18 resultados para RGBD


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This paper presents the comparison between the Microsoft Kinect depth sensor and the Asus Xtion for computer vision applications. Depth sensors, known as RGBD cameras,
project an infrared pattern and calculate the depth from the reflected light using an infrared sensitive camera. In this research, we compare the depth sensing capabilities of the two sensors under various conditions. The purpose is to give the reader a background to whether use the Microsoft Kinect or Asus Xtion sensor to solve a specific computer vision problem. The properties of the two depth sensors were investigated by conducting a series of experiments evaluating the accuracy of the sensors under various conditions, which shows the advantages and disadvantages of both Microsoft Kinect and Asus Xtion sensor.


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[ES] Existe un creciente interés en detectar y analizar el comportamiento de personas en diferentes contextos empleando cámaras. Para resolver este tipo de problemas se han utilizado la visión por computador y los sensores de rango, es decir, las características visuales y la profundidad. La aparición de sensores RGBD más asequibles, por ejemplo Kinect, permite su aplicación intensiva en estos escenarios. Se aborda la utilización en entornos de interior de sensores RGBD para escenarios donde las condiciones de iluminación pueden ser variables, dificultando la aplicación de soluciones basadas exclusivamente en información visual. El uso de la información de profundidad permite ganar en robustez. Se adopta una configuración cenital para una red de sensores RGBD en el escenario de aplicación.


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New low cost sensors and the new open free libraries for 3D image processing are permitting to achieve important advances for robot vision applications such as tridimensional object recognition, semantic mapping, navigation and localization of robots, human detection and/or gesture recognition for human-machine interaction. In this paper, a method to recognize the human hand and to track the fingers is proposed. This new method is based on point clouds from range images, RGBD. It does not require visual marks, camera calibration, environment knowledge and complex expensive acquisition systems. Furthermore, this method has been implemented to create a human interface in order to move a robot hand. The human hand is recognized and the movement of the fingers is analyzed. Afterwards, it is imitated from a Barret hand, using communication events programmed from ROS.


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In this thesis, we introduce DeReEs-4v, an algorithm for unsupervised and automatic registration of two video frames captured depth-sensing cameras. DeReEs-4V receives two RGBD video streams from two depth-sensing cameras arbitrary located in an indoor space that share a minimum amount of 25% overlap between their captured scenes. The motivation of this research is to employ multiple depth-sensing cameras to enlarge the field of view and acquire a more complete and accurate 3D information of the environment. A typical way to combine multiple views from different cameras is through manual calibration. However, this process is time-consuming and may require some technical knowledge. Moreover, calibration has to be repeated when the location or position of the cameras change. In this research, we demonstrate how DeReEs-4V registration can be used to find the transformation of the view of one camera with respect to the other at interactive rates. Our algorithm automatically finds the 3D transformation to match the views from two cameras, requires no human interference, and is robust to camera movements while capturing. To validate this approach, a thorough examination of the system performance under different scenarios is presented. The system presented here supports any application that might benefit from the wider field-of-view provided by the combined scene from both cameras, including applications in 3D telepresence, gaming, people tracking, videoconferencing and computer vision.


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Service robots that operate in human environments will accomplish tasks most efficiently and least disruptively if they have the capability to mimic and understand the motion patterns of the people in their workspace. This work demonstrates how a robot can create a humancentric navigational map online, and that this map re ects changes in the environment that trigger altered motion patterns of people. An RGBD sensor mounted on the robot is used to detect and track people moving through the environment. The trajectories are clustered online and organised into a tree-like probabilistic data structure which can be used to detect anomalous trajectories. A costmap is reverse engineered from the clustered trajectories that can then inform the robot's onboard planning process. Results show that the resultant paths taken by the robot mimic expected human behaviour and can allow the robot to respond to altered human motion behaviours in the environment.


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This paper presents a comparison of applying different clustering algorithms on a point cloud constructed from the depth maps captured by a RGBD camera such as Microsoft Kinect. The depth sensor is capable of returning images, where each pixel represents the distance to its corresponding point not the RGB data. This is considered as the real novelty of the RGBD camera in computer vision compared to the common video-based and stereo-based products. Depth sensors captures depth data without using markers, 2D to 3D-transition or determining feature points. The captured depth map then cluster the 3D depth points into different clusters to determine the different limbs of the human-body. The 3D points clustering is achieved by different clustering techniques. Our Experiments show good performance and results in using clustering to determine different human-body limbs.


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Máster Universitario en Sistemas Inteligentes y Aplicaciones Numéricas en Ingeniería (SIANI)


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[ES]Las tecnologías principales que se han utilizado son la visión por computador y los sensores de rango, es decir, las características visuales y la profundidad. Sin embargo, la aparición de sensores RGBD más asequibles, como Kinect, permite su aplicación en estos escenarios. Se aborda la utilización en entornos de interior de sensores RGBD para escenarios donde las condiciones de iluminación pueden ser variables. Se adopta una configuración cenital en el acceso a un espacio, para preservar la privacidad y facilitar la detección y seguimiento de los objetos salientes que aparecen en el escenario mediante técnicas de sustracción de fondo. Los objetos detectados son modelados, pudiendo ser descritos según las características de apariencia y geométricas como el área y volumen.


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The automatic extraction of biometric descriptors of anonymous people is a challenging scenario in camera networks. This task is typically accomplished making use of visual information. Calibrated RGBD sensors make possible the extraction of point cloud information. We present a novel approach for people semantic description and re-identification using the individual point cloud information. The proposal combines the use of simple geometric features with point cloud features based on surface normals.


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New low cost sensors and open free libraries for 3D image processing are making important advances in robot vision applications possible, such as three-dimensional object recognition, semantic mapping, navigation and localization of robots, human detection and/or gesture recognition for human-machine interaction. In this paper, a novel method for recognizing and tracking the fingers of a human hand is presented. This method is based on point clouds from range images captured by a RGBD sensor. It works in real time and it does not require visual marks, camera calibration or previous knowledge of the environment. Moreover, it works successfully even when multiple objects appear in the scene or when the ambient light is changed. Furthermore, this method was designed to develop a human interface to control domestic or industrial devices, remotely. In this paper, the method was tested by operating a robotic hand. Firstly, the human hand was recognized and the fingers were detected. Secondly, the movement of the fingers was analysed and mapped to be imitated by a robotic hand.


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Feature vectors can be anything from simple surface normals to more complex feature descriptors. Feature extraction is important to solve various computer vision problems: e.g. registration, object recognition and scene understanding. Most of these techniques cannot be computed online due to their complexity and the context where they are applied. Therefore, computing these features in real-time for many points in the scene is impossible. In this work, a hardware-based implementation of 3D feature extraction and 3D object recognition is proposed to accelerate these methods and therefore the entire pipeline of RGBD based computer vision systems where such features are typically used. The use of a GPU as a general purpose processor can achieve considerable speed-ups compared with a CPU implementation. In this work, advantageous results are obtained using the GPU to accelerate the computation of a 3D descriptor based on the calculation of 3D semi-local surface patches of partial views. This allows descriptor computation at several points of a scene in real-time. Benefits of the accelerated descriptor have been demonstrated in object recognition tasks. Source code will be made publicly available as contribution to the Open Source Point Cloud Library.


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This paper presents a method for fast calculation of the egomotion done by a robot using visual features. The method is part of a complete system for automatic map building and Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM). The method uses optical flow in order to determine if the robot has done a movement. If so, some visual features which do not accomplish several criteria (like intersection, unicity, etc,) are deleted, and then the egomotion is calculated. We use a state-of-the-art algorithm (TORO) in order to rectify the map and solve the SLAM problem. The proposed method provides better efficiency that other current methods.


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This paper presents a method for the fast calculation of a robot’s egomotion using visual features. The method is part of a complete system for automatic map building and Simultaneous Location and Mapping (SLAM). The method uses optical flow to determine whether the robot has undergone a movement. If so, some visual features that do not satisfy several criteria are deleted, and then egomotion is calculated. Thus, the proposed method improves the efficiency of the whole process because not all the data is processed. We use a state-of-the-art algorithm (TORO) to rectify the map and solve the SLAM problem. Additionally, a study of different visual detectors and descriptors has been conducted to identify which of them are more suitable for the SLAM problem. Finally, a navigation method is described using the map obtained from the SLAM solution.


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Sensing techniques are important for solving problems of uncertainty inherent to intelligent grasping tasks. The main goal here is to present a visual sensing system based on range imaging technology for robot manipulation of non-rigid objects. Our proposal provides a suitable visual perception system of complex grasping tasks to support a robot controller when other sensor systems, such as tactile and force, are not able to obtain useful data relevant to the grasping manipulation task. In particular, a new visual approach based on RGBD data was implemented to help a robot controller carry out intelligent manipulation tasks with flexible objects. The proposed method supervises the interaction between the grasped object and the robot hand in order to avoid poor contact between the fingertips and an object when there is neither force nor pressure data. This new approach is also used to measure changes to the shape of an object’s surfaces and so allows us to find deformations caused by inappropriate pressure being applied by the hand’s fingers. Test was carried out for grasping tasks involving several flexible household objects with a multi-fingered robot hand working in real time. Our approach generates pulses from the deformation detection method and sends an event message to the robot controller when surface deformation is detected. In comparison with other methods, the obtained results reveal that our visual pipeline does not use deformations models of objects and materials, as well as the approach works well both planar and 3D household objects in real time. In addition, our method does not depend on the pose of the robot hand because the location of the reference system is computed from a recognition process of a pattern located place at the robot forearm. The presented experiments demonstrate that the proposed method accomplishes a good monitoring of grasping task with several objects and different grasping configurations in indoor environments.


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Movimentazione, da parte di un braccio robotico, di un recipiente riempito con un liquido nello spazio tridimensionale. Sistema di trasferimento liquidi basato sul KUKA youBot, piattaforma open source per la ricerca scientifica. Braccio robotico a 5 gradi di libertà con struttura ortho-parallel e cinematica risolvibile in forma chiusa tramite l’applicazione di Pieper. Studio dei modi di vibrare dei liquidi e modellizzazione dei fenomeni ondosi tramite modello equivalente di tipo pendolo. Analisi delle metodologie di controllo di tipo feed-forward volte a sopprimere la risposta oscillatoria di un tipico sistema vibratorio. Filtraggio delle traiettorie di riferimento da imporre allo youBot, in modo tale da sopprimere le vibrazioni in uscita della massa d’acqua movimentata. Analisi e comparazione delle metodologie di input shaping e filtro esponenziale. Validazione sperimentale delle metodologie proposte implementandole sul manipolatore youBot. Misura dell’entità del moto ondoso basata su dati acquisiti tramite camera RGBD ASUS Xtion PRO LIVE. Algoritmo di visione per l’elaborazione offline dei dati acquisiti, con output l’andamento dell’angolo di oscillazione del piano interpolante la superficie del liquido movimentato.