988 resultados para RFQ cooler and buncher


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The RFQ cooler and buncher RFQ1L is a key device of the SHANS (Spectrometer for Heavy Atoms and Nucleax Structure). The status of the machining and assembly of the central part is introduced, and the structure of the whole RFQ1L system and the preliminary plan for the testing are discussed also.


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The RFQ cooler and buncher RFQ1L is one of the key parts of the being-built super-heavy nuclide research spectrometer. In order to understand the high-voltage breakdown phenomenon, the voltages between electrodes have been measured. In addition, more extensive simulations have been performed for better understanding and optimizing the RFQ1L work points.


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The SHANS spectrometer is under construction in the Institute of Modern Physics, Chinese Academy of Science. The RFQ cooler and buncher RFQ1L is one of the key devices in the SHANS. To perform direct mass measurement, the Lanzhou Penning Trap LPT is also under construction. In this symposium, the principle of the SHANS, the status of RFQ1L and LPT and some primary test results will be reported.


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SHANS (Spectrometer of Heavy Atoms and Nuclear Structure,重原子和核结构研究谱议)正在建设中,它不但可以直接鉴别离子的电荷数Z和质量数A,而且还将在核结构和核衰变的精细研究方面发挥重要作用。RFQ冷却聚束器RFQ1L和彭宁离子阱LPT是其中的两个重要组成部分。 RFQ冷却聚束器RFQ1L的主要目的是收集经过充气反冲谱议分离后的反应产物,然后经过冷却、聚束,使原来品质很差的束流转化为能量单一、发射度小、束斑很小的高品质束流。现在已经顺利完成了模拟、设计、机械加工和机械安装等工作,其中机械安装部分是本论文的主要工作之一。经过近半年的时间,我们克服了种种困难,高质量地完成了RFQ1L的机械安装工作。各种测量综合显示:各部件间的位置精度达到了±0.5 mm;真空系统的真空度达到了1.7×10-4 Pa,系统压升率为(0.04±0.02) Pa/h;各电极间的绝缘效果和导电效果良好。彭宁离子阱LPT的主要目的是直接高精度测量原子核的质量。质量是原子核的一个最基本属性,对检验和拓广现有核理论、研究核天体物理中的核反应过程和基本常数具有非常重要的作用。控制系统在LPT中起着至关重要的作用。控制系统的设计和实现也是本论文的另一个主要工作。本论文详细论述了LPT的控制系统LPTCtrlSys的基本要求、硬件和软件布局情况


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Das Penningfallen-Massenspektrometer SHIPTRAP wurde gebaut um HochprÄazi-rnsionsmassenmessungen an schweren Radionukliden durchzufÄuhren, die in Fusions-rnreaktionen produziert und vom Geschwindigkeitsfilter SHIP vom Primärstrahl sepa-rnriert werden. Es besteht aus einer Gaszelle zur Abbremsung der hochenergetis-rnchen Reaktionsprodukte, einem RFQ-Kühler und Buncher zur Kühlung und Akku-rnmulation der Ionen und einem Doppel-Penningfallen-System um Massenmessungenrndurchzuführen. Die Masse wird durch die Messungen der Zyklotronfrequenz desrnentsprechenden Ions in einem starken homogenen Magnetfeld bestimmt. Diese Fre-rnquenz wird mit der Frequenz eines wohlbekannten Referenzions verglichen. Mitrndieser Methode können relative Fehler in der Größenordnung von 10^-8 erreicht werden. Kürzlich konnten die Massen der Nobeliumisotope 252-254No (Z=102) und desrnLawrenciumisotops 255Lr (Z=103) erstmals erfolgreich gemessen werden. Dies warenrndie ersten direkten Massenmessungen an Transuranen. Die Produktionrate dieserrnAtome lag bei etwa eins pro Sekunde und weniger. Die Ergebnisse der Massenmes-rnsungen an Nobelium bestätigen die früheren Massenwerte, die aus Q_alpha-Messungenrnabgeleitet wurden. Im Fall von 255Lr wurde der Massenexzess, der bis dahin nur ausrnsystematischen Trends abgeschätzt wurde, zum ersten Mal direkt bestimmt. DiesernErgebnisse sind ein erster Schritt für die an SHIPTRAP geplante Erforschung derrnRegion der Transurane. Das Hauptziel ist hierbei die Bestimmung der Endpunkternder alpha-Zerfallsketten, die in superschweren Elementen in der Nähe der vorhergesagtenrnStabilitätsinsel ihren Ursprung nehmen.


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Heutzutage gewähren hochpräzise Massenmessungen mit Penning-Fallen tiefe Einblicke in die fundamentalen Eigenschaften der Kernmaterie. Zu diesem Zweck wird die freie Zyklotronfrequenz eines Ions bestimmt, das in einem starken, homogenen Magnetfeld gespeichert ist. Am ISOLTRAP-Massenspektrometer an ISOLDE / CERN können die Massen von kurzlebigen, radioaktiven Nukliden mit Halbwertszeiten bis zu einigen zehn ms mit einer Unsicherheit in der Größenordnung von 10^-8 bestimmt werden. ISOLTRAP besteht aus einem Radiofrequenz-Quadrupol zum akkumulieren der von ISOLDE gelieferten Ionen, sowie zwei Penning-Fallen zum säubern und zur Massenbestimmung der Ionen. Innerhalb dieser Arbeit wurden die Massen von neutronenreichen Xenon- und Radonisotopen (138-146Xe und 223-229Rn) gemessen. Für elf davon wurde zum ersten Mal die Masse direkt bestimmt; 229Rn wurde im Zuge dieses Experimentes sogar erstmalig beobachtet und seine Halbwertszeit konnte zu ungefähr 12 s bestimmt werden. Da die Masse eines Nuklids alle Wechselwirkungen innerhalb des Kerns widerspiegelt, ist sie einzigartig für jedes Nuklid. Eine dieser Wechselwirkungen, die Wechselwirkung zwischen Protonen und Neutronen, führt zum Beispiel zu Deformationen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist eine Verbindung zwischen kollektiven Effekten, wie Deformationen und Doppeldifferenzen von Bindungsenergien, sogenannten deltaVpn-Werten zu finden. Insbesondere in den hier untersuchten Regionen zeigen deltaVpn-Werte ein sehr ungewöhnliches Verhalten, das sich nicht mit einfachen Argumenten deuten lässt. Eine Erklärung könnte das Auftreten von Oktupoldeformationen in diesen Gebieten sein. Nichtsdestotrotz ist eine quantitative Beschreibung von deltaVpn-Werten, die den Effekt von solchen Deformationen berücksichtigt mit modernen Theorien noch nicht möglich.


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The complex nature of the nucleon-nucleon interaction and the wide range of systems covered by the roughly 3000 known nuclides leads to a multitude of effects observed in nuclear structure. Among the most prominent ones is the occurence of shell closures at so-called ”magic numbers”, which are explained by the nuclear shell model. Although the shell model already is on duty for several decades, it is still constantly extended and improved. For this process of extension, fine adjustment and verification, it is important to have experimental data of nuclear properties, especially at crucial points like in the vicinity of shell closures. This is the motivation for the work performed in this thesis: the measurement and analysis of nuclear ground state properties of the isotopic chain of 100−130Cd by collinear laser spectroscopy.rnrnThe experiment was conducted at ISOLDE/CERN using the collinear laser spectroscopy apparatus COLLAPS. This experiment is the continuation of a run on neutral atomic cadmium from A = 106 to A = 126 and extends the measured isotopes to even more exotic species. The required gain in sensitivity is mainly achieved by using a radiofrequency cooler and buncher for background reduction and by using the strong 5s 2S1/2 → 5p 2P3/2 transition in singly ionized Cd. The latter requires a continuous wave laser system with a wavelength of 214.6 nm, which has been developed during this thesis. Fourth harmonic generation of an infrared titanium sapphire laser is achieved by two subsequent cavity-enhanced second harmonic generations, leading to the production of deep-UV laser light up to about 100 mW.rnrnThe acquired data of the Z = 48 Cd isotopes, having one proton pair less than the Z = 50 shell closure at tin, covers the isotopes from N = 52 up to N = 82 and therefore almost the complete region between the neutron shell closures N = 50 and N = 82. The isotope shifts and the hyperfine structures of these isotopes have been recorded and the magnetic dipole moments, the electric quadrupole moments, spins and changes in mean square charge radii are extracted. The obtained data reveal among other features an extremely linear behaviour of the quadrupole moments of the I = 11/2− isomeric states and a parabolic development in differences in mean square nuclear charge radii between ground and isomeric state. The development of charge radii between the shell closures is smooth, exposes a regular odd-even staggering and can be described and interpreted in the model of Zamick and Thalmi.


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Landscape scale environmental gradients present variable spatial patterns and ecological processes caused by climate, topography and soil characteristics and, as such, offer candidate sites to study environmental change. Data are presented on the spatial pattern of dominant species, biomass, and carbon pools and the temporal pattern of fluxes across a transitional zone shifting from Great Basin Desert scrub, up through pinyon-juniper woodlands and into ponderosa pine forest and the ecotones between each vegetation type. The mean annual temperature (MAT) difference across the gradient is approximately 3 degrees C from bottom to top (MAT 8.5-5.5) and annual precipitation averages from 320 to 530 mm/yr, respectively. The stems of the dominant woody vegetation approach a random spatial pattern across the entire gradient, while the canopy cover shows a clustered pattern. The size of the clusters increases with elevation according to available soil moisture which in turn affects available nutrient resources. The total density of woody species declines with increasing soil moisture along the gl-adient, but total biomass increases. Belowground carbon and nutrient pools change from a heterogenous to a homogenous distribution on either side of the woodlands. Although temperature controls the: seasonal patterns of carbon efflux from the soils, soil moisture appears to be the primary driving variable, but response differs underneath the different dominant species, Similarly, decomposition of dominant litter occurs faster-at the cooler and more moist sites, but differs within sites due to litter quality of the different species. The spatial pattern of these communities provides information on the direction of future changes, The ecological processes that we documented are not statistically different in the ecotones as compared to the: adjoining communities, but are different at sites above the woodland than those below the woodland. We speculate that an increase in MAT will have a major impact on C pools and C sequestering and release processes in these semiarid landscapes. However, the impact will be primarily related to moisture availability rather than direct effects of an increase in temperature. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science B.V.


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The structure and properties of a newly emerged solar active region (NOAA Active Region 7985) are discussed using the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer (CDS) and the Extreme- Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT) on board the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory. CDS obtained high-resolution EUV spectra in the 308-381 Angstrom and 513-633 Angstrom wavelength ranges, while EIT recorded full-disk EUV images in the He II (304 Angstrom), Fe IX/X (171 Angstrom), Fe xii (195 Angstrom), and Fe XV (284 Angstrom) bandpasses. Electron density measurements from Si rx, Si X, Fe xii, Fe XIII, and Fe xiv line ratios indicate that the region consists of a central high- density core with peak densities of the order of 1.2 x 10(10) cm(-3), which decrease monotonically to similar to5.0 X 10(8) cm(-3) at the active region boundary. The derived electron densities also vary systematically with temperature. Electron pressures as a function of both active region position and temperature were estimated using the derived electron densities and ion formation temperatures, and the constant pressure assumption was found to be an unrealistic simplification. Indeed, the active region is found to have a high-pressure core (1.3 x 10(16) cm(-3) K) that falls to 6.0 x 10(14) cm(-3) K just outside the region. CDS line ratios from different ionization stages of iron, specifically Fe xvi (335.4 Angstrom) and Fe xiv (334.4 Angstrom), were used to diagnose plasma temperatures within the active region. Using this method, peak temperatures of 2.1 x 10(6) K were identified. This is in good agreement with electron temperatures derived using EIT filter ratios and the two-temperature model of Zhang et al. The high- temperature emission is confined to the active region core, while emission from cooler (1-1.6) x 10(6) K lines originates in a system of loops visible in EIT 171 and 195 X images. Finally, the three-dimensional geometry of the active region is investigated using potential field extrapolations from a Kitt Peak magnetogram. The combination of EUV and magnetic field extrapolations extends the "core-halo" picture of active region structure to one in which the core is composed of a number of compact coronal loops that confine the hot, dense, high- pressure core plasma while the halo emission emerges from a system of cooler and more extended loops.


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Earlier palynological studies of lake sediments from Easter Island suggest that the island underwent a recent and abrupt replacement of palm-dominated forests by grasslands, interpreted as a deforestation by indigenous people. However, the available evidence is inconclusive due to the existence of extended hiatuses and ambiguous chronological frameworks in most of the sedimentary sequences studied. This has given rise to an ongoing debate about the timing and causes of the assumed ecological degradation and cultural breakdown. Our multiproxy study of a core recovered from Lake Raraku highlights the vegetation dynamics and environmental shifts in the catchment and its surroundings during the late Holocene. The sequence contains shorter hiatuses than in previously recovered cores and provides a more continuous history of environmental changes. The results show a long, gradual and stepped landscape shift from palm-dominated forests to grasslands. This change started c. 450 BC and lasted about two thousand years. The presence of Verbena litoralis, a common weed, which is associated with human activities in the pollen record, the significant correlation between shifts in charcoal influx, and the dominant pollen types suggest human disturbance of the vegetation. Therefore, human settlement on the island occurred c. 450 BC, some 1500 years earlier than is assumed. Climate variability also exerted a major influence on environmental changes. Two sedimentary gaps in the record are interpreted as periods of droughts that could have prevented peat growth and favoured its erosion during the Medieval Climate Anomaly and the Little Ice Age, respectively. At c. AD 1200, the water table rose and the former Raraku mire turned into a shallow lake, suggesting higher precipitation/evaporation rates coeval with a cooler and wetter Pan-Pacific AD 1300 event. Pollen and diatom records show large vegetation changes due to human activities c. AD 1200. Other recent vegetation changes also due to human activities entail the introduction of taxa (e.g. Psidium guajava, Eucalyptus sp.) and the disappearance of indigenous plants such as Sophora toromiro during the two last centuries. Although the evidence is not conclusive, the American origin of V. litoralis re-opens the debate about the possible role of Amerindians in the human colonisation of Easter Island.


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We study properties of intensity fluctuations in NOAA Active Region 11250 observed on 13 July 2011 starting at UT 13:32. Included are data obtained in the EUV bands of the Atmospheric Imaging Assembly on board the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO/AIA) as well as nearly simultaneous observations of the chromosphere made, at much higher spatial and temporal resolution, with the Rapid Oscillations in the Solar Atmosphere (ROSA) and Hydrogen-Alpha Rapid Dynamics camera (HARDcam) systems at the Dunn Solar Telescope. A complex structure seen in both the ROSA/HARDcam and SDO data sets comprises a system of loops extending outward from near the boundary of the leading sunspot umbra. It is visible in the ROSA Ca II K and HARDcam Hα images, as well as the SDO 304 Å, 171 Å and 193 Å channels, and it thus couples the chromosphere, transition region and corona. In the ground-based images the loop structure is 4.1 Mm long. Some 17.5 Mm, can be traced in the SDO/AIA data. The chromospheric emissions observed by ROSA and HARDcam appear to occupy the inner, and apparently cooler and lower, quarter of the loop. We compare the intensity fluctuations of two points within the structure. From alignment with SDO/HMI images we identify a point "A" near the loop structure, which sits directly above a bipolar magnetic feature in the photosphere. Point "B" is characteristic of locations within the loops that are visible in both the ROSA/HARDcam and the SDO/AIA data. The intensity traces for point A are quiet during the first part of the data string. At time ~ 19 min they suddenly begin a series of impulsive brightenings. In the 171 Å and 193 Å coronal lines the brightenings are localized impulses in time, but in the transition region line at 304 Å they are more extended in time. The intensity traces in the 304 Å line for point B shows a quasi-periodic signal that changes properties at about 19 min. The wavelet power spectra are characterized by two periodicities. A 6.7 min period extends from the beginning of the series until about 25 minutes, and another signal with period ~3 min starts at about 20 min. The 193 Å power spectrum has a characteristic period of 5 min, before the 20 min transition and a 2.5 min periodicity afterward. In the case of HARDcam Hα data a localized 4 min periodicity can be found until about 7 min, followed by a quiet regime. After ~20 min a 2.3 min periodicity appears. Interestingly a coronal loop visible in the 94 Å line that is centrally located in the AR, running from the leading umbra to the following polarity, at about time 20 min undergoes a strong brightening beginning at the same moment all along 15 Mm of its length. The fact that these different signals all experience a clear-cut change at time about 20 min suggests an underlying organizing mechanism. Given that point A has a direct connection to the photospheric magnetic bipole, we conjecture that the whole extended structure is connected in a complex manner to the underlying magnetic field. The periodicities in these features may favor the wave nature rather than upflows and interpretations will be discussed.


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Heterosis in hybrid wheat varieties produced using a chemical hybridising agent was assessed in field experiments. Hyno Esta and its parents were compared in factorial combinations of four-seed rates (25-300 seeds m(-2)) and two nitrogen fertilizer rates (0 and 200 kg N ha(-1)) in 2001/02 and again in 2002/03. Hyno Rista and Hyno Renta and their parents were compared at two-seed rates in 2001/02. Hyno Rista and its parents were added factorially to the Hyno Esta experiment in 2002/03, while Hyno Renta and Hybred and their parents were compared at two seed rates in 2002/03. Mid parent heterosis for grain yield was found in three hybrids and two of these showed high parent heterosis. High parent heterosis in Hyno Esta over a range of sowing densities was mostly exhibited in total biomass but also, in one of two years, in harvest index. High parent heterosis in Hyno Renta was associated more with harvest index than with biomass. The heterosis for biomass in Hyno Esta resulted from greater interception of photosynthetically active radiation (PAR) than the male parent, with better radiation use efficiency than the female parent. In both seasons Hyno Esta achieved grain numbers per ear at least as high as the high parent for this trait (Audace), and combined this with mean grain weights at least as heavy as the high parent for mean grain weight (Estica). Much of the increased biomass and grain yield in the hybrid came late in the season as high parent heterosis was expressed for both maximum grain filling rate and grain filling duration. Heterosis was higher when nitrogen was applied than when withheld; only greater at lower seed rates when expressed in proportionate terms (e.g. as a percentage of the parents), rather than in absolute terms (e.g. t ha(-1)); and greater in the year with the cooler and wetter summer.