19 resultados para RS485
A significant issue encountered when fusing data received from multiple sensors is the accuracy of the timestamp associated with each piece of data. This is particularly important in applications such as Simultaneous Localisation and Mapping (SLAM) where vehicle velocity forms an important part of the mapping algorithms; on fastmoving vehicles, even millisecond inconsistencies in data timestamping can produce errors which need to be compensated for. The timestamping problem is compounded in a robot swarm environment due to the use of non-deterministic readily-available hardware (such as 802.11-based wireless) and inaccurate clock synchronisation protocols (such as Network Time Protocol (NTP)). As a result, the synchronisation of the clocks between robots can be out by tens-to-hundreds of milliseconds making correlation of data difficult and preventing the possibility of the units performing synchronised actions such as triggering cameras or intricate swarm manoeuvres. In this thesis, a complete data fusion unit is designed, implemented and tested. The unit, named BabelFuse, is able to accept sensor data from a number of low-speed communication buses (such as RS232, RS485 and CAN Bus) and also timestamp events that occur on General Purpose Input/Output (GPIO) pins referencing a submillisecondaccurate wirelessly-distributed "global" clock signal. In addition to its timestamping capabilities, it can also be used to trigger an attached camera at a predefined start time and frame rate. This functionality enables the creation of a wirelessly-synchronised distributed image acquisition system over a large geographic area; a real world application for this functionality is the creation of a platform to facilitate wirelessly-distributed 3D stereoscopic vision. A ‘best-practice’ design methodology is adopted within the project to ensure the final system operates according to its requirements. Initially, requirements are generated from which a high-level architecture is distilled. This architecture is then converted into a hardware specification and low-level design, which is then manufactured. The manufactured hardware is then verified to ensure it operates as designed and firmware and Linux Operating System (OS) drivers are written to provide the features and connectivity required of the system. Finally, integration testing is performed to ensure the unit functions as per its requirements. The BabelFuse System comprises of a single Grand Master unit which is responsible for maintaining the absolute value of the "global" clock. Slave nodes then determine their local clock o.set from that of the Grand Master via synchronisation events which occur multiple times per-second. The mechanism used for synchronising the clocks between the boards wirelessly makes use of specific hardware and a firmware protocol based on elements of the IEEE-1588 Precision Time Protocol (PTP). With the key requirement of the system being submillisecond-accurate clock synchronisation (as a basis for timestamping and camera triggering), automated testing is carried out to monitor the o.sets between each Slave and the Grand Master over time. A common strobe pulse is also sent to each unit for timestamping; the correlation between the timestamps of the di.erent units is used to validate the clock o.set results. Analysis of the automated test results show that the BabelFuse units are almost threemagnitudes more accurate than their requirement; clocks of the Slave and Grand Master units do not di.er by more than three microseconds over a running time of six hours and the mean clock o.set of Slaves to the Grand Master is less-than one microsecond. The common strobe pulse used to verify the clock o.set data yields a positive result with a maximum variation between units of less-than two microseconds and a mean value of less-than one microsecond. The camera triggering functionality is verified by connecting the trigger pulse output of each board to a four-channel digital oscilloscope and setting each unit to output a 100Hz periodic pulse with a common start time. The resulting waveform shows a maximum variation between the rising-edges of the pulses of approximately 39¥ìs, well below its target of 1ms.
本文简要介绍了采用S3C4510B ARM7微处理器设计网关的方法。S3C4510B是一款基于ARM7TDMI内核的32/16位RISC微处理器,采用免费的uClinux作为操作系统,支持多任务、FTP服务和TELNET服务。采用该模块可以实现工业现场总线RS485和以太网的高速数据协议转换。构建高速的DCS系统。
该文介绍一种能利用RS 485总线标准,采用自定义串行通信协议,实现CSR控制子系统中的总线通讯的方法。并给出总线硬件电路和相应的软件实现流程图。
HIRFL-CSR(兰州重离子冷却储存环)是国家“九五”重大科学工程之一。CSR控制系统是保证CSR正常运行的重要环节。这是一个基于以太网的分布式控制系统,它由两部分组成:总体控制服务器系统和前端控制服务器系统。 本文介绍了应用于CSR前端控制系统中的嵌入式总线控制器。首先介绍了嵌入式总线控制器的硬件设计方案。系统以32位高速双以太网处理器JUPITER为核心。JUPITER是一款低成本、高性能、建立在以太网系统基础之上的处理器。该系统的外阴电路主要包括存储模块、接日模块、总线控制模块。接口模块有RS485、RS232和网络接口电路。其次论述了嵌入式操作系统uClinux的体系结构以及uClinux与标准Linux的不同之处。论文从uClinux的内核结构出发,讨论了源代码的组织结构,概括分析了uClinuxlj勺内存管理、进程管理。最后介绍了uClinujx统的移植方法和应用实现。uClinux移植主要包括引导装载程序、uClinux内核和文件系统三个部分。在引导装载程序的移植过程中,论文重点给出了一种固化引导装载程序的方法;在uClinux内核移植中,讨沦了交叉编译环境l为建立和uClinux内核配置方法,总结了uClinux内核移植的层次结构和具体的移植过程。沦文通过对嵌入式处理器的分析,以及对嵌入式操作系统移植的探讨,展示了嵌入式系统开发的核心技术,对眠入系统的开发应用具有一定的实际意义。