21 resultados para Racialization


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Over the past two decades, the European Union (EU) has played an increasingly influential role in the construction of a de facto common immigration and asylum policy, providing a forum for policy-formulation beyond the scrutiny of national parliaments. The guiding principles of this policy include linking the immigration portfolio to security rather than justice; reaffirming the importance of political, conceptual and organizational borders; and attempting to transfer policing and processing functions to non-EU countries. The most important element, I argue, is the structural racialization of immigration that occurs across the various processes and which escapes the focus of much academic scrutiny. Exploring this phenomenon through the concept of the “racial state,” I examine ways to understand the operations of immigration policy-making at the inter-governmental level, giving particular attention to the ways in which asylum-seekers emerge as a newly racialized group who are both stripped of their rights in the global context and deployed as Others in the construction of national narratives.


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This project examines the discursive constructions of Latina/o bodies as excessive in order to examine how Latinas/os are excluded from belonging to the U.S. nation-state. By approaching Latina/o Studies from a Fat Studies perspective, it works to more adequately address the role of embodiment in determining processes of racialization that directly impact Latinas/os in the United States, especially in light of the role of race and racism in “obesity epidemic” discourse. This dissertation argues that cultural and even physiological explanations about the Latina/o propensity for “overweight” and “obesity” create a discourse that marks the Latina/o body as demonstrating an unassimilable corporeal excess. In turn, the rhetoric of “diversity” and “multiculturalism” are rendered inapplicable to Latinas/os, as demonstrated by both nativist and seemingly pro-immigrant discourses that posit Latina/o physical excess in the form of fatness as detrimental and even dangerous to the U.S. nation-state.


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On note de nos jours une intensification, aux États-Unis, de l’usage de la race en santé publique, une idée qui est parfois rejetée dans la mesure où elle est associée à des pratiques controversées. Les races sont vues, dans ce contexte, comme le produit du racisme, une technologie du pouvoir de l’État moderne qui a consisté à fragmenter l’humanité pour permettre les colonisations. C'est ainsi que la race a été prise en charge par le discours pour marquer la différence, discours qui est constitué d'un ensemble hétérogène de dispositifs, des institutions, des énoncés scientifiques, des normes et des règles. Le racisme s’est développé en parallèle avec l'affirmation d'un pouvoir sur la vie visant à assurer la gestion des corps et des populations, notamment par le biais des pratiques de santé publique. Cette thèse s'appuie sur une étude ethnographique réalisée sur un corpus de documents de la santé publique parus aux États-Unis et issus de bureaux fédéraux et d’une importante revue spécialisée dans le domaine sanitaire, et qui ont été publiés entre 2001 et 2009. Cette étude a analysé la manière dont la race est représentée, produite comme objet de connaissance, et régulée par les pratiques discursives dans ces documents. Les résultats confirment que le discours sur la race varie au cours du temps. Toutefois, les résultats indiquent la relative permanence en santé publique d'un régime racialisé de représentation qui consiste à identifier, à situer et à opposer les sujets et les groupes à partir de labels standardisés. Ce régime est composé d'un ensemble de pratiques représentationnelles qui, couplées aux techniques disciplinaires et à l’idée de culture, aboutissent à la caractérisation et à la formation d’objets racialisés et à des stéréotypes. De plus, cet ensemble d’opérations qui fabrique la racialisation, a tendance, avec la sanitarisation et la culturalisation, à naturaliser la différence, à reproduire l’ordre symbolique et à constituer les identités raciales. Par ailleurs, la racialisation apparaît tiraillée entre un pouvoir sur la vie et un pouvoir sur la mort. Enfin, cette étude propose une alternative postraciale qui envisage la constitution des groupes humains de manière fluide et déterritorialisée.


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Cette thèse invite à reconceptualiser le récit dominant quant au parcours d’hommes immigrants de sexualités non normatives. Loin d’être une migration de la tradition vers la modernité, de l’oppression vers la libération, leur parcours est davantage un récit complexe de mobilité et de visibilité inscrit dans des rapports sociaux inégaux. Loin d’être un déchirement entre une «communauté ethnique» homophobe et la «communauté gaie» raciste, leur récit en est un de liens affectifs (r)établis au fil d’interactions sociales significatives. À l’intersection de normes multiples et contradictoires, on constate un processus de (re)formation de subjectivités, à la fois contraintes et habilités par ces normes. Deux corpus sont conjugués, soit l’analyse critique des représentations visuelles et textuelles de la différence ethnique et religieuse dans trois principaux magazines gais québécois et l’analyse par théorisation ancrée d’entretiens semi-dirigés. Ces entretiens ont été menés à Montréal auprès de trente hommes immigrants ayant des relations amoureuses et/ou sexuelles avec d’autres hommes. Les images analysées montrent une tendance à réduire le corps d’hommes de couleur à des objets érotiques et exotiques sur les couvertures des magazines. De plus, les textes avancent un récit de libération sexuelle par la migration qui reproduit les dichotomies dominantes. Un récit beaucoup plus complexe émerge toutefois de l’analyse des entretiens. D’une part, l’expérience de la migration est modulée par divers phénomènes sociaux au-delà de la seule libération sexuelle et l’homophobie se révèle insuffisante pour comprendre le statut des sexualités non normatives, tant dans les pays d’origine que dans les «communautés ethniques» : c’est davantage l’hétéronormativité qui a pour effet de rendre inférieures certaines pratiques de genre et de sexualités. D’autre part, l’expérience de cette visibilité contrainte ne s’exprime que très partiellement par l’idée du «placard» : ces hommes expriment plutôt le vaste potentiel d’expérience d’un espace «tacite» permettant, pour plusieurs, de vivre leur sexualité non normative sans la dire explicitement. Au contraire du rejet des accommodements religieux exprimé dans les magazines gais, les entretiens montrent finalement un réel potentiel d’accommodation du religieux et du sexuel qui, en dépit de tensions, préserve la foi religieuse ou spiritualité tout en vivant la sexualité.


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Las marchas en defensa de los derechos de immigrantes, realizadas el primero de mayo en los Estados Unidos, congregaron a más cantidad de gente que ninguna otra en la historia de la nación. Mientras para muchos estas marchas representaron el deseo por la asimilación en los Estados Unidos, en las mismas se expresó una diversidad de sujetos con múltiples agendas. En general, estas agendas corresponden a la diversidad de experiencias de inmigración y racialización en los Estados Unidos. Este trabajo ofrece un mapa conceptual para entender estas diferencias en los latinos/as de Estados Unidos, y explora las fuentes y posibilidades de una agenda de descolonización radical.


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Models of Immigrant Political Incorporation brings together a multidisciplinary group of scholars to consider pathways by which immigrants may be incorporated into the political processes of western democracies. It builds on a rich tradition of studying immigrant incorporation, but each chapter innovates by moving beyond singular accounts of particular groups and locations toward a general causal model with the scope and breadth to apply across groups, places, and time. Models of Immigrant Political Incorporation addresses three key analytic questions: what, if anything, are the distinctive features of immigrants or immigrant groups? How broadly should one define and study politics? What are the initial premises for analyzing pathways toward incorporation; does one learn more by starting from an assumption of racialization and exclusion or from an assumption of engagement and inclusion? While all models engage with all three key analytic questions, chapters vary in their relative focus on one or another, and in the answers they provide. Most include graphical illustrations of the model, as well as extended examples applying the model to one or more immigrant populations. At a time when research on immigrant political incorporation is rapidly accumulating - and when immigrants are increasingly significant political actors in many democratic polities — this volume makes a timely and valuable intervention by pushing researchers to articulate causal dynamics, provide clear definitions and measurable concepts, and develop testable hypotheses. Furthermore, the wide array of frameworks examining how immigrants become part of a polity or are shunted aside ensure that activists and analysts alike will find useful insights. By including historians, sociologists, and political scientists, by ranging across North America and Western Europe, by addressing successful and failed incorporative efforts, this handbook offers guides for anyone seeking to develop a dynamic, unified, and supple model of immigrant political incorporation.


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El artículo presenta la reflexión de Frantz Fanon sobre la "nación" y, en particular, sobre la "cultura nacional". La obra de Fanon es una llave genealógica para discutir los procesos críticos del colonialismo contemporáneo. Sus textos analizan la racialización de las relaciones sociales en el mundo colonial y proponen que la tarea descolonizadora es una que afecta las tramas más profundas de la subjetividad. En tal sentido, su reflexión reconoce momentos cruciales de este proceso en la lengua colonial y en los cuerpos sometidos a las operaciones de la racialización. Ambos escenarios conforman el medio desde donde Fanon imagina una política descolonizadora que desemboca en el espacio de la cultura nacional.


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La discriminación por aspecto físico, y más en particular, el trato diferenciado hacia personas cuyos rasgos remiten a un origen entendido como indígena o no-europeo, constituye un problema escasamente tratado en los estudios de la desigualdad en la Argentina. Esta carencia, sumada a la falta de una articulación en las explicaciones de estos mecanismos relacionados con las desigualdades derivadas de las condiciones de clase, con frecuencia opacan el estudio del fenómeno profundizando sus efectos de invisibilidad. En este sentido, se mantienen ocultas las dificultades que afrontan quienes poseen estos rasgos para sobreponerse a prejuicios que reeditan cotidianamente principios racistas que asocian los rasgos nativos con la delincuencia, la falta de capacidades y saberes y, en términos generales, con la inferioridad socialmente entendida. En este artículo se investiga la incidencia del trato desigual basado en el aspecto físico -en particular, en el color de piel- sobre los logros laborales en una muestra de 2.500 personas de grandes centros urbanos de la Argentina en el año 2007. La discriminación por rasgos físicos, como efecto de la persistencia de principios operativos basados en la racialización de las interacciones sociales, pone de manifiesto la continuidad de principios jerárquicos, simbólicos y materiales que obstruyen la posibilidad de una mayor igualdad en el desarrollo cotidiano de las condiciones de vida de las personas


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La discriminación por aspecto físico, y más en particular, el trato diferenciado hacia personas cuyos rasgos remiten a un origen entendido como indígena o no-europeo, constituye un problema escasamente tratado en los estudios de la desigualdad en la Argentina. Esta carencia, sumada a la falta de una articulación en las explicaciones de estos mecanismos relacionados con las desigualdades derivadas de las condiciones de clase, con frecuencia opacan el estudio del fenómeno profundizando sus efectos de invisibilidad. En este sentido, se mantienen ocultas las dificultades que afrontan quienes poseen estos rasgos para sobreponerse a prejuicios que reeditan cotidianamente principios racistas que asocian los rasgos nativos con la delincuencia, la falta de capacidades y saberes y, en términos generales, con la inferioridad socialmente entendida. En este artículo se investiga la incidencia del trato desigual basado en el aspecto físico -en particular, en el color de piel- sobre los logros laborales en una muestra de 2.500 personas de grandes centros urbanos de la Argentina en el año 2007. La discriminación por rasgos físicos, como efecto de la persistencia de principios operativos basados en la racialización de las interacciones sociales, pone de manifiesto la continuidad de principios jerárquicos, simbólicos y materiales que obstruyen la posibilidad de una mayor igualdad en el desarrollo cotidiano de las condiciones de vida de las personas


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La discriminación por aspecto físico, y más en particular, el trato diferenciado hacia personas cuyos rasgos remiten a un origen entendido como indígena o no-europeo, constituye un problema escasamente tratado en los estudios de la desigualdad en la Argentina. Esta carencia, sumada a la falta de una articulación en las explicaciones de estos mecanismos relacionados con las desigualdades derivadas de las condiciones de clase, con frecuencia opacan el estudio del fenómeno profundizando sus efectos de invisibilidad. En este sentido, se mantienen ocultas las dificultades que afrontan quienes poseen estos rasgos para sobreponerse a prejuicios que reeditan cotidianamente principios racistas que asocian los rasgos nativos con la delincuencia, la falta de capacidades y saberes y, en términos generales, con la inferioridad socialmente entendida. En este artículo se investiga la incidencia del trato desigual basado en el aspecto físico -en particular, en el color de piel- sobre los logros laborales en una muestra de 2.500 personas de grandes centros urbanos de la Argentina en el año 2007. La discriminación por rasgos físicos, como efecto de la persistencia de principios operativos basados en la racialización de las interacciones sociales, pone de manifiesto la continuidad de principios jerárquicos, simbólicos y materiales que obstruyen la posibilidad de una mayor igualdad en el desarrollo cotidiano de las condiciones de vida de las personas


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Garner seeks to explain the absence of far-right political formations in the history of the Republic of Ireland, especially in relation to immigration. He argues that the ‘mainstream’ nationalist parties have implemented a racialized governance of Ireland via the issue of citizenship (in the referendum of 2004). While hegemonic ideas on the racial purity of indigenous populations and the highly ambivalent attitudes and policies on immigration pursued over the last decade are characteristic of a broader European trend, this has not, in the Republic, been accompanied by meaningful far-right political mobilization. Ireland has frequently been seen as sui generis in political terms, and indeed emerges in some ways as a counter-case: increasing hostility towards Others has been identified in the midst of rapid economic growth and political stability. A variety of issues related to the country’s political development have given rise to an especially small left-wing vote, a nationalist centre ground and longlasting domination by a single populist party, Fianna Fa´ il. This party has been partnered in government since 1997 by a free-market party, the Progressive Democrats, who have contributed to Ireland’s movement towards neo-liberal policies and a highly functional approach to immigration. The transition from country of emigration to country of immigration has thus taken place against an ideological backdrop in which the imperatives of labour demand and consolidating domestic support for reform have made an uneasy match, resulting in the racialization of Irishness. The state has, however, amended the Constitution in order to qualify jus soli citizenship entitlement in the case of particular categories of people: those whose parents are not Irish nationals. The significant stakes of these changes are analysed in the context of state responses to Eire’s transition to a country of immigration, and the role of nationalist-populism in the country’s political culture.


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The intellectual project of using whiteness as an explicit tool of analysis is not one that has taken root in Britain. However, there are a number of empirical studies that investigate the racialization of white identities. In this article, I look at some empirical sociological fieldwork carried out on white identities in Britain since the early 1990s and identify the key themes arising. These themes are (in)visibility, norms and values, cultural capital and integration, contingent hierarchies and Empire in the present. In Britain, a pertinent distinction is between rural and urban settings for the enactment of white identities vis-a`-vis those of minorities, and there is an exploration of some of the contingency that draws the boundary between ‘white’ and ‘Other’ in different places. Areas of commonality and distinctiveness are noted in terms of the American work. In the last section, I argue that there are a number of issues to resolve around continuing such studies, including linking the micro-level to the macro-level analysis, and expanding to international comparative work.


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The Irish have been relentlessly racialized in their diaspora settings, yet little historical work engages with “race” to understand Irish history on the island of Ireland. This article provides an interpretation of two key periods of Irish history—the second half of the sixteenth century and the period since 1996—through the lens of racialization. I argue that Ireland's history is exceptional in its capacity to reveal key elements of the history of the development of race as an idea and a set of practices. The English colonization of Ireland was underpinned by a form of racism reliant on linking bodies to unchanging hierarchically stacked cultures, without reference to physical differences. For example, the putative unproductiveness of the Gaelic Irish not only placed them at a lower level of civilization than the industrious English but it also authorizes increasingly draconian ways of dealing with the Irish populace. The period since 1996, during which Ireland has become a country of immigration, illustrates how racism has undergone a transformation into the object of official state policies to eliminate it. Yet it flourishes as part of a globalized set of power relations that has brought immigrants to the developing Irish economy. In response to immigration the state simultaneously exerts neoliberal controls and reduces pathways to citizenship through residence while passing antiracism legislation. Today, the indigenous nomadic Travellers and asylum seekers are the ones that are seen as pathologically unproductive. Irish history thus demonstrates that race is not only about color but also very much about culture. It also illustrates notable elements of the West's journey from racism without race to racism without racists.


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We hear much about 'race' and 'racism' in public discourse, but these terms are frequently used without clear definitions or practical examples of how these phenomena actually work. Racisms introduces practical methods which enable students to think coherently and sociologically about this complex feature of the global landscape. This text: - Defines 'race', 'racism' 'instiutional racism' and 'racialization' - Provides examples of how these function in fields like the natural sciences and asylum seeking - Clearly sets out theoretical arguments around collective identities ('race', class, gender, nation, religion) - Uses empirical case studies, including some drawn from the author's own fieldwork - Points students and other readers toward sources of further web and text-based information.


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The sociocultural mythology of the South homogenizes it as a site of abjection. To counter the regionalist discourse, the dissertation intersects queer sexualities with gender and race and focuses on exploring identity and spatial formation among Black lesbian and queer women. The dissertation seeks to challenge the monolith of the South and place the region into multiple contexts and to map Black geographies through an intentional intersectional account of Black queer women. The dissertation utilizes qualitative research methods to ascertain understandings of lived experiences in the production of space. The dissertation argues that an idea of Progress has been indoctrinated as a synonym for the lgbtq civil rights movement and subsequently provides an analysis of progress discourses and queer sexualities and political campaigns of equality in the South. Analyses revealed different ways to situate progress utilizing the public contributions of three Black women interviewed for the dissertation. Moreover, the dissertation utilizes six Black queer and lesbian women to explain the multifarious nature of identities and their construction in place. Black queer and lesbian women produce spaces that deconstruct the normativity of stasis and physicality, and the dissertation explores the consequential realities of being a body in space. These consequences are particularly highlighted in the dissertation by discussions of the processes of racialization in the bounded and unbounded senses of space and place and the impacts of religious institutions, specifically Christianity. The dissertation concluded that no space is without complication. Other considerations should be made in the advancement of alleviating oppression deeply embedded in United States landscapes. Black women’s geographies offer epistemological and ontological renderings that enrich analyses of space, place, and landscape. The dissertation also concludes that Black women’s bodies represent sites for the production of geographic knowledge through narrating their spaces of material trajectories of interlocking, multiscalar lives.