47 resultados para RMB


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Central bank communication has become a more and more important instrument for the monetary authorization to intervene its exchange rate. This paper investigates the impact of both verbal and actual intervention on the exchange rate of China's currency, which has become the second-used currency in international trade settlement. The empirical evidence indicates that the central bank communication can influence the exchange rate, but the efficient is quite weak. Moreover, the effect of verbal intervention on the exchange rate of the RMB is weaker than that of actual intervention. One possible explanation is that most of the statements made by the governor of central bank on the RMB exchange rate are neutral in China. Overall, this study identifies the difference between the actual and verbal intervention in exchange rate in China, the largest emerging economy in the world.


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Historicamente, o controle social das políticas públicas como direito Constitucional foi uma conquista da sociedade civil, por meio de inúmeras reivindicações e lutas pela defesa do SUS, como garantia de direito à saúde para todos os cidadãos. A participação social surge também como resultado desse processo de luta popular, e a inserção de novos atores sociais na gestão das políticas públicas é reconhecido e legitimado com a promulgação da Constituição federal de 1988. Neste sentido, os Conselhos de Saúde têm apresentado um quadro favorável à inserção de diversos segmentos nas decisões da agenda governamental. Os Conselhos de Saúde da Região Metropolitana de Belém (RMB), especificamente os municípios Belém, Marituba e Benevides, foram objeto de pesquisa neste trabalho, que tem como objetivo central identificar a atuação dos Conselhos de Saúde da Região Metropolitana de Belém na fiscalização das ações do SUS. Os procedimentos metodológicos utilizados nesta pesquisa foram: a entrevista; a observação; o questionário de entrevista aplicado aos conselheiros; e a pesquisa documental e bibliográfica. Utilizamos também a análise de discurso e de conteúdo, considerando principalmente a análise de anunciação e a análise temática, configurando em uma pesquisa quali e quantitativa. Os resultados da pesquisa constataram que, por meio de dados empíricos e conceituais de organização, na perspectiva de Olson (1999) e Michels (1982), de participação social, controle social e fiscalização utilizada neste trabalho, os entraves de cunho ideológico, social e econômico interferem de forma direta ou indireta na ineficiência das ações dos Conselhos. Sobretudo, são as questões políticas que influenciam de forma expressiva na fiscalização dos CS, muitas vezes de maneira “silenciosa” nas decisões e, consequentemente, na ineficiência da participação da sociedade nos Conselhos em sua função que, apesar de ser inerente, não funciona – a função fiscalizadora. Portanto, contribuir conceitual e metodologicamente para a análise dos níveis de fiscalização existentes nos CS foi o grande desafio deste trabalho, realizado por meio da construção da matriz da fiscalização, a fim de alterar o quadro situacional da ineficiência dos Conselhos na atualidade, considerando as diversidades, divergências e convergências existentes entre os atores envolvidos no processo de construção da Política de Saúde Municipal. Os resultados da pesquisa refletem um panorama desfavorável à efetiva fiscalização dos Conselhos, quando nos remetemos aos resultados centrais da referida pesquisa: os CS não cumprem seu papel fiscalizador; não há relação direta entre o que é decidido nas plenárias pelos conselheiros e os serviços implementados nos municípios; e não existem prioridades estabelecidas no processo decisório das ações a serem implementadas pelo CS. Sendo assim, o nível de fiscalização dos CS da RMB é predominantemente o nível 1, isto é, sem fiscalização. Neste sentido, afirmamos que os Conselhos de Saúde, apesar de ser uma conquista de lutas populares pela ampliação da participação na gestão pública, ainda predomina um baixo nível de fiscalização ou até mesmo nenhuma fiscalização da política municipal de saúde, o que pode ser considerado um dos entraves à consolidação do SUS, como estratégia à concretização do Estado democrático no país.


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The design grows out of the rich culture of circus and the rugged dynamic topography of Chongqing. The site for this project is nestled on the banks of the mighty Yangzte, China's longest river: a vast sweeping watery ribbon carving its way through the mountainous terrain. This swirling sinuous environmental thread replicates in nature the tweisting ribbons circling the gyrating circus gymnast. The project grows from intertwining these swirling parallel conceptions of 'ribbon'. A multi-layered envelope of glass and steel ribbons creates a dome like enclosure that wraps itself around the dynamic performing heart of the circus. The main auditorium and stage area are accommodated in this space. Key public elements and facilities are located adjacent to the new riverfront boulevard maximising the positive relationship with this attractive landscape zone. Service and support areas are located along the southern boundary. Key Statistics; Client: Chongqing Broadcast Bureau Developer: Chongqing Real Estate Site: 3.3 Ha Development: Total G.F.A.: 36,800m2 Project Cost: Total Investment: RMB 300 Million (A$48 million) Other competition participants were BIG-Bjarke Ingels Group (Denmark)/arquitectonica (USA)/Beijing Architectural Design Institute/East China Architectural Design Institute/China Architectural Design Academy.


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Objective: To evaluate the economic burden of malignant neoplasms in Shandong province in order to provide scientific evidence for policy-making. Methods: The main sources for this study were the data from the third sampling survey of death cause in 2006 and cancer prevalence survey in 2007 in Shandong province. The direct medical cost was calculated based on the survey data. The indirect cost due to mortality and morbidity were estimated with human capital approach based on the data of disability-adjusted life years derived from the two surveys and gross domestic product (GDP) data. The total economic burden was the sum of direct medical cost and indirect cost. The uncertainty analysis was conducted according to the methodology in global burden of disease study. Results: The total cost of cancer in Shandong province in 2006 estimated was 18 057 million Yuan RMB (95% confidence interval:16 817 - 19 393 million), which accounted for 0. 83% of the total GDP. The direct medical cost,indirect mortality cost and indirect morbidity cost accounted for 17.28%, 78.53%, and 4.20% of total economic burden of malignant neoplasms, respectively. Liver,lung and stomach cancer were the top three tumors with heavier economic burden, with accounted for more than one half (57. 83%) of the total economic burden of all cancers. The uncertainty of total burden estimated was around ± 7%, which mainly derived from the uncertainty of indirect economic burden. Conclusion: The influence of cancers on social economy is dominated by the loss of productivity, especially by the productivity loss due to premature death. Liver, lung and stomach cancer are the major cancers for disease control and prevention in Shandong province. Abstract in Chinese 目的 评价山东省恶性肿瘤经济负担,为卫生决策提供科学依据. 方法 以2006年山东省第3次死因回顾抽样凋查资料和2007年山东省恶性肿瘤现患状况抽样调查资料为基础,测算全省直接医疗成本;采用人力资本法测算死亡间接负担和伤残间接负担;参考全球疾病负担研究的方法对测算结果的不确定性进行分析. 结果 2006年山东省因恶性肿瘤导致的总经济负担为180.57亿元(95%CI=16 817~19 393),占全省GDP总量的0.83%,其中直接医疗成本占总负担的17.28%,死亡造成的间接经济负担占78.53%,伤残所致间接经济负担占4.20%;肝癌、肺癌和胃癌为山东省经济负担最重的3种恶性肿瘤,总经济负担合计占全部恶性肿瘤的57.83%;总经济负担估计结果的不确定性范围在±7%左右,主要取决于间接经济负担的不确定性. 结论 恶性肿瘤对社会经济的影响主要通过生产力的损失产生作用,并以死亡所致生产力损失为主;肝癌、肺癌和胃癌应是山东省恶性肿瘤预防控制的重点.


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Objectives In China, “serious road traffic crashes” (SRTCs) are those in which there are 10-30 fatalities, 50-100 serious injuries or a total cost of 50-100 million RMB ($US8-16m), and “particularly serious road traffic crashes” (PSRTCs) are those which are more severe or costly. Due to the large number of fatalities and injuries as well as the negative public reaction they elicit, SRTCs and PSRTCs have become great concerns to China during recent years. The aim of this study is to identify the main factors contributing to these road traffic crashes and to propose preventive measures to reduce their number. Methods 49 contributing factors of the SRTCs and PSRTCs that occurred from 2007 to 2013 were collected from the database “In-depth Investigation and Analysis System for Major Road traffic crashes” (IIASMRTC) and were analyzed through the integrated use of principal component analysis and hierarchical clustering to determine the primary and secondary groups of contributing factors. Results Speeding and overloading of passengers were the primary contributing factors, featuring in up to 66.3% and 32.6% of accidents respectively. Two secondary contributing factors were road-related: lack of or nonstandard roadside safety infrastructure, and slippery roads due to rain, snow or ice. Conclusions The current approach to SRTCs and PSRTCs is focused on the attribution of responsibility and the enforcement of regulations considered relevant to particular SRTCs and PSRTCs. It would be more effective to investigate contributing factors and characteristics of SRTCs and PSRTCs as a whole, to provide adequate information for safety interventions in regions where SRTCs and PSRTCs are more common. In addition to mandating of a driver training program and publicisation of the hazards associated with traffic violations, implementation of speed cameras, speed signs, markings and vehicle-mounted GPS are suggested to reduce speeding of passenger vehicles, while increasing regular checks by traffic police and passenger station staff, and improving transportation management to increase income of contractors and drivers are feasible measures to prevent overloading of people. Other promising measures include regular inspection of roadside safety infrastructure, and improving skid resistance on dangerous road sections in mountainous areas.


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从生态地理背景论草地畜牧业产业在黄土高原农业可持续发展中的战略地位 黄土高原要实现生态与生产双赢的目标,契机是退耕还林还草,突破口是建立能兼顾生态生产协调发展的主导产业。从地形地貌、水热分布及自然植被特征的角度分析,黄土高原实施以农为主或农林牧综合发展的方略,均有悖于黄土高原生态地理背景。而草地畜牧业产业的生产要素及其过程在较大程度上吻合了黄土高原的生态地理背景,具有生态的适应性和生产的有效性,应作为黄土高原优化的生态生产范式建制中的主导产业。未来黄土高原产业的发展格局应该是以草地畜牧业为主导,农业和林业作为补充和完善的产业发展体系。此外,未来黄土高原草地畜牧业家畜养殖应以舍饲为主。 黄土高原自然植被演替过程中的物种特征与土壤养分动态研究 在3—149年的时间尺度上,对黄土高原自然植被次生演替过程中物种特征和土壤养分动态进行了研究。结果表明:1)随着演替时间尺度的延伸,土壤全C、全N含量呈增加趋势,而土壤全K、全Na和土壤pH值呈下降趋势,土壤全P变化趋势不明显;此外,表层( 0~10 cm)土壤Ca0含量呈下降趋势,深层( 20-30 cm,40-50 cm)则呈增加趋势。演替过程对土壤养分动态影响的程度随着取样深度的增加而减弱;2)植物群落物种丰富度在演替的中间阶段最高,后者对应于中等土壤养分水平;3)在演替的早期阶段,植物群落优势种往往具有稳定的土壤种子库,CR-生活史对策和S.繁殖对策,在贫瘠的土壤上具有较强的竞争能力;而具有较强的水平扩展能力和克隆繁殖能力,C-生活史对策、对土壤C,N具有较强竞争能力的多年生植物在演替中后期占据群落的优势地位。此外,在所涉及的物种生物学特征中,多年生生活史,C-、CR-、SC-、SR-、S.对策,以及R-、W-、Bs-、VBs-和V-繁殖对策等在非优势物种中有较高的出现频率。4)C-、 SC-对策,克隆能力,多年生生活史,水平扩展能力,种子的动物传播方式,秋季开花,荚果、坚果等特征的比例在一定程度上与土壤全C,全N和全K含量正相关; 而S一、SR-、R-、CR-对策,一、二年生生活史,种子繁殖,S.繁殖对策,以及胞果、蒴果等特征的比例与土壤全Na,Ca0含量和土壤pH正相关。在演替过程中出现的物种均属草本植物生活型,因此,草原可能是黄土高原上受制于大尺度环境条件(显域生境)下的优势植被类型(特别是降雨量不超过550 mm的地区)。 黄土高原植被恢复过程中几种优势植物叶片碳稳定性同位素和氮含量的动态特征 探讨了黄土高原植被恢复过程中六种优势植物叶片碳稳定性同位素(6 13C)和氮含量的季节动态、种间差异及其与植被恢复过程的关系。六种优势植物分别是猪毛蒿( Artemisia scoparia),出现在演替的先锋阶段:达乌里胡枝子( Lespedeza davurica),出现在演替的第二阶段;长芒草(Stipabungeana)、万年蒿(Artemisia gmelinii)和茭蒿(Artemisia giraldii),出现在演替的第三阶段; 白羊草( Bothriochloa ischaemun)出现在演替的顶级阶段。六种优势植物叶片碳稳定性同位素比率分别是-26.89±0.66‰,-26.24±0.48‰, -26.21±0.49‰, -26.86±1.09‰, -27.61±0.39‰和-15 .81±1. 79‰;氮含量分别是2.36±0.63%,2.38±0.29%,2.0±0.29%,2.0±0.25%,1.50±0.37% 和1.24±0.19%。白羊草、长芒草、茭蒿和达乌里胡枝子叶片氮含量季节变化与土壤水分呈正相关.猪毛蒿和铁杆蒿叶片氮含量季节变化与土壤水分呈负相关。白羊草叶片δ 13C与土壤水分呈正相关,而其他5个优势种叶片δ 13C与土壤水分呈负相关。不同演替阶段优势种的δ 13C值和氮含量特征表明:处于演替顶级阶段的优势种具有最高的水分利用效率,净光合产量较低,但光合作用动态对土壤水分的季节波动表现出较强的可塑性;相反,处于先锋阶段的优势种水分利用效率较低,叶片净光合产量较高,光合作用对土壤水分波动的可塑性较低。本文的主要结论是:黄土高原植被恢复过程中处于不同演替阶段的优势种无论是在叶片δ 13C,氮含量均存在差异。优势种叶片δ 13C和氮含量季节动态反映了不同物种在环境(主要指土壤水分)波动条件下的生理生态对策。具有最高的水分利用效率(而非最高光和能力)和最高光合可塑性的物种将成为黄土高原自然植被顶级植物群落中的最终统治者。 黄土高原草地畜牧业产业形成与发展的牧草生产力基础 遵循生产-生态兼顾的原则,在黄土高原197个区县土地利用方式重新规划的基础上,对支撑黄土高原畜牧业产业形成与发展的牧草生产潜力进行了分析预测。结果表明:规划的牧、林、农、果用地占生产用地的比例分别是草地44%、林地22%、基本农田20%、果园14%; 197个县区预测的总牧草生产潜力达1,0488,1028t.y-l,可载畜1,0488,1028个羊单位.y-1。按1999年不变价格计算,黄土高原预测的畜牧业总产值将达到524,4051万元.y-1,是1999年畜牧业总产值的5.3倍,超过1999年黄土高原农业总产值14 %。农业人口人均预测畜牧业产值大于1000元的区县占59%;小于1000元的区县占41%。此外,黄土高原预测的农业总产值将达到1147.2234亿元RMB.yr-1。畜牧业、果业、林业和基本农田产值占农业总产值的比例分别是46%、27%、14%和13%。随着畜牧业产业链的逐步建立与完善,产业发展布局的日趋合理,黄土高原畜牧业生产总值将有较大幅度的提高。黄土高原草地畜牧业蕴藏着巨大的发展潜力,有望成为黄土高原优化的生产.生态范式建制中的主导产业。


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Since 1990s, the software industry in China has been developed very rapidly and the total revenue in recent three years of 2005, 2006 and 2007 were 390.0, 480.0, and 583.4 billions RMB respectively, increased by 28.3% annually on an average basis [1]. By the end of 2007, there were about 18,000 software enterprises in China, and the population of software professionals was 1.48 millions roughly. In the global software market, China, with annual revenue about 82.2 billions USD (8.74% of the total: 940 billions USD), currently ranks on the fourth after USA, EU and Japan. However, the software industry in China is still comparatively weak. Most software enterprises have only tens of employees and millions RBM of revenue. And the software development productivity in China varies highly across the software industry in terms of organization, development type, business area, region, language, project size and team size [2]. Co-operative efforts from the government, the industry and the academy are needed [3]. Continuous software process improvement is an effective way to change the challenging situation of the software industry in China.


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The economic loss caused by the storm surge disasters is much higher than that caused by any other marine disaster in China, the loss from the severe storm surge disaster being the highest. Statistics show that there were 62 typhoon landings over the east-southeast coast of China since 1990, three of which, occurring in 1992, 1994 and 1997, respectively, caused the most severe damage. The direct economic losses due to these events are 9.3, 17.0 and 30 billion yuan (RMB, or about 1.7, 2.6 and 3.8 billion USD, respectively), which is much greater than the loss of 5.5 billion yuan (RMB) on an average every year during the 1989-1991 period. This paper makes a comparative analysis of the damage caused by the three events and presents an overview of progress of precautions against storm surge disaster in China. The suggested counter measures to mitigate the loss from the severe storm surge disasters in China is as follows: (1) Raise the whole society awareness of precaution against severe storm surge disaster; (2) Work out a new plan for building sea walls; (3) Improve and perfect the available warning and disaster relief command system; (4) Develop the insurance service in order to promptly mitigate the loss caused by severe storm surge disaster event.


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In the engineering reinforcement of-rock and soil mass, engineers must consider how to obtain better reinforcing effect at the cost of less reinforcing expense, which, in fact, is the aim of reinforcement design. In order to accomplish the purpose, they require not only researching the material used to reinforce and its structure, but also taking into account of several important geological factors, such as the structure and property of rock and soil mass. How to improve the reinforcing effect according to engineering geomechanical principle at the respect of the reinforcement of engineering soil and rock mass is studied and discussed in this paper. The author studies the theory, technology and practice of geotechnical reinforcement based on engineering geomechanics, taking example for the soil treatment of Zhengzhou Airport, the effect analysis of reinforcement to the slope on the left bank of Wuqiangxi Hydropower Station and the reinforcing design of the No. 102 Landslide and unique sand-slide slope on the Sichuan-Tibet Highway. The paper is comprised of two parts for the convenience of discussion. In the first part, from the first chapter to the fifth chapter, trying to perform the relevant research and application at the viewpoint of soil mass engineering geomechanics, the author mainly discusses the study of reinforcing soft ground soil through dynamical consolidation and its application. Then, in the second part, from the sixth chapter to the eleventh chapter, the study of new technologies in the rock slope reinforcement and their application are discussed. The author finds that not only better reinforcing effect can be gained in the research where the principle and method of rock mass engineering geomechanics is adopted, but also new reinforcing technologies can be put forward. Zhengzhou Airport is an important one in central plains. It lies on Yellow River alluvial deposit and the structure of stratum is complex and heterogeneous. The area of airport is very large, which can result in differential settlement easily, damage of airport and aircraft accident, whereas, there are no similar experiences to dispose the foundation, so the foundation treatment become a principal problem. During the process of treatment, the method of dynamic compaction was adopted after compared with other methods using the theory of synthetic integration. Dynamic compaction is an important method to consolidate foundation, which was successfully used in the foundation of Zhengzhou Airport. For fill foundation, controlling the thickness of fill so as to make the foundation treatment can reach the design demand and optimum thickness of the fill is a difficult problem. Considering this problem, the author proposed a calculation method to evaluate the thickness of fill. The method can consider not only the self-settlement of fill but also the settlement of the ground surface under applied load so as to ensure the settlement occurred during the using period can satisfy the design demand. It is proved that the method is correct after using it to choose reasonable energy of dynamic compaction to treat foundation. At the same time, in order to examine the effect of dynamic compaction, many monitor methods were adopted in the test such as static loading test, modulus of resilience test, deep pore pressure -test, static cone penetration test and the variation of the pore volume measurement. Through the tests, the author summarized the discipline of the accumulation and dissipation of pore pressure in Yellow River alluvial deposit under the action of dynamic compaction, gave a correct division of the property change of silt and clay under dynamic compaction, determined the bearing capacity of foundation after treatment and weighted the reinforcing effect of dynamic consolidation from the variation of the soil particle in microcosmic and the parameter of soil mass' density. It can be considered that the compactness of soil is in proportion to the energy of dynamic compaction. This conclusion provided a reference to the research of the "Problem of Soil Structure-the Central Problem of Soil Mechanics in 21 Century ". It is also important to strengthen rock mass for water conservancy and electric power engineering. Slip-resistance pile and anchoring adit full of reinforced concrete are usually adopted in engineering experience to strengthen rock mass and very important for engineering. But there also some deficiency such as the weakest section can't be highlighted, the monitor is inconvenient and the diameter of pile and adit is very large etc. The author and his supervisor professor Yangzhifa invented prestressed slip-resistance pile and prestressed anchoring adit full of reinforced concrete, utilizing the advantage that the prestressed structure has better anti-tensile characteristic (this invention is to be published). These inventions overcome the disadvantages of general slip-resistance pile and anchoring adit full of reinforced concrete and have the functions of engineering prospecting, strengthening, drainage and monitor simultaneous, so they have better strengthened effect and be more convenient for monitor and more economical than traditional methods. Drainage is an important factor in treatments of rock mass and slop. In view of the traditional drainage method that drainage pore often be clogged so as to resulted in incident, professor Yangzhifa invented the method and setting of guide penetration by fiber bundle. It would take good effect to use it in prestressed slip-resistance pile and anchoring adit full of reinforced concrete. In this paper, the author took example for anchoring adit full of reinforced concrete used to strengthen Wuqiangxi left bank to simulate the strengthened effect after consolidated by prestressed slip-resistance pile, took example for 102 landslide occurred along Sichuan-Tibet highway to simulate the application of slip-resistance pile and the new technology of drainage. At the same time the author proposed the treatment method of flowing sand in Sichuan-Tibet highway, which will benefit the study on strengthening similar engineering. There are five novelties in the paper with the author's theoretical study and engineering practice: 1. Summarizing the role of pore water pressure accumulation and dissipation of the Yellow River alluvial and diluvial soil under the action of dynamical consolidation, which has instructive significance in the engineering construction under the analogical engineering geological conditions in the future. It has not been researched by the predecessors. 2. Putting forward the concept of density D in microcosmic based on the microcosmical structure study of the soil sample. Adopting D to weight the reinforcing effect of dynamic consolidation is considered to be appropriate by the means of comparing the D values of Zhengzhou Airport's ground soil before with after dynamically consolidating reinforcement, so a more convenient balancing method can be provided for engineering practice. 3. According to the deep research into the soil mass engineering geology, engineering rock and soil science, soil mechanics, as well as considerable field experiments, improving the consolidating method in airport construction, from the conventional method, which is dynamically compactmg original ground surface firstly, then filling soil and dynamically layer-consolidating or layer-compacting at last to the upgraded method, which is performing dynamical consolidation after filling soil to place totally at the extent of the certain earth-filling depth. The result of the dynamical consolidation not only complies with the specifications, but also reduces the soil treatment investment by 10 million RMB. 4. Proposing the method for calculating the height of the filled soil by the means of estimating the potential displacement produced in the original ground surface and the filled earth soil under the possible load, selecting the appropriate dynamically-compacting power and determining the virtual height of the filled earth soil. The method is proved to be effective and scientific. 5. According to the thought of Engineering Geomechanics Metal-Synthetic Methodology (EGMS), patenting two inventions (to the stage of roclamation, with Professor Yang Zhi-fa, the cooperative tutor, and etc.) in which multi-functions, engineering geological investigation, reinforcement, drainage and strength remedy, are integrated all over in one body at the viewpoint of the breakage mechanism of the rock slope.


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Kela-2 gas field in Tarim Basin is the main supply source for West-to-East Pipeline project, also the largest abnormally-pressured gas field discovered in China currently. The geological characterization, fine geological modeling and field development plan are all the world-class difficult problems. This work includes an integrated geological and gas reservoir engineering study using advanced technology and approaches, the scientific development plan of Kela-2 gas field as well as the optimizations of the drilling, production and surface schemes. Then, it's expected that the Kela-2 gas field can be developed high-efficiently.Kuche depression is one part of the thrust belt of the South Tianshan Mountains, Kela-2 field is located at the Kelasu structural zone in the north of Kuche depression. The field territory is heavily rugged with deeply cut gullies, complex geological underground structure, variable rock types, thrust structure development. Therefore, considerable efforts have been made to develop an integrated technique to acquire, process and interpret the seismic data in complicated mountain region. Consequently a set of seismic-related techniques in the complicated mountain region has been developed and successfully utilized to interpret the structure of Kela-2 gas field.The main reservoir depositional system of Kela 2 gas field is a platform - fan delta - braided river system. The reservoir rocks are medium-fine and extremely fine grained sandstones with high structure maturity and low composition maturity. The pore system structure is featured by medium-small pore, medium-fine throat and medium-low assortment. The reservoir of Kela-2 gas field is characteristic of medium porosity and medium permeability. The pay zone is very thick and its lateral distribution is stable with a good connection of sand body. The overpressure is caused mainly by the strongly tectonic squash activities, and other factors including the later rapid raise and compartment of the high-pressure fluid, the injection of high-pressure fluid into the reservoir.Based on the deliverability tests available, the average binomial deliverability equation is provided applicable for the overall field. The experimental results of rock stress-sensitive tests are employed to analyze the change trend of petrophysical properties against net confining stress, and establish the stress-based average deliverability equation. The results demonstrate the effect of rock deformation on the deliverability is limited to less than 5% in the early period of Kela-2 gas field, indicating the insignificant effect on deliverability of rock deformation.In terms of the well pattern comparisons and development planning optimizations, it is recommended that the producers should be located almost linearly along the structural axis. A total of 9 producers have a stable gas supply volume of 10.76 BCMPY for 17 years. For Kela-2 gas field the total construction investment is estimated at ¥7,697,690,000 RMB with the internal earning rate of 25.02% after taxation, the net present value of ¥7,420,160,000 RMB and the payback period of 5.66 years. The high profits of this field development project are much satisfactory.


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PURPOSE: To assess the impact of community outreach and the availability of low-cost surgeries [500 Renminbi (RMB) or 65 United States dollars (US$) per surgery] on the willingness to pay for cataract surgery among male and female rural-dwelling Chinese.METHODS: Cross-sectional willingness-to-pay surveys were conducted at the initiation of a cataract outreach programme in June 2001 and then again in July 2006. Respondents underwent visual acuity testing and provided socio-demographic data.RESULTS: In 2001 and 2006, 325 and 303 subjects, respectively, were interviewed. On average the 2006 sample subjects were of similar age, more likely to be female (p < 0.01), illiterate (p < 0.01), and less likely to come from a household with annual income of less than US$789 (62% vs. 87%, p < 0.01). Familiarity with cataract surgery increased from 21.2% to 44.4% over the 5 years for male subjects (p < 0.01) and 15.8%-44.4% among females (p < 0.01). The proportion of respondents willing to pay at least 500 RMB for surgery increased from 67% to 88% (p < 0.01) among male subjects and from 50% to 91% (p < 0.01) among females.CONCLUSIONS: Five years of access to free cataract testing and low-cost surgery programmes appears to have improved the familiarity with cataract surgery and increased the willingness to pay at least 500 RMB (US$65) for it in this rural population. Elderly women are now as likely as men to be willing to pay at least 500 RMB, reversing gender differences present 5 years ago.


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Array technologies have made it possible to record simultaneously the expression pattern of thousands of genes. A fundamental problem in the analysis of gene expression data is the identification of highly relevant genes that either discriminate between phenotypic labels or are important with respect to the cellular process studied in the experiment: for example cell cycle or heat shock in yeast experiments, chemical or genetic perturbations of mammalian cell lines, and genes involved in class discovery for human tumors. In this paper we focus on the task of unsupervised gene selection. The problem of selecting a small subset of genes is particularly challenging as the datasets involved are typically characterized by a very small sample size ?? the order of few tens of tissue samples ??d by a very large feature space as the number of genes tend to be in the high thousands. We propose a model independent approach which scores candidate gene selections using spectral properties of the candidate affinity matrix. The algorithm is very straightforward to implement yet contains a number of remarkable properties which guarantee consistent sparse selections. To illustrate the value of our approach we applied our algorithm on five different datasets. The first consists of time course data from four well studied Hematopoietic cell lines (HL-60, Jurkat, NB4, and U937). The other four datasets include three well studied treatment outcomes (large cell lymphoma, childhood medulloblastomas, breast tumors) and one unpublished dataset (lymph status). We compared our approach both with other unsupervised methods (SOM,PCA,GS) and with supervised methods (SNR,RMB,RFE). The results clearly show that our approach considerably outperforms all the other unsupervised approaches in our study, is competitive with supervised methods and in some case even outperforms supervised approaches.