15 resultados para Raccoons
Tuberculosis due to Mycobacterium bovis infection is endemic in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in the northeastern portion of the lower Michigan peninsula (USA). Various wild carnivores and omnivores, including raccoons (Procyon lotor), are infected with M. bovis within the endemic area. To investigate the pathogenesis of tuberculosis in raccoons and the likelihood of M. bovis transmission from infected raccoons to other susceptible hosts, we experimentally inoculated raccoons with single oral doses of M. bovis (ranging from 30 to 1.7 x 105 colony forming units [CFU]), five daily oral doses of M. bovis (ranging from 10 to 1 x 105 CFU), or a single intravenous (IV) dose of 1 x 105 CFU of M. bovis, from November 1998 through December 2000. Granulomatous lesions consistent with tuberculosis, or tissue colonization with M. bovis, were seen in one of five raccoons in the single low oral dose group, one of five raccoons in the multiple low oral dose group, two of five raccoons in the multiple medium oral dose group, five of five raccoons in the multiple high oral dose group, and five of five raccoons in the IV inoculated group. In orally inoculated raccoons, lesions were most common in the tracheobronchial and mesenteric lymph nodes and lung. Excretion of M. bovis in saliva or nasal secretions was noted in all IV inoculated raccoons and two of five multiple low oral dose raccoons. Mycobacterium bovis was not isolated from urine or feces from any experimentally inoculated raccoons. The need for multiple large oral doses to establish infection, and the low number of orally inoculated raccoons that excreted M. bovis in nasal secretions or saliva, suggest that widespread tuberculosis among raccoons is unlikely.
Raccoons are the reservoir for the raccoon rabies virus variant in the United States. To combat this threat, oral rabies vaccination (ORV) programs are conducted in many eastern states. To aid in these efforts, the genetic structure of raccoons (Procyon lotor) was assessed in southwestern Pennsylvania to determine if select geographic features (i.e., ridges and valleys) serve as corridors or hindrances to raccoon gene flow (e.g., movement) and, therefore, rabies virus trafficking in this physiographic region. Raccoon DNA samples (n = 185) were collected from one ridge site and two adjacent valleys in southwestern Pennsylvania (Westmoreland, Cambria, Fayette, and Somerset counties). Raccoon genetic structure within and among these study sites was characterized at nine microsatellite loci. Results indicated that there was little population subdivision among any sites sampled. Furthermore, analyses using a model-based clustering approach indicated one essentially panmictic population was present among all the raccoons sampled over a reasonably broad geographic area (e.g., sites up to 36 km apart). However, a signature of isolation by distance was detected, suggesting that widths of ORV zones are critical for success. Combined, these data indicate that geographic features within this landscape influence raccoon gene flow only to a limited extent, suggesting that ridges of this physiographic system will not provide substantial long-term natural barriers to rabies virus trafficking. These results may be of value for future ORV efforts in Pennsylvania and other eastern states with similar landscapes.
The western spread of raccoon rabies in Alabama has been slow and even appears to regress eastward periodically. While the disease has been present in the state for over 30 years, areas in northwest Alabama are devoid of raccoon rabies. This variation resulting in an enzootic area of raccoon rabies primarily in southeastern Alabama may be due to landscape features that hinder the movement of raccoons (i.e., gene flow) among different locations. We used 11 raccoon-specific microsatellite markers to obtain individual genotypes to examine gene flow among areas that were rabies free, enzootic with rabies, or had only sporadic reports of the disease. Samples from 70 individuals were collected from 5 sampling localities in 3 counties. The landscape feature data were collected from geographic information system (GIS) data. We inferred gene flow by estimating FST and by using Bayesian tests to identify genetic clusters. Estimates of pairwise FST indicated genetic differentiation and restricted gene flow between some sites, and an uneven distribution of genetic clusters was observed. Of the landscape features examined (i.e., land cover, elevation, slope, roads, and hydrology), only land cover had an association with genetic differentiation, suggesting this landscape variable may affect gene flow among raccoon populations and thus the spread of raccoon variant of rabies in Alabama.
Rhodamine B is a dye that when ingested results in fluorescent bands in growing hair and whiskers of many mammals. Previous research at Wildlife Services’ (WS) National Wildlife Research Center (NWRC) found that rhodamine B is a successful biomarker in raccoon whiskers and that raccoons do not have a taste aversion to the dye when it comprises ≤ 3% of a bait. Our study assessed the ease of bait distribution, whisker collection, and evaluation of the biomarker for potential use in the Oral Rabies Vaccination (ORV) program administered by the WS National Rabies Management Program (NRMP). In collaboration with WS operations personnel from Ohio and Michigan, 750 fishmeal polymer baits each containing 150 mg of rhodamine B were hand distributed at NASA’s Plum Brook Station, Sandusky, Ohio in the summer of 2008. Four weeks after baits were distributed whiskers from 162 raccoons were collected. Wildlife Services biologists and technicians evaluated the whiskers for fluorescence using a handheld UV magnifying lamp. Biologists then sent the whiskers to the NWRC, Ft. Collins, Colorado for confirmation of fluorescence under a UV microscope. Results suggest a high level of agreement between the two methods of evaluation. Surveys completed by biologists confirmed that the ease of use, less invasive sampling techniques and promptness of results obtained through the use of rhodamine B are advantageous to the tetracycline biomarker presently used by the ORV program. All participants recommended further evaluation of rhodamine B for its inclusion in future efforts requiring biomarker evaluation.
Gemstone Team Saving Testudo
Le raton laveur (Procyon lotor) est porteur de nombreux parasites dont certains sont des agents de zoonose. Il nous est apparu opportun d’étudier la faune parasitaire intestinale du raton laveur québécois, particulièrement l’espèce Baylisascaris procyonis. L’étude a donc porté sur l’examen de matières fécales (n = 301) et de contenus intestinaux (n = 203) de 351 ratons laveurs provenant de deux programmes gouvernementaux sur la rage du raton laveur et d’excréments (n = 409) provenant de latrines dans des parcs nationaux du Québec. Des oeufs de B. procyonis étaient excrétés par 23,3 % des ratons laveurs, alors que 29,1 % étaient porteurs de vers. La charge parasitaire moyenne des vers B. procyonis de tout stade variait de 8,5 chez les adultes à 27,1 chez les juvéniles. Chez ces derniers, la charge parasitaire était 11,4 fois supérieure à celle des ratons adultes (p < 0,0001) dont 23,7 fois plus de vers immatures (p < 0,0001) et 9,1 fois plus de vers matures (p = 0,01). Le nombre d’oeufs était 24,7 fois plus élevé chez les ratons juvéniles (p = 0,02) et 50,0 fois moins élevé chez la femelle allaitante. La probabilité du raton d’excréter des oeufs l’automne était de 11,1 (IC95 %: 1,21-101,60) par rapport au printemps et de 21,1 (IC95 %: 2,91-153,18) par rapport à l’été (p < 0,01). La sensibilité (Se) et la spécificité (Sp) de la coproscopie comparée à la nécropsie (norme étalon) ont été calculées en se basant sur l’observation des vers matures (Se : 81,8 %; Sp : 97,7 %) et des vers de tout stade (Se : 53,9 %; Sp : 97,0 %). De plus, la recherche des parasites intestinaux nous a permis de découvrir des ookystes de Giardia (6/159), espèce parasitaire nouvellement rapportée chez le raton. En 2007, nous avons trouvé, par échantillonnage unique, des oeufs de B. procyonis dans 15,8 % des latrines (n = 165) identifiées dans des parcs nationaux du sud du Québec et en 2008, par échantillonnage multiple, dans 89,7 % des latrines (n = 26) actives situées dans des secteurs accessibles à l’homme dans trois parcs nationaux de la Montérégie. Le potentiel zoonotique de B. procyonis est un problème de santé publique qui pourrait devenir sérieux étant donné le pourcentage élevé de ratons laveurs qui excrètent le parasite et qui contaminent des secteurs accessibles par les humains.
La leptospirose est une zoonose à distribution mondiale dont la prévalence chez le chat varie géographiquement de 4.8% à 35%. Bien que l’exposition féline à Leptospira spp. soit rapportée dans des études sérologiques, les conséquences cliniques de cette maladie chez le chat sont peu connues. Le but principal de cette étude était de comparer le statut sérologique et de porteur (PCR urinaire) de Leptospira spp. entre des chats sains et des chats atteints de maladie rénale (insulte rénale aigue et maladie rénale chronique de stades IIb, III et IV). Une étude préliminaire pour valider la sensibilité et la spécificité analytiques de la PCR de Leptospira spp. réalisée par le Laboratoire de Diagnostic Moléculaire de la FMV sur l’urine de chat a été effectuée. La validation in vitro a démontré que la technique de PCR est efficace pour déterminer la présence de leptospires pathogènes dans l’urine du chat. Dans le cadre de l’étude principale, 251 chats ont été recrutés entre janvier 2010 et mars 2012,. De ceux-ci, 240 ont été inclus et divisés en 2 groupes (chats sains (C=125) et chats atteints de maladie rénale (MR=115) en se basant sur un examen physique ainsi que sur des résultats d’hématologie, de biochimie et d’analyse d’urine. Tous les chats recrutés ont également été examinés sérologiquement par test de micro-agglutination pour la présence d’anticorps contre Leptospira spp. (résultat considéré positif si ≥1 :100) et par PCR pour la présence de Leptospira spp. dans l’urine. Le pourcentage prédit de séropositivité pour Leptospira spp. était significativement plus élevé chez les chats atteints de maladie rénale (13,7%) que chez les chats sains (5%) (p=0,02). Les sérovars impliqués étaient Pomona (n=16), Bratislava (n=8) et Grippotyphosa (n=1). De plus, les chats séropositifs pour Pomona présentaient des titres significativement plus élevés que pour les autres sérovars (p=0,04). L’excrétion de Leptospira spp. a été confirmée par PCR dans l’urine de huit chats. Des 26 chats séropositifs, quatre (C=2, MR=2) se sont également révélés PCR positifs. La prévalence a été plus élevée chez les chats du groupe MR (5.3%; 6/113) lorsque comparée à celle du groupe C (1.6%; 2/125), mais cette différence ne s’est pas révélée statistiquement significative (C=0,9% , MR= 5,5% ; p = 0,09). L’âge, le sexe et le milieu de vie (urbain versus rural) n’ont pas influencé le statut sérologique ou d’excrétion pour Leptospira spp. Le pourcentage prédit de séropositivité était significativement plus élevée chez les chasseurs (p<0.01) et pendant les mois de juin à août (p=0.02). La présence d’un autre chat à la maison a également significativement augmenté ce pourcentage (p<0.01), mais la présence d’un chien ne l’a pas influencé. Lors de l’évaluation du PCR par le modèle GGE, seules les variables « contact avec raton laveur » et « contact avec mouffettes » sont ressorties statistiquement significatives (p≤0.03). Le rôle que joue Leptospira spp. comme agent étiologique de maladie rénale chez le chat demeure incertain. Toutefois, la différence significative de statut sérologique entre les chats sains et les chats atteints de maladie rénale suggère que la leptospirose pourrait être une cause sous-diagnostiquée de maladie rénale chez cette espèce. Dans cette étude, plusieurs porteurs asymptomatiques ont été identifiés, ce qui suggère que l’espèce féline puisse être un acteur sous-estimé dans la transmission de la bactérie aux humains.
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infections have been little studied in wild and/or domestic animals, which may represent an important indicator of the presence of the pathogen in nature. Road-killed wild animals have been used for surveillance of vectors of zoonotic pathogens and may offer new opportunities for eco-epidemiological studies of paracoccidiodomycosis (PCM). The presence of P. brasiliensis infection was evaluated by Nested-PCR in tissue samples collected from 19 road-killed animals; 3 Cavia aperea (guinea pig), 5 Cerdocyon thous (crab-eating-fox), 1 Dasypus novemcinctus (nine-banded armadillo), 1 Dasypus septemcinctus (seven-banded armadillo), 2 Didelphis albiventris (white-eared opossum), 1 Eira barbara (tayra), 2 Gallictis vittata (grison), 2 Procyon cancrivorus (raccoon) and 2 Sphiggurus spinosus (porcupine). Specific P. brasiliensis amplicons were detected in (a) several organs of the two armadillos and one guinea pig, (b) the lung and liver of the porcupine, and (c) the lungs of raccoons and grisons. P. brasiliensis infection in wild animals from endemic areas might be more common than initially postulated. Molecular techniques can be used for detecting new hosts and mapping 'hot spot' areas of PCM.
Bovine tuberculosis (bovine TB), caused by Mycobacterium bovis, has reemerged in northern Michigan, USA, with detections in white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) in 1994 and in cattle in 1998. Since then, significant efforts have been directed toward reducing deer densities in the area in the hopes of reducing the bovine TB prevalence rate in deer and eliminating spillover of the disease into cattle. Despite the success of the efforts to reduce deer densities, additional cattle herds have become infected. Other mammals can be infected with M. bovis, and some carnivores and omnivores had been found to be infected with the disease in northern Michigan, USA. We conducted a multiyear surveillance effort to detect bovine TB in wild species of mammals in the Michigan, USA, outbreak area. From 2002 to 2004, tissue samples from 1,031 individual animals of 32 species were collected, processed, and cultured for M. bovis. Only 10 (1.0%) were culture-positive for M. bovis (five raccoons [Procyon lotor], four opossums [Didelphis virginiana], and one grey fox [Urocyon cinereoargenteus]). We also found two raccoons and four opossums to be positive for Mycobacterium avium. We collected 503 environmental samples from cattle farms recently identified as bovine TB positive; none yielded positive M. bovis culture results. Finally, we used infrared cameras to document wildlife use of four barns in the area. Many avian and mammalian species of wildlife were observed, with raccoons being the most commonly observed species. This surveillance study identified no new wildlife species that should be considered significant reservoirs of bovine TB in the outbreak area in northern Michigan, USA. However, the relatively high, apparent bovine TB prevalence rates in some carnivorous and omnivorous species, their relatively long life spans, and their frequent use of barns, suggests that removal of raccoons, opossums, foxes, and coyotes (Canis latrans) should be considered when a newly infected farm is depopulated of cattle.
Density, morphometrics, and disease prevalence of raccoon populations were determined in 4 habitats (agriculture, riverine, managed, and forested) in central Alabama. In addition we monitored 71 collared raccoons to determine survival. Density estimates were similar in the agriculture (ag) and riverine habitats in central Alabama with 8 raccoons/km2, and lower in the forested habitat at 5 raccoons/ km2. Retention of juveniles did not appear to contribute to observed higher populations in the riverine and ag habitat. Although the riverine and ag, possibly due to supplemental resources, likely provide better habitat for raccoons, we found only body size in female raccoons to be different across habitats (P = 0.001). Human-caused mortality (either hunting or missing and presumed killed) was the main cause of mortality in several raccoon populations during fall; however, fall survival did not differ between the habitats (χ = 1.47, d.f. = 3, P = 0.69). Although rabies and distemper virus were prevalent in all habitats, they did not appear to contribute to mortality even with a high proportion of the population exhibiting positive CDV titers (ag – 44%, managed- 50%) and rabies titers (managed- 57% and riverine habitat-60%).
• Human/Wildlife Conflicts in Ethiopia -- Jeff Peter sen, Berryman Institute, Utah State University • NADCA 2004 Election • If the Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus) originated in Asia, why is this rat commonly called a Norway rat? • Book Review: When Raccoons Fall through Your Ceiling: The Handbook for Coexisting with Wildlife by Andrea Dawn Lopez. • Antarctic Scientist Dies in Seal Attack: Research scientist, Kirsty Brown was snorkelling in waters close to the Rothera Research Station as part of her studies when a Leopard seal pulled her under. • Giant Lizards Spreading Through the Gulf Coast: Cape Coral, Florida has become a haven for Nile monitor lizards, and their population, which continues to grow, has possibly reached the thousands in the Gulf Coast city. • Monkeypox Outbreak: An Alert • NADCA 2004 Ballot
In the semiarid of the state of Paraíba, the anti-rabies vaccination is not common, most of the local inhabitants who deal with the animals do not know the incidence of the disease in the region. In this study, samples of foxes (Pseudalopex vetulus), insectivorous bats (Molossus molossus), raccoons (Procyon cancrivorous) and domestic animals brains were submitted to the diagnosis of rabies, by using the direct fluorescent antibody technique (d-FAT) and mouse inoculation test (MIT). Of the 581 examined materials, 50 (8.60 %) were positive for d-FAT and 47 (8.09 %) for MIT. From the positive samples for rabies, RNAs were extracted and transformed to cDNA, at the Laboratory of Rabies/Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia/USP, SP. The phylogenetic characterization of the N gene was performed at the Universidade de São Paulo, Faculdade de Medicina Veterinária e Zootecnia, Departamento de Medicina Veterinária Preventiva e Saúde Animal, Universidade Nihon, Faculdade de Ciências Bioresource, Fujisawa, Kanagawa, Japão. Based on the results of genotyping and phylogenetic analyzes, it is concluded that the epidemiology of rabies is complex in the semiarid of Paraíba, with different viral variants being maintained in domestic dogs, foxes, insectivorous bats and vampire bats. All the isolates examined belong to the genotype I of the genus Lyssavirus and it is possible to state that in the region, foxes are important sylvatic reservoirs of the rabies virus.
Recombinant pox viruses have been generated for vaccination against heterologous pathogens. Amongst these, the following are notable examples. (i) The engineering of the Copenhagen strain of vaccinia virus to express the rabies virus glycoprotein. When applied in baits, this recombinant has been shown to vaccinate the red fox in Europe and raccoons in the United States, stemming the spread of rabies virus infection in the wild. (ii) A fowlpox-based recombinant expressing the Newcastle disease virus fusion and hemagglutinin glycoproteins has been shown to protect commercial broiler chickens for their lifetime when the vaccine was administered at 1 day of age, even in the presence of maternal immunity against either the Newcastle disease virus or the pox vector. (iii) Recombinants of canarypox virus, which is restricted for replication to avian species, have provided protection against rabies virus challenge in cats and dogs, against canine distemper virus, feline leukemia virus, and equine influenza virus disease. In humans, canarypox virus-based recombinants expressing antigens from rabies virus, Japanese encephalitis virus, and HIV have been shown to be safe and immunogenic. (iv) A highly attenuated vaccinia derivative, NYVAC, has been engineered to express antigens from both animal and human pathogens. Safety and immunogenicity of NYVAC-based recombinants expressing the rabies virus glycoprotein, a polyprotein from Japanese encephalitis virus, and seven antigens from Plasmodium falciparum have been demonstrated to be safe and immunogenic in early human vaccine studies.
Includes bibliography.