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The electron and hole mobilities of octathio[8]circulene (sulflower) crystal have been calculated using quantum chemical methods, with accurate determination of reorganization energies and the rate of charge transfer, the key parameters controlling the charge carriers conductance. We find this molecular crystal to be an excellent conductor with large mobilities for both the charge carriers. Moreover, the hole mobility is found to be slightly larger than the electron mobility. Such an ambipolar organic crystal with substantial carrier mobilities shows possibilities of sophisticated device fabrication in advanced electronics.


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In this paper, a quantum chemistry method was used to investigate the effect of different sizes of substituted phenanthrolines on absorption, energy transfer, and the electroluminescent performance of a series of Eu(TTA)(3)L (L = [1,10] phenanthroline (Phen), Pyrazino[2,3-f][1,10]phenanthroline (PyPhen), 2-methylprrazino[2,3-f][1,10] phenanthroline(MPP), dipyrido[3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazine(DPPz), 11-methyldipyrido[3,2-a:2',3'c]phenazine(MDPz), 11.12-dimethyldipyrido[3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazine(DDPz), and benzo[i]dipyrido[3,2-a:2',3'-c]phenazine (BDPz)) complexes. Absorption spectra calculations show that different sizes of secondary ligands have different effects on transition characters, intensities, and absorption peak positions.


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Zinc(II)-2-(2-hydroxyphenyl)benzothiazolate complex is an excellent white-light-emitting material. Despite some studies devoted to this complex, no information on the real origin of the unusually broad electroluminescent (EL) emission is available. Therefore, we investigate photoluminescent and EL properties of the zinc complex. Orange phosphorescent emission at 580 nm was observed for the complex in thin film at 77 K, whereas only fluorescent emission was obtained at room temperature. Molecular orbitals, excitation energy, and emission energy of the complex were investigated using quantum chemical calculations. We fabricated the device with a structure of ITO/F16CuPc(5.5 nm)/Zn-complex/Al, where F16CuPc is hexadecafluoro copper phthalocyanine. The EL spectra varied strongly with the thickness of the emissive layer. We observed a significant change in the emission spectra with the viewing angles. Optical interference effects and light emission originating both from fluorescence and from phosphorescence can explain all of the observed phenomena, resulting in the broad light emission for the devices based on the Zn complex. We calculated the charge transfer integral and the reorganization energy to explain why the Zn complex is a better electron transporter than a hole transporter.


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Asymmetric MarcusHush (AMH) theory is applied for the first time in ionic solvents to model the voltammetric reduction of oxygen in 1-butyl-1-methylpyrrolidinium bis-(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)-imide and of 2-nitrotoluene (2-NT), nitrocyclopentane (NCP), and 1-nitro-butane (BuN) in trihexyltetradecylphosphonium tris(pentafluoroethyl)trifluorophosphate on a gold microdisc electrode. An asymmetry parameter, gamma, was estimated for all systems as -0.4 for the reduction of oxygen and -0.05, 0.25, and 0 +/- 0.05 for the reductions of 2-NT, NCP, and BuN, respectively, which suggests equal force constants of reactants and products in the case of 2-NT and BuN and unequal force constants for oxygen and NCP where the force constants of the oxidized species are greater than the reduced species in the case of oxygen and less than the reduced species in the case of NCP. Previously measured values for a, the Butler-Volmer transfer coefficient, reflect this in each case. Where appreciable asymmetry occurs, AMH theory was seen to parametrize the experimental data better than either Butler-Volmer or symmetric Marcus-Hush theory, allowing additionally the extraction of reorganization energy. This is the first study to provide key physical insights into electrochemical systems in room-temperature ionic liquids using AMH theory, allowing elucidation of the reorganization energies and the relative force constants of the reactants and products in each reaction.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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In this thesis we have extended the methods for microscopic charge-transport simulations for organic semiconductors. In these materials the weak intermolecular interactions lead to spatially localized charge carriers, and the charge transport occurs as an activated hopping process between diabatic states. In addition to weak electronic couplings between these states, different electrostatic environments in the organic material lead to a broadening of the density of states for the charge energies which limits carrier mobilities.rnThe contributions to the method development includern(i) the derivation of a bimolecular charge-transfer rate,rn(ii) the efficient evaluation of intermolecular (outer-sphere) reorganization energies,rn(iii) the investigation of effects of conformational disorder on intramolecular reorganization energies or internal site energiesrnand (iv) the inclusion of self-consistent polarization interactions for calculation of charge energies.These methods were applied to study charge transport in amorphous phases of small molecules used in the emission layer of organic light emitting diodes (OLED).rnWhen bulky substituents are attached to an aromatic core in order to adjust energy levels or prevent crystallization, a small amount of delocalization of the frontier orbital to the substituents can increase electronic couplings between neighboring molecules. This leads to improved charge-transfer rates and, hence, larger charge-mobility. We therefore suggest using the mesomeric effect (as opposed to the inductive effect) when attaching substituents to aromatic cores, which is necessary for example in deep blue OLEDs, where the energy levels of a host molecule have to be adjusted to those of the emitter.rnFurthermore, the energy landscape for charges in an amorphous phase cannot be predicted by mesoscopic models because they approximate the realistic morphology by a lattice and represent molecular charge distributions in a multipole expansion. The microscopic approach shows that a polarization-induced stabilization of a molecule in its charged and neutral states can lead to large shifts, broadening, and traps in the distribution of charge energies. These results are especially important for multi-component systems (the emission layer of an OLED or the donor-acceptor interface of an organic solar cell), if the change in polarizability upon charging (or excitation in case of energy transport) is different for the components. Thus, the polarizability change upon charging or excitation should be added to the set of molecular parameters essential for understanding charge and energy transport in organic semiconductors.rnWe also studied charge transport in self-assembled systems, where intermolecular packing motives induced by side chains can increase electronic couplings between molecules. This leads to larger charge mobility, which is essential to improve devices such as organic field effect transistors, where low carrier mobilities limit the switching frequency.rnHowever, it is not sufficient to match the average local molecular order induced by the sidernchains (such as the pitch angle between consecutive molecules in a discotic mesophase) with maxima of the electronic couplings.rnIt is also important to make the corresponding distributions as narrow as possible compared to the window determined by the closest minima of thernelectronic couplings. This is especially important in one-dimensional systems, where charge transport is limited by the smallest electronic couplings.rnThe immediate implication for compound design is that the side chains should assist the self-assemblingrnprocess not only via soft entropic interactions, but also via stronger specific interactions, such as hydrogen bonding.rnrnrnrn


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Die vorliegende Dissertation dient dazu, das Verständnis des Ladungstransportes in organischen Solarzellen zu vertiefen. Mit Hilfe von Computersimulationen wird die Bewegung von Ladungsträgern in organischen Materialien rekonstruiert, und zwar ausgehend von den quantenmechanischen Prozessen auf mikroskopischer Ebene bis hin zur makroskopischen Skala, wo Ladungsträgermobilitäten quantifizierbar werden. Auf Grundlage dieses skalenübergreifenden Ansatzes werden Beziehungen zwischen der chemischen Struktur organischer Moleküle und der makroskopischen Mobilität hergestellt (Struktur-Eigenschafts-Beziehungen), die zu der Optimierung photovoltaischer Wirkungsgrade beitragen. Das Simulationsmodell beinhaltet folgende drei Schlüsselkomponenten. Erstens eine Morphologie, d. h. ein atomistisch aufgelöstes Modell der molekularen Anordnung in dem untersuchten Material. Zweitens ein Hüpfmodell des Ladungstransportes, das Ladungswanderung als eine Abfolge von Ladungstransferreaktionen zwischen einzelnen Molekülen beschreibt. Drittens ein nichtadiabatisches Modell des Ladungstransfers, das Übergangsraten durch drei Parameter ausdrückt: Reorganisationsenergien, Lageenergien und Transferintegrale. Die Ladungstransport-Simulationen richten sich auf die Materialklasse der dicyanovinyl-substituierten Oligothiophene und umfassen Morphologien von Einkristallen, Dünnschichten sowie amorphen/smektischen Mesophasen. Ein allgemeiner Befund ist, dass die molekulare Architektur, bestehend aus einer Akzeptor-Donor-Akzeptor-Sequenz und einem flexiblen Oligomergerüst, eine erhebliche Variation molekularer Dipolmomente und damit der Lageenergien bewirkt. Diese energetische Unordnung ist ungewöhnlich hoch in den Kristallen und umso höher in den Mesophasen. Für die Einkristalle wird beobachtet, dass Kristallstrukturen mit ausgeprägter π-Stapelung und entsprechend großer Transferintegrale zu verhältnismäßig niedrigen Mobilitäten führen. Dieses Verhalten wird zurückgeführt auf die Ausbildung bevorzugter Transportrichtungen, die anfällig für energetische Störungen sind. Für die Dünnschichten bestätigt sich diese Argumentation und liefert ein mikroskopisches Verständnis für experimentelle Mobilitäten. In der Tat korrelieren die Simulationsergebnisse sowohl mit gemessenen Mobilitäten als auch mit photovoltaischen Wirkungsgraden. Für die amorphen/smektischen Systeme steigt die energetische Unordnung mit der Oligomerlänge, sie führt aber auch zu einer unerwarteten Mobilitätsabnahme in dem stärker geordneten smektischen Zustand. Als Ursache dafür erweist sich, dass die smektische Schichtung der räumlichen Korrelation der energetischen Unordnung entgegensteht.


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Nature is challenged to move charge efficiently over many length scales. From sub-nm to μm distances, electron-transfer proteins orchestrate energy conversion, storage, and release both inside and outside the cell. Uncovering the detailed mechanisms of biological electron-transfer reactions, which are often coupled to bond-breaking and bond-making events, is essential to designing durable, artificial energy conversion systems that mimic the specificity and efficiency of their natural counterparts. Here, we use theoretical modeling of long-distance charge hopping (Chapter 3), synthetic donor-bridge-acceptor molecules (Chapters 4, 5, and 6), and de novo protein design (Chapters 5 and 6) to investigate general principles that govern light-driven and electrochemically driven electron-transfer reactions in biology. We show that fast, μm-distance charge hopping along bacterial nanowires requires closely packed charge carriers with low reorganization energies (Chapter 3); singlet excited-state electronic polarization of supermolecular electron donors can attenuate intersystem crossing yields to lower-energy, oppositely polarized, donor triplet states (Chapter 4); the effective static dielectric constant of a small (~100 residue) de novo designed 4-helical protein bundle can change upon phototriggering an electron transfer event in the protein interior, providing a means to slow the charge-recombination reaction (Chapter 5); and a tightly-packed de novo designed 4-helix protein bundle can drastically alter charge-transfer driving forces of photo-induced amino acid radical formation in the bundle interior, effectively turning off a light-driven oxidation reaction that occurs in organic solvent (Chapter 6). This work leverages unique insights gleaned from proteins designed from scratch that bind synthetic donor-bridge-acceptor molecules that can also be studied in organic solvents, opening new avenues of exploration into the factors critical for protein control of charge flow in biology.


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The surface formation energies of four low-indexed surfaces, including (001), (100), (110) and (011), of tin dioxide (SnO2) terminated by nonmetals (H, N, O, F, Cl, Br, and I) have been studied with the frameworks of density functional theory. A strong dependence of relative surface stabilities on surface atoms has been presented based on the calculations. Several instructions, in particular the selection of specific precursors and morphology controlling agents, have been further illustrated as a guideline for experimentalists.


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In this Account we have compiled a list of reliable bond energies that are based on a set of critically evaluated experiments. A brief description of the three most important experimental techniques for measuring bond energies is provided. We demonstrate how these experimental data can be applied to yield the heats of formation of organic radicals and the bond enthalpies of more than 100 representative organic molecules.


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This paper employs a VAR-GARCH model to investigate the return links and volatility transmission between the S&P 500 and commodity price indices for energy, food, gold and beverages over the turbulent period from 2000 to 2011. Understanding the price behavior of commodity prices and the volatility transmission mechanism between these markets and the stock exchanges are crucial for each participant, including governments, traders, portfolio managers, consumers, and producers. For return and volatility spillover, the results show significant transmission among the S&P 500 and commodity markets. The past shocks and volatility of the S&P 500 strongly influenced the oil and gold markets. This study finds that the highest conditional correlations are between the S&P 500 and gold index and the S&P 500 and WTI index. We also analyze the optimal weights and hedge ratios for commodities/S&P 500 portfolio holdings using the estimates for each index. Overall, our findings illustrate several important implications for portfolio hedgers for making optimal portfolio allocations, engaging in risk management and forecasting future volatility in equity and commodity markets. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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The standard Gibbs energy change accompanying the conversion of rare earth oxides to oxysulfides by reaction of rare earth oxides with diatomic sulfur gas has been measured in the temperature range 870 to 1300 K using the solid state cell: Pt/Cu+Cu2S/R2O2S+R2O3‖(CaO)ZrO2‖Ni+NiO, Pt where R=La, Nd, Sm, Gd, Tb, and Dy. The partial pressure of diatomic sulfur over a mixture of rare earth oxide (R2O3) and oxysulfide (R2O2S) is fixed by the dissociation of Cu2S to Cu in a closed system. The buffer mixture of Cu+Cu2S is physically separated from the rare earth oxide and oxysulfide to avoid complications arising from interaction between them. The corresponding equilibrium oxygen partial pressure is measured with an oxide solid electrolyte cell. Gibbs energy change for the conversion of oxide to the corresponding oxysulfide increases monotonically with atomic number of the rare earth element. Second law enthalpy of formation also shows a similar trend. Based on this empirical trend Gibbs energies of formation of oxysulfides of Pr, Eu, Ho, and Er are estimated as a function of temperature.


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The immune system has to recognize and destroy abnormal or infected cells to maintain homeostasis. Natural killer (NK) cells directly recognize and kill transformed or virus-infected cells without prior sensitization. We have studied both virus-infected and tumor cells in order to identify the target structures involved in triggering NK activity. Mouse/human cell hybrids containing various human chromosomes were used as targets. The human chromosome responsible for activating NK cell killing was identified to chromosome number 6. The results suggest that activated NK cells recognize ligands that are encoded on human chromosome 6. We showed that the ligand on the target cell side was intercellular adhesion molecule 2 (ICAM-2). There was no difference in the level of expression of ICAM-2, however, but a drastic difference was seen in the distribution of the molecule: ICAM-2 was evenly distributed on the surface of the NK-resistant cells, but almost totally redistributed to the tip of uropods, bud-like extensions, which were absent from the parental cells. Interestingly, the gene coding for cytoskeletal linker protein ezrin has been localized to human chromosome 6, and there was a colocalization of ezrin and ICAM-2 in the uropods. Furthermore, the transfected human ezrin into NK cell-resistant cells induced uropod formation, ICAM-2 and ezrin redistribution to newly formed uropods, and sensitized target cells to NK cell killing. These data reveal a novel form of NK cell recognition: target structures are already present on normal cells; they become detectable only after abnormal redistribution into hot spots on the target cell membrane. NK cells are central players in the defence against virus infections. They inhibit the spread of infection, allowing time for specific immune responses to develop. The virus-proteins that directly activate human NK cell killing are largely unknown. We studied the sensitivity of virus-specific early proteins of Semliki Forest virus (SFV) to NK killing. The viral non-structural proteins (nsP1-4) translated early in the virus cycle were transfected in NK-resistant cells. Viral early gene nsP1 alone efficiently sensitized target cells to NK activity, and the tight membrane association of nsP1 seems to be critical in the triggering of NK killing. NsP1 protein colocalized with (redistributed) ezrin in filopodia-like structures to which the NK cells were bound. The results suggest that also in viral infections NK cells react to rapid changes in membrane topography. Based on the results of this thesis, a new model of target cell recognition of NK cells can be suggested: reorganization of the cytoskeleton induces alterations in cell surface topography, and this new pattern of surface molecules is recognized as "altered-self".