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Pergher PS, Leite-Dellova D, de Mello-Aires M. Direct action of aldosterone on bicarbonate reabsorption in in vivo cortical proximal tubule. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 296: F1185-F1193, 2009. First published February 18, 2009; doi:10.1152/ajprenal.90217.2008.-The direct action of aldosterone (10(-12) M) on net bicarbonate reabsorption (J(HCO3)(-)) was evaluated by stationary microperfusion of an in vivo middle proximal tubule (S2) of rat kidney, using H ion-sensitive microelectrodes. Aldosterone in luminally perfused tubules caused a significant increase in J(HCO3)(-) from a mean control value of 2.84 +/- 0.08 [49/19 (n degrees of measurements/n degrees of tubules)] to 4.20 +/- 0.15 nmol.cm(-2).s(-1) (58/10). Aldosterone perfused into peritubular capillaries also increased J(HCO3)(-), compared with basal levels during intact capillary perfusion with blood. In addition, in isolated perfused tubules aldosterone causes a transient increase of cytosolic free calcium ([Ca(2+)](i)), monitored fluorometrically. In the presence of ethanol ( in similar concentration used to prepare the hormonal solution), spironolactone (10(-6) M, a mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist), actinomycin D (10(-6) M, an inhibitor of gene transcription), or cycloheximide (40 mM, an inhibitor of protein synthesis), the J(HCO3)(-) and the [Ca(2+)](i) were not different from the control value; these drugs also did not prevent the stimulatory effect of aldosterone on J(HCO3)(-) and on [Ca(2+)](i). However, in the presence of RU 486 alone [10(-6) M, a classic glucocorticoid receptor (GR) antagonist], a significant decrease on J(HCO3)(-) and on [Ca(2+)](i) was observed; this antagonist also inhibited the stimulatory effect of aldosterone on J(HCO3)(-) and on [Ca(2+)](i). These studies indicate that luminal or peritubular aldosterone (10(-12) M) has a direct nongenomic stimulatory effect on J(HCO3)(-) and on [Ca(2+)](i) in proximal tubule and that probably GR participates in this process. The data also indicate that endogenous aldosterone stimulates J(HCO3)(-) in middle proximal tubule.


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Current therapies to reduce hyperglycaemia in type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) mostly involve insulin-dependent mechanisms and lose their effectiveness as pancreatic ß-cell function declines. In the kidney, filtered glucose is reabsorbed mainly via the high-capacity, low-affinity sodium glucose cotransporter-2 (SGLT2) at the luminal surface of cells lining the first segment of the proximal tubules. Selective inhibitors of SGLT2 reduce glucose reabsorption, causing excess glucose to be eliminated in the urine; this decreases plasma glucose. In T2DM, the glucosuria produced by SGLT2 inhibitors is associated with weight loss, and mild osmotic diuresis might assist a reduction in blood pressure. The mechanism is independent of insulin and carries a low risk of hypoglycaemia. This review examines the potential of SGLT2 inhibitors as a novel approach to the treatment of hyperglycaemia in T2DM.


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The activity of the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger NHE3 is regulated by a number of factors including parathyroid hormone (PTH). In the current study, we used a renal epithelial cell line, the opossum kidney (OKP) cell, to elucidate the mechanisms underlying the long-term effects of PTH on NHE3 transport activity and expression. We observed that NHE3 activity was reduced 6 h after addition of PTH, and this reduction persisted almost unaltered after 24 h. The decrease in activity was associated with diminished NHE3 cell surface expression at 6, 16, and 24 h after PTH addition, total cellular NHE3 protein at 16 and 24 h, and NHE3 mRNA abundance at 24 h. The lower levels of NHE3 mRNA were associated to a small, but significant, decrease in mRNA stability. Additionally, by analyzing the rat NHE3 gene promoter activity in OKP cells, we verified that the regulatory region spanning the segment -152 to +55 was mildly reduced under the influence of PTH. This effect was completely abolished by the presence of the PKA inhibitor KT 5720. In conclusion, long-term exposure to PTH results in reduction of NHE3 mRNA levels due to a PKA-dependent inhibitory effect on the NHE3 promoter and a small reduction of mRNA half-life, and decrease in the total amount of protein which is preceded by endocytosis of the apical surface NHE3. The decreased NHE3 expression is likely to be responsible for the reduction of sodium, bicarbonate, and fluid reabsorption in the proximal tubule consistently perceived in experimental models of PTH disorders.


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Renoguanylin (REN) is a recently described member of the guanylin family, which was first isolated from eels and is expressed in intestinal and specially kidney tissues. In the present work we evaluate the effects of REN on the mechanisms of hydrogen transport in rat renal tubules by the stationary microperfusion method. We evaluated the effect of 1 mu M and 10 mu M of renoguanylin (REN) on the reabsorption of bicarbonate in proximal and distal segments and found that there was a significant reduction in bicarbonate reabsorption. In proximal segments, REN promoted a significant effect at both 1 and 10 mu M concentrations. Comparing control and REN concentration of 1 mu M, JHCO(3)(-) . nmol cm(-2) s(-1) -1,76 +/- 0.11(control) x 1,29 +/- 0,08(REN) 10 mu m: P<0.05, was obtained. In distal segments the effect of both concentrations of REN was also effective, being significant e.g. at a concentration of 1 mu M (JHCO(3)(-), nmol cm(-2) s(-1) -0.80 +/- 0.07(control) x 0.60 +/- 0.06(REN) 1 mu m; P<0.05), although at a lower level than in the proximal tubule. Our results suggest that the action of REN on hydrogen transport involves the inhibition of Na(+)/H(+) exchanger and H(+)-ATPase in the luminal membrane of the perfused tubules by a PKG dependent pathway. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The effect of uroguanylin (UGN) oil K(+) and H(+) secretion in the renal tubules of the rat kidney was studied using in vivo stationary microperfusion. For the study of K(+) secretion, a tubule was Punctured to inject a column of FDC-green-colored Ringer's solution with 0.5 mmol KCI/L 10(-6)(mol UGN/L, and oil was Used to block fluid flow. K(+) activity and transepithelial potential differences (PD) were measured with double microelectrodes (K(+) ion-selective resin vs. reference) in the distal tubules of the same nephron. During perfusion, K(+) activity rose exponentially, from 0.5 mmol/L to stationary concentration, allowing for the calculation of K(+) secretion J(K)). JK increased from 0.63 +/- 0.06 nmol.cm(-2).s(-1) in the control croup to 0.85 +/- 0.06 in the UGN group (p < 0.01). PD was -51.0 +/- 5.3 mV in the control group and -50.3 +/- 4.98 mV in the UGN group. In the presence of 10(-7) mol iberiotoxin/L, the UGN effect was abolished: JK was 0.37 +/- 0.038 nmol-cm(-2).s(-1) in the absence of, and 0.38 +/- 0.025 in the presence of, UGN. indicating its action oil rnaxi-K channels. In another series of experiments, renal tubule acidification was studied, using similar method: proximal and distal tubules were perfused with solutions containing 25 mmol NaHCO(3)/L. Acidification half-time was increased both in proximal and distal segments and, as a consequence, bicarbonate reabsorption decreased in the presence of UGN (in proximal tubules, from 2.40 +/- 0.26 to 1.56 +/- 0.21 nmol-cm(-2).s(-1)). When the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger was inhibited by 10(-4) mol hexamethylene amiloride (HMA)/L, the control and UGN groups were not significantly different. In the late distal tubule, after HMA, UGN significantly reduced J(HCO3)(-). indicating all effect of UGN oil H(+)-ATPase. These data show that UGN stimulated J(K)(+) by actin, oil maxi-K channels. and decreased J(HCO3)(-) by acting on NHE3 in proximal and H(+)-ATPase in distal tubules.


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Renoguanylin (REN) is a recently described member of the guanylin family, which was first isolated from eels and is expressed in intestinal and specially kidney tissues. In the present work we evaluate the effects of REN on the mechanisms of hydrogen transport in rat renal tubules by the stationary microperfusion method. We evaluated the effect of 1 mu M and 10 mu M of renoguanylin (REN) on the reabsorption of bicarbonate in proximal and distal segments and found that there was a significant reduction in bicarbonate reabsorption. In proximal segments, REN promoted a significant effect at both 1 and 10 mu M concentrations. Comparing control and REN concentration of 1 mu M, JHCO(3)(-) . nmol cm(-2) s(-1) -1,76 +/- 0.11(control) x 1,29 +/- 0,08(REN) 10 mu m: P<0.05, was obtained. In distal segments the effect of both concentrations of REN was also effective, being significant e.g. at a concentration of 1 mu M (JHCO(3)(-), nmol cm(-2) s(-1) -0.80 +/- 0.07(control) x 0.60 +/- 0.06(REN) 1 mu m; P<0.05), although at a lower level than in the proximal tubule. Our results suggest that the action of REN on hydrogen transport involves the inhibition of Na(+)/H(+) exchanger and H(+)-ATPase in the luminal membrane of the perfused tubules by a PKG dependent pathway. (c) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The progression to end-stage renal failure is independent of the initial pathogenic mechanism. Metabolic acidosis is a common consequence of chronic renal failure that results from inadequate ammonium excretion and decreased tubular bicarbonate reabsorption. Protoporphyrin IX (PpIX) is the immediate metabolic precursor of the heme molecule. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the levels of erythrocytes protoporphyrin IX at an animal model during progressive renal disease. A total of 36 eight-week-old male Wistar rats were divided into six groups: Normal, 4 and 8 weeks after 5/6 nephrectomy (NX). Renal function was evaluated by creatinine clearance and plasma creatinine levels. The autofluorescence of erythrocytes porphyrin of healthy and NX rats was analyzed using fluorescence spectroscopy. Emission spectra were obtained by exciting the samples at 405 nm. Significant differences between normal and NX rats autofluorescence shape occurred in the 600-700 nm spectral region. A correlation was observed between emission band intensity at 635 nm and progression of renal disease.


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Lessa LM, Carraro-Lacroix LR, Crajoinas RO, Bezerra CN, Dariolli R, Girardi AC, Fonteles MC, Malnic G. Mechanisms underlying the inhibitory effects of uroguanylin on NHE3 transport activity in renal proximal tubule. Am J Physiol Renal Physiol 303: F1399-F1408, 2012. First published September 5, 2012; doi: 10.1152/ajprenal.00385.2011.-We previously demonstrated that uroguanylin (UGN) significantly inhibits Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE)3-mediated bicarbonate reabsorption. In the present study, we aimed to elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying the action of UGN on NHE3 in rat renal proximal tubules and in a proximal tubule cell line (LLC-PK1). The in vivo studies were performed by the stationary microperfusion technique, in which we measured H+ secretion in rat renal proximal segments, through a H+-sensitive microelectrode. UGN (1 mu M) significantly inhibited the net of proximal bicarbonate reabsorption. The inhibitory effect of UGN was completely abolished by either the protein kinase G (PKG) inhibitor KT5823 or by the protein kinase A (PKA) inhibitor H-89. The effects of UGN in vitro were found to be similar to those obtained by microperfusion. Indeed, we observed that incubation of LLC-PK1 cells with UGN induced an increase in the intracellular levels of cAMP and cGMP, as well as activation of both PKA and PKG. Furthermore, we found that UGN can increase the levels of NHE3 phosphorylation at the PKA consensus sites 552 and 605 in LLC-PK1 cells. Finally, treatment of LLC-PK1 cells with UGN reduced the amount of NHE3 at the cell surface. Overall, our data suggest that the inhibitory effect of UGN on NHE3 transport activity in proximal tubule is mediated by activation of both cGMP/PKG and cAMP/PKA signaling pathways which in turn leads to NHE3 phosphorylation and reduced NHE3 surface expression. Moreover, this study sheds light on mechanisms by which guanylin peptides


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Pendrin is an anion transporter encoded by the PDS/Pds gene. In humans, mutations in PDS cause the genetic disorder Pendred syndrome, which is associated with deafness and goiter. Previous studies have shown that this gene has a relatively restricted pattern of expression, with PDS/Pds mRNA detected only in the thyroid, inner ear, and kidney. The present study examined the distribution and function of pendrin in the mammalian kidney. Immunolocalization studies were performed using anti-pendrin polyclonal and monoclonal antibodies. Labeling was detected on the apical surface of a subpopulation of cells within the cortical collecting ducts (CCDs) that also express the H+-ATPase but not aquaporin-2, indicating that pendrin is present in intercalated cells of the CCD. Furthermore, pendrin was detected exclusively within the subpopulation of intercalated cells that express the H+-ATPase but not the anion exchanger 1 (AE1) and that are thought to mediate bicarbonate secretion. The same distribution of pendrin was observed in mouse, rat, and human kidney. However, pendrin was not detected in kidneys from a Pds-knockout mouse. Perfused CCD tubules isolated from alkali-loaded wild-type mice secreted bicarbonate, whereas tubules from alkali-loaded Pds-knockout mice failed to secrete bicarbonate. Together, these studies indicate that pendrin is an apical anion transporter in intercalated cells of CCDs and has an essential role in renal bicarbonate secretion.


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The Na+/H+ exchanger isoform 3 (NHE3) is essential for HCO3- reabsorption in renal proximal tubules. The expression and function of NHE3 must adapt to acid-base conditions. The goal of this study was to elucidate the mechanisms responsible for higher proton secretion in proximal tubules during acidosis and to evaluate whether there are differences between metabolic and respiratory acidosis with regard to NHE3 modulation and, if so, to identify the relevant parameters that may trigger these distinct adaptive responses. We achieved metabolic acidosis by lowering HCO3- concentration in the cell culture medium and respiratory acidosis by increasing CO2 tension in the incubator chamber. We found that cell-surface NHE3 expression was increased in response to both forms of acidosis. Mild (pH 7.21 +/- 0.02) and severe (6.95 +/- 0.07) metabolic acidosis increased mRNA levels, at least in part due to up-regulation of transcription, whilst mild (7.11 +/- 0.03) and severe (6.86 +/- 0.01) respiratory acidosis did not up-regulate NHE3 expression. Analyses of the Nhe3 promoter region suggested that the regulatory elements sensitive to metabolic acidosis are located between -466 and -153 bp, where two consensus binding sites for SP1, a transcription factor up-regulated in metabolic acidosis, were localised. We conclude that metabolic acidosis induces Nhe3 promoter activation, which results in higher mRNA and total protein level. At the plasma membrane surface, NHE3 expression was increased in metabolic and respiratory acidosis alike, suggesting that low pH is responsible for NHE3 displacement to the cell surface.


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A/J and 129P3/J mouse strains have different susceptibilities to dental fluorosis due to their genetic backgrounds. They also differ with respect to several features of fluoride (F) metabolism and metabolic handling of water. This study was done to determine whether differences in F metabolism could be explained by diversities in the profile of protein expression in kidneys. Weanling, male A/J mice (susceptible to dental fluorosis, n = 18) and 129P3/J mice (resistant, n = 18) were housed in pairs and assigned to three groups given low-F food and drinking water containing 0, 10 or 50 ppm [F] for 7 weeks. Renal proteome profiles were examined using 2D-PAGE and LC-MS/MS. Quantitative intensity analysis detected between A/J and 129P3/J strains 122, 126 and 134 spots differentially expressed in the groups receiving 0, 10 and 50 ppmF, respectively. From these, 25, 30 and 32, respectively, were successfully identified. Most of the proteins were related to metabolic and cellular processes, followed by response to stimuli, development and regulation of cellular processes. In F-treated groups, PDZK-1, a protein involved in the regulation of renal tubular reabsorption capacity was down-modulated in the kidney of 129P3/J mice. A/J and 129P3/J mice exhibited 11 and 3 exclusive proteins, respectively, regardless of F exposure. In conclusion, proteomic analysis was able to identify proteins potentially involved in metabolic handling of F and water that are differentially expressed or even not expressed in the strains evaluated. This can contribute to understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying genetic susceptibility to dental fluorosis, by indicating key-proteins that should be better addressed in future studies


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The acute direct action of angiotensin-(1-7) [ANG-(1-7)] on bicarbonate reabsorption (JHCO(3)(-)) was evaluated by stationary microperfusions on in vivo middle proximal tubules in rats using H ion-sensitive microelectrodes. The control JHCO(3)(-) is 2.82 ± 0.078 nmol·cm(-2)·s(-1) (50). ANG-(1-7) (10(-12) or 10(-9) M) in luminally perfused tubules decreases JHCO(3)(-) (36 or 60%, respectively), but ANG-(1-7) (10(-6) M) increases it (80%). A779 increases JHCO(3)(-) (30%) and prevents both the inhibitory and the stimulatory effects of ANG-(1-7) on it. S3226 decreases JHCO(3)(-) (45%) and changes the stimulatory effect of ANG-(1-7) to an inhibitory effect (30%) but does not affect the inhibitory effect of ANG-(1-7). Our results indicate that in the basal condition endogenous ANG-(1-7) inhibits JHCO(3)(-) and that the biphasic dose-dependent effect of ANG-(1-7) on JHCO(3)(-) is mediated by the Mas receptors via the Na(+)/H(+) exchanger 3 (NHE3). The control value of intracellular Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)), as monitored using fura-2 AM, is 101 ± 2 nM (6), and ANG-(1-7) (10(-12), 10(-9), or 10(-6)M) transiently (3 min) increases it (by 151, 102, or 52%, respectively). A779 increases the [Ca(2+)](i) (25%) but impairs the stimulatory effect of all doses of ANG-(1-7) on it. The use of BAPTA or thapsigargin suggests a correlation between the ANG-(1-7) dose-dependent effects on [Ca(2+)](i) and JHCO(3)(-). Therefore, the interaction of the opposing dose-dependent effects of ANG II and ANG-(1-7) on [Ca(2+)](i) and JHCO(3)(-) may represent an physiological regulatory mechanism of extracellular volume and/or pH changes. However, whether [Ca(2+)](i) modification is an important direct mechanism for NHE3 activation by these peptides or is a side effect of other signaling pathways will require additional studies.


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Na+-phosphate (Pi) cotransport across the renal brush border membrane is the rate limiting step in the overall reabsorption of filtered Pi. Murine and human renal-specific cDNAs (NaPi-7 and NaPi-3, respectively) related to this cotransporter activity (type II Na+-Pi cotransporter) have been cloned. We now report the cloning and characterization of the corresponding mouse (Npt2) and human (NPT2) genes. The genes were cloned by screening mouse genomic and human chromosome 5-specific libraries, respectively. Both genes are approximately 16 kb and are comprised of 13 exons and 12 introns, the junctions of which conform to donor and acceptor site consensus sequences. Putative CAAT and TATA boxes are located, respectively, at positions -147 and -40 of the Npt2 gene and -143 and -51 of the NPT2 gene, relative to nucleotide 1 of the corresponding cDNAs. The translation initiation site is within exon 2 of both genes. The first 220 bp of the mouse and human promoter regions exhibit 72% identity. Two transcription start sites (at positions -9 and - 10 with respect to nucleotide 1 of NaPi-7 cDNA) and two polyadenylylation signals were identified in the Npt2 gene by primer extension, 5' and 3' rapid amplification of cDNA ends (RACE). A 484-bp 5' flanking region of the Npt2 gene, comprising the CAAT box, TATA box, and exon 1, was cloned upstream of a luciferase reporter gene; this construct significantly stimulated luciferase gene expression, relative to controls, when transiently transfected into OK cells, a renal cell line expressing type II Na+ -Pi cotransporter activity. The present data provide a basis for detailed analysis of cis and trans elements involved in the regulation of Npt2/NPT2 gene transcription and facilitate screening for mutations in the NPT2 gene in patients with autosomally inherited disorders of renal Pi reabsorption.


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PHEX est une protéine importante dans le processus de minéralisation osseuse. Des mutations ou la délétion d’une partie de ce gène causent l’hypophosphatémie liée au chromosome X (XLH). Cette maladie est caractérisée par une hypophosphatémie, accompagnée de défauts de minéralisation, de rachitisme et de lésions ostéomalaciques. Avec l’hypophosphatémie, les taux circulants de vitamine D devraient être augmentés, ce qui n’est pas le cas d’où une régulation anormale de la production de vitamine D a lieu. Cependant, malgré le fait que cette protéine soit une peptidase, aucun substrat physiologique n’a encore été répertorié pour PHEX. PHEX est une protéine membranaire de type II de la famille M13 des métalloendopeptidases à zinc possédant un court domaine N-terminal cytosolique, un segment transmembrannaire d’environ 20 acides aminés et une large portion C-terminale extracellulaire où se trouve le site actif de l’enzyme. PHEX est exprimée de façon majoritaire dans les os et dans les dents et elle apparaît à l’initiation de la minéralisation. Les patients souffrant de XLH et la souris Hyp, qui est un modèle animal de la maladie humaine, montrent des quantités importantes de la protéine FGF23. De plus, FGF23 est impliqué dans une autre maladie reliée au métabolisme du phosphate, l’hypophosphatémie rachitique autosomale dominante (ADHR) où des mutations de FGF23 causent sensiblement les mêmes symptômes que XLH. FGF23 est produit principalement par les ostéoblastes et les ostéocytes. FGF23 cause une hypophosphatémie par la diminution de l’expression du cotransporteur NaPi de type II, responsable de la réabsorption du phosphate rénal. L’hypothèse proposée dans la littérature serait que PHEX activerait ou inactiverait des peptides importants pour la minéralisation osseuse. Plus spécifiquement, l’activation ou l’inactivation de ces peptides aurait pour rôle de réguler les quantités de FGF23. Selon l’hypothèse mentionnée précédemment, la régulation de PHEX pourrait donc avoir un effet sur la minéralisation. Une quantité croissante de données sur la régulation de PHEX sont maintenant disponibles. Par exemple, la vitamine D diminue l’expression de PHEX tandis que les glucocorticoïdes et l’hormone de croissance augmentent son expression. Dans une première étude, nous avons voulu déterminer si un peptide relié à la minéralisation osseuse, le PTHrP1-34, pouvait réguler l’expression de PHEX. Nous avons déterminé que le PTHrP1-34 peut réguler de façon négative l’expression de PHEX dans les cellules UMR-106, une lignée cellulaire ostéoblastique. Cette régulation passe par la voie de l’AMPc/protéine kinase A. De plus, cette diminution d’expression est également observée au jour 7 dans des cultures primaires d’ostéoblastes de rat en minéralisation. Par la suite, nous avons étudié un mutant de PHEX, le mutant E4Q retrouvé chez un patient souffrant de XLH, où la mutation se retrouve dans le domaine cytosolique de PHEX. Cette mutation n’interfère pas avec le site catalytique de l’enzyme puisque ce mutant de PHEX peut tout aussi bien cliver un substrat synthétique que la protéine sauvage. Il a été déterminé que cette mutation annule un motif di-acide. Nous avons démontré que ce motif di-acide est responsable de la liaison de PHEX à COPII, responsable de la formation de vésicules de sécrétion. De plus, il semblerait que ce motif soit important, probablement par son interaction avec COPII, à l’incorporation de PHEX dans des vésicules de calcification, lesdites vésicules étant importantes dans le processus de minéralisation. Finalement, des essais de compétitions ont démontré que la minéralisation pouvait être perturbée lorsque l’on surexprimait la queue cytosolique sauvage de PHEX, contrairement à la queue mutée. Ceci suggère possiblement que l’interaction avec COPII menant à l’incorporation de PHEX dans les vésicules de calcification ou d’autres protéines comprenant de tels motifs pourrait être importante pour la minéralisation. Finalement, la dernière étude porte sur la protéine FGF23. Nous avons démontré, par la surexpression de FGF23 dans la lignée MC3T3 d’ostéoblastes de souris, que cette surexpression a un effet sur la sénescence de ces cellules. En effet, des essais de sénescence ont montré l’augmentation de celle-ci lorsque FGF23 est surexprimé. Par contre, la prolifération n’est pas altérée. De plus, il semblerait que la différenciation soit plus rapide, tel qu’observé par une minéralisation survenant plus tôt, mais n’étant pas plus importante. Bref, la surexpression de FGF23 semblerait faire en sorte que les ostéoblastes se différencient plus rapidement et passent donc à un état de sénescence prématuré comparativement aux cellules sauvages. Ceci est en accord avec la littérature où KLOTHO, un cofacteur de FGF23 permettant sa liaison avec une plus grande affinité sur son récepteur, lorsqu’inactivé démontre un phénotype similaire au vieillissement incluant un phénotype de sénescence.


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[EN] Pulmonary gas exchange and acid-base state were compared in nine Danish lowlanders (L) acclimatized to 5,260 m for 9 wk and seven native Bolivian residents (N) of La Paz (altitude 3,600-4,100 m) brought acutely to this altitude. We evaluated normalcy of arterial pH and assessed pulmonary gas exchange and acid-base balance at rest and during peak exercise when breathing room air and 55% O2. Despite 9 wk at 5,260 m and considerable renal bicarbonate excretion (arterial plasma HCO3- concentration = 15.1 meq/l), resting arterial pH in L was 7.48 +/- 0.007 (significantly greater than 7.40). On the other hand, arterial pH in N was only 7.43 +/- 0.004 (despite arterial O2 saturation of 77%) after ascent from 3,600-4,100 to 5,260 m in 2 h. Maximal power output was similar in the two groups breathing air, whereas on 55% O2 only L showed a significant increase. During exercise in air, arterial PCO2 was 8 Torr lower in L than in N (P < 0.001), yet PO2 was the same such that, at maximal O2 uptake, alveolar-arterial PO2 difference was lower in N (5.3 +/- 1.3 Torr) than in L (10.5 +/- 0.8 Torr), P = 0.004. Calculated O2 diffusing capacity was 40% higher in N than in L and, if referenced to maximal hyperoxic work, capacity was 73% greater in N. Buffering of lactic acid was greater in N, with 20% less increase in base deficit per millimole per liter rise in lactate. These data show in L persistent alkalosis even after 9 wk at 5,260 m. In N, the data show 1) insignificant reduction in exercise capacity when breathing air at 5,260 m compared with breathing 55% O2; 2) very little ventilatory response to acute hypoxemia (judged by arterial pH and arterial PCO2 responses to hyperoxia); 3) during exercise, greater pulmonary diffusing capacity than in L, allowing maintenance of arterial PO2 despite lower ventilation; and 4) better buffering of lactic acid. These results support and extend similar observations concerning adaptation in lung function in these and other high-altitude native groups previously performed at much lower altitudes.