985 resultados para ROOT DEVELOPMENT
The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different microirrigation designs on root system distribution in wet bulb region, orange orchard yield and quality of orange fruits. The experiment was installed as random blocks with five treatments and four replicates in an orchard of 'Pêra' orange trees grafted on 'Cleopatra' mandarin rootstock. The treatments consisted of: one drip line (T1), two drip lines (T2), four drip lines (T3) per planting row, microsprinkler irrigation (T4) and without irrigation (T5). Irrigation treatments favored yield and ºBrix. The treatment with a single drip line (T1) showed the greatest quantity of roots in relation to the treatments T2 and T3.
The effect of crude xyloglucan (XG) preparations from jatobá (Hymenaea courbaril var. stilbocarpa (Hayne) Y. T. Lee & Langenh.) seeds on Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. root system development was investigated. The XG extracts exerted a dual effect on root system development by slowing down root growth and improving lateral root formation. These observed morphological changes were not due to oligosaccharides that could be generated following hydrolysis of the XG polymers, since XG hydrolysate induced a drastic inhibition of the overall growth process of the Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings. Histochemical test of GUS gene expression assay performed on seven and 14-days-old transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana plants carrying the CycB1;1-GUS fusion indicated that the improvement of the lateral root development by jatobá XG extracts was not correlated with the expression of this cell cycle marker gene in the root system. A potential agricultural application of jatobá seeds XG extract is discussed.
Roots are important to plants for a wide variety of processes, including nutrient and water uptake, anchoring and mechanical support, storage functions, and as the major interface between the plant and various biotic and abiotic factors in the soil environment. Therefore, understanding the development and architecture of roots holds potential for the manipulation of root traits to improve the productivity and sustainability of agricultural systems and to better understand and manage natural ecosystems. While lateral root development is a traceable process along the primary root and different stages can be found along this longitudinal axis of time and development, root system architecture is complex and difficult to quantify. Here, we comment on assays to describe lateral root phenotypes and propose ways to move forward regarding the description of root system architecture, also considering crops and the environment.
The allelopathic potential of leaf extracts from the medicinal plant Myrcia guianensis (Aubl.) DC. was studied in Petri dish bioassays on sorghum and determined the seed germination, germination rate index (GRI), root growth, secondary root number, the genes involved in root development (SHR, PHB, PHV and REV) and microRNA 166 that regulates these genes. The hydroalcoholic extract was more inhibitory than methanol extract (moderate inhibition) and aqueous extract at 25 and 100% concentration were least inhibitory. Application of higher dose of hydroalcoholic M. guianenesis leaf extracts on sorghum seeds, inhibited the root development and changed the expression of SHR and PHB genes and microRNA 166. This suggested that the expression of these genes could be indicator of allelopathic potential for inhibition of root development in sorghum.
Nitrogen and water are essential for plant growth and development. In this study, we designed experiments to produce gene expression data of poplar roots under nitrogen starvation and water deprivation conditions. We found low concentration of nitrogen led first to increased root elongation followed by lateral root proliferation and eventually increased root biomass. To identify genes regulating root growth and development under nitrogen starvation and water deprivation, we designed a series of data analysis procedures, through which, we have successfully identified biologically important genes. Differentially Expressed Genes (DEGs) analysis identified the genes that are differentially expressed under nitrogen starvation or drought. Protein domain enrichment analysis identified enriched themes (in same domains) that are highly interactive during the treatment. Gene Ontology (GO) enrichment analysis allowed us to identify biological process changed during nitrogen starvation. Based on the above analyses, we examined the local Gene Regulatory Network (GRN) and identified a number of transcription factors. After testing, one of them is a high hierarchically ranked transcription factor that affects root growth under nitrogen starvation. It is very tedious and time-consuming to analyze gene expression data. To avoid doing analysis manually, we attempt to automate a computational pipeline that now can be used for identification of DEGs and protein domain analysis in a single run. It is implemented in scripts of Perl and R.
The demand for an alternative and a high potency sweetener to substitute sugar increases year in year out, more so as a high percentage of the world population becomes increasingly diabetic. The alternative natural sweetener at hand has been Stevia rebaudiana Bertoni, a plant species, native to Paraguay and a member of the family compositae. Stevia is usually propagated by stem cuttings due to low percentage (10 %) seed germination, thus limiting large scales cultivation. To cultivate this crop en mass therefore, there is need to evolve efficient rooting techniques. Influences of irradiation from light, and hormones on rooting have been reported. The rooting efficacy in stem cuttings of this crop under varying light wavelengths, dark and hormone factors was investigated. Evaluated parameters include- (i) day of root emergent, (ii) percentage of rooted cuttings, (iii) average number, (iv) length and (v) width, of roots. Analysis of variance at p<.05 revealed that the number, length and width, of roots differed significantly in each case at p<0.000. Light irradiation was highly effective and a necessary factor for rooting in stems cuttings of this crop. The red light-IBA combined factors served best in stem micro-cutting practice and facilitation of effective mass cultivation in stevia crop.
In roots two distinct polar movements of auxin have been reported that may control different developmental and growth events. To test the hypothesis that auxin derived from the shoot and transported toward the root controls lateral root development, the two polarities of auxin transport were uncoupled in Arabidopsis. Local application of the auxin-transport inhibitor naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA) at the root-shoot junction decreased the number and density of lateral roots and reduced the free indoleacetic acid (IAA) levels in the root and [3H]IAA transport into the root. Application of NPA to the basal half of or at several positions along the root only reduced lateral root density in regions that were in contact with NPA or in regions apical to the site of application. Lateral root development was restored by application of IAA apical to NPA application. Lateral root development in Arabidopsis roots was also inhibited by excision of the shoot or dark growth and this inhibition was reversible by IAA. Together, these results are consistent with auxin transport from the shoot into the root controlling lateral root development.
A monogenic dominant mutant of white clover (Trifolium repens L.), designated Mortal, which is defective in the formation of adventitious nodal roots, is described. Mortal plants grown at temperatures ranging from 10 to 25°C do not initiate nodal root primordium development. However, all other aspects of plant development are normal, including the formation of lateral roots and wound-induced adventitious roots. In some genetic backgrounds, the Mortal mutation has a temperature-sensitive conditional phenotype. Mortal plants shifted from growing conditions of 20 to 30°C for 2 to 3 d form nodal root meristems. However, new nodes that develop after plants are returned to 20°C exhibit the mutant phenotype. The capacity to form nodal roots on cuttings placed in water is also influenced by the genetic background of the Mortal mutation. Genetic analysis established that the physiological reversion of Mortal to nodal root formation is controlled by at least two separate dominant genetic loci, one for Nodal water response (Now) and one for Nodal temperature response (Not); the Now locus has a dominant epistatic interaction with the Not locus. The conditional nature of Mortal should provide opportunities for the identification of genetic and physiological mechanisms that influence the development of nodal roots.
The development and the growth of plants is strongly affected by the interactions between roots, rootrnassociated organisms and rhizosphere communities. Methods to assess such interactions are hardly torndevelop particularly in perennial and woody plants, due to their complex root system structure and theirrntemporal change in physiology patterns. In this respect, grape root systems are not investigated veryrnwell. The aim of the present work was the development of a method to assess and predict interactionsrnat the root system of rootstocks (Vitis berlandieri x Vitis riparia) in field. To achieve this aim, grapernphylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae Fitch, Hemiptera, Aphidoidea) was used as a graperoot parasitizingrnmodel.rnTo develop the methodical approach, a longt-term trial (2006-2009) was arranged on a commercial usedrnvineyard in Geisenheim/Rheingau. All 2 to 8 weeks the top most 20 cm of soil under the foliage wallrnwere investigated and root material was extracted (n=8-10). To include temporal, spatial and cultivarrnspecific root system dynamics, the extracted root material was analyzed digitally on the morphologicalrnproperties. The grape phylloxera population was quantified and characterized visually on base of theirrnlarvalstages (oviparous, non oviparous and winged preliminary stages). Infection patches (nodosities)rnwere characterized visually as well, partly supported by digital root color analyses. Due to the knownrneffects of fungal endophytes on the vitality of grape phylloxera infested grapevines, fungal endophytesrnwere isolated from nodosity and root tissue and characterized (morphotypes) afterwards. Further abioticrnand biotic soil conditions of the vineyards were assessed. The temporal, spatial and cultivar specificrnsensitivity of single parameters were analyzed by omnibus tests (ANOVAs) and adjacent post-hoc tests.rnThe relations between different parameters were analyzed by multiple regression models.rnQuantitative parameters to assess the degeneration of nodosity, the development nodosity attachedrnroots and to differentiate between nodosities and other root swellings in field were developed. Significantrndifferences were shown between root dynamic including parameters and root dynamic ignoringrnparameters. Regarding the description of grape phylloxera population and root system dynamic, thernmethod showed a high temporal, spatial and cultivar specific sensitivity. Further, specific differencesrncould be shown in the frequency of endophyte morphotypes between root and nodosity tissue as wellrnas between cultivars. Degeneration of nodosities as well as nodosity occupation rates could be relatedrnto the calculated abundances of grape phylloxera population. Further ecological questions consideringrngrape root development (e.g. relation between moisture and root development) and grape phylloxerarnpopulation development (e.g. relation between temperature and population structure) could be answeredrnfor field conditions.rnGenerally, the presented work provides an approach to evaluate vitality of grape root systems. Thisrnapproach can be useful, considering the development of control strategies against soilborne pests inrnviticulture (e.g. grape phylloxera, Sorospheara viticola, Roesleria subterranea (Weinm.) Redhaed) as well as considering the evaluation of integrated management systems in viticulture.
Direct and simultaneous observation of root growth and plant water uptake is difficult because soils are opaque. X-ray imaging techniques such as projection radiography or Computer Tomography (CT) offer a partial alternative to such limitations. Nevertheless, there is a trade-off between resolution, large field-of-view and 3-dimensionality: With the current state of the technology, it is possible to have any two. In this study, we used X-ray transmission through thin-slab systems to monitor transient saturation fields that develop around roots as plants grow. Although restricted to 2-dimensions, this approach offers a large field-of-view together with high spatial and dynamic resolutions. To illustrate the potential of this technology, we grew peas in 1 cm thick containers filled with soil and imaged them at regular intervals. The dynamics of both the root growth and the water content field that developed around the roots could be conveniently monitored. Compared to other techniques such as X-ray CT, our system is relatively inexpensive and easy to implement. It can potentially be applied to study many agronomic problems, such as issues related to the impact of soil constraints (physical, chemical or biological) on root development.