951 resultados para ROUND-LEAVED MALLOW


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The basidiomycete Moniliophthora perniciosa is the causal agent of witches` broom disease of Theobroma cacao (cacao). Pathogenesis mechanisms of this hemibiotrophic fungus are largely unknown. An approach to identify putative pathogenicity genes is searching for sequences induced in mycelia grown under in vitro conditions. Using this approach, genes from M. perniciosa induced under limiting nitrogen and light were identified from a cDNA library enriched by suppression subtractive hybridization as potential putative pathogenicity genes. From the 159 identified unique sequences, 59 were annotated and classified by gene ontology. Two sequences were categorized as ""Defence genes, Virulence, and Cell response"" presumably coding for allergenic proteins, whose homologues from other fungi are inducers of animal or plant defences. Differential gene expression was evaluated by quantitative amplification of reversed transcripts (RT-qPCR) of the putative identified genes coding for the two allergenic proteins (Aspf13 and 88KD), and for the enzymes Arylsulfatase (AS); Aryl-Alcohol Oxidase; Aldo-Keto Reductase (AK); Cytochrome P450 (P450); Phenylalanine Ammonia-Lyase; and Peroxidase from mycelia grown under contrasting N concentrations. All genes were validated for differential expression, except for the putative Peroxidase. The same eight genes were analysed for expression in susceptible plants inoculated with M. perniciosa, and six were induced during the early asymptomatic stage of the disease. In infected host tissues, transcripts of 88KD and AS were found more abundant at the biotrophic phase, while those from Aspf13, AK, PAL, and P450 accumulated at the necrotrophic phase, enabling to suggest that mycelia transition from biotrophic to necrotrophic might occur earlier than currently considered. These sequences appeared to be virulence life-style genes, which encode factors or enzymes that enable invasion, colonization or intracellular survival, or manipulate host factors to benefit the pathogen`s own survival in the hostile environment. (C) 2010 The British Mycological Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The objective of this study was to evaluate the performance and to estimate costs of two round baling systems for harvesting understory biomass. One system was a cutter-shredderbaler prototype (Bio-baler). The other system required two successive operations. The first operation was cutting and shredding with a Supertrak tractor equipped with a Fecon mulcher head. The second operation was baling with a Claas baler. The machines were evaluated in three different pine stands on the Osceola National Forest in Florida, United States. Data collection included time study, fuel consumption and bale measurements. Material was collected from a sample of bales for heat and moisture content determination. On the most representative site (Site 2), the Bio-baler recovered 8.05 green t ha(-1) while the mulcher and the Claas baler recovered 9.75 green t ha(-1) (43 and 52 percent of original understory biomass, respectively). Productivity was 0.30 ha h(-1) for the Bio-baler and 0.51 ha h(-1) for the Claas baler. Density of the bales was 321 green kg m(-3) for the Bio-baler and 373 green kg m(-3) for the Claas baler. Average net heat content was 6263 MJ bale(-1) for the Bio-baler and 6695 MJ bale(-1) for the Claas baler with biomass containing 38 percent of moisture content on a wet basis. cost per unit area was less with the Bio-baler (US$320.91 ha(-1)) than with the mulcher-baler system (US$336.62-US$596.77 ha(-1)). Published by Elsevier Ltd.


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Malva parviflora L. populations were collected from 24 locations across the Mediterranean-climatic agricultural region of Western Australia and grown in Perth in a common garden experiment. Seventeen morphometric and taxonomic measurements were taken and genetic variation was investigated by performing principal components analysis (PCA). Taxonomic measurements confirmed that all plants used in the study were M. parviflora. Greater variation occurred within populations than between populations. Separation between populations was only evident between northern and southern populations along principal components 2 (PC2), which was due mainly to flowering time. Flowering time and consequently photoperiod were highly correlated with latitude and regression analysis revealed a close relationship (r(2) = 0.6). Additionally, the pollination system of M. parviflora was examined. Plants were able to self-pollinate without the need for external vectors and the pollen ovule ratio (31 +/- 1.3) revealed that M. parviflora is most likely to be an obligate inbreeder with a slight potential for outcrossing. The limited variation of M. parviflora enhances the likelihood of suitable control strategies being effective across a broad area.


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Whereas in other Australian states voluntary organizations set up and managed infant health clinics and state governments only later became involved, in order to resolve conflicts or raise standards, Queensland began with government control. From the start, these well-baby clinics were established and maintained by the state government, whose policy precluded any involvement by the voluntary sector in baby clinic management or other aspects of the work of the Maternal and Child Welfare section of the Department of Health and Home Affairs. One organization, the Mothercraft Association of Queensland, attempted to contribute to maternal-infant welfare in the years 1931-1961. This article will discuss how the association worked in a way that was complementary to the government's work, and non-confrontationist, to achieve some of its goals.


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When the existence in Utrecht of the DeWitt/Van Buchel drawing of the Swan Theater became known in 1888, William Poel was already seven years into his inquiries into the best means of staging the public amphitheater and great hall plays of the English Renaissance.1 I mention this to emphasize that the discourse came before the fact: the belief that Shakespeare's plays are best staged as it was then imprecisely imagined they had once been staged-simply, without elaborate settings or time-consuming scene changes, with direct actor-audience address, "in-the-round"-had as much to do with reactions against the late nineteenth-century stage's pictorialism, with its set-changing interruptions and cut-and-paste revisions to Shakespeare's texts, as it had to do with presenting the Bard "authentically." Some of the confusion caused by the uneasy mixing of historical scholarship and the assumptions and practices of our own contemporary theater profession can be glimpsed in the phenomenon of modern in-the-round staging, often claimed as a more "authentic" approach to Shakespeare in performance, but one which is then modified to make possible post-Stanislavsky acting methods and to satisfy modern audience expectations.


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We analyze the sequences of round-off errors of the orbits of a discretized planar rotation, from a probabilistic angle. It was shown [Bosio & Vivaldi, 2000] that for a dense set of parameters, the discretized map can be embedded into an expanding p-adic dynamical system, which serves as a source of deterministic randomness. For each parameter value, these systems can generate infinitely many distinct pseudo-random sequences over a finite alphabet, whose average period is conjectured to grow exponentially with the bit-length of the initial condition (the seed). We study some properties of these symbolic sequences, deriving a central limit theorem for the deviations between round-off and exact orbits, and obtain bounds concerning repetitions of words. We also explore some asymptotic problems computationally, verifying, among other things, that the occurrence of words of a given length is consistent with that of an abstract Bernoulli sequence.


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This article examines China's proposals on the reform of global governance, and discusses the main features of China's proposing behavior in the cases of the WTO Doha Round negotiation and G-20 Process. The main findings are: (1) in the critical junctures of global governance reform, China engaged the reform of the global governance institutions proactively, and put forward a series of reform proposals; (2) in proposing behavior, China argued the global governance institutions should be properly adjusted without intention to change the basic principles, refrained from playing a leadership role while proposing jointly with other countries, and upheld the principled idea of pro-development.


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No período de agosto de 1987 a setembro de 1988, 193 amostras de fezes de crianças, com e sem sintomatologia diarréica aguda, foram submetidas às provas diagnósticas do ensaio imunoenzimático (EIE), eletroforese em gel de poliacrilamida (EGPA) e microscopia eletrônica (ME) para a detecção de vírus. A positividade para Rotavírus, Adenovírus, Astrovírus, Calicivírus e "Small Round Virus Particles" (SRVP) foi encontrada nas 97 crianças com diarréia aguda em 11,3%, 3,1%, 2,1%, l,0%e4,l%, respectivamente. Das 96 crianças sem diarréia, 4,2% foram positivas para Rotavírus, 1,0% para Calicivírus e 7,3% para SRVP. Das 15 amostras positivas para Rotavírus, 14 apresentaram perfil eletroforético característico do Grupo A e 1 amostra do Grupo C. A análise dos eletroforotipos demonstrou a grande heterogeneidade de perfis e a predominância do perfil "longo". A associação de vírus, bactéria e parasita foi encontrada tanto em crianças com diarréia como em crianças sem diarréia.


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Despite the extensive research that has been conducted on the debonding behaviour of FRP strengthening systems, no standard methodology has been yet established on its experimental characterization. In this context, to assess the performance and reliability of small scale testing on NSM (near surface mounted) FRP strengthening systems, an experimental program was carried out on a series of nine NSM FRP strengthening systems, in the framework of an international Round Robin Testing (RRT). Eleven laboratories and seven manufacturers and suppliers participated in this extensive international exercise, which regarded both NSM and EBR FRP strengthening systems. Test results obtained for the NSM systems by the participating laboratories are discussed and compared in this paper to investigate the feasibility of the adopted single/double pulling shear test method, to investigate the mechanism of bond between NSM FRP reinforcement and concrete, and to investigate the level of variability obtained between the participating laboratories testing the same material batches. It is concluded that the tested variants in the adopted single/double shear pulling test have a significant influence, stressing the importance of the level of detail of standardized test protocols for bond verification. On overall, given the variants included in this study, the obtained variation in bond stress-slip behaviour between the laboratories remained fairly limited.