Hamstring strain injuries (HSIs) are common in a number of sports and incidence rates have not declined in recent times. Additionally, the high rate of recurrent injuries suggests that our current understanding of HSI and re-injury risk is incomplete. Whilst the multifactoral nature of HSIs is agreed upon by many, often individual risk factors and/or causes of injury are examined in isolation. This review aims to bring together the causes, risk factors and interventions associated with HSIs to better understand why HSIs are so prevalent. Running is often identified as the primary activity type for HSIs and given the high eccentric forces and moderate muscle strain placed on the hamstrings during running these factors are considered to be part of the aetiology of HSIs. However, the exact causes of HSIs remain unknown and whilst eccentric contraction and muscle strain purportedly play a role, accumulated muscle damage and/or a single injurious event may also contribute. Potentially, all of these factors interact to varying degrees depending on the injurious activity type (i.e. running, kicking). Furthermore, anatomical factors, such as the biarticular organization, the dual innervations of biceps femoris (BF), fibre type distribution, muscle architecture and the degree of anterior pelvic tilt, have all been implicated. Each of these variables impact upon HSI risk via a number of different mechanisms that include increasing hamstring muscle strain and altering the susceptibility of the hamstrings to muscle damage. Reported risk factors for HSIs include age, previous injury, ethnicity, strength imbalances, flexibility and fatigue. Of these, little is known, definitively, about why previous injury increases the risk of future HSIs. Nevertheless, interventions put in place to reduce the incidence of HSIs by addressing modifiable risk factors have focused primarily on increasing eccentric strength, correcting strength imbalances and improving flexibility. The response to these intervention programmes has been mixed with varied levels of success reported. A conceptual framework is presented suggesting that neuromuscular inhibition following HSIs may impede the rehabilitation process and subsequently lead to maladaptation of hamstring muscle structure and function, including preferentially eccentric weakness, atrophy of the previously injured muscles and alterations in the angle of peak knee flexor torque. This remains an area for future research and practitioners need to remain aware of the multifactoral nature of HSIs if injury rates are to decline.
Background/Aim Hamstring strain injuries (HSIs) have remained the most prevalent injury in the Australian football league (AFL) over the past 21 regular seasons. The impact of HSIs in sport is often expressed as regular season games missed due to injury. However the financial cost of athletes missing games due to injury has not been investigated. The aim of this report is to estimate the financial cost of games missed due to HSIs in the AFL. Method Data was collected using publically available information from the AFL’s injury report and the official AFL annual report for the past 10 competitive AFL seasons. Average athlete salary and injury epidemiology data was used to determine the average yearly financial cost of HSIs for AFL clubs and the average financial cost of a single HSI over this time period. Results Across the observed period, average yearly financial cost of HSIs per club increased by 71% compared to a 43% increase in average yearly athlete salary. Over the same time period the average financial cost of a single HSI increased by 56% from $25,603 in 2003 to $40,021 in 2012, despite little change in HSI rates during the period. Conclusion The observed increased financial cost of HSIs was ultimately explained by the failure of teams to decrease HSI rates, but coupled with increases in athlete salaries over the past 10 season. The information presented in this report will highlight the financial cost of HSIs and other sporting injuries, raising greater awareness and the need for further funding for research into injury prevention strategies to maximise economical return for investment in athletes.
Background Hamstring strain injuries (HSIs) are the most common injury type in Australian football and the rate of recurrence has been consistently high for a number of years. Long lasting neuromuscular inhibition has been noted in previously injured athletes but it is not known if this influences athletes adaptive response to training. Purpose To determine if elite Australian footballers with a prior unilateral HSI (previously injured group) display lesser improvements in eccentric hamstring strength during pre-season training compared to athletes without a history of HSI (control group). Study design Prospective cohort study. Methods Ninety-nine elite Australian footballers participated (17 with a history of unilateral HSI in the previous 12 month period). Eccentric hamstring strength was assessed at the start and end of pre-season training using an instrumented Nordic hamstring device. Change in eccentric strength across preseason was determine in absolute terms and normalised to start of preseason strength. Start of preseason strength was used as a covariate to control for differences in starting strength. Results The left and right limbs in the control group showed no difference in absolute or relative change (left limb absolute change, 60.7±72.9N; relative change, 1.28±0.34; right limb absolute change, 48.6±83.8N; relative change, 1.24±0.43) . Similarly, the injured and uninjured limbs from the previously injured group showed no difference for either absolute or relative measures of change (injured limb absolute change, 13.1±57.7N; relative change, 1.07±0.18; uninjured limb absolute change, 14.7±54.0N; relative change, 1.07±0.22N). The previously injured group displayed a significantly lesser increase in eccentric hamstring strength across the preseason (absolute change, 13.9±55.0; relative change, 1.07±0.20) compared to the control group (absolute change, 54.6±78.5; relative change, 1.26±0.39) for both absolute and relative measures (p < 0.001), even after controlling for differences in start of pre-season eccentric hamstring strength, which had a significant effect on strength improvement. Conclusion Elite Australian footballers with a unilateral HSI history displayed lesser improvements in eccentric hamstring strength across preseason training. The smaller improvements were not restricted to the previously injured limb as the contralateral limb also displayed similarly small improvements in eccentric strength. Whether this is the cause of or the result of injury remains to be seen, but it has the potential to contribute to the risk of hamstring strain re-injury.
Background: Traditional causal modeling of health interventions tends to be linear in nature and lacks multidisciplinarity. Consequently, strategies for exercise prescription in health maintenance are typically group based and focused on the role of a common optimal health status template toward which all individuals should aspire. ----- ----- Materials and methods: In this paper, we discuss inherent weaknesses of traditional methods and introduce an approach exercise training based on neurobiological system variability. The significance of neurobiological system variability in differential learning and training was highlighted.----- ----- Results: Our theoretical analysis revealed differential training as a method by which neurobiological system variability could be harnessed to facilitate health benefits of exercise training. It was observed that this approach emphasizes the importance of using individualized programs in rehabilitation and exercise, rather than group-based strategies to exercise prescription.----- ----- Conclusion: Research is needed on potential benefits of differential training as an approach to physical rehabilitation and exercise prescription that could counteract psychological and physical effects of disease and illness in subelite populations. For example, enhancing the complexity and variability of movement patterns in exercise prescription programs might alleviate effects of depression in nonathletic populations and physical effects of repetitive strain injuries experienced by athletes in elite and developing sport programs.
O presente estudo avalia a associação entre estresse no trabalho e auto-relato de diagnóstico médico de lesão por esforço repetitivo (LER). Trata-se de um estudo seccional, inserido no Estudo Pró-Saúde, que consiste no acompanhamento de uma coorte de funcionários técnico-administrativos de uma universidade no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. Os dados foram obtidos, no ano de 2001, a partir da aplicação de um questionário auto-preenchível. A população de estudo constou de 3.314 funcionários, dentre os quais, 485 apresentaram auto-relato de diagnóstico médico de LER, após sua admissão como funcionários da universidade. A prevalência de LER foi maior entre as mulheres (19,4%) do que entre os homens (8,8%). O estresse no trabalho foi avaliado através da versão reduzida do Job Content Questionnaire, desenvolvido por Karasek e Theorell, cujas questões se destinam a avaliar a demanda psicológica, o controle sobre o próprio trabalho e, o apoio social no trabalho. A análise do estresse no trabalho foi realizada de acordo com os quadrantes propostos por Karasek (1979): baixa exigência (baixa demanda e alto controle); trabalho passivo (baixa demanda e baixo controle); alta exigência (alta demanda e baixo controle) e; trabalho ativo (alta demanda e alto controle). Nesta análise, utilizou-se como categoria de referência, a baixa exigência, por compor um cenário ideal de trabalho. Após ajuste por variáveis socioeconômicas e demográficas (idade, escolaridade e renda familiar per capita) e, ocupacionais (anos de trabalho na universidade e ocupação), homens e mulheres com alta exigência no trabalho, apresentaram uma chance maior de serem acometidos por LER (homens: OR= 1,88; IC95% 1,07-3,29 e mulheres: OR= 1,90; IC95% 1,32-2,02). No ajuste adicional pelo apoio social no trabalho, houve redução da força da associação, para ambos os sexos. Para as mulheres com alta exigência no trabalho, esta associação manteve-se significativa (OR= 1,63; IC95%= 1,12-2,37); enquanto que para os homens, esta associação ficou marginalmente significante (OR= 1,62; IC95%= 0,91-2,87). Este estudo reforça que o desequilíbrio entre a demanda psicológica no trabalho e o controle sobre o próprio trabalho é importante na ocorrência de LER e, portanto, pode ser útil na elaboração de medidas preventivas desse crescente problema de sáude pública. Espera-se que as hipóteses geradas neste estudo possam ser testadas em novas investigações que incorporem o desenho longitudinal, como o Estudo Pró-Saúde, no qual este se insere.
This study followed a design of observational, cross-sectional descriptive. In a sample of 59 workers of the Congress of the Republic of Colombia, to which we applied a survey based on the Nordic questionnaire (1) and demographic information: age, gender, position and seniority; as well as height and weight to estimate body mass index (BMI). For the analysis of the information frequency, percentage and units of central tendency were used. The data processing was performed with the software Stat Info Vocational (2) and Excel version 2013.
Background Self-reported tendinitis/tenosynovitis was evaluated by gender, age group, skin color, family income, and educational and psychological status. Methods The study was carried out in a representative sample of formally contracted Brazilian workers from a household survey. A total of 54,660 participants were included. Occupations were stratified according to estimated prevalences of self-reported injuries. Non-conditional logistic regression was performed, and all variables were analyzed in two occupational groups. Results The overall prevalence rate of tendinitis/tenosynovitis was 3.1%: 5.5% in high-prevalence occupations (n=10,726); and 2.5% in low-prevalence occupations (n=43,934). White female workers between the ages of 45 and 64 years and at a higher socioeconomic level were more likely to report tendinitis/tenosynovitis regardless of their occupational category. An adjusted OR = 3.59 [95% CI: 3.15-4.09] was found between tendinitis/tenosynovitis and psychological status. Conclusion Among formally contracted Brazilian workers, higher income can imply greater physical and psychological demands that, regardless of occupational stratum, increase the risk of tendinitis/tenosynovitis. Am. J. Ind. Med. 53:72-79, 2010. (C) 2009 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
Pós-graduação em Geografia - FCT
Os profissionais de Saúde Oral, nomeadamente os Médicos Dentistas, têm vindo a enfrentar variados riscos decorrentes da sua atividade profissional. Apesar de haver um esforço constante no sentido de melhorar os equipamentos e materiais dentários, através dos avanços tecnológicos, estes não conseguiram, ainda, colmatar significativamente os problemas Músculo-Esqueléticos dos Médicos Dentistas. Este tipo de problemas surge enquanto estudantes, durante a prática clínica, muitas vezes devido às condições de trabalho, à inexperiência inerente, mas, principalmente, devido às postura e aos hábitos de trabalho errados que adquirem e que, consequentemente, persistem ao longo da sua vida profissional. A presente dissertação, aliada a uma vasta literatura relacionada, pretende alertar os profissionais de Saúde Oral, com foco nos Médicos Dentistas, para as patologias decorrentes das posturas erradas no exercício da Medicina Dentária, denominadas de Desordens Músculo-Esqueléticas relacionadas com o Trabalho, identificando-as, assim como aos fatores de risco que influenciam o seu aparecimento. A elaboração desta dissertação, pretende, ainda, propor exercícios de Ginástica Laboral a realizar entre consultas, como estratégia de prevenção para o surgimento de Lesões MúsculoEsqueléticas Relacionadas com o Trabalho nos Médicos Dentistas e alertar para a importância da Ergonomia na conceção de um Consultório Dentário. Para a presente revisão bibliográfica, foi realizada uma pesquisa bibliográfica com recurso a livros e artigos publicados em revistas, e que foram consultados nas Bibliotecas da Faculdade de Medicina Dentária da Universidade do Porto e da Universidade Fernando Pessoa. Procedeu-se à pesquisa por recurso aos motores de busca na internet, tais como, PubMed, Scielo, B-On e Medline, utilizando as seguintes palavras-chave, em conjunto ou individualmente: “Lesões por esforços repetitivos”; “Lesões Músculo-Esqueléticas”; “Ergonomia”; “Prevenção”; “Fatores de Risco”; “Ginástica Laboral”; “Work related musculoskeletal disorders”; “Dentistry”; “Ergonomics”; “Pain”; “Prevention”; “Risk factors”. Foram selecionados artigos entre 1987 e 2015, com relevância para o presente trabalho de dissertação de Mestrado, escritos em Português e Inglês. Desta forma, a pesquisa bibliográfica permitiu verificar a prevalência de Lesões Músculo-Esqueléticas Relacionadas com o Trabalho, no âmbito da Medicina Dentária, assim como os fatores de risco associados ao seu aparecimento. Foram ainda tecidas algumas recomendações de forma a contribuir para o bem-estar dos Médicos Dentistas, elucidando-os para a necessidade de adotar posturas corretas e usando a Ergonomia como base para a organização e conceção de um Consultório Dentário. Recorreu-se, ainda, à ilustração de um programa de Ginástica Laboral, através de dois cartazes elucidativos, com o objetivo de prevenir, corrigir e compensar este tipo de patologias do Médico Dentista, desde a sua prática clínica. Após a elaboração desta dissertação, acredita-se ser de extrema importância a aplicação de diretrizes ergonómicas na conceção de um Consultório Dentário, na organização de tarefas, no procedimento clínico, na adoção de posturas, no posto de trabalho, na localização do equipamento e na escolha dos instrumentos. Este método, para além de minimizar o risco do aparecimento de doenças profissionais, também simplifica tarefas, proporciona a correta comunicação entre o Médico Dentista e o assistente e melhora a qualidade e produtividade laboral, através da redução da fadiga física e mental e do aumento da confiança e bem-estar dos Médicos Dentistas.
Fysisk inaktivitet och stillasittande är stora hälsorisker då samhället idag blir allt mer beroende av teknologin både under fritid, inom arbetslivet och i skolan. Vårt syfte med denna studie är att undersöka om teknologin på något sätt påverkar barnens fysiska aktivitet negativt. Detta är en kvalitativ fallstudie med intervjuer och observationer som genomförts i två lågstadieklasser på två olika skolor med olika regler gällande användandet av teknologi. Ena skolan använder sig av surfplattor från och med förskoleklass medan den andra skolan inte börjar med teknologi, i form av datorer, förrän i sjundeklass. Undersökningens resultat visar att barnens fysiska aktivitet i skolmiljö inte påverkas nämnvärt av att skolorna har regler angående användandet av tekniska resurser. Utifrån våra observationer kan vi också se att det behövs mer fokus och riktlinjer på hur man kan förminska förslitningsskador från barnens dåliga hållning vid användandet av surfplatta i framtiden. Intervjuerna visar också att lärare tycker att mer ansvar bör läggas på föräldrarna än på skolorna för att få barnen mer aktiva och intresserade av en fortsatt aktiv livsstil.
Hamstring strain injuries are amongst the most common and problematic injuries in a wide range of sports that involve high speed running. The comparatively high rate of hamstring injury recurrence is arguably the most concerning aspect of these injuries. A number of modifiable and nonmodifiable risk factors are proposed to predispose athletes to hamstring strains. Potentially, the persistence of risk factors and the development of maladaptations following injury may explain injury recurrence. Here, the role of neuromuscular inhibition following injury is discussed as a potential mechanism for several maladaptations associated with hamstring re-injury. These maladaptations include eccentric hamstring weakness, selective hamstring atrophy and shifts in the knee flexor torque-joint angle relationship. Current evidence indicates that athletes return to competition after hamstring injury having developed maladaptations that predispose them to further injury. When rehabilitating athletes to return to competition following hamstring strain injury, the role of neuromuscular inhibition in re-injury should be considered.
Background: Hamstring strain injuries (HSI) are prevalent in sport and re-injury rates have been high for many years. Maladaptation following HSI are implicated in injury recurrence however nervous system function following HSI has received little attention. Aim: To determine if recreational athletes with a history of unilateral HSI, who have returned to training and competition, will exhibit lower levels of voluntary activation (VA) and median power frequency (MPF) in the previously injured limb compared to the uninjured limb at long muscle lengths. Methods: Twenty-eight recreational athletes were recruited. Of these, 13 athletes had a history of unilateral HSI and 15 had no history of HSI. Following familiarisation, all athletes undertook isokinetic dynamometry testing and surface electromyography assessment of the biceps femoris long head and medial hamstrings during concentric and eccentric contractions at ± 180 and ± 60deg/s. Results: The previously injured limb was weaker at all contraction speeds compared to the uninjured limb (+180deg/s mean difference(MD) = 9.3Nm, p = 0.0036; +60deg/s MD = 14.0Nm, p = 0.0013; -60deg/s MD = 18.3Nm, p = 0.0007; -180deg/s MD = 20.5Nm, p = 0.0007) whilst VA was only lower in the biceps femoris long head during eccentric contractions (-60deg/s MD = 0.13, p = 0.0025; -180deg/s MD = 0.13, p = 0.0003). There were no between limb differences in medial hamstring VA or MPF from either biceps femoris long head or medial hamstrings in the injured group. The uninjured group showed no between limb differences with any of the tested variables. Conclusion: Previously injured hamstrings were weaker than the contralateral uninjured hamstring at all tested speeds and contraction modes. During eccentric contractions biceps femoris long head VA was lower in the previously injured limb suggesting neural control of biceps femoris long head may be altered following HSI. Current rehabilitation practices have been unsuccessful in restoring strength and VA following HSI. Restoration of these markers should be considered when determining the success of rehabilitation from HSI. Further investigations are required to elucidate the full impact of lower levels of biceps femoris long head VA following HSI on rehabilitation outcomes and re-injury risk.
Background: Hamstring strain injuries (HSIs) are prevalent in sport and re-injury rates have been high for many years. Whilst much focus has centred on the impact of previous hamstring strain injury on maximal eccentric strength, high rates of torque development is also of interest, given the important role of the hamstrings during the terminal swing phase of gait. The impact of prior strain injury on neuromuscular function of the hamstrings during tasks requiring high rates of torque development has received little attention. The purpose of this study is to determine if recreational athletes with a history of unilateral hamstring strain injury, who have returned to training and competition, will exhibit lower levels of eccentric muscle activation, rate of torque development and impulse 30, 50 and 100ms after the onset of electromyographical or torque development in the previously injured limb compared to the uninjured limb. Methods: Twenty-six recreational athletes were recruited. Of these, 13 athletes had a history of unilateral hamstring strain injury (all confined to biceps femoris long head) and 13 had no history of hamstring strain injury. Following familiarisation, all athletes undertook isokinetic dynamometry testing and surface electromyography assessment of the biceps femoris long head and medial hamstrings during eccentric contractions at -60 and -1800.s-1. Results: In the injured limb of the injured group, compared to the contralateral uninjured limb rate of torque development and impulse was lower during -600.s-1 eccentric contractions at 50 (RTD, p=0.008; IMP, p=0.005) and 100ms (RTD, p=0.001; IMP p<0.001) after the onset of contraction. There was also a non-significant trend for rate of torque development during -1800.s-1 to be lower 100ms after onset of contraction (p=0.064). Biceps femoris long head muscle activation was lower at 100ms at both contraction speeds (-600.s-1, p=0.009; -1800.s-1, p=0.009). Medial hamstring activation did not differ between limbs in the injured group. Comparisons in the uninjured group showed no significant between limbs difference for any variables. Conclusion: Previously injured hamstrings displayed lower rate of torque development and impulse during eccentric contraction. Lower muscle activation was confined to the biceps femoris long head. Regardless of whether these deficits are the cause of or the result of injury, these findings have important implications for hamstring strain injury and re-injury and suggest greater attention be given to neural function of the knee flexors.
Purpose To observe the incidence rates of hamstring strain injuries (HSIs) across different competition levels and ages during the Penn Relays Carnival. Methods Over a 3-year period all injuries treated by the medical staff were recorded. The type of injury, anatomic location, event in which the injury occurred, competition level and demographic data were documented. Absolute and relative HSI (per 1000 participants) were determined and odds ratios (OR) were calculated between genders, competition levels and events. Results Throughout the study period 48,473 athletes registered to participate in the Penn Relays Carnival, with 118 HSIs treated by the medical team. High school females displayed lesser risk of HSI than high school males (OR = 0.55, p = 0.021), and masters athletes were more likely than high school (OR = 4.26, p < 0.001) and college (OR = 3.55, p = 0.001) level athletes to suffer a HSI. The 4x400m relay displayed a greater likelihood of HSI compared to the 4x100m relay (OR = 1.77, p = 0.008). Conclusions High school males and masters levels athletes are most likely to suffer HSI, and there is higher risk in 400m events compared to 100m events.