997 resultados para RNA Transport


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Restriction of proteins to discrete subcellular regions is a common mechanism to establish cellular asymmetries and depends on a coordinated program of mRNA localization and translation control. Many processes from the budding of a yeast to the establishment of metazoan embryonic axes and the migration of human neurons, depend on this type of cell polarization. How factors controlling transport and translation assemble to regulate at the same time the movement and translation of transported mRNAs, and whether these mechanisms are conserved across kingdoms is not yet entirely understood. In this review we will focus on some of the best characterized examples of mRNA transport machineries, the "yeast locasome" as an example of RNA transport and translation control in unicellular eukaryotes, and on the Drosophila Bic-D/Egl/Dyn RNA localization machinery as an example of RNA transport in higher eukaryotes. This focus is motivated by the relatively advanced knowledge about the proteins that connect the localizing mRNAs to the transport motors and the many well studied proteins involved in translational control of specific transcripts that are moved by these machineries. We will also discuss whether the core of these RNA transport machineries and factors regulating mRNA localization and translation are conserved across eukaryotes.


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Salivary gland cells in the larvae of the dipteran Chironomus tentans offer unique possibilities to visualize the assembly and nucleocytoplasmic transport of a specific transcription product. Each nucleus harbors four giant polytene chromosomes, whose transcription sites are expanded, or puffed. On chromosome IV, there are two puffs of exceptional size, Balbiani ring (BR) 1 and BR 2. A BR gene is 35–40 kb, contains four short introns, and encodes a 1-MDa salivary polypeptide. The BR transcript is packed with proteins into a ribonucleoprotein (RNP) fibril that is folded into a compact ring-like structure. The completed RNP particle is released into the nucleoplasm and transported to the nuclear pore, where the RNP fibril is gradually unfolded and passes through the pore. On the cytoplasmic side, the exiting extended RNP fibril becomes engaged in protein synthesis and the ensuing polysome is anchored to the endoplasmic reticulum. Several of the BR particle proteins have been characterized, and their fate during the assembly and transport of the BR particle has been elucidated. The proteins studied are all added cotranscriptionally to the pre-mRNA molecule. The various proteins behave differently during RNA transport, and the flow pattern of each protein is related to the particular function of the protein. Because the cotranscriptional assembly of the pre-mRNP particle involves proteins functioning in the nucleus as well as proteins functioning in the cytoplasm, it is concluded that the fate of the mRNA molecule is determined to a considerable extent already at the gene level.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pränatale Infektionen mit dem humanen Cytomegalovirus (HCMV) sind die häufigste Ursache frühkindlicher Schädigung, noch vor dem Down-Syndrom oder dem fetalen Alkoholsyndrom. Reaktivierung dieses Herpesvirus ist darüber hinaus als lebensbedrohliche Komplikation in der Transplantationsmedizin gefürchtet. Von Experten wurde daher die Entwicklung einer Vakzine vielfach angemahnt. Trotz unterschiedlicher Ansätze zu ihrer Entwicklung ist bisher jedoch kein Impfstoff verfügbar. Die Verwendung von subviralen Dense Bodies (DB) des Virus als Vakzinegrundlage stellt eine vielversprechende Strategie zur HCMV-Impfstoffentwicklung dar. DB enthalten bereits in ihrer natürlichen Form wichtige Zielantigene der humoralen und zellulären Immunantwort gegen HCMV. Durch gezielte Mutation des 230.000 Basenpaare umfassenden Genoms des HCMV konnte in Vorarbeiten der Beweis erbracht werden, dass DB hinsichtlich ihres antigenen Repertoires optimierbar sind. Allerdings waren Immunogenität und erzielte Ausbeuten noch unbefriedigend. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war es, den Ansatz der Verwendung modifizierter DB als Impfstoff-Grundlage weiter zu entwickeln und Erkenntnisse über die für die Partikelbildung entscheidenden molekularen Mechanismen zu erarbeiten. In einem ersten Abschnitt wurde der Ansatz der Modifikation von DB durch Insertion heterologer Peptidantigene in das virale Tegumentprotein pp65 verfeinert. Das pp65 ist die mengenmäßig dominante Komponente von DB. Durch Herstellung und Austestung definierter HCMV Mutanten konnte die Position 175 des pp65 als geeignete Insertionsstelle für virale wie für nicht-virale Antigene identifiziert werden. In einem zweiten Schritt der Arbeit wurde die Rolle des pp65 im Verlauf der viralen Vermehrung und Morphogenese näher untersucht. Grundlage für diese Analysen war eine Virusmutante, die eine dominant-negative Variante des pp65 exprimierte. Vergleichende massenspektrometrische Untersuchungen unter Einbeziehung von pp65-kompetenten und pp65-negativen Virusmutanten zeigten, dass pp65 in der spät-infizierten Zelle mit dem viralen RNA-Exportfaktor pUL69 und der virale Kinase pUL97 komplexiert vorkommt. Das pp65 wurde als Substrat von pUL97 identifiziert. Daneben wurden essentielle Proteine des viralen Replikationsapparates, sowie zelluläre Proteine des RNA-Metabolismus und Transports und virale DNA in diesen Komplexen gefunden. Die Ergebnisse deuteten darauf hin, dass pp65 zu späten Zeitpunkten der viralen Infektion zu Stellen viraler DNA rekrutiert wird und dort regulatorisch in posttranskriptionelle Vorgänge von RNA Prozessierung oder RNA Transport eingreift. Die Hypothese, dass pp65 einen regulatorischen Einfluss auf die RNA-Exportfunktion von pUL69 nimmt, liegt nahe und ist nun in weiteren Analysen prüfbar.


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Protein phosphorylation is involved in posttranslational control of essentially all biological processes. Using mass spectrometry, recent analyses of whole phosphoproteomes led to the identification of numerous new phosphorylation sites. However, the function of most of these sites remained unknown. We chose the Drosophila Bicaudal-D protein to estimate the importance of individual phosphorylation events. Being involved in different cellular processes, BicD is required for oocyte determination, for RNA transport during oogenesis and embryogenesis, and for photoreceptor nuclei migration in the developing eye. The numerous roles of BicD and the available evidence for functional importance of BicD phosphorylation led us to identify eight phosphorylation sites of BicD, and we tested a total of 14 identified and suspected phosphoserine residues for their functional importance in vivo in flies. Surprisingly, all these serines turned out to be dispensable for providing sufficient basal BicD activity for normal growth and development. However, in a genetically sensitized background where the BicD(A40V) protein variant provides only partial activity, serine 103 substitutions are not neutral anymore, but show surprising differences. The S103D substitution completely inactivates the protein, whereas S103A behaves neutral, and the S103F substitution, isolated in a genetic screen, restores BicD(A40V) function. Our results suggest that many BicD phosphorylation events may either be fortuitous or play a modulating function as shown for Ser(103). Remarkably, amongst the Drosophila serines we found phosphorylated, Ser(103) is the only one that is fully conserved in mammalian BicD.


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Cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus (CPV) is unique within the Reoviridae family in having a turreted single-layer capsid contained within polyhedrin inclusion bodies, yet being fully capable of cell entry and endogenous RNA transcription. Biochemical data have shown that the amino-terminal 79 residues of the CPV turret protein (TP) is sufficient to bring CPV or engineered proteins into the polyhedrin matrix for micro-encapsulation. Here we report the three-dimensional structure of CPV at 3.88 A resolution using single-particle cryo-electron microscopy. Our map clearly shows the turns and deep grooves of alpha-helices, the strand separation in beta-sheets, and densities for loops and many bulky side chains; thus permitting atomic model-building effort from cryo-electron microscopy maps. We observed a helix-to-beta-hairpin conformational change between the two conformational states of the capsid shell protein in the region directly interacting with genomic RNA. We have also discovered a messenger RNA release hole coupled with the mRNA capping machinery unique to CPV. Furthermore, we have identified the polyhedrin-binding domain, a structure that has potential in nanobiotechnology applications.


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Fused in sarcoma (FUS), also called translocated in liposarcoma (TLS), is a ubiquitously expressed DNA/RNA binding protein belonging to the TET family and predominantly localized in the nucleus. FUS is proposed to be involved in various RNA metabolic pathways including transcription regulation, nucleo-cytosolic RNA transport, microRNA processing or pre-mRNA splicing [1]. Mutations in the FUS gene were identified in patients with familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) type 6 and sporadic ALS [2, 3]. ALS, also termed Lou Gehrig's disease, is a fatal adult-onset neurodegenerative disease affecting upper and lower motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord. There is increasing evidence supporting the hypothesis that FUS might play an important role in pre-mRNA splicing regulation. Several splicing factors were identified to associate with FUS including hnRNPA2 and C1/C2 [4], Y-box binding protein 1 (YB-1) [5] and serine arginine (SR) proteins (SC35 and TASR) [6]. Additionally, FUS was identified as a constituent of human spliceosomal complexes [1]. Our recent results indicate that FUS has increased affinity for certain but not all snRNPs of the minor and major spliceosome. Furthermore, in vitro studies revealed that FUS directly interacts with a factor specific for one of those snRNPs. These findings might uncover the molecular mechanism by which FUS regulates splicing and could explain previously observed effects of FUS on the splicing of the adenovirus E1A minigene [7] and changes in splicing caused by ALS associated FUS mutations. [1] Lagier-Tourenne C et al. (2010) Human Molecular Genetics 19:46-64 [2] Kwiatkowski TJ Jr et al. (2009) Science 323:1205-8 [3] Vance C et al. (2009) Science 323:1208-11 [4] Zinser H et al. (1994) Genes Dev 8:2513-26 [5] Chansky, H.A., et al. (2001) Cancer Res. 61: 3586-90. [6] Yang L et al. (1998) J Biol Chem 273:27761-6 [7] Kino Y et al. (2010) Nucleic Acid Research 7:2781-2798


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Fused in sarcoma (FUS), also called translocated in liposarcoma (TLS), is a ubiquitously expressed DNA/RNA binding protein belonging to the TET family and predominantly localized in the nucleus. FUS is proposed to be involved in various RNA metabolic pathways including transcription regulation, nucleo-cytosolic RNA transport, microRNA processing or pre-mRNA splicing [1]. Mutations in the FUS gene were identified in patients with familial amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) type 6 and sporadic ALS [2, 3]. ALS, also termed Lou Gehrig's disease, is a fatal adult-onset neurodegenerative disease affecting upper and lower motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord. There is increasing evidence supporting the hypothesis that FUS might play an important role in pre-mRNA splicing regulation. Several splicing factors were identified to associate with FUS including hnRNPA2 and C1/C2 [4], Y-box binding protein 1 (YB-1) [5] and serine arginine (SR) proteins (SC35 and TASR) [6]. Additionally, FUS was identified as a constituent of human spliceosomal complexes [1]. Our recent results indicate that FUS has increased affinity for certain but not all snRNPs of the minor and major spliceosome. Furthermore, in vitro studies revealed that FUS directly interacts with a factor specific for one of those snRNPs. These findings might uncover the molecular mechanism by which FUS regulates splicing and could explain previously observed effects of FUS on the splicing of the adenovirus E1A minigene [7] and changes in splicing caused by ALS associated FUS mutations. [1] Lagier-Tourenne C et al. (2010) Human Molecular Genetics 19:46-64 [2] Kwiatkowski TJ Jr et al. (2009) Science 323:1205-8 [3] Vance C et al. (2009) Science 323:1208-11 [4] Zinser H et al. (1994) Genes Dev 8:2513-26 [5] Chansky, H.A., et al. (2001) Cancer Res. 61: 3586-90. [6] Yang L et al. (1998) J Biol Chem 273:27761-6 [7] Kino Y et al. (2010) Nucleic Acid Research 7:2781-2798


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Fused in sarcoma (FUS) is a ubiquitously expressed RNA-binding protein proposed to function in various RNA metabolic pathways, including transcription regulation, pre-mRNA splicing, RNA transport and microRNA processing. Mutations in the FUS gene were identified in patients with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), but the pathomechanisms by which these mutations cause ALS are not known. Here, we show that FUS interacts with the minor spliceosome constituent U11 snRNP, binds preferentially to minor introns and directly regulates their removal. Furthermore, a FUS knockout in neuroblastoma cells strongly disturbs the splicing of minor intron-containing mRNAs, among them mRNAs required for action potential transmission and for functional spinal motor units. Moreover, an ALS-associated FUS mutant that forms cytoplasmic aggregates inhibits splicing of minor introns by trapping U11 and U12 snRNAs in these aggregates. Collectively, our findings suggest a possible pathomechanism for ALS in which mutated FUS inhibits correct splicing of minor introns in mRNAs encoding proteins required for motor neuron survival.


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Numerous mRNA molecules are localized in regions of the dendrites of neurons, some moving along dendrites in response to synaptic activity. The proteins encoded by these RNAs have diverse functions, including participation in memory formation and long-term potentiation. Recent experiments have shown that a cytoplasmic RNA trafficking pathway described for oligodendrocytes also operates in neurons. Transported RNAs possess a cis-acting element that directs them to granules, which are transported along microtubules by the motor proteins kinesin and dynein. These RNA molecules are recruited to the cytoplasmic transport granules by cooperative interaction with a cognate trans-acting factor. mRNAs containing the 11-nucleotide A2RE11 or 21-nucleotide A2RE sequences bind heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins A2 and A3, which are abundant in the brain. Mutations in this cis-acting element that weaken its interaction with hnRNP A2 also interfere with RNA trafficking. Several dendritically localized mRNAs, including those encoding calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase 11 a subunit and neurogranin, possess A2RE-like sequences, suggesting that they may be localized by interaction with these heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoproteins. Calcium-calmodulin-dependent protein kinase 11 a subunit is of particular interest: Its RNA is transported in depolarized neurons, and the protein it encodes is essential for establishing long-term memory. Several other cis-acting sequences and trans-acting factors that participate in neuronal RNA localization have been discovered.


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Dendritic mRNA transport and local translation at individual potentiated synapses may represent an elegant way to form synaptic memory. Recently, we characterized Staufen, a double-stranded RNA-binding protein, in rat hippocampal neurons and showed its presence in large RNA-containing granules, which colocalize with microtubules in dendrites. In this paper, we transiently transfect hippocampal neurons with human Staufen-green fluorescent protein (GFP) and find fluorescent granules in the somatodendritic domain of these cells. Human Stau-GFP granules show the same cellular distribution and size and also contain RNA, as already shown for the endogenous Stau particles. In time-lapse videomicroscopy, we show the bidirectional movement of these Staufen-GFP–labeled granules from the cell body into dendrites and vice versa. The average speed of these particles was 6.4 μm/min with a maximum velocity of 24.3 μm/min. Moreover, we demonstrate that the observed assembly into granules and their subsequent dendritic movement is microtubule dependent. Taken together, we have characterized a novel, nonvesicular, microtubule-dependent transport pathway involving RNA-containing granules with Staufen as a core component. This is the first demonstration in living neurons of movement of an essential protein constituent of the mRNA transport machinery.


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Rhizobium meliloti C4-dicarboxylic acid transport protein D (DCTD) activates transcription by a form of RNA polymerase holoenzyme that has sigma 54 as its sigma factor (referred to as E sigma 54). DCTD catalyzes the ATP-dependent isomerization of closed complexes between E sigma 54 and the dctA promoter to transcriptionally productive open complexes. Transcriptional activation probably involves specific protein-protein interactions between DCTD and E sigma 54. Interactions between sigma 54-dependent activators and E sigma 54 are transient, and there has been no report of a biochemical assay for contact between E sigma 54 and any activator to date. Heterobifunctional crosslinking reagents were used to examine protein-protein interactions between the various subunits of E sigma 54 and DCTD. DCTD was crosslinked to Salmonella typhimurium sigma 54 with the crosslinking reagents succinimidyl 4-(N-maleimidomethyl)cyclohexane-1-carboxylate and N-hydroxysulfosuccinimidyl-4-azidobenzoate. Cys-307 of sigma 54 was identified by site-directed mutagenesis as the residue that was crosslinked to DCTD. DCTD was also crosslinked to the beta subunit of Escherichia coli core RNA polymerase with succinimidyl 4-(N-maleimidomethyl)cyclohexane-1-carboxylate, but not with N-hydroxysulfosuccinimidyl-4-azidobenzoate. These data suggest that interactions of DCTD with sigma 54 and the beta subunit may be important for transcriptional activation and offer evidence for interactions between a sigma 54-dependent activator and sigma 54, as well as the beta subunit of RNA polymerase.


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Complementary sequences at the 5′ and 3′ ends of the dengue virus RNA genome are essential for viral replication, and are believed to cyclise the genome through long-range base pairing in cis. Although consistent with evidence in the literature, this view neglects possible biologically active multimeric forms that are equally consistent with the data. Here, we propose alternative multimeric structures, and suggest that multigenome noncovalent concatemers are more likely to exist under cellular conditions than single cyclised monomers. Concatemers provide a plausible mechanism for the dengue virus to overcome the single-stranded (+)-sense RNA virus dilemma, and can potentially assist genome transport from the virus-induced vesicles into the cytosol.