155 resultados para REINTRODUCTION


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OBJECTIVE: To propose a mathematical method for the estimation of the Basic Reproduction Number, R0, of urban yellow fever in a dengue-infested area. METHODS: The method is based on the assumption that, as the same vector (Aedes aegypti) causes both infections, all the quantities related to the mosquito, estimated from the initial phase of dengue epidemic, could be applied to yellow fever dynamics. It is demonstrated that R0 for yellow fever is, on average, 43% lower than that for dengue. This difference is due to the longer dengue viremia and its shorter extrinsic incubation period. RESULTS: In this study the analysis was expanded to the epidemiological situation of dengue in São Paulo in the year 2001. The total number of dengue cases increased from 3,582 in 2000 to 51,348 in 2001. It was then calculated R0 for yellow fever for every city which have shown R0 of dengue greater than 1. It was also estimated the total number of unprotected people living in highly risky areas for urban yellow fever. CONCLUSIONS: Currently there is a great number of non-vaccinated people living in Aedes aegypti infested area in the state of São Paulo.


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In the Epidemiological Surveillance Program in the county of Bambuí, Minas Gerais, between August 1986 and December 1988, 154 Panstrongylus megistus were captured by the local population in both peridomicile and intradomicile environments. Fifteen (9.8%) of the P. megistus harboured Trypanosoma cruzi. Preciptin tests showed that the most frequent triatomine blood meal sources were birds, but other sources were dogs, men and cats. The isoenzyme characterization of 13 T. cruzi strains showed that six belonged to zymodeme Z1, corresponding to the wild parasites, and seven belonged to zymodeme Z2, corresponding to parasites isolated from chronic chagasic patients (domestic cycle). As P. megistus were found to be naturally infected by parasites from both cycles, they are cleary able to transmit T. cruzi from the wild cycle to the domestic cycle. Furthermore the capacity of P. megistus in colonizing houses was observed in one residence, vacant for several years, in wich 153 triatomines were captured. The data show the possibility of P. megistus reintroducing transmission of Chaga's disease in the county if Epidemiological Surveillance is interrupted.


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Aquesta tesi es basa en el programa de reintroducció de la llúdriga eurasiàtica (Lutra lutra) a les conques dels rius Muga i Fluvià (Catalunya) durant la segona meitat dels 1990s. Els objectius de la tesi foren demostrar la viabilitat de la reintroducció, demostrar l'èxit de la mateixa, estudiar aspectes ecològics i etològics de l'espècie, aprofitant l'oportunitat única de gaudir d'una població "de disseny" i determinar les probabilitats de supervivència de la població a llarg termini. La reintroducció de la llúdriga a les conques dels rius Muga i Fluvià va reeixir, doncs l'àrea geogràfica ocupada efectivament es va incrementar fins a un 64% d'estacions positives a l'hivern 2001-02. La troballa de tres exemplars adults nascuts a l'àrea de reintroducció és una altra prova que valida l'èxit del programa. La densitat d'exemplars calculada a través dels censos visuals ha resultat baixa (0.04-0.11 llúdrigues/km), però s'aproxima al que hom pot esperar en els primers estadis d'una població reintroduïda, encara poc nombrosa però distribuïda en una gran àrea. La mortalitat post-alliberament va ser del 22% un any després de l'alliberament, similar o inferior a la d'altres programes de reintroducció de llúdrigues reeixits. La mortalitat va ser deguda principalment a atropellaments (56%). El patró d'activitat de les llúdrigues reintroduïdes va esdevenir principalment nocturn i crepuscular, amb una escassa activitat diürna. Les seves àrees vitals van ser del mateix ordre (34,2 km) que les calculades en d'altres estudis realitzats a Europa. La longitud mitjana de riu recorreguda per una llúdriga durant 24 hores va ser de 4,2 km per les femelles i 7,6 km pels mascles. Durant el període de radioseguiment dues femelles van criar i els seus moviments van poder ser estudiats amb deteniment. La resposta de la nova població de llúdrigues a les fluctuacions estacionals en la disponibilitat d'aigua, habitual a les regions mediterrànies, va consistir en la concentració en una àrea menor durant el període de sequera estival, a causa de l'increment de trams secs, inhabitables per la llúdriga per la manca d'aliment, fet que va provocar expansions i contraccions periòdiques en l'àrea de distribució. La persistència a llarg termini de la població reintroduïda va ser estudiada mitjançant una Anàlisi de Viabilitat Poblacional (PVA). El resultat va ser un baix risc d'extinció de la població en els propers 100 anys i la majoria dels escenaris simulats (65%) van assolir el criteri d'un mínim de 90% de probabilitat de supervivència. Del model poblacional construït es dedueix que un punt clau per assegurar la viabilitat de la població reintroduïda és la reducció de la mortalitat accidental. A l'àrea d'estudi, els atropellaments causen més del 50% de la mortalitat i aquesta pot ser reduïda mitjançant la construcció de passos de fauna, el tancament lateral d'alguns trams de carretera perillosos i el control de la velocitat en algunes vies. El projecte de reintroducció ha posat a punt un protocol per a la captura, maneig i alliberament de llúdrigues salvatges, que pot contenir informació útil per a programes similars. També ha suposat una oportunitat única d'estudiar una població dissenyada artificialment i poder comparar diversos mètodes per estimar la distribució i la densitat de poblacions de llúdrigues. Per últim, la reintroducció portada a terme a les conques dels rius Muga i Fluvià ha aconseguit crear una nova població de llúdrigues, que persisteix en el temps, que es reprodueix regularment i que es dispersa progressivament, fins i tot a noves conques fluvials.


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The shamba system involves farmers tending tree saplings on state-owned forest land in return for being permitted to intercrop perennial food crops until canopy closure. At one time the system was used throughout all state-owned forest lands in Kenya, accounting for a large proportion of some 160,000 ha. The system should theoretically be mutually beneficial to both local people and the government. However the system has had a chequered past in Kenya due to widespread malpractice and associated environmental degradation. It was last banned in 2003 but in early 2008 field trials were initiated for its reintroduction. This study aimed to: assess the benefits and limitations of the shamba system in Kenya; assess the main influences on the extent to which the limitations and benefits are realised and; consider the management and policy requirements for the system's successful and sustainable operation. Information was obtained from 133 questionnaires using mainly open ended questions and six participatory workshops carried out in forest-adjacent communities on the western slopes of Mount Kenya in Nyeri district. In addition interviews were conducted with key informants from communities and organisations. There was strong desire amongst local people for the system's reintroduction given that it had provided significant food, income and employment. Local perceptions of the failings of the system included firstly mismanagement by government or forest authorities and secondly abuse of the system by shamba farmers and outsiders. Improvements local people considered necessary for the shamba system to work included more accountability and transparency in administration and better rules with respect to plot allocation and stewardship. Ninety-seven percent of respondents said they would like to be more involved in management of the forest and 80% that they were willing to pay for the use of a plot. The study concludes that the structural framework laid down by the 2005 Forests Act, which includes provision for the reimplementation of the shamba system under the new plantation establishment and livelihood improvement scheme (PELIS) [It should be noted that whilst the shamba system was re-branded in 2008 under the acronym PELIS, for the sake of simplicity the authors continue to refer to the 'shamba system' and 'shamba farmers' throughout this paper.], is weakened because insufficient power is likely to be devolved to local people, casting them merely as 'forest users' and the shamba system as a 'forest user right'. In so doing the system's potential to both facilitate and embody the participation of local people in forest management is limited and the long-term sustainability of the new system is questionable. Suggested instruments to address this include some degree of sharing of profits from forest timber, performance related guarantees for farmers to gain a new plot and use of joint committees consisting of local people and the forest authorities for long term management of forests.


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Many clade C isolates of HIV-1 do not react with monoclonal antibody (MAb) 2G12, a broad-ranging human neutralizing MAb that recognizes high mannose carbohydrate groups attached to glycoprotein gp120. We reintroduced a partial and complete 2G12 epitope into a clade C background, HIV-1(CN54), and examined the antibody reactivity of the resulting recombinant molecules. Two glycosylation sites recovered 2G12 binding completely, but some binding was evident after the reintroduction of a single glycosylation site at Asn295.


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The Alagoas Curassow Mitu mitu is considered extinct in the wild. Since 1979, two females and a male caught in the wild have bred successfully in captivity, and, in 1990, hybridizations between M. mitu and Razor-billed Mitu M. tuberosum were performed. By June 2008, there were around 130 living birds in two different aviaries. We sequenced two regions of the mitochondrial DNA of both captive stocks of Alagoas Curassows. We unequivocally identified hybrids that have haplotype typical of M. tuberosum. However, unless the original studbook can be recovered there is no confident way to discriminate ""pure"" M. mitu birds for breeding and reintroduction purposes. Allied with morphological data gathered in an independent study, we suggest that conservation actions need to focus on specimens with diagnostic phenotypic characters of M. mitu, and avoid birds with mitochondria, genetic contribution of M. tuberosum. Although we have detected low levels of genetic variability among captive birds, the steady increase of the captive population suggests that inbreeding depression and hybridization are not a reproductive hindrance. Reintroduction of some of these potential hybrid birds in the original area of occurrence of the Alagoas Curassow may be the only hope to fill in the ecological niche left vacant. An educational program involving local communities to conserve future reintroduction of curassows and their restored habitat is highly recommended. Accepted 12 November 2009.


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Maine has been identified as holding potential for the reintroduction of wolves. Due to the long ranges of wolves, it is beneficial to map potential corridors of movement. This project analyzes the best routes for movement from suitable habitats in New York to suitable habitats in Maine. It shows the paths likely to be taken by wolves, based on their affinity for mixed and coniferous forest and their avoidance of areas of high road density. These corridors are identified using least cost path analysis and take into account topography as well as forest and road densities.


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The eastern timber wolf (Canis lupus lycaon) once inhabited Maine, as well as the rest of the eastern United States and southern Canada. As a result of human land use and widespread extermination campaigns, wolf numbers dramatically decreased, and by the early twentieth century, no wolves remained in Maine. As large carnivorous and territorial mammals, wolves require contiguous undeveloped areas with abundant prey. This project is a feasibility study that identifies the areas in Maine that are suitable for the reintroduction of wolves. We used GIS modeling to identify contiguous forested areas over 1,000 km2, calculate road and population density, and map the presence or absence of prey throughout the state. These variables were combined in a habitat suitability model to determine the location and amount of suitable wolf habitat in Maine. The northwestern part of the state appears most suitable for wolf reintroduction as it is relatively undeveloped with low road and population densities. There is also a smaller isolated area in Washington County that might be suitable, but further investigation is required.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A destruição dos habitats naturais e a extinção de espécies têm crescido muito a partir da última metade do século XX. Nesse contexto, o aumento do número de espécies ameaçadas tem proporcionado maior uso da reintrodução como estratégia de conservação no combate à atual taxa de extinção. O presente trabalho focaliza um estudo de 16 meses realizado com cervos-do-pantanal reintroduzidos na Estação Ecológica de Jataí. Os animais foram marcados com rádio-colares e monitorados diariamente entre dezembro de 1998 e abril de 2000, tendo suas atividades de deslocamento e uso do espaço acompanhadas por triangulação. Os animais exploraram várzeas dentro da unidade de conservação e também uma área de várzea pertencente a uma propriedade particular localizada na fronteira oeste da estação. Durante o período de estudo, a maioria dos cervos reintroduzidos utilizou a área de várzea particular mais intensivamente que as várzeas da unidade de conservação. A preferência demonstrada por essa área confirmou sua importância ecológica, evidenciando a necessidade de proteção por meio de sua incorporação aos limites da Estação Ecológica de Jataí.


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Piroplasmosis has been identified as a possible cause of mortality in reintroduced Przewalski's horses (Equus ferus przewalskii) in the Dsungarian Gobi (Mongolia). A cross-sectional and a longitudinal study were conducted in a representative sample (n = 141) of the resident domestic horse population and in 23 Przewalski's horses to assess the prevalence of Theileria equi and Babesia caballi. Piroplasms were detected in blood by light microscopy in 6.7% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 3.6-12.2%) of the domestic horse samples. Antibody prevalence was 88.6% (95% CI: 82.4-92.9%) for T. equi and 75.2% (95% CI: 67.4-81.6%) for B. caballi. Antibody prevalence did not change over time, but antibody prevalence for both piroplasms were significantly lower in animals less than 1 yr of age. For both piroplasms, the prevalence of presumably maternal antibodies (falling titers) in foals was 100%. Only one of 16 foals seroconverted against T. equi during the study period, despite that piroplasms were found in two other individuals. The incidence density (ID) of T. equi in foals was therefore 0.0012 seroconversions per horse day (95% CI: 0.00029-0.0057). In contrast, yearlings had an ID of 0.0080 (95% CI: 0.0049-0.010) for T. equi and 0.0064 (95% CI: 0.0036-0.0093) for B. caballi, and in seven individuals piroplasms were detected. The seroprevalence of both piroplasms rose from 20% in spring to 100% in autumn. Comparison of domestic and Przewalski's horses resulted in a standardized prevalence ratio (SPR) of 0.98 (95% CI: 0.80-1.24, not significant) for B. caballi; in contrast, the prevalence of T. equi in Przewalski's horses was significantly lower than expected (SPR = 0.51, 95% CI: 0.50-0.64).