998 resultados para REGULATORY PROPERTIES


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Serine hydroxymethyltransferase, the first enzyme in the pathway for interconversion of C1 fragments, was purified to homogeneity for the first time from any plant source. The enzyme from 72-h mung bean (Vigna radiata L.) seedlings was isolated using Blue Sepharose CL-6B and folate-AH-Sepharose-4B affinity matrices and had the highest specific activity (1.33 micromoles of HCHO formed per minute per milligram protein) reported hitherto. The enzyme preparation was extremely stable in the presence of folate or L-serine. Pyridoxal 5'-phosphate, ethylenediaminetetraacetate and 2-mercaptoethanol prevented the inactivation of the enzyme during purification. The enzyme functioned optimally at pH 8.5 and had two temperature maxima at 35 and 55°C. The Km values for serine were 1.25 and 68 millimolar, corresponding to Vmax values of 1.8 and 5.4 micromoles of HCHO formed per minute per milligram protein, respectively. The K0.5 value for L-tetrahydrofolate (H4folate) was 0.98 millimolar. Glycine, the product of the reaction and D-cycloserine, a structural analog of D-alanine, were linear competitive inhibitors with respect to L-serine with Ki values of 2.30 and 2.02 millimolar, respectively. Dichloromethotrexate, a substrate analog of H4folate was a competitive inhibitor when H4folate was the varied substrate. Results presented in this paper suggested that pyridoxal 5'-phosphate may not be essential for catalysis.The sigmoid saturation pattern of H4folate (nH = 2.0), one of the substrates, the abolition of sigmoidicity by NADH, an allosteric positive effector (nH = 1.0) and the increase in sigmoidicity by NAD+ and adenine nucleotides, negative allosteric effectors (nH = 2.4) clearly established that this key enzyme in the folate metabolism was an allosteric protein. Further support for this conclusion were the observations that (a) serine saturation exhibited an intermediary plateau region; (b) partial inhibition by methotrexate, aminopterin, O-phosphoserine, DL-{alpha}-methylserine and DL-O-methylserine; (c) subunit nature of the enzyme; and (d) decrease in the nH value from 2.0 for H4folate to 1.5 in presence of L-serine. These results highlight the regulatory nature of mung bean serine hydroxymethyltransferase and its possible involvement in the modulation of the interconversion of folate coenzymes.


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The influence of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate on the activation of purified swine kidney phosphofructokinase as a function of the concentration of fructose 6P, ATP and citrate was investigated. The purified enzyme was nearly completely inhibited in the presence of 2 mM ATP. The addition of 20 nM fructose 2,6-P2 reversed the inhibition and restored more than 80% of the activity. In the absence of fructose 2,6-P2 the reaction showed a sigmoidal dependence on fructose-6-phosphate. The addition of 10 nM fructose 2,6-bisphosphate decreased the K0.5 for fructose 6-phosphate from 3 mM to 0.4 mM in the presence of 1.5 mM ATP. These results clearly show that fructose 2,6-bisphosphate increases the affinity of the enzyme for fructose 6-phosphate and decreases the inhibitory effect of ATP. The extent of inhibition by citrate was also significantly decreased in the presence of fructose 2,6-phosphate. The influence of various effectors of phosphofructokinase on the binding of ATP and fructose 6-P to the enzyme was examined in gel filtration studies. It was found that kidney phosphofructokinase binds 5.6 moles of fructose 6-P per mole of enzyme, which corresponds to about one site per subunit of tetrameric enzyme. The KD for fructose 6-P was 13 microM and in the presence of 0.5 mM ATP it increased to 27 microM. The addition of 0.3 mM citrate also increased the KD for fructose 6-P to about 40 microM. AMP, 10 microM, decreased the KD to 5 microM and the addition of fructose 2,6-phosphate decreased the KD for fructose 6-P to 0.9 microM. The addition of these compounds did not effect the maximal amount of fructose 6-P bound to the enzyme, which indicated that the binding site for these compounds might be near, but was not identical to the fructose 6-P binding site. The enzyme bound a maximum of about 12.5 moles of ATP per mole, which corresponds to 3 moles per subunit. The KD of the site with the highest affinity for ATP was 4 microM, and it increased to 15 microM in the presence of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate. The addition of 50 microM fructose 1,6-bisphosphate increased the KD for ATP to 5.9 microM. AMP increased the KD to 5.9 microM whereas 0.3 mM citrate decreased the KD for ATP to about 2 microM.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS).


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Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are characterized as multipotent stromal cells with the capacity for both self-renewal and differentiation into mesodermal cell lineages. MSCs also have a fibroblast-like phenotype and can be isolated from several tissues. In recent years, researchers have found that MSCs secrete several soluble factors that exert immunosuppressive effects by modulating both innate (macrophages, dendritic and NK cells) and adaptive (B cells and CD4+ and CD8+ T cells) immune responses. This review summarizes the principal trophic factors that are related to immune regulation and secreted by MSCs under both autoimmune and inflammatory conditions. The understanding of mechanisms that regulate immunity in MSCs field is important for their future use as a novel cellular-based immunotherapy with clinical applications in several diseases.


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Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells (ADMSCs) display immunosuppressive properties, suggesting a promising therapeutic application in several autoimmune diseases, but their role in type 1 diabetes (T1D) remains largely unexplored. The aim of this study was to investigate the immune regulatory properties of allogeneic ADMSC therapy in T cell-mediated autoimmune diabetes in NOD mice. ADMSC treatment reversed the hyperglycemia of early-onset diabetes in 78% of diabetic NOD mice, and this effect was associated with higher serum insulin, amylin, and glucagon-like peptide 1 levels compared with untreated controls. This improved outcome was associated with downregulation of the CD4(+) Th1-biased immune response and expansion of regulatory T cells (Tregs) in the pancreatic lymph nodes. Within the pancreas, inflammatory cell infiltration and interferon-gamma levels were reduced, while insulin, pancreatic duodenal homeobox-1, and active transforming growth factor-beta 1 expression were increased. In vitro, ADMSCs induced the expansion/proliferation of Tregs in a cell contact-dependent manner mediated by programmed death ligand 1. In summary, ADMSC therapy efficiently ameliorates autoimmune diabetes pathogenesis in diabetic NOD mice by attenuating the Th1 immune response concomitant with the expansion/proliferation of Tregs, thereby contributing to the maintenance of functional beta-cells. Thus, this study may provide a new perspective for the development of ADMSC-based cellular therapies for T1D. Diabetes 61:2534-2545, 2012


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β subunits of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels are encoded in four genes and display additional molecular diversity because of alternative splicing. At the functional level, all forms are very similar except for β2a, which differs in that it does not support prepulse facilitation of α1C Ca2+ channels, inhibits voltage-induced inactivation of neuronal α1E Ca2+ channels, and is more effective in blocking inhibition of α1E channels by G protein-coupled receptors. We show that the distinguishing properties of β2a, rather than interaction with a distinct site of α1, are because of the recently described palmitoylation of cysteines in positions three and four, which also occurs in the Xenopus oocyte. Essentially, all of the distinguishing features of β2a were lost in a mutant that could not be palmitoylated [β2a(Cys3,4Ser)]. Because protein palmitoylation is a dynamic process, these findings point to the possibility that regulation of palmitoylation may contribute to activity-dependent neuronal and synaptic plasticity. Evidence is presented that there may exist as many as three β2 splice variants differing only in their N-termini.


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The role of the immune system is to protect an organism against pathogens while maintaining tolerance against self. T cells are an essential component of the immune system and they develop in the thymus. The AIRE (autoimmune regulator) gene product plays an important role in T cell development, as it promotes expression of peripheral tissue antigens in the thymus. Developing T cells, thymocytes, which recognize self-antigens with high affinity are deleted. However, this deletion process is not perfect and not all autoreactive T cells are destroyed. When the distinction between self and non-self fails, tolerance breaks and the immune system attacks the host s own tissues. This results in autoimmunity. Regulatory T cells contribute to the maintenance of self-tolerance. They can actively suppress the function of autoreactive cells. Several populations of cells with regulatory properties have been described, but the best characterized population is the natural regulatory T cells (Treg cells), which develop in the thymus and express the transcription factor FOXP3. The thymic development of Treg cells in humans is the subject of this thesis. Thymocytes at different developmental stages were analyzed using flow cytometry. The CD4-CD8- double-negative (DN) thymocytes are the earliest T cell precursors in the T cell lineage. My results show that the Treg cell marker FOXP3 is up-regulated already in a subset of these DN thymocytes. FOXP3+ cells were also found among the more mature CD4+CD8+ double-positive (DP) cells and among the CD4+ and CD8+ single-positive (SP) thymocytes. The different developmental stages of the FOXP3+ thymocytes were isolated and their gene expression examined by quantitative PCR. T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire analysis was used to compare these different thymocyte populations. My data show that in humans commitment to the Treg cell lineage is an early event and suggest that the development of Treg cells follows a linear developmental pathway, FOXP3+ DN precursors evolving through the DP stage to become mature CD4+ Treg cells. Most T cells have only one kind of TCR on their cell surface, but a small fraction of cells expresses two different TCRs. My results show that the expression of two different TCRs is enriched among Treg cells. Furthermore, both receptors were capable of transmitting signals when bound by a ligand. By extrapolating flow cytometric data, it was estimated that the majority of peripheral blood Treg cells are indeed dual-specific. The high frequency of dual-specific cells among human Treg cells suggests that dual-specificity has a role in directing these cells to the Treg cell lineage. It is known that both genetic predisposition and environmental factors influence the development of autoimmunity. It is also known that the dysfunction or absence of Treg cells leads to the development of autoimmune manifestations. APECED (autoimmune polyendocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy) is a rare monogenic autoimmune disease, caused by mutations in the AIRE gene. In the absence of AIRE gene product, deletion of self-specific T cells is presumably disturbed and autoreactive T cells escape to the periphery. I examined whether Treg cells are also affected in APECED. I found that the frequency of FOXP3+ Treg cells and the level of FOXP3 expression were significantly lower in APECED patients than in controls. Additionally, when studied in cell cultures, the suppressive capacity of the patients' Treg cells was impaired. Additionally, repertoire analysis showed that the TCR repertoire of Treg cells was altered. These results suggest that AIRE contributes to the development of Treg cells in humans and the selection of Treg cells is impaired in APECED patients. In conclusion, my thesis elucidates the developmental pathway of Treg cells in humans. The differentiation of Tregs begins early during thymic development and both the cells dual-specificity and AIRE probably affect the final commitment of Treg cells.


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Previous studies in the group led to the identification of CD4+FOXP3- cells with regulatory functions in human blood that coproduce IL-10 and IFN-gamma. These cells do not belong to the Treg cell lineage since they are Foxp3- but they show some similarities with Th1 cells since they express CCR5, T-bet and produce high levels of IFN-gamma. Thus, they share relevant characteristics with both T regulatory type I cells (Tr1) and Th1 cells and we called them Th1-10 cells. In this study we presented a molecular characterization of Th1-10 cells that includes a gene expression and a microRNA profiling and performed functional studies to assess Th1-10 cells regulatory properties. We demonstrated that Th1-10 cells have a high regulatory potential being able to block the proliferation of activated CD4 naïve T cells to a similar extent as conventional Treg cells, and that this suppression capacity is at least partially mediated by secreted IL10. We showed also that Th1-10 cells are closely related to Th1 effector memory cells and express genes involved in cytotoxicity. In particular, they express the transcription factor EOMES and the cytotoxic effector molecules GZMA and GZMK, and they release cytotoxic granules upon stimulation. Moreover, we found that Eomes regulates cytotoxic functions in CD4+ T cells. We demonstrated that miR-92a, selectively downregulated in Th1-10 cells, directly targets the 3’UTR of EOMES.and this finding identifies miR-92a as a possible mediator of Th1-10 cytotoxicity. Th1-10 cells retain some proliferative capacity when sorted ex vivo and activated in vitro via their TCR, and this effect is markedly enhanced by IL-15, which also had a pro-survival effect on Th-10 cells. Thus, in contrast to conventional cytotoxic T cells, Th1-10 cells have cytotoxic and regulatory functions and are not terminally differentiated, since they retain proliferative capacity.


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The regulatory domain of phenylalanine hydroxylase (PAH, EC consists of more than 100 amino acids at the N terminus, the removal of which significantly activates the enzyme. To study the regulatory properties controlled by the N terminus, a series of truncations and site-specific mutations were made in this region of rat PAH. These enzymes were expressed highly in Escherichia coli and purified through a pterin-conjugated Sepharose affinity column. The removal of the first 26 amino acids of the N terminus increased the activity by about 20-fold, but removal of the first 15 amino acids increased the activity by only 2-fold. Replacing serine-29 of rat PAH with cysteine from the same site of human PAH increased the activity by more than 4-fold. Mutation of serine to other amino acids with varying side chains: alanine, methionine, leucine, aspartic acid, asparagine, and arginine also resulted in significant activation, indicating a serine-specific inhibitory effect. But these site-specific mutants showed 30–40% lower activity when assayed with 6-methyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydropterin. Stimulation of hydroxylase activity by preincubation of the enzyme with phenylalanine was inversely proportional to the activation state of all these mutants. Combined with recent crystal structures of PAH [Kobe, B. et al. (1999) Nat. Struct. Biol. 6, 442–448; and Erlandsen, H., Bjorgo, E., Flatmark, T. & Stevens, R. C. (2000) Biochemistry 39, 2208–2217], these data suggest that residues 16–26 have a controlling regulatory effect on the activity by interaction with the dihydroxypropyl side chain of (6R)-5,6,7,8-tetrahydrobiopterin. The serine/cysteine switch explains the difference in regulatory properties between human and rat PAH. The N terminus as a whole is important for maintaining rat PAH in an optimum catalytic conformation.


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The physiological significance of multiple G-protein-coupled receptor subtypes, such as the beta-adrenergic receptors (beta ARs), remains obscure, since in many cases several subtypes activate the same effector and utilize the same physiological agonists. We inspected the deduced amino acid sequences of the beta AR subtypes for variations in the determinants for agonist regulation as a potential basis for subtype differentiation. Whereas the beta 2AR has a C terminus containing 11 serine and threonine residues representing potential sites for beta AR kinase phosphorylation, which mediates rapid agonist-promoted desensitization, only 3 serines are present in the comparable region of the beta 3AR, and they are in a nonfavorable context. The beta 3AR also lacks sequence homology in regions which are important for agonist-mediated sequestration and down-regulation of the beta 2AR, although such determinants are less well defined. We therefore tested the idea that the agonist-induced regulatory properties of the two receptors might differ by expressing both subtypes in CHW cells and exposing them to the agonist isoproterenol. The beta 3AR did not display short-term agonist-promoted functional desensitization or sequestration, or long-term down-regulation. To assign a structural basis for these subtype-specific differences in agonist regulation, we constructed a chimeric beta 3/beta 2AR which comprised the beta 3AR up to proline-365 of the cytoplasmic tail and the C terminus of the beta 2AR. When cells expressing this chimeric beta 3/beta 2AR were exposed to isoproterenol, functional desensitization was observed. Whole-cell phosphorylation studies showed that the beta 2AR displayed agonist-dependent phosphorylation, but no such phosphorylation could be demonstrated with the beta 3AR, even when beta AR kinase was overexpressed. In contrast, the chimeric beta 3/beta 2AR did display agonist-dependent phosphorylation, consistent with its functional desensitization. In addition to conferring functional desensitization and phosphorylation to the beta 3AR, the C-terminal tail of the beta 2AR also conferred agonist-promoted sequestration and long-term receptor down-regulation.


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Pre-eclampsia (PE) is a pregnancy disorder that affects roughly 5-7% of all pregnancies and is a leading cause of both maternal and fetal/neonatal morbidity and mortality. With no present cure for the disease, researchers are interested in the lower incidence of PE observed among the cigarette smoking pregnant population. However, women who use smokeless tobacco do not experience the same decreased incidence of PE, leading to hypothesis of protection against PE from the largest combustible product of cigarette smoke, carbon monoxide (CO). Studies evaluated levels of CO in PE women and found that they were statistically lower than those of healthy pregnancy. Researchers have found CO to possess many cytoprotective and regulatory properties and specifically within the placenta, it has been found to increase perfusion pressure, decrease oxidative stress, decreases ischemia/reperfusion induced apoptosis and maintain endothelial functioning. The idea for use of CO as a possible therapeutic for PE has thus become a real possibility. This study determined CO levels in pregnant women ± smoking as well as in PE women±smoking, as to discover a possible therapeutic range for future treatments. The best correlated automated CO measurement device with blood CO levels was determined, for use in future clinical studies. This thesis also sought a possible CO delivery concentration, in order to achieve the CO levels observed in the human correlation study. A threshold level of maternal CO exposure in a murine animal model was found, for which fetal and maternal negative toxicities were not observed. The results of this thesis lend a few more pieces to the complicated puzzle involving CO and PE and offer another step toward the possibility of a therapeutic treatment/prevention using this gaseous molecule.


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Pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH) plays an important role in regulating carbohydrate oxidation in skeletal muscle. PD H is deactivated by a set of PD H kinases (PD K 1-4) with PDK2 and 4 being the predominant isoforms in skeletal muscle. PDK2 is highly sensitive to pyruvate inhibition, and is the most abundant isoform, while PDKI and 4 protein content are normally lower. This study examined the PDK isoform content and PDHa activation in muscle at rest and 10 and 40 Hz stimulation from PDK2 knockout (PDK2KO) mice to delineate the role of PDK2 in activating the PDH complex during low and moderate intensity muscle contraction. PDHa activity was lower in PDK2KO mice during contraction while total PDK actitvity was -4 fold lower. PDK4 protein was not different, however PDKI partially compensated for the lack of PDK2 and was -56% higher than WT. PDKI is a very potent inhibitor of the PDH complex due to its phosphorylation site specificity and allosteric regulation. These results suggest that the site specificity and allosteric regulatory properties of the individual PDK isoforms are more important than total PDK activity in determining transformation of the complex and PDHa activity during acute muscle contraction.


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Les actions thérapeutiques des antidépresseurs, disponibles actuellement, requièrent plusieurs semaines de traitement. Ce délai est dû aux adaptations des sites pré et post-synaptiques qui, respectivement, augmentent la disponibilité synaptique des monoamines sérotonine et noradrénaline (5-HT et NA), et entraînent les changements neuroplastiques modifiant la fonction neuronales dans les régions limbiques. Il a été récemment observé, chez un modèle animal de dépression, que l’agoniste RS67333 des récepteurs sérotoninergiques de type 5-HT4 produisait des changements comportementaux, électrophysiologiques, cellulaires et biochimiques, tel qu’observé chez les antidépresseurs. Ces changements apparaissent seulement après 3 jours de traitement tandis que les antidépresseurs nécessitent souvent plusieurs semaines. De plus, l’activation des récepteurs 5-HT4 ne générait pas de tolérance, et cela pendant 21 jours de traitement. Seulement, les propriétés de signalisation et de régulation de ces récepteurs sont très loin d’êtres établies. Nous avons alors voulu mieux caractériser ces deux aspects de leur fonction, en se concentrant d’avantage sur les isoformes a et b, fortement exprimés dans le système limbique. Pour cela, nous avons voulu évaluer d’abord leur capacité de production d’AMPc dans un système hétérologue. Les essais d’accumulation d’AMPc démontrent que les deux isoformes sont capables de moduler positivement et négativement des niveaux d’AMPc en présence de 5-HT. Par contre, la stimulation au RS67333 induit seulement une augmentation du niveau d’AMPc dans les deux cas. Ensemble, ces observations indiquent que les deux isoformes sont capables de coupler à l’adénylate cyclase à travers les protéines Gαs et Gαi. La quantification des récepteurs internalisés a montré que l’isoforme b internalisait plus efficacement que l’isoforme a suite à l’incubation à la 5-HT (61 ± 3 % pour le b vs 40 ± 2 % pour le a). Les protéines kinases PKA et PKC n’étaient pas impliquées dans cette différence, toutefois, la PKC a été trouvée essentielle à l’internalisation des deux isoformes. L’internalisation de l’isoforme b par 5-HT n’a pas été affecté par la surexpression de forme inactive de GRK2 (GRK2- K220R) et a été partiellement inhibé par un mutant négative de la β-arrestine (βarr(319-418)), tandis que l’internalisation de l’isoforme a a été bloquée par les deux. Ces observations indiquent que les mécanismes d’internalisation des deux isoformes du récepteur 5-HT4 les plus abondants dans le système nerveux central sont distincts. Des comportements spécifiques à chaque isoforme ont aussi été constatés au niveau de la régulation fonctionnelle suite à l’exposition au RS67333, qui désensibilise seulement l’isoforme b. D’après nos observations, nous avons conclu que les isoformes a et b diffèrent dans leur propriétés de signalisation et de régulation. L’incapacité du RS67333 à désensibiliser l’isoforme a fournit un substrat moléculaire pour les effets antidépressifs prolongés de cet agoniste dans les études pré-cliniques.