seemingly amateurish and innocuous texts. Identifying these contributions as early precursors of Modernism's open-plan and flexible, dynamic spaces, Taylor also interprets them with a critical concern for the oppositions and hierarchies that can exist in spatial design, and which are the hallmarks of recent Postmodern, phenomenological approaches to interior design and its theorisations. The progressive and subversive "paradigms for living" implicit in these diagrams can be argued to present a model of greater economic, social and political equality as well as representing a more balanced set of power relations in the home. Progressing through the 20th century to the present, Taylor's analysis shifts byond the dressed body and on to the more intimate rituals of the revealed body to further examine how diagrams of the interior, and the interior as a set of diagrams, are also mediators, sites and grounds for the design of social and sexual intimacy. Through a consideration of the link between design, indentity and intimacy (whether of the invisible, fashioned or sexualised body), the diagrms of interiors are reconfigured as radical and critical tools for an animate, material and emancipatory "redressing" of the balance between the body, identity, sexuality, gender, function, mis(use), aesthetics and the interior.


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The rhetoric of the pedagogic discourses of landscape architectural students and interior design students is described as part of a doctoral study undertaken to document practices and orientations prior to cross-disciplinary collaboration. We draw on the theoretical framework of Basil Bernstein, an educational sociologist, and the rhetorical method of Kenneth Burke, a literary dramatist, to study the grammars of ‘landscape’ representation employed within these disciplinary examples. We investigate how prepared final year students are for working in a cross-disciplinary manner. The discursive interactions of their work, as illustrated by four examples of drawn images and written text, are described. Our findings suggest that we need to concern ourselves aspects of our pedagogic discourse that brings uniqueness and value to our disciplines ,as well as that shared discourses between disciplines.


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This paper reveals the interior landscapes of selected contemporary Australian films, such as The Caterpillar Wish and Bad Boy Bubby, to develop a number of thematic influences on the manner in which domestic and private lives are constructed through filmic imagination. The research uncovers the conditions that contribute to particular scenographic representations of the humble interiors that act as both backdrop and performer to subtle and often troubled narratives. Such readings are informed by the theoretical works of writer Gertrude Stein, among others, who explore the relationships between the scenographic third dimension and the fourth dimensional performance in the representation of narrative space. A further theoretical thread lies in Giuliana Bruno’s work on the tension between private and public filmic space, which is explored through the public outing of intensely private spaces generated through narratives framed by the specificities of found interiors. Beyond the interrogation of qualities of imagined filmic space is the condition whereby locations, once transformed by the event of movie making are consequently forever revised. These altered conditions subsequently reinvest the lives of those who return to the location with layered narratives of occupation. Situationally, the now reconverted interior performs as contributor to subsequent private inhabitation, even if only as imagined space. The possibility here is that the qualities of the original may be superimposed and recontextualised to invest post-produced interiors with the qualities of the other space as imagined. This reading of film space explores new theoretical design scenarios for imagined and everyday interior landscapes.